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85.07% A Prince of House Targaryen / Chapter 57: A Bond Between Siblings

Capítulo 57: A Bond Between Siblings

Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The Following 16 Chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 58 (Father and Son), Chapter 59 (A Targaryen Love), Chapter 60 (The Quiet Wolf), Chapter 61 (Mother and Son), Chapter 62 (A Night of Passion), Chapter 63 (Silverwing and Morning), Chapter 64 (The Jousting), Chapter 65 (A Dragon of House Targaryen), Chapter 66 (A Threat or Salvation), Chapter 67 (Cannibal, The Wild Dragon), Chapter 68 (Daenerys, The Dragon Princess), Chapter 69 (A Golden Flower), Chapter 70 (Tears of Direwolves), Chapter 71 (A Stark Without A Direwolf), Chapter 72 (A Princess's Night), and Chapter 73 (A Direwolf's Blood) are already available for Patrons.

The Royal Quarters

After giving them the happy news that Val was pregnant, his family seemed in much higher spirits; Queen Elia was saying something to Val. Despite his overwhelming happiness at this moment, however, a small part of him couldn't resist stealing glances at his sister.

As he gazed into her enchanting eyes, he felt an inexplicable connection that seemed to transcend all rationality, and every time she spoke to him, his heart would flutter like a bird's wings, threatening to burst out of his chest and take flight into the unknown depths of his desire for her. It was as if the world had conspired to bring them together, their souls entwined in a dance that defied explanation, and he knew deep down that he would do anything to keep this feeling alive, to hold onto her and never let go.

He knew Val had noticed the way he gazed at Rhaenys; Aemon stood there, transfixed by the gaze of her eyes, unsure of what to think. The memory of their kiss still lingered in his mind, haunting him like a ghostly apparition. He could feel his heart racing as he recalled the sensation of her lips on his, the warmth of her breath on his skin, and the intoxicating scent of her perfume that had enveloped him in a cloud of desire. As he looked at her, he couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he had given in to his urges and allowed himself to be consumed by the passion that had threatened to overwhelm him. He knew it had taken every ounce of his willpower to resist her seductive charms and pull away before they were both naked in her bed. Despite his inner turmoil, Aemon remained composed, his face betraying nothing of the storm raging within him.

As he stood there, gazing at her, a part of him yearned to be with her, to feel her soft skin against his own, to taste the sweetness of her lips, and to wrap his arms around her in an embrace that would never end. For what seemed like an eternity, he had dreamed of her, imagining every detail of her flawless face, the way her long hair fell in waves around her shoulders, and the way she moved with grace and elegance. Every time she touched him, his body would erupt in shivers of pleasure, sending his senses into overdrive. And her eyes, oh her eyes, they were a mesmerizing shade of purple. Her scent was like a bouquet of fresh flowers, intoxicating and alluring, drawing him closer to her with every breath that reminded him of the rare blue roses that only grew in the North. That night when they had kissed, it had felt right.

Why? He didn't know, perhaps he never would, but having her in his arms, touching her beautiful skin, he felt drunk in her scent. He felt like he could look at her for an eternity.

As Aemon sat at the table with Val, he felt a wave of anxiety wash over him, his palms becoming clammy and his heart racing. Seeing the concern etched on his face, Val gently placed her hand on his under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Aemon felt a sense of comfort and relief at the simple touch, the warmth of her skin radiating through his.

He turned his attention back to Prince Aegon, my brother, Aemon thought. He didn't know yet what to think of him. He seemed a good prince, who loved magical creatures, a part of Aemon wanted to see his face when he revealed Aegarax to them. How would everyone react? Seeing a Dragon. It was no surprise that rumors had already begun to spread like wildfire, as knights and servants alike had reported seeing the dragon flying above them in the dead of night. Aemon knew that he couldn't keep his Aegarax hidden any longer.

