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87.5% Nana's Journey / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - Guardian of Crisa

Capítulo 20: Chapter 20 - Guardian of Crisa

Chapter 20


Abaddon sighed at the missed opportunity to introduce himself to the King as the two went down and took a seat at the inn's currently sparsely populated dining area.

Unfurling the map and pinning the wanting-to-curl corners with small stacks of gold coins he began with first working out where they were which didn't take long, unfortunately, the Dungeon was located days of travel away from Crisa.

He had initially wanted to drag Nana along with him on the Quest Line triggered by J.S's dagger and pick up the Traceless Echo class on his next class advancement before meeting with the King and then accepting his Quest but apparently she herself had other plans.

He had subconsciously thought she wouldn't go do her own thing whilst he was offline so he wasn't in any particular hurry to get back online.

Which worked out just spectacularly for his plans.

Now he was at a bit of a loss on what to do, join her and hold off on the class or don't and instead go get the class.

Because now that she knew about the Dungeon he had a feeling she wouldn't be persuaded to delay going to it unless he presented an equally or higher Tiered one.

The J.S Quest Line featuring none.

Eventually he decided on staying in Crisa and getting his class, he'd rather get it sooner than later because of the extra stats per level on top of the handful of compatible Skills he'd get along with it.

He also had another slight worry in the back of his mind.

Could Nana read maps?

"Nana it doesn't work like that!" Abaddon had the urge to bang his head against the table trying to explain where she would have to go.


"What do you mean point!?"

"Direction. Point."

"Urgh. . . You can't jus-" Abaddon started before suddenly pausing as he thought of something, Players who turned to Demi-Humans later on also received hidden side-effects not explicitly listed as Skills dubbed racial traits.

He had forgotten about it because someone being a Demi-Human this early was just impossible, well, almost, but Nana didn't count because at this point he considered her to be outside of what was genuinely possible.

Anyhow, even if it wasn't a normal one wasn't she part turtle or something?

"Nana could you stand up for a bit?" He asked.

She looked a bit confused but went along with his request, rising to her feet.

"Now close your eyes and start spinning in place as fast as you can until I tell you to stop." Abaddon continued and a moment later felt a mild wind batting against his face as her figure blurred slightly by the speeds at which she was rotating, somehow still mostly remaining in one spot.

"Okay, stop. Without opening your eyes, do you know the direction of the first Dungeon we cleared?" He said what must've been a few whole minutes later.

Nana came to a stop and not even a second later confidently pointed diagonally behind her.

After some thinking Abaddon determined the direction she pointed towards might have been more accurate than where he would've guessed himself even without trying to hamper his sense of direction.

"Thank you."

Nana still looked a bit disoriented but just sat down again, taking out another Forest Boar Roast and began ripping into it.

So, she could most likely percieve magnetic fields and use them to navigate Abaddon concluded from his little test.

"Ah, uh. . . Wait, let me think for a bit." Standing up Abaddon held the map in front of him and tried to figure out the direction, he would have to be very accurate because being just slightly off the mark now would only make the margin of error grow wider and wider the further away she got.

As he was pacing back and forth and muttering to himself with a look of concentration he was a bit startled when he heard a gruff voice call out from his side, turning to see the inn's owner leaning against the counter.

"You need a compass, kid?"

"Ah, do you have one I could borrow for a bit by any chance?"


Eventually saying his thanks a while later he returned it and as he turned around he suddenly stilled upon seeing Nana's foot planted against the forehead a large 2.50m long lion with silvery metallic fur trying to take a bite out of her roast, holding it's head in place.

". . .Isn't that a Shockwave Lion?"


Days later Nana arrived in front of a prosperous fishing town after wandering eastwards.

During the journey over she had gotten to Level 53 and chosen a new class thanks to her cutting through a large monster infested forest instead of going around it.

[Juvenile Titanus - Tank] (Legendary) +24 VIT +24 STR +7 AGI +12 INT +12 PER

[Earth Magic Lv.3] > [Earth Magic Lv.4]

[Water Magic Lv.3] > [Water Magic Lv.4]

Her Skills were also progressing as she used them, the [Ravenous Advancement] simultaneously constantly reaping additional Stat Points at an incredible rate due to the sheer quantity the two dozen instances she had perpetually actively running lent.

Though it had slowed down somewhat because she found using [Earth Magic] and [Water Magic] more fun as a result of lacking data regarding suitable opponents resulting in her being stuck with although indestructible, relatively weak enemies.

Entering the town Nana was met with wide streets filled with movement as people busily bustled back and forth, walking down the streets the smell of the sea tickled her nose, more and more stall owners hawking their wares the further she got.

Disregarding the stares she gathered she eventually got down to the town's harbor, a long strip of wooden walkway stretching over the water with multiple boats docked alongside the additional branches extending out in the water.

Looking around, other than fishermen and sailors, she also saw alot of people wearing adventurer gear skulking around the place.

One of said groups boarding one of the boats alongside it's crew before it set sail, Nana's sharp eyes catching the boat's side taking an impact when it had gotten a decent distance away, the adventurers quickly bursting into action resolving the issue, a monster's corpse shortly after dragged up on deck.

Nana let out a hum as she turned her head searching for a Dungeon entrance without finding anything, walking up and down the harbor a few times and still seeing nothing she eventually concluded that the entrance was most likely under the sea rather than on land.

Standing on the edge of one of the platform branches she was just about to dive in to go look for it when she heard someone speak up.

"Careful there now, wouldn't want to fall into these waters wearing such thin fabrics."

Looking down at her side Nana saw an elegant woman with unfettered gentle features best described as an aristocratic librarian wearing loose ankle-long blue mage's robes with white accents, a big triangular wizard's hat in the same colors alongside a large gnarled staff taller than her solely made of wood floating at her side.

Adjusting her rather classy glasses with thin crystal-segmented eyewear retainers and pinning her straight pale blonde hair behind a pointed ear announcing her elven heritage she began idly flipping through a book that hung on the belt fastened around her waist.


"Ah, excuse my suddenness, however, I believe it prudent you be more aware the attention you gather in these human lands. I am unsure of your exact demi type but your generous curves only further amplified by your size makes you stand out." The elf explained with the slow gentle tone of an adult talking to a naive child currently unaware that they're doing something unbelievalby stupid but trying not to scare them into panicking.

"Seeing your obliviousness I take it this is your first time venturing outside of your homeland, yes?"


"Where you were born, little one."

". . .No?"

