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26.31% Prince of Nazarick [Overlord] / Chapter 23: Meetup

Capítulo 23: Meetup

Enri was nervous, as nervous as she had never been. Though could anyone blame her? She was just a regular farm girl meeting a noble from another country. A noble that had saved her life at that! Of course, she was nervous! It would be weird if she wasn't.

Despite this, there was no way she could turn around now. She had to thank him again. The last time she had thanked him was too hurriedly. The act of saving her and her sister wasn't easily brushed over with a simple thanks. A simple shout could hardly convey the gratitude she felt for the knight, who had saved not only her but the only family she had left.

However, despite the good and sincere intentions of showing her gratitude, why did she feel this dirty? Of course, it was a question that she knew the answer to. She had been thinking about her knight in shining armor. How his voice calmed her down and demanded all her attention. How a few simple words silenced the fear of her death and brought a gentleness to her being.

It was like she wasn't worthy of listening to his words, a grace that should only be received by saints and kings. A chosen few that she certainly shouldn't belong to. His grace wasn't something to bestow a mere peasant. Him healing her with his divine magic had only underlined the gap between them. A coincidental moment of her brushing with greatness, only to remain a pleasant memory in her mind.

Though this was only one aspect, one effect this knight's presence had on her. Besides how mesmerizing his voice was and how calmly and warmly it enveloped her being, it also triggered a fiery flame in her belly. As if her innards were ignited with a passionate and fury flame. Something she didn't know could happen to a human, something that she didn't think she could feel toward anyone.

It was shaming to remember how her body reacted when she had been moments before death with her sister in her arms and her thoughts had wandered to this one thing. It was also why she didn't like her thanks.

Although it was sincere, she felt like it was tainted by something that she attributed to her womanly instincts. Besmirched by her degenerate feelings. An idea, a fantasy of something so opposite of what she saw her knight as, despite how weirdly fitting it was.

Even with all this, it might have been okay. Perhaps this feeling wouldn't have lingered if the female knight hadn't said those words. She had a chance with a man of such stature and apparently, he took a fancy to her. Of course, the woman with the seductive voice had stated clearly that she would be nothing more than a pet.

That she might be thrown away if he was bored with her, that her future would be his to decide. Normally, such a fate would be a disastrous one for her current situation. To be fancied by a powerful, unfamiliar noble was something that rarely ended well. With no family to support her and just her sister, she would be hard-struck to live a relaxed life if a noble forced himself on her. Offspring would spell doom for her in her current circumstances. Of course, these problems didn't find any room in her fantasies.

The only outcome she could see was a happy life. Even if he couldn't be there for her, she instinctively knew that he wasn't a man that would abandon his child. Of course, these potential issues and guesses were easily suppressed by the flame in her belly. All these thoughts belonged to those who weren't crushing on someone, who weren't infatuated with the idea of being with someone out of their league.

All her mind revolved around was feeling his touch, kissing his skin, licking and tasting his mighty thing in her mouth. The kind and gentle knight was ravaging her like a beast in this twisted fantasy of hers. Just the thought of her savior doing something so... so sacrilegious to her made her feel embarrassed for touching herself to quell her flame.

Perhaps, if she hadn't, then the sensation, her desire, wouldn't be this overwhelming after not being allowed to quell it for two nights. The female knight had visited her and told her about a chance to finally meet her savior again and perhaps fulfill her blasphemous wish.

She was still surprised and equally embarrassed that the woman knew what she had done to herself every night since then. The only saving grace was her telling her she understood her feelings. The female knight's admittance of understanding her feelings made her feel like she had bonded herself with this unknown woman.

This desire and with it her nervousness and shame only grew with every step she took to the destination that she had been yearning for. She wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad thing to be guided by a maid this beautiful.

On one hand, it made her feel unqualified. It was probably only because she had gotten a pretty dress, so her appearance was at least adequate, that she was able to walk. On the other hand, the beautiful appearance of the maid had distracted her for a few moments, making the walk towards this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity more bearable.

The maid opened the door for her, and with shaky knees, she stepped inside the room. As she entered the room, she immediately noticed the two figures standing at the window, looking outside. Their bodies were framed with the dark night sky as a background through the window. Enri could see that the large moon was high in the sky just above them, making the scene magical.

With one arm around her waist, the male figure was hugging the sinful body of the female next to him as they looked outside. The man was tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a commanding but also gentle presence. As if he was an angel ready to ride into battle at a moment's notice.

He had blonde, long, flowing hair that cascaded down his back. Enri felt a sense of awe and amazement as she took in the sight of him, who radiated powerful, otherworldly energy. The woman, on the other hand, was sinfully attractive like a woman out of the combined fantasies of all men.

