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100% Kor-El of Krypton / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5

First things first, at this point in time, if you do not like what I've done so far...despite it being 4 chapters long. Then yeah, you should honestly stop reading at this point. I needed to take a mental break from writing this just because one of you decided to write a poor review and lie about it. If you want to know who that is, look at the Reviews for a name called "Blast_Niro" or something like that. At this point in time, I'm just going to keep writing and ignore opinions that are nothing more than just opinions. Unless it's a valid question or a valid point, I am just going to ignore it all. Anyways, have a good day, and before you ask, no, I do not have an update schedule. Some of us have jobs outside of Webnovel that need doing. Oh, and for those who don't know why he doesn't take Faora's body is because it's useless to him. Gold Kryptonite takes away a Kryptonian's powers PERMANENTLY. She is dead for good, with no solar radiation inside of her corpse. What is thereways away from being completed. However, progress has been made, no matter how small it is. Human ingenuity will always push through any boundaries despite whatever obstacle comes our way." Corey paused as he looked over a handful of men and women in Starlabs lab coat attire. Each was gazing upon Corey like lovesick puppies who were witnessing a god at work. A wry smile came onto Corey's lips, then looked down at his watch to check the time. With a raised brow, a smile came onto his lips as he turned his gaze back onto the other scientists. "But like all great scientists, good rest and food always provide better results. So you all have the rest of the evening off, good work, everyone."

Each of the scientists nodded and began heading off to hang up their lab coats. Corey, on the other hand, turned and walked over towards a desk. He sat behind it and started to type away at the desktop on top of it. He was going into his email to prepare to send a report to the other Starlabs' head scientists. As he did this, he began getting a phone call from his desk's telephone. With another raised brow, he reached over and answered it. "Dr. Graves speaking."

"Good evening, Dr. Graves." A male professional voice spoke, sounding quite young for Corey.

"I was hoping to catch you before you decided to head home."

"Who is this?"

"Ah, forgive me, this is Lex Luthor, and I have a business proposition for you."

Corey frowned, remembering bits and pieces of Lex from his past life anyway. Other than that in his current life, he knew that Lex was one of, if not the richest man in the world besides Bruce Wayne. He was already aware that Lex was a shrewd businessman, a ruthless one as well. It was obvious that he had so much corruption that affiliating with him could be a horrible idea. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Luthor, but unfortunately, I'm not interested."

"You haven't even heard what I was going to propose."

"Mr. Luthor, I'm a Starlabs scientist, not a businessman."

"Actually, I was hoping to offer you a job opportunity."

That got Corey interested. Despite what he was doing in Starlabs, he was being held back. He couldn't experiment like he wanted to back in the Antarctic, nor could he use more advanced ideas. Earth just wasn't ready, nor did they have the tools for him to work with. That said, he was a little hard pressed to accept any job offers by Lex Luthor of all people. If it had been Bruce Wayne, then he would be more willing to consider the offer first. That said, Wayne is a little indisposed with his late night shenanigans. Unfortunately, Luthor seemed to be the only "reliable" person reaching out to Corey. So, of course, he had to at least hear the man out.

"Well, Mr. Luthor, I'll at least hear what you have to say. I can't say that I'll accept, though." Corey relented. Compared to himself, Luthor was centuries behind him in all fields of science. Unlike Luthor, Corey had the smartest man on Krypton as his father and the second smartest as his uncle.

"Very good, a car will be waiting for you outside, see you soon." Lex said, then hanged up soon after. Corey's brows furrowed, then slowly placed the phone down. He leaned back in his seat and weighed his options. He knew that Lex was untrustworthy, but he had an idea that he wanted to try. Corey had been working on something meant to "rehabilitate" anyone with a poor perception of the world. He hadn't had any test subjects, so now was a good time to use one.

[2 Hours Later]

Corey found himself being escorted by 6 black suited men who stood around him like. With his x-ray vision, he could see that they were armed. Each had an armpit hostlered sidearm and wore sunglasses to hide some of their identity. Although, how would one be able to hide while surrounding a world-renowned scientist? The group was headed towards a seating area where many tourists or visitors took pictures of the Statue of Liberty. Corey looked up, staring at the colossal emerald woman. Then, I heard the approaching steps of Lex Luthor. "Lady Liberty, a gift from the French for the American efforts more than a decade ago. Honestly, I think that it's a waste of money to maintain this thing, I'd rather melt it down and use the melted down scraps for more practical applications." Lex stated with a tone of distaste.

Corey looked to his left to see Lex Luthor himself coming to his side. The bald headed man had a charming smile on his face, as well as a raised brow as he held a hand out to Corey. "Corey Graves, it's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face." Luthor greeted, then felt Corey shake Lexs' hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Luthor." Corey replied coolly, then watched as Lex gestured for him to walk with him. The two began walking down a trail as the suited guards dispersed away from them.

"Dr. Graves, I hope that you've heard good things about me, I try my best to leave a good impression."