"Is that so? Then you've been very lucky priorly. You see, there are some very bad humans who see races such as you and I as 'exotic' and would go rather extensive lengths to 'acquire' us due to either greed or even lust and walking around alone as you've probably been doing makes you a prime target."


"Most? They're nothing special, however, the danger of 'poachers' lay not in individual strength but in numbers. I know of numerous incidents where demi-humans have been swarmed until eventually tiring themselves out thus leading to their swift capture."

Hearing this whatever interest Nana had regarding potential opponents chasing after her faded.

"Anyhow, what brought you here little one? Maybe I could help you? I'm was a bit worried seeing you alone and now even more so. Leaving you by your lonesome is just asking for a tragedy to happen."


"You want to enter the Dungeon?" The elf blinked. "Although I'm well aware judging a person's age purely by physical appearance is often wrong, especially with those not fully human, but I don't feel you should be very old yet. You are aware the closest Dungeon is Tier 4, yes?"


"And you still chose to seek it out?"


". . ." The elf exasperatedly raised a hand to bridge of her nose muttering something under her breath. "I cannot in good conscience let you proceed with such a reckless endeavor." She sighed. "I recommend you wait another couple decades until you've grown a bit more before you try again. Comparing yourself to humans is not something I would recommend you do, I know you are most likely fairly strong considering your elders let you wander, however, MOST-" She stressed the word with an irked expression before swiftly schooling her features again."-humans mature faster than you and I due to their lower lifespan."

"Dungeon. Know where?"

"I do in fact know where it is but-" The elf closed her eyes after which they quickly re-opened when she felt the platform disappearing from under her, a surprised noise escaping her upon realizing the girl had picked her up and was currently in the middle of a dive.

Whilst still holding onto her.

She only barely managed to instinctively snatch her floating staff before they both disappeared into the water.


"I suspect I was off the mark in assuming you were a young teen, your manners are more in line with that of a little hatchling. Did your parents not teach you manners?" The elf complained out loud without any real heat to her voice almost as if she'd already been through enough similar incidents to the point it she wasn't even phased anymore, wringing out her hair sat on the girl's broad back as the harbor quickly disappeared from view behind them.

"You should have some sort of aquatic lifeform in your ancestry, yes? I can see you are very comfortable in water." She voiced almost as if documenting the current happenings to herself as the two cut across the ocean. "Hmm, a proficient swimmer indeed and like most aquatic demi-humans you do not need to physically perform the movements to propel yourself forwards. With your size. . . a Bulwark Jetter perhaps?"

"However, I must implore you not to do something like this in the future. People unfamiliar with young demi-human behavior will most likely take such forceful actions as signs of aggression and possibly even retaliate." She lectured, leaning forward to lightly pat Nana's head.

"Now. We'd better turn around soon, I was not discouraging you for no reason. These waters are very dangerous, beings lurk in these waters you see, the deeper the stronger and the Dungeon you're looking for is fairly far out from shore."

"Hmm. Show." Nana slightly raised her head to get her mouth above the surface before dipping back down again leaving her ears unsubmerged, curiously observing the sparsely populated, barren ocean floor dotted with rocks and stones getting steeper and steeper at an incline until later met with a sudden drop leaving only a dense bog of murky blue staring back at her.

"How stubborn." The elf sighed gently. "Though not wholly unexpected. I suppose I can indulge you just this once considering I'm not too afraid of Tier 4 Dungeons as long as I am careful, but do not expect others to be as accomodating. Okay?"

"Hmm." Nana hummed not really listening, more interested in the massive shapes she could only just see swimming around down below her.

"Good. If you keep up this pace we will be there in a few minutes."


"Here should be good." The elf said making Nana come to a stop.

Grabbing her staff and hat which she had stored in a Spatial Pouch concealed inside her robes she put on the hat and waved her staff making it shine briefly before a bubble appeared around her head.

"That should do. I'm not quite as comfortable as you probably are being underwater, you see." She said. "Now, feel free to go deeper whenever you are ready. It should be a couple hundred meters at most which I don't think you will have any problems traversing."

Nana hearing her wasted no time diving downwards as the elf wrapped her arms around her neck, on the way down they did meet a handful of Ace Sharks which the elf had been prepared to handle, getting a surprise when the girl easily took care of them herself, even possessing and subsequently storing them in a [Spatial Storage].

As they entered the into the layer of darkness the elf waved her staff making a ball of light appear at it's top which luminated the surroundings somewhat, at least enough to shortly after reveal a ruined temple sitting on the ocean floor a short while later.

Swimming past the half-crumbled rows of columns leading up a flight of stairs Nana soon arrived in front of the main building's entrance, the tall doors instead of leading further into the temple replaced by a black veil.

[Drowning Gulf]

[Rank: Tier 4]

[Difficulties: Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite, Nightmare]

[Recommended Team Size: 8-14]

[Clear Condition: Defeat the Oyster King, Dyanamai.]

"Hmm? What are you waiting for little one? Let us enter." The elf asked in slight confusion upon seeing the girl suddenly stop just in front of the entrance when she was previously so excited. "Are you looking at something?"


"Oh, I see. Then, take your time."

Selecting the difficulty Nana and the elf entered the Dungeone a moment later.


Appearing in a wet damp underwater cave of green-blue stone illuminated by a flourescent light originating from some algae/coral looking vegetation, Nana curiously looked around, hearing water droplets lazily dripping from the stalactites a few meters above her.

[Drowning Gulf] (Nightmare)

+150% To all Monsters' Stats, Lose 1% HP every 10 seconds.

"Ah? I got stung by something?" The elf blinked in surprise, feeling a stinging pain suddenly hit her. "Again? What is happening? I don't remember reading about anything like this being in the Drowning Gulf?" She exclaimed again a short while later, this time in confusion, checking her robes for any insect or such.

"How odd."

Seeing the girl leaving through the only opening available the elf hurriedly followed after, palming a HP Potion which she sipped on as she walked.

Luckily this wasn't her first Dungeon run, she knew unexpected things could happen inside so she made sure to always be prepared.

Speaking of, checking on the girl she didn't seem to be affected by whatever was hurting her so perhaps her demi side ancestry made her immune to it's effects?

Their first encounter further down the gradually expaning tunnel was a giant crab the same colors as the cave walls laying prone, seamlessly disguised as an outcropping.

[Crustacean Piercing Lance]

Nana instantly reacted, raising her hand and catching the massive claw shining in a steely glint that shot towards her, a loud bang resounding throughout the cave system as it was stopped in place.

"Ah!? That surprised me! And such Strength, too! From both of them, what is really going on with this Dungeon?" The elf muttered to herself, her eyes taking on a slight glow.

