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70.83% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 34: Chapter 34 The Greyrat Flowers

Capítulo 34: Chapter 34 The Greyrat Flowers

I was chastised.

You really can't argue with pregnant women. Even when you're right you're wrong.

Although… I might have been in the wrong this time… probably… I'm still not quite sure what I did wrong, but I already have to accept, some things just bounce off my head.

After they, well she, messed with me, I messed with them, and then Zenith messed with me in turn. She grounded me. She admitted to the fact that maybe she went a little overboard, but I was still reprimanded. I was told I shouldn't be latching myself to other women without their permission.

Good parenting!

…I'll do it privately…

Thinking back, I don't think I've ever been that affectionate with Lilia while Zenith is in the room. It's an unconscious thing, but I do.

I wanted to ask if she meant their permission or hers, but it feels like I'd get hit if I did.

And that's how I became a gardener.

In the end Zenith had the last laugh.

"...this reminds me of the time Anise used to help me out in the garden, although, I guess I'm Anise this time, and you're me," Zenith points out as she handles a few plants to the side of me.

"I remind you of a cute blonde?" I asked.

"You are a cute blonde." She says.

"I prefer handsome."

She pinches my cheek, and pulls on it a little, wiggling it up and down.

I'm not playdoh.

"Of course you are sweetie. You are the most handsome man in the village."

Careful, I might be sweet and cuddly on the outside, but on the inside I'm a demon. Also… Is that sarcasm I hear? Hmph, woman doesn't understand my appeal. I'll have you know I am a harem protagonist!

…according to the plot…

I pushed her hand off my cheek. "Don't you mean world?" I massaged my cheek.

Love hurts.

"Of course~" she kissed my cheek, "the Latreia family is the most beautiful family in Millis you know? And Rudy did inherit my genes, and… I suppose your father's genes couldn't have hurt," she shrugs her shoulders.

I see what you did there. Miss let me casually compliment myself as I compliment you.

The vanity!

Although I agree.

And that's how I've been spending my morning.

We've been tending to the garden, planting plants, seeds, and preparing the earth for the coming season. I'm ashamed to say that the plants in my room died. I was a little… distracted but Lilia took care of the other ones around the house, so we still have plenty to work with.

Zenith actually looked a little angry when she found out the plants in my room died.


Lilia could only save so many. Things were just a little too awkward between us back then for her to enter my room casually. Maybe some fresh air is just what we all need?

"Where did she go?"

Zenith tilts her head. "Oh, you mean Lilia. She's cleaning up our house right now. We spilled a bit of dirt along the way, and so the house is a bit of a mess right now. Sooo…" she rubs her shoulder next to mine. "It's just you and me. For at least another hour."

You act like this isn't a punishment.

Not that I feel punished, but what she doesn't know…

"I see. Well, spending time next to a blonde beauty isn't a bad way to spend an afternoon."

"Aww! Rudy~" she starts playing with my hair, ruffling it harshly.

"I was talking about myself."

"Snort. You sure have grown quite cheeky these days," Zenith says.

"I learned from the best!"

"Ha ha…" She laughs a little.

She didn't deny it. At least she's aware of it to a degree.

Not that I dislike it.

"So mother's family is filled with beauties and handsomes?"

"Yup, the Latreia family is quite popular."

Doubt. That feels like the generic one liner anyone would say about their family. I never heard of a family member that said; 'Oh by the way everyone in my family is a pair of Ugos.'

Then again if they did, they wouldn't be family.

I wasn't exactly a social butterfly, and looking at her, it's hard to imagine there being any ugly genes in her gene pool.

"I'll take your word for it."

"Anyways~" leaning to her left she reaches for one of the potted plants at her side before handing it to me, hands outstretched "Get to digging young man."

"Of course, of course, my lady. 'Tis every desire is what I live for," I grabbed the plant, and continued moving the dirt.

"I know."

I stop digging for a moment, and look her in the eye. Catching my gaze, we stare at each other's eyes for a few seconds.

""Pff-ha ha,"" before we burst into laughter.

"And you say I get carried away," I say.

"I'm just going with the flow. 'My lady?' I thought you hated that kind of thing," she says.

"I like to make fun of it."