Aemon didn't know how large Balerion had been, but from what he read, Aegarax was slightly smaller than him.

A part of Aemon felt dread. The Dragon Prince knew what having a Dragon meant. Power.

That's what it meant in the eyes of every lord of Westeros. Aemon knew many lords would perhaps look at him with envy, desire, and a way to have more political power. After all, Dragons are what conquered Westeros.

Aemon found himself not caring what they thought of him, he had the power, and he would never let anyone ever take what is mine; Aemon thought he had carved for it for so long, now he held it in the palm of his hands.

While many lords were eager to seize power and take the Throne for themselves, Aemon held no such desire. His interests lay elsewhere, and he was content with pursuing his own dreams.

Although some may have viewed him as a potential threat to their own ambitions, Aemon remained steadfast in his convictions and refused to be swayed by the allure of power. To him, the idea of sitting in an uncomfortable chair was far less appealing than the prospect of living a life filled with purpose and meaning.

All he wanted was to be no longer controlled by chains, to be free, and for no one to take what rightfully belonged to him. I Will never allow anyone to take what belongs to me again. Aemon thought.

As Aemon stood with his sister, Val, by his side, he felt an overwhelming sense of love and protection for his family. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he vowed never to let anyone harm them or let them slip from his grasp. The thought of anyone threatening their family was enough to ignite a burning rage within him, ready to defend them against any danger.

Aemon had been lost in his thoughts, contemplating the recent events that had transpired in his life, when he felt a sudden nudge on his shoulder, jolting him back to reality. He looked around, feeling disoriented, and asked, "W-What?" only to see that everyone was staring at him, their eyes fixed on him, particularly that of Daenerys and Rhaenys, who were looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Aemon couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment, wondering how long he had been lost in his own thoughts.

"Dany wanted to ask if you can warg your direwolf?" Rhaenys said, holding a fork in her right hand.

Prince Viserys, with an air of boredom and disdain, nonchalantly rolled his eyes as he raised his goblet of crimson wine to his lips, taking a deep swig that made his mouth reek of the strong, intoxicating liquor. His face was flushed with a rosy hue, his eyes slightly glazed, evidence of the fact that he was already half-drunk and had been indulging in the heady pleasures of the grape for some time.

Aemon wondered when he had walked inside but paid him no mind.

"I have dreamed of being Ghost. I wake up with the taste of blood in my mouth, but not more than that." Aemon explained, holding back that he could warg over ten animals. With a soft smile towards his family, his left hand holding a goblet filled with Water mixed with honey, his right hand holding Val's hand.

Dany's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, almost glittering like the rarest jewels, as she looked up from her goblet and caught Aemon's gaze. A pretty smile formed on her face, revealing her pearl-white teeth, and her purple eyes roamed up and down his figure, lingering on his broad shoulders and well-defined muscles before returning to meet his eyes. From the predatory look on her face, Aemon couldn't help but wonder what his aunt was thinking about as she held his gaze over the rim of her goblet.

As Dany savored the rich, fruity notes of the wine on her tongue, she couldn't help but run her tongue over her lips to capture every last drop of the delicious liquid. Aemon, who had been watching her intently, noticed the sensuous gesture and felt a flicker of unease in his chest. Rhaella's silver locks swayed as she shook her head in disbelief, her eyes filled with disappointment and frustration. Meanwhile, Val, with his piercing blue eyes, simply furrowed a brow, taken a little by surprise at Dany's gesture. The silence between them was palpable as they both struggled to find the right words to say.

"Have you ever dreamed of being Kessa?" Aegon asked, breaking the silence, using a fork and a knife to cut his stake. His clothes were clean, with no sign of dirt or stain in them. One would think he had just washed them.

"Yes, and with her, I can dream for much longer. I once dreamed of flying over the Wall." Aemon answered with an uneasy smile this time. He remembered once when White Walkers had stopped him.