If the maid had made her self-conscious, then this woman made her feel like she was better off sticking her head in the sand and calling it a day. She just wanted to bury herself, to not feel this out of place. It was only her beating heart full of hope and yearning as she looked at the man's back that she remained steadfast.

She had never seen his face before, nor did she know how his body looked outside of the armor. Not to mention that this would just be her second time speaking to him. Despite all this, she knew that this was her savior. The man that had pulled her in with just his presence and a few words. A man whose mere aura radiated a royal presence as if he was at the top of the world.

When he turned around, Enri was struck by the man's appearance. His features were perfectly symmetrical and beautiful, with flawless skin and piercing eyes, though still kept a certain roughness to convey his manly features. The man looked at her with a calm, serene expression, and she almost passed out at his gaze.

She wasn't sure what it was. Perhaps it was the wings the woman had on her hips, the words they had used to refer to her, a human, or the slightly glowing eyes of her savior, Lord Azazel. She realized she wasn't in the presence of a mere noble or even a king.

Despite having never dealt with people of high status, she could somehow tell that she wasn't just standing in front of someone with extraordinary bearing. She was in the presence of a divine being. She didn't know what to say or do, and for a moment, she simply stood there, gazing at the angel in awe before she couldn't take it anymore.

She knelt in front of him.


I couldn't help but look at the kneeling form of the young woman I was initially going after. After drinking in her humble posture, I looked at Albedo, who appeared to be quite nervous. She was probably hoping that the 'present' she had brought with her would satisfy me.

I would not say that I didn't find this pleasing, but I wasn't quite sure where this came from. "Enri, please stand up. Could you wait over there for a moment?" I pointed at the couch in the room's corner. Enri was a bit hesitant but followed my order after seeing that, I turned my attention to Albedo.

My hands wandered to her buttocks and squeezed them, causing her to breathe in anticipation. My hands wandered around as I caressed her form, though even when I brushed against her lower lips, she didn't come or even give me a shiver. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow.

"You don't have to hold back your pleasure. You know that, right?" Perhaps I should directly ask her, as it wouldn't do well to dance around the subject. Albedo, not indulging in her pleasure when given the opportunity, rang some alarm bells. "Are you alright?"

She saw my confusion and brought her hand to my face to gently brushed her palm over my cheek. With a soft smile that conveyed a mixture of love and... sadness. "How could I feel good when I worry about my husband?" I was about to question her when she put a finger on my lips.

"If there is anything, and I mean Anything, you want. I will give it to you. No matter the price. If there is something that makes you happy, I will do my best to make whatever you want true. It doesn't matter how... blasphemous your thoughts are." The way her eyes pierced into mine, into my soul, and how the words she spoke rang true, made me feel seen, heard and accepted.

It was like a lightning bolt piercing through the dark night and illuminating what had been hidden despite being right in front of me... Nothing I could do or say would make this woman leave me. To be honest, I was overwhelmed with emotions and I couldn't help but feel floored by the realization. Then an exceeding satisfaction crept into me. To have someone worry this deeply for me was truly wonderful. However, I was also confused. "Why are you worried?"

She bit her lip as she continued to stare into my eyes as if to see whether I try to hide something from her. It was only when she seemed to realize that I was truly confused; she spoke up. "For the past 3 nights, you haven't slept with Fubuki or the royal maids. You even left Yuri untouched. Fubuki and I are worried about you."

My mind froze for a moment as I digested her words. Was that why Fubuki had been making more advances over the last few days? I thought she was just horny after only being fondled for the last few days. Why didn't she just say she was worried?

After a while, I couldn't help it any longer and started to chuckle. Albedo pouted at being laughed at her genuine concern. "I am not laughing at you," I reassured with a smile, dragging my wife into my arms once more, and hugging her tightly.

With a smile on my face, I stared into her yellow eyes to convey that I meant my next words. "You don't have to worry. I am truly fine." I wanted to become invincible as soon as possible, so I could beat anyone before I attracted too much attention, but after merely 3 days of putting some effort into my goal, I attracted attention.

I guessed it should be to be expected that there would be eyes on me regardless of where I was in the world. I was just too important to many people. To be honest, despite this not furthering my goals, quite the opposite really, I have to admit that I loved being cared for this deeply.

I wasn't sure why, but my mouth opened up to ask her in a whisper, "What would you do if I decided to... destroy everything we have built?" As a response, she gently stroked my cheeks as her gaze switched between my eyes, gazing at me as a soft smile donned her face.

"I would... create a weapon to achieve your goals." She finally said before leaning her head on my chest as my hand rubbed her back. Her words slowly settled in my mind.