"Of course you do, and that's why you're so good at it," she raises an eyebrow.

I resent that, but it's not like I can tell her about my otherworldly experience.

"What can I say, I do my homework," taking out the plant from its pot, I put it to my side, as I start digging with a hand shovel, making room for it. As I do so, I can't help, but think of the obvious

"Remind me. Why can't I use magic?" I kept moving the dirt with the mini hand shovel she provided me, because for some reason magic is banned.


"Because it's cheating, and it would shorten our mother/son bonding time."

So it's that.

"We're not even gonna pretend you're trying to monopolize my time?"

"Like you don't like it. Mama is Rudy's favorite."

Wow… the arrogance of her. I'll have you know you're in my top three. All of you are tied!

"That's quite a proclamation you made. I'm tempted to go out and play with Sylphy just to prove you wrong."

"That's fine. Sylphy can be your number two, but I'm number one," she wags her index finger, closing her eyes as if she's teaching a lesson.

In her head she probably is.

"I'm the one that decided it, therefore that's how it is," she says.

"Hah… to think I've gotten used to your lack of common sense."

"I don't want to hear that from Mr. No, Mrs. Princess of evil. Ah, you were so cute!" She wraps her arms around herself, hugging an imaginary person(me), "why did you have to get rid of the dress? You made such a pretty girl."

Ha! Like hell I will. Like I was gonna give you artillery to use me at a future date. I do have some pride.

"I still have my pride. You can save your dress up games for your little girl when she grows up."

"It's just too bad," she closes her eyes a moment in recollection.

Please stop that.

"But Rudy sure does want a sister doesn't he? What are you going to do when a little brother is born instead?"


Riiight. Technically speaking, there's no way I'm supposed to know about the baby's gender.

"I want a sister, so a sister is going to be born, that's how it is. I decided it!"

I'll just play to it, and act like a spoiled brat that just really wanted a sis, and I'm pretending I'm just guessing the baby's gender, and nothing else. I suppose I'm psychic.

"And you say I have no common sense," she says.

I flinch.

Damn if you do, damned if you don't.

Not even born yet, and I'm already a sis-con.

"In-any-case, you already had your fun."

"He he, yeah we did. My very own baby girl~" She rubs her cheek affectionately with my own as she remembers 'that' day.

My manliness stock is plummeting.

"I'm leaving," I stood up.

I wonder if I should help Lilia with the cleaning?

She hugs my waist. "Sorry, too much? I'll tease you less, you are helping me after all."

Looks like she too forgot that this was a punishment.

Nah! I think we both just accepted that we're just hanging out right now.

"A little appreciation is nice," I sigh, before kneeling back down. "I don't remember you being this… lively,"

"I've always been lively sweetheart, you've just been too busy to notice, and when you finally started paying attention to me, well… those weren't my lively days."

Argh, I put my foot in my mouth.


She flicks my forehead.


"Mama, and no, none of that. You're thinking something stupid. Stop that, this is mommy's time and here," she hands me a small hand rake, "don't forget to move the stones out the way. We want this garden to be as lively as me."

"You want to build a forest?!"

Flick. She flicks me again.

"Why?! That was a compliment!"

"Then make it sound like one."

"Roses are red, violets are blue. This garden is vibrant, bringing great cheer, but its most vibrant flower is you."

She blinks a couple times owlishly, before turning her head to the side parting her hair, " ...that's acceptable…" a light blush graces her cheeks.

Eh? That was good? I just made that up on the spot. Wait… what is her experience with poetry?

"He's going to be a lady killer when he grows up," she says under her breath.

Am I? Is my manly stock on the rise?

"Now enough sweetalk," she turns to me, "back to work," she pats my back.

Giving a salute, I concede. "Hai~"

She tilts her head looking at me quizzically.

"That means yes," I look despondently to the earth below me.

Sylphy… you're the only one that gets me.

"I always wondered what you meant. Rudy is already making up his own language-oh!" she claps her hands. "That reminds me, when my sister found a book about the beastman language, and we were feeling annoyed with mother and father, we decided to make up our own language, and started studying that book for inspiration."

"You, don't say."

"Really! Oh, don't forget to water it. Yes, me and Therese were going through a…"

She's on a roll today.