As Viserys took a sip from his goblet, a snort escaped him, echoing loudly throughout the room. The sound drew the attention of those around him, but he didn't seem to care, taking another gulp of his drink. Unlike his nephew Aegon, who had always been particular about keeping his clothes clean, Viserys didn't seem to mind that his attire was slightly stained and rumpled. In fact, he wore it with pride, as if it were a symbol of his not caring spirit. And as he lifted his hands to take another drink, it was impossible to ignore the five golden rings that adorned each of his fingers, glinting in the light and adding a touch of extravagance to his otherwise disheveled appearance.

"Only a Dream; there's no such thing. Only crazy tales from the Wildlings." Viserys said dismissively. Rhaella stood there with her piercing gaze locked onto her son. One could sense the intense anger emanating from her. Her eyes, usually soft and warm, were now burning with fury as she stared at him with a look that could cut through steel...

"The Wildlings do have Skinchangers, Prince Viserys." Aemon countered, getting tired of the way the man was looking at them.

"There's no such thing as warging. Only the Blood of The Dragon holds power." Viserys suddenly claimed, looking straight at Aemon and Val with a challenging look. We are Dragons made men. We are The Blood of the Dragon. Only we deserve to hold magical powers, Viserys thought with conviction.

"There are, in the true north, Skin changers and greenseers in every tribe. There's Varamyr, our strongest Skinchanger. He has six animals that he can control willingly." Val countered with a cold and sharp tone. Val didn't like the way he insulted the North and her people. She knew the people of Valyrian held power in their blood. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to control the dragons, she wouldn't deny that, but people in the North and beyond the wall held power. They weren't just wild people.

Children of The Forest were an excellent example of that, no one knew what they were capable of, but The Hammer of the Waters was a legend still told even amongst the Free Folk. She had even heard from Aemon that there were books in Winterfell that talked about the Hammer of the Waters.

What caused the Arm of Dorne to shatter, the piece of land that long ago connected Westeros with Essos now was nothing but islands that now were now known as Stepstones. That proved that the Children of The Forest were more than creatures that looked harmless and powerless.

Viserys looked at Val with a snarl; Aemon stood ready, his hand instinctively reaching for the smooth pommel of his sword. "No one asked you, you filthy Wildling. It suits both of you, a bast-." He spoke angrily; Aemon's eyes narrowed as he abruptly stood up from his wooden chair, causing it to fall back with a loud thud. His gaze was fixed on the man in front of him, whose face was twisted in fear. The room was silent except for the sound of Aemon's sword being half unsheathed, the metallic ring echoing off the stone walls. The tension was palpable as Aemon's hand hovered over the hilt of his weapon, ready to strike at any moment.

Rhaegar was glaring at his brother for speaking like that to his son and his bride. He was about to command him to leave when everyone heard a burst of laughter from Val before she looked at Viserys.

"Wildling, is that supposed to be an insult? I would return it back to you. if I took you for a man." Val countered with her own glare. She hated herself for not having her dagger with her. In the True North, she would have sliced his throat without hesitation, but the slam of a goblet stopped everything.

"Viserys," Rhaella's voice rang out into the royal chamber, the sound echoing off the walls. The mere tone of her voice was enough to make the air still, and the silence that followed was almost deafening. At that moment, one could hear their heartbeats, pounding like a drum in their chest, as all eyes turned towards the queen and her son.

"Jikagon naejot aōha chamber. Sir. (Go to your bedchamber. Now.)" Rhaella ordered her son, who reluctantly left the chamber, but not before glaring at both Aemon and Val.

After closing the door behind him, the prince heard the cry of a crow, but he ignored it this time. Shut Up, he thought with anger. Viserys breathed heavily, his eyes almost seeing red. A Valyrian Sword, Two Magical Creatures, a Woman he loves, No. Who is he to have all that?? Viserys thought furiously. He had dreamed of them. He had dreamed of Becoming a Dragon.