"Thank you... Of course, it was just hypothetical. I would rather just lock us into a room and fuck you into unconsciousness like we did before I took this trip. One could say that is one of the things that were constantly on my mind since parting with you- Albedo?" I noticed her movements stopped after I said that and her breathing sped up.

She then turned her head up to look at me with a heavy blush on her face. "Is it true? I mean is that what you truly want?" The look and the hopeful tone in her voice made it clear to me that my words must be something straight out of her fantasies.

"Of course. I don't lie. There are few moments where I don't fantasize about you sucking me off or generally being used as my sex toy. I would... You good?" She almost hyperventilated before she buried her face in my chest, partly to indulge in my scent, but mostly to get her breathing under control and prevent me from seeing her like this. Truly, sometimes she got embarrassed about the wrong things.

After a moment, she calmed down before raising her head. Though calmed down might be the wrong terminology, as she certainly wasn't 'calm' yet. She still looked like she was high on life. "If you want, I can arrange our bedroom and order the maids to not disturb us for the next few years-"

I held up my hand to interrupt her. "Years? Albedo, when do we have so much time? We are conquering this world. The next years, our focus will be on that." Her happy and excited expression froze as I mentioned that, clearly just being rudely awakened from her daydream by the harsh reality.

Though it surely couldn't be the first time she was fantasizing about doing something with me, only to have to focus on her work right afterward... Well, knowing that I wanted the same or similar fantasies as hers must have made her realize her daydreams didn't need to be just that. Now it was something she could have, or was it the realization that I desired her?

Her expression went to neutral again as she let the facts of our responsibility settle in. She turned her face away from me as if she feared I would find a scowl on her perfectly neutral mask.

I turned her face towards me. "You okay? What are you thinking about?"

She just nodded, though she was clearly frustrated. At least, it was clear to me, her expression was still picture-perfect under her control. "I am happy to spend time with you."

I smiled at her slightly, which seemed to take off a bit of an edge from her. "That was cleverly evaded. Let me partake in your thoughts. What does bother you exactly?" I doubled down.

She hesitated for a moment, but in the end, my inquiry seemed to win over her inner resistance. Of course, she chose her words carefully. "I am not too happy that we can't indulge ourselves in each other." She finally said before waiting for some kind of outburst coming from me.

"Not too happy, huh? To be honest, conquering the world sounds like quite the hassle and I would rather just fuck off and spent eternity with you and the others just wandering around doing whatever I want." I admitted and watched the shock spread on her face as the words registered in her mind, as well as the implications of what I hinted at.

Honestly, the numerous ambiguous statements I have given her were probably already a bit too much. I shouldn't steer her interpretation too much in one direction. "Well, but I have my responsibilities, and life without it would certainly be directionless."

I said, taking a step back. Not wanting to put her in the spot where she thought she had to decide to betray Ainz. Of course, her annoyance with her tasks had already given me a clue about where she was currently standing. As I thought about what would win over her loyalty to Ainz or to me, she also tried to find the truth in my eyes as she continued to stare at me.

Once she realized she couldn't decipher whether I meant what I said, she took a deep breath. "As I said if you need anything... I will do it." She said in probably the quietest whisper she could muster. Her words certainly shook me since it was clear what I had been insinuating. Now she doubled down even after I had taken a step back.

"Currently, I love my life and my position, so don't make any haste decisions. I will tell you what I want and when I want it. Don't ruin what we have by making decisions without speaking to me beforehand."

I then leaned down and took her lips as I kissed her, surprising her for a moment before she hummed appreciatively. Knowing that there wasn't anything to worry about, the tension inside her body had long melted away as she leaned into my touch.

When I separated from the kiss, her face had a deep red blush and a wide smile on her face as she looked at me dreamily. "So, you got me Enri as a gift?" I finally asked before looking at the young woman that had been rubbing her thighs together as she watched us, or me, rather.

My question brought her out of her trancelike state, though she continued to observe me as if to burn the sight of me into her memory. "Yes, I had noticed that you looked at her during our visit to the village, so I thought you would like to meet her again. Enri! Come here." She called out to the farmer girl and the young blonde quickly rushed to me and was about to kneel again before I stopped her.

"You don't have to kneel. Tell me, what were you hoping for in this meeting?" I asked and instantly Albedo's hands on my waist twitched nervously.

"I-I... I want to serve you. W-whatever you want. I can do whatever you need me to do, oh Lord Azazel." She said almost reverently as if I was a god.

"And you think I would have use for you?" I asked not to bully her, but because I wasn't sure where I stood with her. The temptations caused by previously knowing her through the anime were still there like a celebrity suddenly throwing herself at your feet. Of course, it wasn't in the same category, but it wasn't far off either. Besides, she was also the one that made me realize I shouldn't be wasting my time, so I ought to reward her, right?