Knowing when to throw in the towel I focused on gardening instead, while she continued to talk.

You can't win against a pregnant woman after all.

As I continued going through the dirt, I reminisced of the last time I did this. Last time I was mostly just digging them up, and carrying them more than anything else. This time I have to tend to the soil. I remember that time we talked from time to time, but it wasn't like this.

"...unfortunately brother also knew Beast language, and knew exactly what we said, so he commissioned a tutor to give us a better understanding of the language… he also told mother and father… the lessons came out of my allowance…"

The atmosphere back then was more sensei, and less friendly. It was fun. Although, it's impossible to imagine me not having fun with her beside me. She is the literal embodiment of cheery. Definitely an improvement.

Why did I ever think she was unhappy? I need to get my head out of my ass, and look at her more closely.

Well enough of that, first thing first; let's tend to her garden.

Hmm… I feel like there's a joke there, but I can't quite see it…

IIII've been working on the railroad~ Allll the livelong day~

I sang a melody in my head as I started tending the field. Time to get down and dirty.

…hmm…another one, but I'm just not quite getting it.

Continuing to go through the motions, I continue digging up the ground properly.

Probably. She didn't interrupt me, so I must be doing something right.

…or she could just be lost in storytelling.

I take a glance to my side, and see her animated face going through the motions as she recalls tales from her past. She is in a vibrant mood. No need to stop it.

I continued planting the plants at her discretion. Following her orders, I placed them where they needed to go. Some of them needed to be placed on the western side of the garden, as they grew too tall, and could block the light of others, and some had a special area prepared, by her personally, as they needed special care.

Turns out this garden was divided into sections. From the 'special care' to the 'lively ones.' I think she might use fertilizer, but I can't say.

Wait a minute…

"Snff, snff," I sniff my hands. They don't smell.

"Rudy, what are you doing?"

Now you pay attention to me?

"Nothing, just checking, anyways what's next?" looking around us I can see no more plants around us. It's time to call it a day.

"What's next is Mama's magic touch?"

Mama's magic what? What are-?

"Oh~ that should be fun to-" I stop as I see her poze. She's kneeling down, and praying.

…Is she?

"Oh merciful mother of gods, please nourish these one's youngs, and let them grow with healthy bodies to heal healthy bodies!"

"...isn't that?"

"HEALING X!" She finishes. And a moment later I feel the mana coursing the land, and the air, as a veritable explosion of mana is launched with her at the epicenter, flowing through her garden. The ground is enchanted now, everything is greener now.

I even see some plants blooming.

"Whew," whipping off a bead of sweat off her brow, she stands up with a smile on her face, "all done. It's too bad I forgot my stave, but oh well, maybe next time," she turns to me, "right Rudy? Anyways, let's go home."

"Chotto-matte!" I Interrupt her. "Hold your pretty little horses right there a moment," I grabbed her, holding her in place, by both arms.

Seriously you-that! What the hell just happened?

It was a complete and total accident, and she just… she just, as naturally as she breathed… blew my mind.

Isn't that just a variation of my mana echo technique?

"You, talk now."

" something wrong Rudy?" Tilting her head, she looks at me puzzled.

"No, I'd say everything is right. In fact it's perfect! Now please explain."

"Explain? Explain what?"

"That!" I point to the now vibrant garden before us. Ignoring the fact that I wasn't allowed to use magic, and she was, I want to know what she just did. If I didn't know any better, that looked alot like mana echo. Her mana went through the ground, and just nourished the ground.

No, more important than that. Her mana just flowed through this whole garden, and it didn't look like it hit much resistance. At the very least, it looked like she didn't even work up a sweat.

Still slightly muddled, she turns her head looking at her handiwork, then back to me, wondering what I meant. "I thought you already knew about healing magic?"

"I do! But… argh… how?"

"Oh? Oh. Ohhhh!" Her mouth and eyes open wide, as she gets what I'm trying to say.

That makes one of us.

"You mean my magic touch." she stated.

"Yes that. Please that. Explain that!"

"Weeeelll, you see-" she kneels down, in seiza, and starts patting a patch of grass beside her, inviting me to sit next to her.

I eagerly obliged. I guess I can't escape Zenith sensei today.