Viserys knew he would soon have his Dragon. He had dreamed of him, a Dragon that would surpass every other dragon in existence. I'm a Worthy Son. A Worthy Prince. Viserys thought with determination, reaching his chamber, a naked whore waiting on his bed. Her Silver hair was a sight to see, pretty, lovely face, just like you...Visery's thought lingered in his mind, sliding down his pants.

I will need to speak with Petyr after this, Viserys thought before burying himself inside her, imagining purple eyes looking back at him instead of the whore's boring lavender eyes.

Aemon Targaryen

After Prince Viserys left, he wanted to leave. His blood was boiling. Who does he think he is? I will shorten his tongue next time he opens his mouth and says something he shouldn't, Aemon thought, a thunder was heard outside, something that only Rhaella paid attention to, as her eyes furrowed towards Aemon.

"I think we better leave," he whispered to Val, his voice low. However, just as he was about to take a step forward, a firm hand landed on his shoulder, halting his movement abruptly, expecting to see his father, but instead was Queen Elia.

"Please stay a bit longer. I'm sorry about Viserys. It won't happen again." She said, almost pleading; Aemon felt Val grabbing his hand gently.

"It's alright, Jon. Let's just sit down." Val spoke softly to him, her thumb caressing his palm.

Aemon reluctantly accepted before sitting down, and silence fell over the room. Rhaegar looked furious with his brother until Daenerys's face brightened up. As she sat across from Aemon, her eyes sparkled with curiosity and admiration, and her hand rested delicately against her soft cheek. With a slight tilt of her head, she asked, "Aemon, I couldn't help but hear that you are an excellent horse rider. Is it true?" The way she spoke was as if she were entranced by the idea, as if she envisioned Aemon galloping through a field with the wind in his hair. Her fascination was palpable, and it was evident that she was eager to hear more about his equestrian prowess.

"Yes, Aunt Daenerys. I love riding horses." Aemon's answer made Daenerys smile even more.

"We can ride to The Trident together. Me and Rhaenys often rode there. Aegon can come to." Daenerys proposed, her eyes flickering at Aegon, who looked deep in thought.

"Sure," Aegon replied with a grin that hinted at a mischievous streak, "It's been some time since I won." As he spoke, he leaned back in his chair. Aegon was renowned throughout the family as the best rider, a title he took great pride in and liked to boast about at any given opportunity. He had spent countless hours training and perfecting his technique, and it showed in his impressive record of victories. Despite his success, Aegon never rested on his laurels, always striving to improve and push himself to new heights.


His father had prepared a horse for all of them, except Aemon, since he would ride Ghost. Val told him that she would spend time with Dacey, saying that she wanted to spend time with her friend and that he needed to spend time with his family. After their horses were prepared, Aemon noticed the looks he was getting from many servants, The Kingsguards following them were Ser Arthur, Ser Jonothor, and Ser Darry, and a group of twenty soldiers.

As Aemon rode along the vast green fields, the breeze against his face felt like a refreshing escape from the day-to-day routine. Ghost was enjoying the ride just as much as he was, his tongue lolling out in pure canine bliss. Above them, Kessa soared through the air with effortless grace, her majestic wings slicing through the clouds. Aemon couldn't help but chuckle at the awestruck expressions of the guards they passed by, their eyes widening with fear and disbelief at the sight of Kessa's magnificent figure when Aegon saw Kessa. His eyes were filled with excitement.

As Aegon gazed upon the majestic Northern Eagle, his eyes widened in wonder and admiration, and he couldn't help but exclaim in delight, "She's a Beauty!" His voice was filled with excitement and enthusiasm, reminiscent of a child who had just received their most cherished toy. Aemon chuckled at Aegon's reaction, finding it amusing how the Northern Eagle had captivated his brother's attention so completely. Despite the chill in the air and the biting winds that whipped around them, Aegon remained fixated on the magnificent bird, marveling at its graceful movements and the way its feathers shimmered in the sunlight.