Ironically, now my Albedo had brought her here because she was worried I didn't 'waste' my time by fucking Fubuki or the maids.

"I-I... I'm sorry!" She tried to kneel again before I caught her by the arm again.

"You have used the goblin's horns, right?" She nodded at my question, unsure where I was going with this. "Then you can build a little community with them living with the other villagers. Make a village where demi-humans and humans can live together." I said, making her bite her lip at the admittedly currently arduous task, but she still nodded nonetheless.

"If that is what your divine will commands me, I will rise to meet your expectations- Ow-ouch." She exclaimed after I gently flicked her forehead as she tried to kneel again.

"Do you know what kind of angel I am?" Of course, that was a rhetorical question. I doubted anyone would know the specifics of my angelic race. Not to mention the flavor text I was actually referring to.

"N-no, my lord."

"Azazel is fine." After saying that, I looked over at Albedo, who was still worried whether I liked her present. "Darling, you can call me whatever you want." She nodded her head enthusiastically before shyly cuddling up to my arm while holding my hand in hers.

"Yes, my beloved, Az." In response, I gave her a flick to the forehead as well. She oofed before looking at me, confused.

"What's up with the honorifics you use in your thoughts?" Her expression froze before a heavy blush returned to her face. She then brought her hands up to her face to hide behind before looking through her fingers to see whether I was still looking at her while also shuddering in a familiar manner. Honestly, it was just a guess, but why did she get embarrassed and horny over that?

I squeezed her butt to comfort her, though I did my best to keep my focus on Enri, who was blushing deeply. She looked embarrassed and ashamed of herself for having the inner turmoil as she continued to gaze at us.

"I am an angel of Lust." I declared, before leaning a bit closer to her ear. "I am a lustful angel that would be highly interested in using your body. Would you become my-"

"Yes!" Her answer shot out before I could even finish.

"Then show me your enthusiasm," I responded as I whipped out my dick, making her gaze turn toward it. Her hands automatically wandered towards it and just before she was about to touch it, she stopped as if there was an invisible wall around it.

She looked at it almost fanatically as she dropped to her knees to line it up with her eye level. Her face slowly approached my dick, breathing heavily on it before she gave it a smooch.

"..." It was kind of awkward since she did nothing afterward. It was only when Enri slumped together on the ground that Albedo finally realized what had happened.

"She passed out." She said before casting a health check spell and confirming that she was still fine. Albedo then took a whiff and scrunched her nose before she reached down and touched Enri's pants. She shook her head.

"I am truly sorry, Az. She seemed to have cum so hard that she passed out. If I had known this would happen, I would have prepared her some more. I should have known that this would be too much for a mere mortal. Not that I can blame her." She said as she looked at the unconscious Enri with an understanding expression as if that was a normal reaction. She also looked like she approved of it?

Now I didn't really know what to do, so I looked at Albedo, who carried my present to the couch to settle her into it. Certainly less of a consideration for Enri and more because letting her stay on the ground and risking her getting sick would be the opposite of taking care of my property.

"Luckily, I made a backup plan." She said before fishing out a bag out of her inventory. She then handed it to me and before I opened it, I could already smell the cookies inside.

I took one out. It looked a bit like a subway cookie, making me take a bite of it without hesitation. Instantly I was hit with a wave of sweetness. The chocolate chips were melty and gooey, adding a perfect contrast to the soft texture of the cookie. It was the perfect balance of flavors and textures, making it hard to stop at just one bite.

After I devoured the entire bag except for five, I gave one to Albedo before putting the rest into my inventory so I could share them with the others. Of course, the succubus would know that I would share them, but she wasn't upset.

Quite the opposite, as she looked thrilled that I enjoyed them so much. She happily ate the cookie with both of her hands and with little nibbles.

It was honestly quite endearing to watch, and it made me pet her, so I did. Her hair was smooth like silk. It was always an experience just touching it. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed my touch while continuing to nibble on the cookie. It was such a shame that she wouldn't stay for longer. Of course, I could just ask her to stay here, but then I wouldn't be able to get some alone time and I wouldn't be able to say no to this woman.

My hands wandered down to her sides before I pushed my knee between her legs, rubbing her crotch slightly. She instantly got wet as she wrapped her arms around my neck to support herself.

She still had some things to do, so we couldn't spend too much time together, but at least her visit had made me realize something. It would take nothing short of escaping all NPCs to stay low and out of sight of the tomb. I might as well make some riskier calls by having a chat with Ainz.

She looked at me, still blushing and biting her finger as she suppressed her moan. It made me give her a look she instantly recognized, so she stopped holding back and moaned my name into my ear as she indulged herself...

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