"Well you see Rudy, you know how healing magic is so nourishing?"


"Well, one day I was caring for my garden as usual, when momma messed up, and didn't realize a young tree had grown beside a few saplings, and it ate a little much and killed many of the young ones by blocking the sun and stealing the blessings from the ground. So I had to move it away, and take care of the little ones before they completely died off. Soooo…" she clapped her hands, "trying to keep the little ones alive I casted healing magic on them, and… kind of over did it one day." She scratches at her cheek. "I healed the plants, the plants around them, and even the tree, and… not only did the plants grow healthy, but the ones that grew after them were even more healthy. Amazing right!" She turns to me beaming, and a coquettish smile on her face. "He he, my babies came back to life."

"H-Hai…" I muttered. "Very amazing…"

By complete accident she managed to do something I was having trouble to do.

How the hell did she do that?

By my experience; that should not have been that easy. Putting mana into the ground should NOT be doing that. Both me and Sylphy have had trouble with that.

It looks like mana echo, but it clearly can't be.

"You… are you a genius?"

"Heh heh…" a smug smile appears on her face, as she straightens her posture, and raises her chin.


"Yes Rudy?"

"Can you please make me your disciple?"

And so on this day Rudeus the gardener will become Rudeus the priest.


"Ok, so it's like that. Got it?"

"Got it."

I didn't get a single thing.

Forget what I said. I won't be becoming a man of the cloth any time soon, or ever.

Things didn't go as expected.

Story of my life.

I will not be able to repeat what she was doing.

What followed after our little gardening section was pretty much Zenith preaching to me, literally. The good gospel or whatever Millis is based on, was pretty much what she talked about for a good hour. How Millis died so we could live. How she teaches kindness to our fellow man. How without her blessings, man would have not survived to the current age.

Yada, yada, yada. She gave me a sermon.

I've been interacting with her so much lately that it's hard to believe that in actuality it's only been a few months, and there are still things I don't know about her. Like apparently how pious she is. I mean, I knew, but didn't know she was so pious. Calling her a saint takes on a whole new level.

In essence; magic is totally based on faith. At least to her. She wanted them to heal, so they were healed. That is all.

I want to face palm.

How the hell am I supposed to use that?!

That doesn't correlate with what I've learned! I operate my own healing magic under different principles, while hers was different. There is no healing of tendons. No shooting your magic. No pressuring. No concentration. No control. No disconcerting. No, none of that.

It's just quit thinking, and feel.

My fucking God. No, wait a minute… My fucking Millis!

Seriously?! Feel!

I can't deny the results. They're literally being shown in front of me.

But I simply can't do that. It's impossible for me.

Still though, impossible or not, I should remember this for the future.

Note to self; faith is incredibly useful for healing magic.

…and everything if you think about it.

What is this harry potter?

To a degree I was already aware of this. I just didn't think the effects of faith extended this much. The things I do; Water Ball and Fireball, and the like use a modicum of faith everytime I cast them.

When I throw a Water Ball or a Fireball, I can think of the process of condensation or friction, and the like, but ultimately I don't have to. Thinking about said things only helps give them a little punch.

I can literally feel the heat coming off of a fireball be higher than one that I thought about the process behind it when compared to one that was casted in the heat of the moment.

That's only one aspect.

For example; everytime I cast a Waterball it hovers in its position, despite the fact I am not thinking of that action. All I am thinking of at that moment, is the textbook appearance of what a Waterball looks like. Coming from a world that is filled with imagination, translated; nerds, I have plenty of ideas of what a magical attack should look like, and as such when I perform one, there is a little bias as I perform it, and it is formed as I see fit.

But now that I think about it…

Not once did I think to defy gravity as I performed the magic. That was simply my unconscious thought. It was simply how I imagined a waterball to be, and therefore it was.

And that is what Zenith does.

The wonders of magic I suppose.

Now… How do you teach that?

You don't.

"I give up…" I muttered. Throwing my hands in the air, I let myself collapse. My mind is more exhausted than my body. I just want to graze in the grass. "Ma… let's take a break…"

"Hmm? Sure, want to go inside? I'm sure Lilia's done cleaning by now."