[Master Hunter's Discerning Eye]


[Piston Knight Crab] (Nightmare)

[Rank: Tier 5]

HP: 26 000/ 26 000

STR: 2600 - (1040 + 150%)

VIT: 2600 - (1040 + 150%)

AGI: 600 - (240 + 150%)

INT: 600 - (240 + 150%)

PER: 600 - (240 + 150%)

Skills: [Crustacean Piercing Lance], [Foam Spray], [Crusher Claw Guillotine],

--- (She can't see the '(Nightmare)', nor the percentage boosts)

"Huh! What's with it's attributes?" Her eyes widened as she got the results of her spell. "And Tier 5!?"

Recognizing that it wasn't strong enough to wrestle it's claw out of Nana's hold, it's other claw rose into the air and expanded in size, taking on a similar steely hue before it smashed down towards her.

[Crusher Claw Guillotine]

Not one to back out of head on confrontations, Nana answered back in kind.

[Earth Magic - Elemental Coat]

[Water Magic - Elemental Coat]

[Shield Bash]

[Seismic Smash]

As they made contact a small earthquake shook the surroundings before the Piston Knight Crab's claw was easily batted away, Nana's gauntlet clad water revolving fist instead smashing it into the cave wall applying the stun effect.

Following closely Nana started pummeling into the Piston Knight Crab's shell which shortly after cracked due to her continious onslought of blows, Nana sent one last punch pulping it's fleshy insides before it's body completely slackened.

[Items Acquired: x1 Piston Knight Crab Claws, x3 Piston Knight Crab Legs]

Throwing the loot into her [Spatial Storage] planning to cook it later she continued walking, the elf trailing behind her with a slight excitement in her steps.

"Hohoho, what a wonderful display of might! Maybe I was premature in assuming you were not ready for the Dungeon if you could so easily handle such a foe even trumping the normal Dungeon Boss in Attributes! Say, what class are you? You have the Strength of a natural Warrior but also possess such a pure magic! Two at that! Furthermore, you actually feel that ticking pain, yes? However, I don't see signs of it's effects in your movements, do you regenerate naturally? Also, how is it that you can with a mere touch dissassemble a monster corpse into above average quality parts?"


Hours later the two had encountered a plethora of different monsters on their path, the oddly hovering but lightning quick Purple Gash Bullet Marlin which relied on hit and run tactics using it's guaranteed to land poison status effect further exacerbating the already quite frightening life drain of Nightmare mode.

There were also Haunted Drowned, humanoids with thick green skin clad in tattered remains of sailor/pirate clothes with 4 fingers, wide elephant feet and an octopus for a head, often wielding weapons of all kinds and in rare cases pieces of rusty armor.

On top of that were Aquanids, blue spiders the size of barrels with yellow joints and a large tube like organ on top of it's bulbous behind which it used to shoot out highly pressurized beams of water capable of digging into stone.

There were also more Piston Knight Crabs as well.

[Items Acquired: x43 Piston Knight Crab Claws, x67 Piston Knight Crab Legs, x32 Purple Gash Bullet Marlin Filé, x26 Purple Gash Bullet Marlin Needles, x42 Haunted Drowned Beaks, x23 Aquanid Pressure Chambers, x1 Equipment (Epic), x14 Equipment (Rare), x28 Equipment (Uncommon), x56 Equipment (Common)]

[Lv.53] > [Lv. 64]

[Rapid Regeneration Lv.3] > [Rapid Regeneration Lv.4]

"I seem to feel you getting very strong at an impossible rate, it really makes me wonder what your demi heritage is, you know?" The elf chirped happily. "Now that I take a closer look, did you grow a bit taller as well?" She let out a thoughtful hum and tried measuring with her hand but couldn't reach the top of Nana's head when both were standing up.

Pushing open the large time-torn double doors made of navy blue stone flecked with swampy green moss they entered into a colossal chamber resembling ancient greek temples made of what must at some point in time have been pristinely white marble, now a murky white-grey color, parts of the four columns erected forming a square encased in the spherical space and the walls noticeably missing pieces of their structure.

Nana glanced around and saw multiple murals depicting something she couldn't quite make out whilst in the middle on a slightly elevated platform sat a colossal oyster the size of a house, it's colors a nitty gritty blend of rock brown and blacks with streaks of granite grey and beiges.

[Master Hunter's Discerning Eye]


[Oyster King, Dyanamai] (Nightmare - Boss)

[Rank: Tier 6]

HP: 125 000/ 125 000 - (50 000 + 150%)

STR: 250 - (100 + 150%)

VIT: 5000 - (2000 + 150%)

AGI: 250 - (100 + 150%)

INT: 5000 - (2000 + 150%)

PER: 1500 - (600 + 150%)

Skills: [Rupture Geyser], [Neptune's Wrath], [Rushing Flood], [Tranquilizing Mist], [Cage of the Depths], [Summon Subordinates], [Pearlescent Coat], [Bolster Subordinates], [Swirling Demise]


"Hmm. I am starting to doubt the chances of myself leaving this Dungeon intact." The elf evaluated calmly, humming to herself. "A Tier 6 isn't something you see everyday, that's for sure."

"Are you confident taking something like that on, little one?" She turned to the side and looked up to ask.


"I see. Then, I will be counting on you I suppose."

[Summon Subordinates]

4 groups consisting of a handful of Piston Knight Crabs arrived in circles of light around the Oyster King and took up defensive positions.

[Bolster Subordinates]

A glow briefly flashed on their bodies, getting slightly bigger before the effect disappeared.

"Hmm, it seems their Attributes got another boost compared to the ones we found outside? Their health also increased by around a half." The elf commented after checking them over with her spell.

[Earth Magic - Elemental Coat]

A white energy with noticeably more deep blue and murky yellow slivers than before ignited around Nana's body as she pushed off the ground and shot towards the nearest group leaving a loud bang as she kicked off.


Slamming into the first Piston Knight Crab and breaking through the [Crustacean Piercing Lance] it levelled at her she got under it and smashed an uppercut into it's undercarriage whilst dispersing the [Charge] Skill's energy which she had held back from being used upon initial collision, lifting it off the ground.

Leaning back from a [Crusher Claw Guillotine] she hammered down on the offending claw's joint breaking it off.

Dashing towards another Piston Knight Crab weaving through multiple attacks she pressed her foot extra firmly passing by where the first Piston Knight Crab was about to land, a sharp pillar of stone promptly shooting up underneath it.