They finally arrived at the bank of the Trident. The crystal clear water flowed calmly, reflecting the shining sun and swaying branches of nearby trees. The serene atmosphere was only interrupted by the occasional rustling of leaves and birds chirping that filled the air. As they gazed out at the tranquil scene before them, they noticed that there was not a single soul in sight as far as their eyes could reach. Suddenly, a flock of birds took flight, disturbed by the sound of Kessa's landing. The rhythmic flapping of wings echoed through the peaceful surroundings.

As the young Prince Aegon stared up at the North eagle, he felt an inexplicable urge to approach the magnificent creature. Aegon was determined to get closer to the creature and perhaps even touch its feathers. However, as he began to take a step forward, Ser Darry fearlessly stepped between the two, shielding Aegon from any potential harm. With his sword drawn and his eyes fixed on the eagle, Ser Darry stood resolute, ready to defend his prince from any danger that may come their way.

"Your grace, it's not safe." The man said warily. The eagle was looking at them, almost evaluating them, her wings spread almost protectively around Aemon.

"It's safe, Ser Darry. Kessa would never harm anyone who is not a threat to me." As he spoke, Aemon gently caressed the top of the eagle's head, the soft feathers feeling like silk against his skin. It was a gesture that seemed to put the Kingsguard at ease.

The knight gazed at the eagle before allowing the prince to get closer; Slowly, Aegon approached the eagle, his footsteps soft and cautious. The eagle watched him warily but didn't move. Finally, when he was close enough, he reached out his hand and touched the eagle's head gently. The bird didn't flinch or pull away but instead leaned into the man's touch as if seeking comfort and reassurance.

"She's magnificent, little brother. You're fortunate." Aegon said with a child-like wonder. His eyes flickered at Aemon, who smiled at him. As the crown prince laid his eyes on Kessa, he was taken aback by her ethereal beauty, and he couldn't resist the temptation of getting closer to her. The intricate patterns on her wings and the way she gracefully fluttered them mesmerized him, but he knew he had to maintain his composure. Despite his overwhelming desire to touch her, he had to restrain himself from making any sudden movements, for he didn't want to scare her. His aunt and sister, who were standing beside him, also found Kessa enchanting and were eager to touch her.

But Aemon noticed Kessa was calmer with Daenerys and Rhaenys, letting out a pleasant whistle. As they ambled along the winding bank of the mighty Trident, the gentle lull of the current carried with it the melody of the pristine waters, which glistened under the warm sun, revealing the vibrant hues of the aquatic life that thrived within it. Mesmerized by the sight, they watched in awe as groups of shimmering fish darted through the crystal-clear depths, their iridescent scales reflecting the light like a kaleidoscope, while tiny crustaceans scurried along the sandy bottom of the riverbed.

Aegon would tell Aemon about every important place around the Trident, saying he had come here at least ten times before. He was fascinated by the battle that ended the rebellion. It seems even Ser Arthur would often quip something as they talked.

"I remember this place. Me and King Rhaegar had our tent set up here. I recognize it because of that." Arthur explained with a melancholy look on his face before he pointed towards a large rock that was standing tall and strong amidst the fast-moving water.

As Aegon gazed upon the rushing water, he couldn't help but notice how the frothy waves crashed against the imposing rock that stood tall and strong, with its tip just half a meter above the water's surface. Despite the relentless force of the water, the rock remained unyielding, a testament to its unshakable strength. However, upon closer inspection, Aegon noticed that the stone's surface was smooth to the touch, polished over time by the ceaseless flow of the river. It was as if nature had sculpted the rock, imbuing it with both durability and beauty, a reminder that even the strongest of entities can be shaped and refined by the forces of the world around them.

"Were you afraid?" Aemon found himself asking, looking at the knight over his shoulder, who had a small smile. It seems even the twenty guards that had come along were quite curious to hear tales from Ser Arthur Dayne.