"No… I think I'll just lay by the tree…" I sigh. "or something…"

"He he he…" she pokes my cheek with her finger. "Rudy is so lazy."

…I wonder if she'll slap me if I cast a Waterball at her? Gently of course.

…nah, too much trouble. Too tired. Too tired to play around.

"Ma, let's go over there," moving to a sitting position I pointed to her favored tree. "Wanna rest overthere? It has good shade."

"Sure," holding hands we walk along the side of the wall tracing the path, until we make it to her favored tree. Her original baby.

"How you doing?" I made some small talk as we traced our way along the wall.

"I'm good, just a little stiff. This was more work than expected."

"I told you we didn't have to do the whole garden in one breath."

"I just kind of lost track of time," she admitted.

"Yeah, I noticed."

Looking at her hand I'm holding I can't help that there is some advantage to being seen as a child.

"This is nice."

"Yes it is."

"Should we sit?" I offered.

"That is usually how people rest."

She really is on a roll today. So much teasing.

Sitting down slowly I sit against the tree, and she's about to follow before I stop her, throwing my palm in front of her.

She raises a brow, before I wipe the ground a bit and signal her to sit down with open arms. "Come sit."

"'re acting a little spoiled now," she sits down slowly, and leans her back into my open arms, before I envelop her. "Why the sudden tone shift?"

"I'm tired."

You wear me out!

"And…" wrapping my hands around her body, I let them slide into place, as I put them over her belly. "I just thought this would be the best way to recover. You're a mama now, times two, aren't you. I shouldn't put pressure on your baby bump, besides… you will be more comfortable leaning against me, than the rigid surface of a tree."

"Well aren't you attentive," she caresses my hand. "Thank you."

"I'm also cuddly."

"Pff- is that right? Says who?"

"I believe her name was… Zenith Greyrat…"

She makes a quick glance my way, before pouting her cheeks a little, before turning forward silently. "You sure do remember the most useless of things don't you?"

"Just when it's convenient."

I was right. This was just what I needed.

All the mental exhaustion just pours out of me.


So Zenith was my charger, who knew?

"Hey mom, let's talk."

"Isn't that what we've been doing?"

So much cheek on her.

Screw it. With this position let's have a little more petty fun.

Still having my arms around her, I let one of them free moving up to her face, and pinching her right cheek, pulling it a little.

"So much cheek."

"Ruuudyyy, let go," she playfully slaps at my hand.


She turns her head to look at me with mild displeasure. Emphasis on mild. I know my limits.

I have your looks memorized by now you know? Fake anger just makes you look cute.

"You shouldn't do that to your mother Rudy. I'll get angry."

"Sorry," I kissed the side of her face I just pinched. "Just a little bit of petty fun. You know. Like you've been having."

"...I'll forgive you this once," she turns away from me, facing forward once more.

I still caught the red in your cheeks though so I know you're having a pleasant evening.

Or maybe it's because I pinched them?

Regardless, she's doing wonders for my stress.

"Hai hai. I thank you for your benevolence, my queen."

"You're forgiven, she closes her eyes and tilts her chin high.

Ah, it's going to her head again. Well, it's not like I mind. I was already treating her like a queen in the first place.

But she's definitely going to take me for all I'm worth at this rate. Please don't be too bossy. I'll bite you know.

"Now what did you want to talk about?"

Oh right… I almost fell asleep.

"Just…" I rubbed her belly.

Before I go to sleep I want to get all the worries out of my head.

"How is the baby treating you? I don't think I ever asked you the specifics. The baby has another two to three months. I'm wondering how you're doing."

I can't forget about little Norn after all.

"Hmm," she turns to face me for a moment with a curious look, before facing forward again. "Yeah, I'm great. Much better than last time. I had a lot of worries, you know, going through my head the first time around, both me and your father. We didn't hire Lilia until late into my pregnancy, about two months before you were born, so we had to do things by ourselves until then. Funny enough we hired Lilia because we were worried. This time though," she leans back against me, "not only do I have Lilia around from the beginning, but I also have you next to me. I'm really fortunate."

"I haven't really done much for you though."

"Not true," she interrupts me. "You've been my pillar. I don't know if you know how important that is, but If it wasn't for you… I don't know… dealing with your father, Lilia, it would have been… well I don't think we would have ever seen Lilia or Paul ever again."