[Earth Magic]

Ignoring the pained screech from behind her Nana spun around [Foam Spray] and kept the rotation going batting away it's claws with her gauntlets which she added more mass to, performing a slight jump, raising her now giant rock clad fist which let out a heavy thoom before it smashed into the Piston Knight Crab's top crushing it into the ground.

[Seismic Smash]

Finishing it with another firm blow Nana lashed out with a kick to block another [Crustacean Piercing Lance], using the force to disengage with a jump, dodging a volley of similar attacks courtesy of the other Piston Knight Crabs that had finally made they way over.

Faced with the sea of towering cave textured green-blue crabs threateningly snipping at her Nana's lips drew back in a small smile flashing, her pearly whites peeking through the gap.

Flexing her fingers she looked down at the barrel sized blocky gauntlets, [Shield Bash] helpfully telling her they were big enough to constitute as a 'shield' all on their own even without the disk attachment now.

Getting an idea she slammed her hands together and interlocked her fingers to form a giant menacingly jagged shape, her finger's middle joints sharply extending forwards resembling a sinister maw of meaty spikes like clenched teeth.


Energy flared to life around her whilst she strained against the Skill trying to push her into moving, digging her heels into the ground to anchor herself.

[Shield Bash]

The energy doubled around her intertwined fists.

[Water Magic - Elemental Coat]

Originating just in front of her clasped hands a wave of rapid currents surged to life, rushing over the large shape to form a shell around it, concentrating, the revolving water gradually spun faster and faster until it look so sharp you'd get cut with just a glancing touch, tendrils of droplets crazily whipped around it lashing at the ground filling the marble with shallow lacerations as a high pitched shrieking noise sounded out.

Her hands started tugging at her even harder then, almost to the point of uprooting her feet.

Readying herself Nana stopped fighting against it and strongly pushed off of her back leg letting the insistent rotational force take charge as she dragging her into a spin, her body immediately blurring into motion before she shot off like a bullet.

Having a bit of trouble steering she frequently dipped down to the floor, drilling through it with just the slightest of contac, leaving wide serrated trenches in her wake.

Managing to somewhat keep on course, she easily sheared through the solid carapaces of the Piston Knight Crabs and continued on uninterrupted towards the other side of the chamber where she very likely would've just went straight though had she not stopped herself in time.

Separating her hands she reoriented herself in the air and dug her gauntlets into the floor once she touched down, sliding and unable to arrest her monstrous momentum fast enough leading to her slamming into the wall kicking up a cloud of dust.

A few moments later she emerged mostly unscathed, whatever damage quickly healing as she shook her head slightly before dashing back into the fight.

This time however, it seems the Oyster King wasn't content with acting a passive spectator.

As Nana bludgeoned another Piston Knight Crab throwing it into one of it's fellow subordinates she had to suddenly jump back as a 5 meters in diameter turbulent pillar of water shot up where she'd just been followed by another 14 similar pillars randomly strewn about around her.

[Rupture Geyser]

Weaving through them Nana was taken by surprise when a spherical cage of deep black-blue metal spines covered in fish-hook like barbs suddenly broke through the floor beneath her.

[Cage of the Depths]

Shielding herself by raising her gauntlets to catch the spines seeing as she wouldn't be fast enough to escape before it closed, she braced herself, feeling them slam into her a moment later.

Just as she was about to break out of the cage Nana saw a gigantic trident made of water shooting towards her followed by the spines doing a last ditch effort to hold her in place, Nana only having time to internally blink in confusion when the trident seemingly phased through the spines before it hit her head-on with a rupturous clang.

[Neptune's Wrath]

-14 000 (21 000 Damage Resisted)

A hand shot out of the rubble-filled crater followed by another before Nana pushed herself up and out, a small jump later she stood on the crater's edge unconcernedly shaking off the blow.


Punching the still standing cage which dissipated after 5 full-powered blows, she continued mowing through the Piston Knight Crabs.

This time actually taking some hits due of the Oyster King working alongside them, unfortunately for the monsters, any damage she sustained was fairly quickly healed up again during the times they couldn't hit her, resetting their progress back to zero.

Furthermore, the [Tranquilizing Mist] was a mental attack that inflicted the target with a sleep status, something she was completely immune to.

Once she had cleared out all of the Piston Knight Crabs Nana set her sights on the boss, jumping high and clasping her hands together accompanied by a heavy thoom.

[Seismic Smash]

However, she was stopped when a thin barrier resembling a soap bubble sprung to life around the Oyster King's body.

[Pearlescent Coat]

Although cracking, she didn't quite get through it, rebounding off of it landing a few meters away.

As she took as step forward and reared back a cocked fist she paused upon seeing the floor covered in a thin layer of water which quickly started rising, filling the room up until it was completely submerged not long after.

[Rushing Flood]

Nana suddenly leaned to the side to dodge another gigantic trident launched at her before she suddenly felt the water beginning to circulate, getting stronger and stronger until she starting getting dragged into the currents.

[Swirling Demise]

Looking around and seeing the Oyster King still protected by the bubble in the middle of the room she instead of figthing against it swam with the flow instantly speeding up, angling herself in such a way that she slowly drifted down towards the whirlpool's center.

Recreating her improvised Skill from before whilst siphoning rotational force off of the convenient source already created for her by the skill, her speed suddenly exploded.

It took barely a few seconds until she was down to the Oyster King's level and widely steered out towards the right before then swiftly veering back in aiming herself to hit the bubble head-on, upon colliding it managed to hold on for just a moment before shattering like fine glass under Nana's drilling assault whilst she continued on.

Smashing into the Oyster King she started shearing through it's thick shell sounding like a sharp drill sending fragments of it flying everywhere as the water that had been kept out by the bubble instantly swallowed the both of them.

However, it did nothing to slow down her attack, punching through a few seconds later Nana acted as a blender slicing up it's insides like a tornado of blades amidst it's agonized rumbles, eventually breaking through the shell on the opposite side in a shower of blood and gore before she finally stopped, a large cloud of red now staining the water which started slowly draining upon the Oyster King's death.

[Lv.64 > Lv.71]

"You actually beat it." The elf suddenly piped up, flickering back into view at Nana's side with another bubble on her head.

"Mmm. Fun."

"That's good, however, I'm still not sure why the Dungeon was acting so weird today. I'll have to report it when we get back lest anyone thinking it's merely a Tier 4 tries to enter." The elf mumbled to herself before looking at the remains of the Oyster King, a punctured shell with bits and pieces of it's insides hanging out of both holes pooling below. "I'm not sure if there's really anything left to harvest from that. Though maybe your magic looting method will work?"

