"You guys really go all out for Christmas, don't you?" I raised a brow at Callie as I glanced around at all of the holiday decorations in sight, from tinsel to trees, it seemed as though the hospital had every type of decoration that I could think of.
"Why not? Makes the place look a little less bleak." She shrugged. "Did the last hospital you work at not decorate?"
"No, they did, just not to the measures that you do here." I said.
"Hey." Bailey called out as she hurried towards us, her arms full of charts.
"Duh, duh, duh-duh," Callie smirked as she started to hum under her breath.
"Don't."Bailey warned her.
"Duh, duh, duh-duh. Duh, duh, duh-duh, duh," I joined in, smiling until Bailey rolled her eyes at us and turned, heading back the way she'd came.
"All right, all right. All right. We'll stop. We'll stop. Jeez." Callie assured her, stopping her humming instantly as I did the same. Bailey gave us each a small nod as she came back over to us.
"When you and Arizona get to the wedding tomorrow, don't sit down." Bailey told Callie.
"What do you mean, don't sit down? Callie asked as she went back to writing in someone's chart, not fully paying attention.
"Just find a place and stand there." Bailey told her before glancing at me. "You too Howards."
"What?" I furrowed my brows.
"You want us to stand in the back?" Callie frowned. "Then we won't be able to hear anything."
"Stand in the damn front." Bailey rolled her eyes.
"And block everybody's view? I mean, if we're ..." Callie shook her head.
"I don't ... Just pick a spot." Bailey slammed her charts down on the counter. "You know, it's not complicated. Ugh! You know, people allow you to open them up with a knife. If they knew you couldn't follow a simple instruction, they would run like the wind from this place."
"Are you ... are you trying to say, "Would you do me the honor of being my bridesmaids?"" Callie's eyes widened at the idea.
"Does the whole thing have to be about you?" Bailey asked, not wanting to make a big deal over it. "Just put on a dress and don't sit down."
"Aww. We're bridesmaids." Callie grinned widely.
"Oh, don't even ... Ju ... ju ... see? Ugh. This is what I was trying to avoid." Bailey muttered as Callie pulled her into a tight hug.
"Wait, I understand Callie and Arizona, but why do you want me to be a bridesmaid? I've only known you for seven months." I spoke up, causing both women to look at me.
"Because, unlike most people in this hospital, you're not a complete fool." Bailey said as Callie released her from her hug.
"Thank you?" It came out like a question as she gathered her charts back up and headed back down the hall, off to do work. As she turned the corner I looked back at Callie. "Did that really just happen?"
"Why are you acting so surprised?" She questioned me.
"Bailey just asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding when we haven't even known each other for a year. Isn't this something you ask your best friends to do?" I shook my head.
"Hence why she asked you." She nodded.
"Wait, Bailey considers me a friend?" I couldn't help but be surprised by this.
"Yes." Callie nodded slowly. "Just like me, Hunt, Shepherd, Jackson, and Webber. Why are you acting like this is all some big shock?"
"I- it's nothing, just surprised that she likes me I guess." I shrugged before heading down the hall to go and check on my patients.
"Hey," Jackson greeted me as he and Karev both stepped into the elevator.
"Hey," I nodded at the both of them.
"I stashed a little Johnnie in case the ceremony's got some cousin reading a poem." Karev smirked, patting the pocket of his lab coat.
"Lucky." I gave him a weak glare. "You have no idea what I'd do for a couple shots of tequila right now."
"What's up with you?" Jackson asked.
"Bailey asked me to be a bridesmaid so now I need to go shopping to find a nice red dress that fits over my stomach so I'll match with the others." I informed them.
"Right." Jackson gave a small nod before looking back at Karev. "Uh, I meant to find you. I'm kind of bringing a date."
"Yeah, me." Karev nodded. "Two guys picking up bridesmaids from out of town."
"April's convinced that if we don't both bring dates, then we're both gonna end up ..." Jackson trailed off, clearly not wanting to finish his sentence.
"Why you gotta talk to her?" Karev groaned. "She ruins everything."
"How about I find someone for you to go with?" Jackson offered. "You know, maybe Stephanie has a friend. Or maybe Bria could go with you?"
"Stephanie? That's who you're taking?" Karev raised his brows at that, as did I.
"Edwards?" I questioned him too.
"You want a date or not?" Jackson frowned at him.
"No." Karev shook his head.
"All right." Jackson nodded as the elevator doors opened and Karev stepped out. We waited for the doors to close again, but just before they did Karev stuck his hand in to stop them.
"Okay. Whatever. Just don't get me an ugly one." He warned Jackson before leaving again.
"So, you and Edwards?" I raised a brow at him.
"It wasn't my choice." He shook his head, a sigh escaping him. "April picked her as my date so I picked Ross as hers. Nothing big."
"So, you and April were together?" I pieced together.
"Yeah, not for that long though." He quickly added. "We were just friends for a long time and it just seemed like it'd be the next step, it wasn't though. It was a mistake."
"No it wasn't." I shook my head as the elevator doors opened again and I stepped off, as did he.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Nothing anyone does is a mistake Jackson. We may not mean to do everything that we do, but that doesn't make any of it a mistake." I explained. "I didn't mean to get pregnant, but that wasn't a mistake. It was an accident, something that has made me change from the person I was seven months ago. Everything we do makes us better. You being with April that wasn't a mistake, it was just something that made you into a new person. A better person. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dress to go and find."
"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." I sang as I walked into Derek's hospital room after his surgery before I left for the wedding. At hearing me he looked over, giving me a surprised look when he saw me in my dress.