Scary. If I didn't know your character I might think you were going to pull out a knife, and end things in a manner befitting a horror movie.

"I'd even say… my family might have ended on that day. Just," she turns her head sideways, and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks for being here."

Leaning next to her, I adjust my arm she's leaning against, and wrap it around her torso as we sit against the wall, "...right back at you…" I whispered to her ear.

Things aren't ideal. This isn't your typical family, but… as long as she's smiling.

"Are you happy?" I whisper.

I just need to hear her say it.

"Don't be ridiculous," she turns to me with a smile on her face, "I am… absolutely…" she reaches one of her hands grabbing my neck, before she arches her neck forward, "ecstatic," whispering in my ear.


Before kissing me in the cheek once more.

…and then time would stand still… at least to me. I stopped working for a second.

It was only two seconds longer than it usually is, but it still affected me.

…I can not see my face, but I am sure it is red as a tomato, with how hot it feels.

"I'm glad you were born."

Wow… she is so…


Have her eyes always been this blue?



No good. No good. I'm no good right now. I'm too close. Need to distract. Need to…

Perhaps it's the lighting… perhaps it's the exhaustion… perhaps it's… her… but, I got lost in her eyes once more. Beautiful cerulean eyes, the color of the sky, she definitely fell from. Hair blonde in shadow, but golden on this sunny day. Blessing, me, and anyone else, who is lucky to see her in this light.

It's mesmerizing.

She is the centerpiece of this garden. No… this household.

Need to sleep.

"...can I kiss you one more time?" Without thinking words escape me.

"That hasn't stopped you before, has it?" arching her neck to the right, she parts her hair, and gives me a clear shot at the side of her face.

The usual.

…and hold it for a second or two longer than I'm used to.

This is nice.

Just once. Just this once, let me be a little spoiled.

Without any worries, I held her tightly against my arms, both of us content. My heart calming.

This is enough. Just this…

If only this could last forever.


Lilia [pov]

"Whew… all done."

The floors are sparkling clean, the wood polished, counters dusted. I would wager this house is cleaner than it was when it was first built. The sun is shining through the windows, bouncing off the polished floors giving everything a pristine glimmer. This house now reflects a proper noble household.

Had I slacken? No… things were just… messy. There was no time to clean. Now there is.

"It is true what they say. Hard work is good for the soul. Rudy and Zenith will be proud."

It took longer than expected, but a maid's work is never done.

After Rudeus's… fopah… Madame might have pressured him a little too much to get the plants outside, and he made quite a mess. Regardless, I rose to the occasion, and cleaned everything up. Everything. Taking the opportunity of an open household I cleaned Rudeus's bedroom, Zenith's bedroom, the stairs, the attic, even Paul's room; otherwise known as the guest room.

The trash had to be taken out… oh, and so did the mess.


I jest, but fortunately, Paul wasn't in this household. It is… uncomfortable to clean in the same presence as that man, at least when neither madame or Rudeus is here, but I can persevere. I am Rudeus's Maid afterall.

"Master would be proud I suppose. I wonder if it's fine to interrupt them now?"

Madame made it very clear that it was 'private time,' but it's been hours, surely they're done.

Even if Rudy acts annoyed for being 'punished,' he can't help but present a smile while madame was conversing. So it's just as much his private time as it is hers, no matter how much he denies it.

That said, by now both should be dirty. At least Rudeus would be.

"I should bring them warm towels…"

Going to the cabinet where they are stored I grabbed two hand towels, and carried them, as well as going to the kitchen and carrying a tray with tea for refreshments.

I hope I'm not interfering.

I think as I enter the garden.

"Young master, Zenith, I have finished all the cleaning if it would be alright for me to-" I halt as the words get stuck on my throat.

Looking at them under the tree, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight before me.

They are…


Under the Madame's favorite tree lies two sleeping bodies leaning against each other, with content faces gracing them. The young tree not having much foliage does little to give them the proper shading they require, but regardless it only helps but enlighten them even more. The sun strikes them straight on as it enlightens their figures. Their hair, shining in the light, Illuminating the field. The madam's a brilliant gold, and the young master's usual dirty blonde looking especially bright. And around them

Around them…

There lay an array of flowers growing at the base. In the middle where the Masters hands lean on each other, there lay an array of flowers growing between their hands.