Walking over Nana placed her hand up against the Boss making it dissolve into motes of light.

[Items Acquired: x1 Oyster King's Dawn Pearl (Quest Item), x1 [Royal's Pride Last Stand Skillbook] (Quest Exclusive), x23 Oyster King's Shell Fragments, x1 Equipment (Epic), x3 Equipment (Rare)]

"What have you got there?" The elf asked curiously, walking up to Nana who stored most of the items in her [Spatial Storage] except the Skillbook which she used instead much to the elf's visible wonder as she watched it getting absorbed into the girl's body.

[Royal's Pride Last Stand] (Legendary)


[Type: Passive]

[Effect: Upon taking a lethal blow the user enters a state of invulnerability for 3 seconds followed by regaining 20% of total HP after it has run out.]

[Cost: N/A]

[Cooldown: 300 seconds]


"Hmm? Is that right? So, what does a 'Skillbook' do? I don't believe I've ever heard of such a thing before." The elf asked after rifling through her memories.

"Gives Skill." Nana crouched down and opened the chest that had appeared in the Oyster King's place following it's corpse being looted.

[Items Acquired: x3 Equipment (Epic), x13 Equipment (Rare), x15 000 Gold Coins]

As a spell circle appeared enveloping the Boss room prompted by the chest's opening the elf swiftly walked over to cling onto Nana lest they be separated, disappearing from the Dungeon seconds later.


[World Announcement: Congratulations to Player Nana for achieving the First Clear of the Tier 4 Dungeon 'Drowning Gulf' on Nightmare Difficulty. Rewards include: [Class Skillbook] (Epic) x1, 5000 Gold Coins, +50 SP, +5 Levels and [Mystery Box] (Epic) x1]



"How have you not found her yet!?"

"Young Master, please do rest assured. I've already acquired the help of many Players currently residing in Crisa, they haven't found her yet but I suppose the World Announcement answers where she was gone."

"And how do you know she will even return to Crisa now that she has left?"

". . ."



[GAO - Group Chat - Gathering of the Elite]

Dragon Emperor: She has re-appeared.

HeavensFavorite: Why can I imagine you growling that on top of a stormy cliff burdened by heavy rain intensely glaring at someone with thunder flashing in the background?

Diamon: Sacred Saint, you got the numbers on Tier 4s?

Sacred Saint: Not yet, I'm still waiting for someone to reach the ceiling of Tier 3 which to my knowledge not many Players have even entered.

Thorny Rose: Oho? There's something even you don't know?

Sacred Saint: I'm good at gathering information not omniscient, blame everyone else for progressing too slow.

HeavensFavorite: Right, anyway, Tier 3 began at 1250 and according to 1-3, very roughly at least, doubling the previous total, Tier 4 would be 2500-4999 tentatively. On top of the Nightmare Stat mod increasing it by 150% there's a possibility she just cleared a Dungeon featuring monsters between 6250-12497 in Stat Total. . . Even the lowest estimate is multiple times stronger than the publicly known strongest Players.

Diamon: You better get on that recruitment Sacred Saint, I'm starting not to care who gets to her first as long as it's one of us. God forbid any of the top 10 families gets to her first, at that point we may as well just give up.

Sacred Saint: What do you think I'm doing? I've been trying but hadn't found her the past few days, for fairly obvious reasons now, but I also can't fall too far behind in Levels.

Thorny Rose: It's a shame I didn't spawn in Crisa, I'm sure I would've been able to hook her over to my side in a flash.

Sacred Saint: As if, you'll just scare her away acting the way you do. Even I would preferably keep a sizeable distance, unfortunately our parents are rather close.

Thorny Rose: Awww, how mean.


". . .She picked and even succeeded beating it on Nightmare? She would've gotten the Quest drop clearing it on Easy. . ."


On the way back to the harbor the elf had continued asking about 'Skillbooks' and 'Skills', finding the concept increasingly fascinating the more she heard, granted in small doses due to the short spoken girl.

Near unthinkable items able to impart onto you a set spell disregarding most requirements other than classes. No training nor previous knowledge needed as upon 'consuming' a Skillbook you would magically be able to perform the spell, or 'Skill' as long as you had the MP necessary.

It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, even more mystified considering it dropped from a Boss, many of which she had slain over her very long life without seeing hide nor hair of such an item.

"Do you have a current place of residence?" The elf asked as the girl hoisted them up onto the harbor and out of the water, shortly after being lifted off of the girl's back and placed down onto the wooden walkway beside her.


"Are you sure?" The elf continued skeptically, she knew that some demi-humans could be a bit too open-minded in terms of what they saw as a proper 'residence'. "A burrow, a cave, a hollow tree or anything smaller than 1 by 1 meter-" Pausing, the elf looked at her up and down. "-anything smaller than somewhere you can't fully lay splayed out without proper flooring does not count."

"Mhmm. Crisa."

"The Kingdom of Crisa?" The elf raised an eyebrow. "Then why were you- nevermind. I see, then I won't delay you any longer. You've shown more than capable of protecting yourself. I may come to visit you in the near future, I'm very curious about these Skillsbooks you see. Though, before you go." The elf lightly tapped her staff on the ground conjuring a gentle breeze that quickly dried them off.

"There." She nodded in satisfaction.

Saying goodbye to the elf which she still hadn't gotten the name of Nana then began making her way back to Crisa inwardly content at being able to upgrade her mental sparring partners using the data she gathered from the Dungeon monsters.


"Finally." Abaddon muttered to himself selecting the Traceless Echo class after first completing a lengthy Questline which brought him a decent chunk of exp bringing him up to just a few Levels off of advancing, having spent the majority of his time recently grinding the remainders.




Rank: Tier 3

Class: [Traceless Echo] (Epic) +17 AGI +12 PER +7 INT +3 STR +3 VIT

HP: 1540/1540

MP: 6360/6360

STR: 151 - (101 + 50%)

VIT: 154 - (103 + 50%)

AGI: 856 - (571 + 50%)

INT: 636 - (424 + 50%)

PER: 553 - (369 + 50%)

Skills: [Piercing Strike] > [Severing Stab], [Stealth], [Dash], [Spatial Storage], [Appraise], [Mirage Scatter Step], [Familiar Summon/Unsummon], [Mapping Echo],

Passives: [Masking Haze]


Taking a sip of his drink Abaddon mused to himself, if he remembered correctly the Auction House feature would become available soon.

At the moment he had a decent amount of gold coins if you took into account how very early they still were, however, he had plans.

Plans that required a vast sum many times what he currently possessed.