"Well, from what the journalist at the Daily Planet says, you're not a great employer."

"Don't let an ignorant woman make me out to be the bad guy, I'm human, and human ingenuity can't be stopped."

The two continued to walk until Lex and Corey found an empty bench and sat upon it. When Lex looked to Corey, he gave him a determined look before speaking once more. "I'll be frank, Dr. Graves, I want you to work for Lexcorp."Lex stated without any sugarcoating, "Your intelligence is astounding, I have a feeling that you and I think alike. We're decades ahead of anything that humanity as a species can do. I want to make sure that humanity is ready for the future. For that to happen, I need someone else who can think just like me, someone who is just about as intelligent as I am."

Corey looked at Luthor with a raised brow. He was curious as to what this shrewd businessman was playing at. He knew that he disliked Kal, even when he saved him once. Kal had already started his first flights as Superman, going across Metropolis to save lives. He had yet to find the Fortress of Solitude. Though Corey had already started to leave bedcrumbs behind for the young Kryptonian. That said, he was sure that Luthor wanted to use his intelligence to harm his brother. Keeping his emotions in check, Corey shifted himself to lean on the bench. "Mr. Luthor, is this a job interview?" Corey inquired.

"It can be if you want it to be."

"Well, I can safely say that I am interested, I mean, it's not every day that Lex Luthor himself comes to offer you a job."

"That sounds like you're considering it."

"Maybe I am. What would I gain from working for you?"

"That should be obvious, but since it's not, I'll give you the summarized version. Work for me, and you'll get the best pay, the best equipment, and the greatest minds outside of Starlabs. You can even work on whatever project that you theorize. All you have to do is just accept my proposal."

Corey mused over this. He was 95% sure that Luthor was most definitely lying about everything but the best pay. He faintly remembers seeing a bald headed man using everyone around him to get the best outcome. To always achieve the goals most important to him. Corey has done his own personal investigations of Lexcorp and knew that Lex was a threat to Kal. That said, Luthor is an intelligent man, one that unfortunately the world could need in the future. From what Corey understands, he knows a Kryptonians' weakness better than anyone. Which is why he has to use the alternative method that he worked on.

"Well, Dr. Graves? Have you come to a decision?" Luthor asked with a spark of curiosity.

"All I can say is give me about a day to think about it. It's not that easy to decide if I should start working for one of the richest men in the world?"

"One of?"

"Bruce Wayne is still alive and well, Mr. Luthor."

With that said, Corey rose up from the bench and straightened his clothes. He gave Lex a smile before watching the shrewd man hand him a calling card. "When you've decided, give me a call." Luthor stated and watched Corey nod to him as he placed the card in his pocket.

With a wave, Corey began walking away from Luthor. He had already decided in his mind on what he was going to do to Lex Luthor. The man was a threat, but he was a threat that he could turn. The method that Corey was planning to use had yet to be tested. It had yet to be used on anyone. Luthor was just the first, and he was the right man to use it on.

[7 Hours Later, Fortress of Solitude]

Corey was suited up in his House uniform, the outfit having not changed at all. There still was no cape to it either, which worked just fine with Corey. The man had to act quickly, and as soon as Kal was distracted. For the Blue Boy Scout, would be the only person to react to him at all. After his meeting with Luthor, Corey watched him leave New York and return back home. What the man wanted with Corey was beyond him. That said, he would have all the time he wanted to know what Luthor was planning.

The older Kryptonian brother of Kal-El stood within the Fortress of Solitude. He found that he could turn his father's AI off after further study. Now, it was just him and the basic Kryptonian computer system. He was inside of a spacious surveillance room overlooking Kal. With his intelligence granted to him from Jor and Zor-El's teachings, Corey has made quite a few things. Some of which are drones, specifically meant to give Corey surveillance over anything and everyone who he deems interesting. So far, not many fit that description. Another piece of technology that he's made was the redesigning of the Eradicator unit. Apparently, the "Colony Ship" had one meant to protect the colonists. The captain's name was Han Vex of House Vex. Han Vex's last recordings were landing upon the planet but nothing else. Neither his corpse nor his armor could be found by Corey. Han Vex, along with the rest of the colonists, disappeared to Rao knows where.

Now alone with his thoughts, Corey's thoughts centered on his new base of operations. "K'Lex, is the moon base prepared?" Corey questioned them and heard a pair of mechanical footsteps approaching. He didn't need to turn, for he knew that the Eradicator was there to report and receive new orders.

"Yes, Kor-El, the base hass been prepared."K'Lex answered with a monotone but respectful voice, "I have also taken liberty to send all but what is required for your procedure to the base. If you wish it, I can have the base operational within the next hour."

"Good, be sure to delete my father's construct of any data of me. All the recordings that I have made will be both a surprise to him and Kal when he finally arrives here."

"If I may inquire, why delete the Jor-El constructs' memories of you?"