It is as if I have stepped into a painting.

…perhaps mesmerized is not the right word, but spellbind would be more appropriate. I do not know how else to describe it, but they are simply too dazzling for me to look at.

The young master, the beautiful Madame… an array of flowers at their base, and the sun's rays warming them.

"It's like nature itself is blessing them…" I whispered so as not to disturb them. Walking quietly I make my way next to them, and set the tea tray to the side, along with the towels.

I suppose I'll wait. That is a maid's duty.


…but it's still lonely.

"It's been hours."

I wonder how long I'll have to wait.

It's only the afternoon. Paul won't be home for another three hours, and as peaceful as they look, it will probably be three hours before they awaken.

Taking a closer look; their hands are quite dirty, they'll have to bathe before dinner is ready.

It seems I will have to intrude after all.

Getting closer, I kneel down next to him, and reach towards Rudeus and start nudging him gently, "master… master…" I whisper

"Mmn," he moans a little before falling over, and… landing on my lap.

"M-M-Mas-" I stuttered, before halting myself as I noticed it's a mute point. He's still asleep.

He's sleeping on my lap.

"This is…" looking towards Zenith it appears she's still asleep. "There's no one else here…" I look around, and truly there is no one here. Just silence…

"Just a few hours…" I stroke his hair gently as he continues sleeping on my lap. "Just a little bit longer. I'll wake you later…"

"Mmn, Ru…dy… where are you?" a voice whispers.

Turning my head, I see that due to my own intrusion, Zenith has fallen to her side, and is unconsciously reaching out around her, in search of her son.

She has been using him as her own personal pillar hasn't she.

How envious…

I think that the madam might have grown a little spoiled, and might have trouble sleeping without a partner now.

"...and we were just getting started."

Gently laying Rudy's head to his side, I grab the towel I had prepared, and slide it gently underneath his head, giving him a pillow.

"Another time Rudeus…"

Right now the Madama is struggling to sleep, so I think it's time to wake her. Making my way to her side, I prepare to wake her from her slumber.

All good things must come to an end.

"Mada-" I sigh. Habits are hard to change. "Zenith…" I put my hand gently on her hair as I had with her son, and parted it, revealing her ear, as I leaned in closely so as to whisper gently, and wake her as agreeably as possible. "Zenith… it's time to-"

"Mmh, Rudy~" she reaches out to me…


…pulling me to the ground, hugging me.

Being in a slightly bent position, and not wanting to fall on my stomach, I stumble, and fall awkwardly against her tree. Luckily no one was hurt, as Zenith couldn't pull me hard as she was asleep, but…

Ah… she grabbed me.

Hugging me towards her. Zenith is laying on her back, as she is hugging me tightly, holding my face to her chest.

…this was… unexpected. Has she woken up?

"Rudy…" Zenith whispers, "come back to bed."

… or perhaps not.



Hearing a male's voice I turn my head to its source, while still being gripped by Zenith, and see Rudeus crawling his way over.

"R-Rudy?" Despite my shock, I make sure to whisper, so as not to awaken Zenith.

How long has he been awake?!

Looking at his eyes, the answer is obvious, he isn't. His eyes are clouded, and he's acting more on instinct. He's still dazed.

"Rudeus…" I muttered.

Please help me…

I silently plead, trying to look him in the eye.


It is a futile endeavor.

"...haven't dreamed this in a while. How nice…" he says in a daze. He is still asleep. Ignoring me he continues to crawl, before he nudges himself behind me, and wraps his arms around me.

"...Rudy…" I whisper, feeling nervous, as I feel his steady breathing behind me.

This is…



"You smell like lilies…"


That's because we're still in the garden!

…I want to yell out, but I can't.

He's embraced dreamland once more.

And the madames' hold on me has only tightened.

"How does this happen?" I look at them both.

They really are the same. They are both equally pushy.