Now the question was how he should go about acquiring those sums, he knew of multiple ways to get rich fairly easily but each one had different opportunities intertwined with it's methods.

After thinking for a bit and unable to arrive at anything concrete for now he planned to wait until Nana had come back and turned in her Quest before really deciding on anything, he wasn't in as much of a hurry as he would have been without such a good start so he could afford to hold off for a short bit, also, she shouldn't be too far away counting the time.

His guess turned out to be more accurate than he'd thought when a few moments later the Shockwave Lion she had saddled him with, he had debated trying to return it considering he wasn't sure how she'd even taken it in the first place but hadn't gotten to it yet, suddenly perked up and started sniffing the air.

The reason soon becoming clear when he turned around to see Nana entered the inn snacking on another roast, which-

How had she not run out already?

He knew she had alot stocked up but with the pace she consumed them she should've ran out long ago.

It didn't even take a moment for Nana to spot him.

As she made her way over in that leisurely bordering on sleepy lumbering he'd come to associate with her 'down-time' state in contrast to the sharpness she moved with whilst in combat Abaddon raised an eyebrow as he noticed the top of her head almost scraping against the roof inn's roof.

He knew she was tall, very tall even. But he could swear he remembered her decidedly shorter before she'd left, which was a rather astonishing thought in and of itself considering she already was giant, and apparently even more so now.

Plopping down at his table he heard the wooden chair creak in protest under her weight, he wasn't even going to try and guess an accurate estimate, not only because he didn't know if she'd punch him for it seeing as most girls were sensitive about that stuff, but also, she couldn't be light with her frame, just her bones would probably weigh a fair bit by themselves.

"Welcome back Nana, did it go well?" He said.

"Mhmm." She nodded, extending a long muscled leg to hold the ravenous looking Shockwave Lion in place whist the Imperial Hell Hawk that had previously been picking at some shiny ornaments on the other side of the inn flew over and perched on her shoulder.

Remembering her having cleared a Tier 4 Dungeon, on Nightmare at that, Abaddon got a bit curious and cast [Appraise] whilst taking another sip of his drink-



Lv. 77

HP: 392 060/392 060 (23523/3s)


Which was promptly spat out in a picture perfect spit-take as he gaped shell-shocked staring unbelievingly at the numbers displayed in front of him.

Her Level he could justify, despite it getting increasingly harder to Level up each 25 Levels, considering she soloed a Tier 4 Dungeon at the hardest difficulty it wasn't that much of a stretch to think of her reaching Level 77.

He also knew she had some absolutely bullshit Skills that were just plainly unfair, however, having the results presented in a format he could actually digest and have a frame of reference for he realized that she was even more of a cheat than he'd thought prior.

Not even mentioning her regeneration, she was basically unkillable at this point unless besieged by an army. He shuddered imagining her only continuing to grow at this rate, eventually she could become actually unbeatable barring people starting to treat her like a walking Raid Boss and creating strategies to specifically counter her, even then, who knows what else she'll have acquired by then.

"I see you got even stronger." Abaddon commented with a twitching eye.

Remembering that he had only hoped for her not to be useless when he'd decided to recruit her out of necessity he wasn't sure how to feel having the roles reversed, barring his knowledge which obviously wasn't an inconsiderable advantage, in terms of Stats he was who knows how far behind.

At least, if it came down to a fight he was fairly sure he could somewhat keep up relying on his AGI.

He did have more AGI than her. . . right?


On the way to the castle Abaddon had an odd feeling of being watched, the hairs at the back of his neck standing at attention whilst a foreboding chill wrapped around him.

Glancing up at Nana and seeing her continuing on like nothing he almost thought he was imagining it, if she could discover an ambush before they'd gotten close enough to even see her then being able to percieve someone's gaze probably wasn't that much of an impossibility.

His new Skill [Mapping Echo] also wouldn't any help since it wasn't capable of detecting hostility or anything like that, it only helped him get a view of the surroundings by sending out a pulse not too dissimilar to a bat's echolocation, just silent.


"Young Master, the Player has returned to Crisa."

"Good, you were lucky this time. If you'd lost track of her then I assume I don't need to expand on the consequences, I have no use for ineffective subordinates after all."

"Yes, Young Master."


[GAO - Group Chat - Gathering of the Elite]

Sacred Saint: She's back.

Justice Bound: Who?

HeavensFavorite: Who else dum dum? Nana.

Diamon: Have you made contact yet?

Sacred Saint: No. I hurried back as fast as I could when I got a report of her returning but I wasn't fast enough to catch her at the inn she's staying at.

Justice Bound: Did she leave again already?

Sacred Saint: Not Crisa itself, taking into account the way she and who I'm almost certain is Abaddon is heading towards they're probably going to the castle for some reason, Quest maybe?

Warrior King: What are you waiting for then? Just go and recruit them already!

Diamon: You be quiet, you have the social skills of a bull in a china shop.

Warrior King: HEY!

Imperial: As much as I would rather not agree with the barbarian, why have you not engaged yet Sacred Saint? If they somehow slip away because you stayed your hand it would be a rather undesirable outcome.

BeastGod33: What Imperial said.

Thorny Rose: Gasp! Don't tell me. . . ! Could it be that you're shy, Sacred Saint!? How scandalous! Who is it? Did that Abaddon fellow tick your boxes? Or maybe. . . You've been smitted by the girl!?

Sacred Saint: Just you entertaining the thought of myself being enamored past the point of discarding rationality and logic makes me wanna hurl. I'm not as appearance-horny as you are. No. The reason I've held off is because of a slight problem popping up.

Diamon: Which is?

Sacred Saint: She's being watched by people other than mine and before I know who it is for sure I don't want to be seen trying to approach so openly, worst case scenario it's someone from the top 10 families.

HeavensFavorite: Shit, already?

Diamon: Do you have no clue at all?

Sacred Saint: Not at the moment, no. I'm gonna tail them for a bit and see if I can't find an opportunity to talk to them without any onlookers but I'm not sure if I'll get a chance.

Dragon Emperor: May the heavens bless you with fortune.


Abaddon glanced around with slight curiousity they were able to enter surprisingly smoothly presumably because the King notified the guards about Nana's possible appearance, maybe also because of the Shockwave Lion trailing behind them, his own presence at her side being allowed after a bit of back and forth and another test in the form of a crystal ball that re-confirmed his non-criminal status.

Walking down the wide hallways leading deeper into the castle's depths Abaddon idly reached out to drag his arm through the sunlight streaming in through the windows placed inside arches that lined the walls feeling it's warmth.