"He would have told Kal to be wary of me because i scared him with the plans that I had in mind for the world leading forward, and also because we had a...disagreement."

Kor watched as Batman chased after the Joker for the hundredth time almost. Every fiber of his being wanted to descend upon Gotham, whisk the clone away, then drop him from low orbit. What stopped him was patience and patience to wait for the right time. The world had just been introduced to different individuals with powers. Individuals who weren't like him, and he would have to keep it that way for now. "If that's all K'Lex, you may go." Kor ordered, and head the Eradicator leave his presence.

At that moment was when Kors' boots began to levitate from the floor. The surveillance drones started to center on a certain individual that he was looking at. 'Lex's time that I gave you my decision....' Kor thought, then took out his phone.

Kor dialed a number, then waited for Lex to answer.

"Hello?"Lex answered.

"Mr. Luthor, this is Dr. Graves from Star Labs." Corey said with a new pep to his voice, as if he were a different person altogether.

"Ah, Dr. Graves. Made your decision so soon?"

"About that, can we meet?"

"Another discussion? Are you trying to see if I can be trusted?"

"No, I just don't want Star Labs noticing my...departure."

"I see what you mean, I'll have someone sent to pick you up and take you to a more secure location."

"Sounds good to me, see you then Mr. Luthor."

"See you then."

[The Next Day, New York City Manhattan]

"Mr. Luthor, how are you doing this evening?" Corey asked as he walked inside. They were inside of an abandoned warehouse, one filled with Lex Luthors' armed security and his aide, Mercy. Corey was being escorted, of course, as a smiling Luthor stood at the center of the warehouse.

"I am doing well, Dr. Graves, that said I am curious as to why you wanted to meet somewhere more private." Lex replied with a raised brow.

When the two shook hands after getting close enough, Corey returned Lexs' smile before speaking once again.

"Let's just say, I don't want anyone to see or hear what happens."

"Ah, you want it to be a little secret."


"Very well, so what is your decision?"

"Right... your offer interested me alot Lex and I'm sorry to say it, but I don't see us being able to work well together."

Lex stared at Corey for a moment before a cold look came over his face. The facade of a charismatic businessman leaving altogether and a ruthless man showing instead. "Are you quite sure that is your decision?" Luthor questioned.

"Yes, it is." Corey answered unphased by Luthors' expression.

"I'm sorry to hear that... I was hoping for someone like you to have a broader understanding of the world that we could have shaped. Still, it doesn't mean that you're not going anywhere. Mercy, have him taken in and-"

Just as Luthor was about to finish that sentence, time seemed to slow down for Corey. He narrowed his eyes and began to survey the area with his x-ray vision. With a turn, he noticed several hidden cameras and acted accordingly. With heat vision, he destroyed the cameras. Then, turning once more, he speed blitzed Luthor's bodyguards. He sent a fist cracking into one guards' head, smashing it like an apple. With another, his foot sent them flying into the while to become paste.

"W-What the hell!?" Luthor cried. After time seemed to slow down again. Corey turned to Lex as his bodyguards took out their weapons. They aimed at Corey while trembling.

"Lex, I have a different offer for you..."Corey started to say in a colder tone than Luthors', "Would you like to be absolve of your sins and start a new life?"

"What are you talking about!? What are you!?"

"What I'm talking about is a second chance. You're still young enough to do great things for the world. Despite your ambitious nature, you were only a being human. I want to use that so that the human race will continue to grow. In order for that to happen... you have to gain a new perspective."

"Kill him!!"

Every bodyguard in the warehouse opened fire on Corey. He watched the bullets travel to him, but instead of tanking the shots, he sped forth. Traveling faster than a speeding bullet, Corey began a massacre. He sent lariat into one guards' neck, ripping their head off. Then, with another, he hit them with a back fist that sent them, heading spinning quite literally. Corey then used his heat vision to cut through and blast holes through everything and everyone he caught sight of. Even then, there were still 2 guards left as Lex tried to escape. With a small smile, Corey began to float in the air, then fired a precise heat vision blast at Lex's leg. The attack punched two holes into Luthors' leg as Corey levitated to him. The last two guards held their hands up to surrender, but Corey killed them regardless with a swipe of a knife hand. Before he forgot, he turned and sent a heat vision blast into the back of a sneaking Mercy. The woman fell face first onto the floor, dead.

"H-hold a second!"Lex cried out with utter fear, "I'm sorry if I made you feel threatened. I can get you whatever you want! Money, women, fame, anything, just name it!"

"Anything....well, Lex, I already have what I want."Kor said slowly before reaching over to grab Lex by the cuff of his shirt, "You.. well, more specifically, your brain. You're still useful alive rather than dead, but you need a new perspective in life. And i'm going to give you that new perspective... whether you want it or not."

With a trembling tone, Lex began to speak in fear of the man holding him.

"W-what are you going to do to me?"

"I am going to give you a second chance, Lex."

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