"My Prince," Arthur began, his voice steady and calm as he looked towards the bank of the river, "it is a natural instinct for every soldier to feel fear. It is a feeling that creeps up every time we unsheathe our swords, knowing that death could be lurking in the shadows, waiting to take us at any moment. We ask ourselves, 'will this be my time?' But what truly matters is how we choose to respond to that fear. What helps us to push through it is the thought of what we are fighting for. It could be honor, glory, a friend, gold, or even family waiting for us back home. These thoughts give us the strength and determination to fight back against our fears and never give up. So, my Prince, I urge you always to remember what you have left behind and what is waiting for you. Use that as your motivation to face your fears head-on and to emerge victorious."

His eyes almost clouded, remembering when he had ended it all.

"You're as wise as you're good with a sword," Aegon said with a hint of admiration; Arthur chuckled before shaking his head in denial but said naught against the prince's words.

As they strolled towards the shimmering river, Daenerys told Aemon that one time Aegon had jumped in the water, saying he was searching for Robert's hammer, before adding that Rhaegar had jumped in to save Aegon from drowning.

Aemon chuckled, wishing he had been there to have those memories with them.

"I was only seven name days." Aegon countered, looking at Dany laughing. Even Arthur chuckled at the tale.

"Don't forget that you once took a round stone. You put it into the hearth, thinking a dragon would come out." Aegon reminded her with a sly smirk; She felt a wave of annoyance wash over her, wishing that Aegon hadn't shared this embarrassing moment in front of so many people. Despite her irritation, she couldn't help but smile at the memory of her childhood innocence.

As Rhaenys gazed at her two brothers, Aegon and Aemon, standing side by side, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of joy and contentment. Despite their physical differences, their jawlines, noses, and overall facial structure were strikingly similar, making it easy for her to see the family resemblance. And as they smiled and laughed together, sharing a moment of genuine brotherly connection, Rhaenys felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

As she stood next to Aemon, her heart swelled with inexplicable happiness that seemed to radiate from every inch of her body. It was as if she had been missing a part of herself, and Aemon had somehow found it and brought it back to her. She could feel her pulse quicken and her breath become shallow as she gazed into his eyes, which were filled with an intensity of emotion that she had never seen before. The way he looked at her, with such an overwhelming expression of love and adoration, made her feel as though she were the most important person in the entire world. It was a feeling that she would never forget and one that she hoped to experience for the rest of her life.

Rhaenys wished she could have some alone time with him again. But she didn't want to do it without telling Val. She had yet to know the Freefolk woman better. Perhaps they could become friends. She wondered if she could have a talk with her.

I wonder if Aemon can have two wives like Aegon The Conqueror; Rhaenys idly thought she knew Aegon had achieved this due to the power of the Dragons. And Dragons were no More.

As Aemon gazed out into the horizon, his eyes fixated on the grandeur of Harrenhall, which lay far away, almost as if it was a figment of his imagination. However, his attention was soon diverted by the sight of a magnificent lake that lay before him, its clear blue waters shimmering in the sunlight. In the middle of the lake stood an island shrouded in a mysterious fog that added an air of enchantment and intrigue.

"What's that place?" Aemon asked, pointing at the small island.

"That's Isle of Faces. Father was once there." Aegon reluctantly said, now standing beside him.

"He was!" Aemon said, surprised, not looking away from the place. He didn't know why, but he felt like he had been there before but couldn't quite remember it.

"Yes. Before The Tourney of Harrenhall. Arthur is the only one that accompanied him, but our father ordered him to stay back as he used a small boat to sail to Isle of Faces." Aegon explained with pursed lips, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"What did he find there?" Aemon asked, not seeing the raven watching them from a tree nearby.