Passing by multiple patrolling guards who briefly sent them a scrutinizing gaze before averting their eyes upon seeing the silver furred lion, they eventually arrived in front of massive double-doors which Nana didn't hesitate to easily push open.

Quickly following after her, the doors closing behind them, Abaddon finally saw the King of Crisa with long flowing brown hair sat upon his throne alongside two others at his side wearing spotless soft white robes with golden accents draping over their willowy thin figures, their faces sharp and visibly aged currently sporting scowls as they both glared daggers directed their way.

Internally frowning at the noticeable distaste displayed towards him despite this being the first time he had even met them, Abaddon's opinion of them also dropped several degrees.

He knew NPC's varied as much as humans did which unfortunately meant some nobles and or those in possession of higher positions were just as likely to be the stereotypical arrogant snouty peacocks he loathed.

Expression darkening, his fingers twitched slightly, he was much stronger than he was way back when he was first dragged into the Knights of Radiance's bullshit and their current attitude wasn't much better than those idiots that looked down upon him slaving away for the Guild's benefit.

Nana on the other hand didn't even care, simply walking up to the throne's podium, stepped onto it and retrieved the [Oyster King's Dawn Pearl], handing it to the King who gently reached out to receive it, the advisors looking murderous seeing the footprints she unintentionally left behind.

"Thank you for listening to my request and quite possibly saving my Kingdom and people from a more gruesome future."

[Quest Completed: Perilous Courier (3)]

[Items Acquired: 10 HP Potions (Large), 10 MP Potions (Large), 15 000 Gold Coins, 40 SP]

"Now then, have you decided on what you would like of me? As long as it is within my power and does not overly implicate Crisa I will fulfill any wish you may have." The King declared solemnly, carefully pocketing the [Oyster King's Dawn Pearl].

Letting out a hum Nana lightly rocked on the balls of her feet in thought, the King patiently waiting for her to finish.

Unable to come up with anything even a couple of minutes later, Abaddon's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Nana, why don't you ask for a title?"

Turning to look down at him from over her shoulder she tilted her head with a blink.

"If you get a title, no matter the rank, you can start buying property in the Kingdom where it was bestowed." He explained as ideas starting flowing through his mind.

Even if opening up a shop would be pretty redundant as the Auction House quickly became the main method of transaction as soon as it became available seeing as there was no need to make face to face contact for a trade, discarding the problem of distance, getting access to a, or multiple, private lots this early on especially when no one else had, the prices in comparison to what he was used to was best described as dirt cheap.

Private lots later on, only the powerful and wealthy were capable of vying for.

Not only did owning one allow you to create a Guild headquarters which came with it's own advantages, you could also refit them to be storage warehouses, fields to grow ingredients and materials, furnish them with blacksmith, tailoring or alchemy equipment and hire more crafting inclined Players to produce a steady supply of goods, or whatever else really.

Anyhow, if they could monopolize every purchasable plot of land in Crisa then they could essentially 'own' the Kingdom in a way, at least when it came to Players wanting to establish themselves, they could regulate and maybe even competely rebuff anyone should they choose to do so.

Eventually managing to convince her of the potential benfits he finally got her on board with the idea, though he had a feeling that wasn't solely due to his own words considering she seemed pretty indifferent until suddenly agreeing for some indistinct reason.

"A title, hmm?" The King hummed thoughtfully. "I have a nagging feeling you would be rather opposed to the majority of duties being conferred a title would saddle you with however." He mused, he couldn't see her getting along with most if any at all of higher status considering her stark lack of care in decorum.

He also wasn't convinced she would be very precise nor punctual when it came to paperwork.

"My King, I recommend against bestowing a title upon the girl." One of his advisors voiced bitingly, quite unable to completely hide his disdain.

"I second the notion." The second followed.

The King didn't acknowledge their words, however, it seems the girl's friend took offense to comments, visibly restraining himself from opening his mouth.

Unfortunately for all their intelligence his two advisors were very straight-laced and hard-headed, their loyalty to the crown leading to any perceived slights against his presence resulting in an immediate dislike on their part.

Not to say he had no pride but he was aware and recognized that some people were just powerful enough to not care about such things after a certain point, why would they acknowledge a mere King when even whole Kingdoms had to be wary of incurring their wrath.

Drumming his fingers on the throne's armrest a smile suddenly spread on his chiselled face as he spoke up.

"I have decided." The King said, rising to his feet and walking down the podium's steps to stand in front of the girl who looked down at him. "If you were to be willing, I would be honored to officially name you the Guardian of Crisa. Do not worry, I am under no delusion you would be content permantently waiting in my Kingdom for enemies that may or may not come, merely providing us protection in times of need will suffice." He said.

"Furthermore, you would be under no obligations to defer to any authority no matter rank nor status, not even to myself should you not wish to." The King promised forthrightly.

"My King!"

"I beg you to reconsider!"

The King raised his hand to stop any objections as expectantly waited for the girl's answer.

". . .Okay." Nana agreed, she didn't mind having the opportunity to fight an enemy Kingdom and if she got bored eventually then she could just leave either way.

It wasn't like anyone here could really stop her.

"Excellent!" The King laughed happily, reaching up to pat her shoulder.

[Acquired Title: Guardian of Crisa]


Titles: [Titan Infant] (Ancient) Lv.1, [Brightly Shining Star] (Legendary) Lv.Max, [Guardian of Crisa] Lv.Max (Epic) - Able to teleport to Crisa once a week and allows the user to sense when Kingdom is in danger. Teleportation cooldown is once disregarded during hostile attack. Increased reputation in Crisa. User is granted access to boons on par with the highest of nobility whilst just below or even beyond the King's authority in select areas.


"I will be counting on you going forward." The King nodded satisfied as he returned to his throne. "Send out notices of my word, Crisa has come under the protection of our Guardian and let the message spread as far as you can manage." He gestured with a wave, one of the advisors despite the clear protest on the cusp of his lips dipped in a respectful bow and went to carry out the King's orders.


"My King, are you sure this is wise?" The sole remaining advisor questioned solemnly just after the two left. "We do not know from whence she came nor do we know her origin nor disposition outside of an obstinate mindset and obliviousness to the point of willful ignorance."

"Hmm." The King hummed in acknowledgement, much more open to discussion now that he heard valid worries and concerns instead of scathing quips. "You are entirely correct."


"However." The King interrupted. "Tell me, what does Crisa as a Kingdom sorely lack compared to the publicly recognized top Kingdoms? And be honest. My pride is not so vain as to take established facts as insults."

". . .As much as it vexes me I can think of multiple facets where we fall short, self-sustainment most glaringly closely followed by a trade unique to each of them." The advisor admitted in chagrin.

"That too, which, though very important, not what exactly what I had in mind. Why don't you humor me in a little game."

"My King?"

"I will announce a name and you report to me the first person that enters your mind once you hear it."

". . .Understood." The advisor despite his confusion still obeyed.


"Roland the Holy Protector."


"Iris the Ocean Weaver."


"Talibah the Arcane Library."

"Good." The King nodded. "Crisa."

"You, my King."

"Hmm." The King nodded again. "Now, while I am well aware of your knowledge and do not doubt your ability to answer this yourself, how many of the common folk not living in those respective Kingdoms do you think can name their rulers should you ask?"

". . .It should- I-. . . I am unsure, my King." The advisor answered hesitantly.

"How many do you think could name Sir Roland, Ms. Iris and Ms. Talibah?"

". . .I see your point, my King. However, I'm still not convinced of your choice."

"Unfortunate but not unexpected, nevertheless I have a good feeling about the girl."


Abaddon spent the next few hours dragging a more sedatedly paced Nana around Crisa buying all the lots they could afford at the moment resulting in Nana buying 7 large lots for 70 000 gold coins on top of another 2 large ones and 1 medium sized with the 25 000 he gave her reducing their previous riches to a scant few dozens between them.

It had also reminded him of something he hadn't thought about yet, did he want to create a Guild?

The answer was a strong yes, especially now that could so readily establish a Guild Base right away.

Stood in front of 4 large lots they luckily found next to each other to essentially form a singular massive space Abaddon brought up the game's menu with a horizontal swpie of his palm, pausing his actions upon seeing someone suddenly approaching.

Nana had been respectfully greeted as 'Guardian' by most of the NPCs but no one had yet taken the initiative to make contact fully.

Eyes narrowing he cast [Appraise].


[Sacred Saint]

Lv. 39

HP: 850/850


Sacred Saint?

He didn't know one of the foremost information brokers and a not so inconsiderably talented Healer started in Crisa, did she move over after getting wind of Nana's location through her network?

As she neared Abaddon instantly recognized her, flowing long blonde hair reflecting the sun's light with large limpid baby-blue eyes, a round face with traces of baby fat on her cheeks and a small button nose.

Combined with her petite build she presented the visage of an adorable, harmless little animal.

The insides did not quite match the outsides however, renowned for her uncanny ability to scrounge up information no matter how obscure or concealed, alot of people with things to hide feared and hated her in equal measure because of what she represented.

She was the knife hanging over their necks, an unknown, silently threatening possibility of her coming knocking on the door with demands and wants in exchange for buying her silence.

Not unsurprisingly, there weren't many that would even risk getting on her bad side.

"Greetings. You're Abaddon I take it?" She came to a stop in front of him and said with a sweet smile Abaddon was 90% sure wasn't as genuine as it seemed on her face.

Consciously widening his eyes in 'shock' he took a startled step back.

"H-How did you know?" He stuttered out in a 'panic', he didn't know if his piss poor acting could fool her but it would hopefully at least conceal the fact that he knew more than he should about her.

Spotting the barely perceptible glow of the [Appraise] Skill shining in her eyes which then flashed with slight surprise, he guessed she probably changed her following words then, unable to use the Skill as an excuse since his [Masking Haze] Skill shielded him from it.

"Oh, I'm a fan of Nana! Imagine my delighted surprise when I saw her just walking down the street, I didn't know I was lucky enough to spawn so close to her." She said, a light blush suddenly adorned her cheeks as she tucked strands of hair behind her ear, demurely lowering her head to stare at the ground. "I was too shy to come up and say hi, but when I saw you walking by her side then I guessed you would most likely be Abaddon." She explained softly, cutely shuffling her feet.

. . .If he didn't know her prior he probably would've bought it, her acting was kind of scary actually.

Was this her facade before her real capabilities were revealed?

"So that's it." Abaddon put his hand on over his heart, exhaling a big breath of 'relief' before he suddenly straightened, crossing his arms. "However, someone knowing my appearance now could be pretty troublesome." He 'secretly' whispered to himself.

Those PKers had already put his description up on the forums but not many actually believed that it was him, partly because they were PKers and also because he was never shown in the video, the elevation's lip hiding him just over it.

"Oh! D-Don't worry! I won't tell anyone, I promise!" She quickly assured 'accidentally hearing him.

"Really?" His eyes narrrowed in suspicion as he looked down at her.

"Really, really! I'll keep it a secret! Just um-. . ." Her words lowered to mumbles.


"C-Could you um. . ."

"Speak up."

"Could you ask Nana to add me if possible, please!" She suddenly exclaimed out loud as if determined not to suppress her voice any longer, big watery blue eyes raised to look at him pleadingly, sparkling with hope. "A-And you too, of course." She meekly added.

The afterthought is real, Abaddon inwardly twitched in irritation.

"Yeah, sure." He did his damndest not to show how much she was getting on his nerves, it was even worse because he knew that she was acting, probably so he wouldn't just shoo her away. "Though, why don't you ask her yourself? She's just over ther-" He said whilst turning around about to point to where she was previously laying in the middle of the massive lot of nothing but packed dirt when he was hit with a sense of deja vu, Nana having disappeared without him noticing once again.

". . .Or not." He said after a pause. "Either way, I don't know where she went but I'll be sure to ask her about adding you when she comes back, as for myself-" He continued, scrolling through his friend requests until eventually finding and accepting her's.

"Oh, thank you so much." She smiled cutely, clasping her hands in front of her.

". . ." An awkward silence followed.

Seeing her remaining in place with seemingly no intentions of moving despite his veiled dismissal, Abaddon suppressed his desire to call her out on it, just about to try again when she suddenly lowered her gaze to the ground again.

What was she up to now?


Don't humor her, ignore it.

"Well." He massaged the back of his neck with a hand. "I've gotta get started with some things so. . ."

"I see." She nodded.

". . ."

Do you, do you really!? Then why are you still here, huh!?

Not really knowing whether to be clearer with wanting her gone Abaddon idly shifted his weight, freezing as he felt a slight resistance and hearing the sound of light splashing.

Eyes widening he whirled around, his jaw dropping seeing half the lot's total surface area blanketed in a shallow sheen of water originating from a large 5 meters in diameter hole that had NOT been there just minutes ago.

Seeing another wave pulse out of the opening further covering even more ground he quickly sprung into action, a genuine this time, panicked scream escaping him.


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