"No one knows. He never spoke of it. Arthur only said that after our father returned from the island, his words were, 'I know what I must do, Now'" Aegon spoke with a sneer in his voice, looking slightly downwards. Despite holding great respect for his father, his obsession with Prophecy was the one thing he could never understand. Aegon had always been a man of logic and reason, preferring to rely on his own intellect rather than the whims of fate or chance.

Aemon wondered what could his father had seen in that place. The three-eyed crow had never mentioned it, but Aemon wondered if he could see the truth through the Weirdwood Tree Beyond the Wall.

"You don't like prophecies?" Aemon asked after a short pause. He figured his brother wasn't a big follower of them based on his voice.

"Prophecies have brought naught but disaster to Our House. Viserys Targaryen believed his vision showed him a future, but that belief killed the Dragons. Jaehaerys II married our grandmother to Aerys because of Prophecy. The Tragedy of Summerhall happened because of similar reasons. They're naught but swords without handles." Aegon spoke with a sudden burst of anger. Suddenly his face turned back to normal.

"...I'm sorry. Let's go back to Rhaenys and Dany." Aegon apologized, turning on his heels to walk back to the others.

Soon the time came to go back to the castle, and Daenerys requested if she could ride Ghost with Aemon.

"I don't think he will like it, Princess," Aemon said teasingly to his aunt, who rolled her eyes playfully before approaching the giant puppy. As she got closer, Ghost's big red eyes gazed up at her with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, its tail wagging in anticipation. Princess couldn't resist and reached out her hand to stroke the soft fur just under the pup's jaw, feeling the warmth of its body and the vibration of its purring.

"Who's the best boy in the world?" Dany spoke childishly, patting the top of his head. Ghost smiled before licking her face and giving Aemon a look that said.

'See, she's a better owner than you.'

Aemon rolled his eyes before offering his hand to Daenerys while hoping Ghost wouldn't be against his aunt riding on top of him.

Her hand grasped his, a very soft and warm hand; Dany mounted Ghost, her arms sneaking around Aemon's waist.

The Prince expected retaliation from Ghost, but he seemed even happier now.

As they rode through the lush green fields of Westeros, Rhaenys couldn't help but notice the way Dany's hands were exploring Aemon's torso. With a teasing tone, she remarked, "It seems Ghost loves you, Dany." Dany blushed at the comment but couldn't deny the way her heart raced at the sight of Aemon's chiseled physique.

As they rode back to Harrenhal, Aemon could feel his heart racing with excitement, his chest heaving with each deep breath he took. Dany's hands were exploring every inch of his upper body, her touch sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't help but feel a rush of desire coursing through his veins as her fingers traced the contours of his muscles, her nails lightly grazing his skin. The sensation was overwhelming, and he found himself lost in the moment, completely consumed by the intensity of their connection. With every passing second, he felt himself falling deeper and deeper under her spell, unable to resist the allure of her touch.

"D-Daenerys..." his words trailed off as Daenerys leaned in closer, her chin resting gently on his shoulder as she looked up at him with a bright smile that seemed to light up the entire place.

"Call me, Dany. My nephew." Dany spoke with a low husky tone next to his ear, sending shivers down his body, stirring something in him.

"Dany...You seem a little too comfortable?" Aemon asked jokingly, trying to think of something else as her breath tickled his neck. Her hands felt very good on his chest.

"Maybe, but I like this position. There's nothing wrong with me wanting to get to know you better, dear nephew. Is there?" Dany spoke with the same flirtatious tone and an innocent smile on her beautiful face.

Aemon wanted to say that Arianne said something similar. "I suppose not."

After returning back, Dany kissed Aemon's cheek before jumping from Ghost, wearing an innocent smile on her face. Rhaenys asked Aemon if he could walk with her to her bedchamber.

Rhaenys Targaryen

After walking in, with a flick of her wrist, she expertly grabbed the glass decanter and poured herself and her brother a generous serving of the ruby red liquid, watching as it cascaded into the delicate crystal vessels with a satisfying glug-glug sound. When she turned to face him, he was still at the door with a downcast look.

Rhaenys sat in her bed before tapping the place next to her. Aemon ambled over to her. His head hung low with sadness. As he sat down beside her, Rhaenys gently ran her hand through his hair, hoping to comfort him in some small way. The warmth of her touch and the softness of her voice slowly eased his troubled mind, and he began to feel a sense of calm wash over him.

"What seems to be bothering you, dear Valonqar?" Rhaenys inquired with a tone filled with genuine concern as she noticed the creases forming on his forehead and the worried look on his face.

"I'm fine, Rhaeny. I'm just not used to this yet," he answered, smiling at her.

Rhaenys grabs his hand tightly, making him look at her, at her eyes.

"We are family, Aemon. We love you. I love you, Valonqar." she said, leaning closer to him. Her warm breath caressed his cheeks, her lips almost touching his. Aemon looked as if he wanted to say something, and after a short pause, he spoke.

"When I reached seven name days, Lord Stark was away fighting in Greyjoy Rebellion, and Lady Stark didn't want me to celebrate my name day," Aemon said; Rhaenys felt her blood boiling. She knew the fish whore had mistreated her Valonqar.

If I had a Dragon, I would burn her to a crisp, Rhaenys thought as she listened to her little brother's story.

"Do you know what I dreamed that night?" Aemon asked, looking into her eyes.

Rhaenys shook her head, not remembering. She remembered almost every dream with Aemon, but not this one.

"You came to my room and wished me happy name day. We even walked to God's Wood, and we made a cake out of snow before throwing it at each other's faces." her soft giggle filled the air, sending a warm feeling through his chest. Aemon savored the sound of Rhaenys' laughter, relishing in the way it lit up her face and made her purple eyes sparkle like jewels. She could imagine it. How much she wished she could have been there for every name day.

Hugging him close, a lump formed in her throat as she looked at his lips. "I love you, too. Big Sister." Aemon claimed softly; Rhaenys looked into his eyes with an intensity that spoke of her deep affection for him. As he gazed back at her, she leaned in and gave him a small kiss, a gesture that was both tender and passionate. It was clear that she wanted to show him so much more, to express her love in ways that went beyond words.

"Aemon, can I ask you for a favor?" She asked, she wanted to close the distance, but that could wait for tomorrow.


"Can you sing a song for me?"

"Which one?" his hands cupped her beautiful face, his strong yet gentle fingers tracing the curves of her jawline. With his thumb, he caressed her soft cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin against his own.

"Whichever you want," As his fingertips traced delicate patterns along her skin, she couldn't help but lean into his touch. The sensation sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fiery passion within her. She closed her eyes, feeling as though she was floating on a cloud of euphoria, completely consumed by the intensity of the moment. With every gentle caress, she felt herself slipping further and further into a state of bliss, completely lost in the rapture of his touch. There, in his embrace, she was in heaven. She felt his lips against her forehead before he cleared his throat.

'Don't you think about me enough?

I've been burning my heart out

Got to face, need to tell you

I won't run 'cause I'm reticent

You will know you're reborn tonight

Must be ragged but I stay by your side

Even if my body's bleached to the bones

I don't want go through that ever again

So cry no more, oh my beloved

Go ahead, be proud and fight it out

You are the ONE, our rising star

You guide us far to home yet girt

Don't you think about me enough?

I've been burning my heart out

Got to face, need to tell you

I won't run 'cause I'm reticent

You will know you're reborn tonight

Must be ragged but I stay by your side

Even if my body's bleached to the bones

I don't want go through that ever again

So cry no more, oh my beloved

Go ahead, be proud and fight it out

You are the ONE, our rising star

You guide us far to home yet girt

If you want to read 16 more Chapters, Check out The Link Above.

Fun Question: Since Rhaella was never in the Show, which actress would be the best to play her?

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