I am now enveloped by the masters, the ones I care about, from opposing sides. Moving so as to escape their grip is impossible. As I do, their arms only envelop me more, snuggling closer. Both of them are moved around, and now at my right Zenith has her arms wrapped around my neck pressing her chest against the side of my face, while the master on my left is hugging my waist resting his head on my chest.

…they really like spooning it seems...

"Sigh… well… this too is part of a maid's duty."

It's a good thing no one will be here for several hours. Perhaps it won't be bad to indulge. Just a little.

No one can see me.

…no one can hear me.

"You two are incorrigible," I whisper, under the solace of the young tree's shade, "...but I don't dislike it," reaching out tentatively I move the hands of those that are closest to me, where they deserve to be. One by my head, Zenith's, and another that is by on top of my breast, Rudeus's, and sliding them together, bringing them together, and pressing them to myself, as I indulge in their hands…

No one can see us. So please forgive me. As I indulge in your love.

I feel I am intruding a little, but please share a little bit with me.

"I am glad to be your…" the words die in my throat. I struggle to find them.

Maid… servant… or… If I may be so bold… family.


I look upon Rudy's sleeping form and can't help but feel a sudden wave ease. A smile spreads across my face. Free of any judgment, or witnesses, no one can see my heartfelt feelings.

This is happiness.

"I am yours."

In this moment of solace…

I part the hair from his brow, revealing his defenseless form, and kiss his forehead.


My chest warms. My heart warms.

This is where my heart blooms.

Looking upon his sleeping form holding me tightly I feel content.

In another life… we…

Now I can only do these things while he sleeps.

"Love you… eternally…" I mutter.

" you too Lilia."

I flinch.

My eyes bulge wide open, as I look at Rudy's sleeping form. His lips still. He did not say anything.

Which means that… feminine whisper came from…

Turning ever so slowly, I feared that she had caught me in a moment of weakness, craning my neck to look behind me, I see…

"hah…" I breathe out a sigh of relief. It was Zenith. But I was fortunate. Her eyes are closed, and her breathing is steady. She is still asleep. She was simply sleep talking.

" you too…" a mumble is felt on my chest as Rudy responds.

"You two…"

How can they be so lovable and insufferable simultaneously? It must run in the family.

"Just for a little bit… I'll rest."

Closing my eyes, I dream.


As the sun begins to set that day in the middle of the Greyrat garden undisturbed by the world around them lay three figures sleeping under a bed of flowers. Two blondes, a boy and a woman, and a redhead in the middle, all sleeping tenderly with blossoming smiles upon their faces as they embraced each other. Signaling a dawning of a new spring.

Undisturbed by the world the three figures in their unconscious state moved tentatively, unconsciously, to the nearest source of warmth. One pressed themselves closely to a maid, another pressed a maid closely into their chest, and the maid in question, in her slumbering state, couldn't do anything, but dream.

Ironically they would all dream about sleeping in each other's arms, but all of them imagining someone else. It was a fantasy.

It wouldn't be until much later, at the sound of a horse traveling down the road, did they start rousing from slumberland. One by one, they would awaken from their slumber rising to reality, only to notice their appearances. Their clothes ruffled, and stained with dirt from the gardening sequence earlier that day. Combined with their… wandering hands from the 'rats' of the household, mature and child, they sported a compromising look, specifically the maid in the middle whose dress was especially bedraggled, as she was at the forefront of both their touches. Several patches of exposed skin laid bare from her chest, and legs.

It was a very compromising look.

Stumbling over themselves, at the sounds of a horse trotting, they made haste, and dressed themselves quickly, before they could be seen.

They made their way into the house. A stuttering mess all the way.

The household smelled of Lilies all day that day.

Crownedclown Crownedclown

Against my better judgement, I'm posting this chapter without bouncing it off my editor(roomate). I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I try to bounce my chapters of a friend of mine, when the theme is serious, or it's a particularly heavy(narratively) chapter. Sometimes I have trouble dividing chapters.

Anyways, he's a bit busy, and I have to get his opinion on a monster of a chapter I'll be posting.

Here's this one. Until next time leave your thoughts. Oh, and giving a heads up: I might post the next chapter a little late. If you think this chapter is something well... this rollercoaster of a ride that is my story is still going up, and I have a ridiculous ammount of content to edit.

Like I said; sometimes I have trouble separating my chapters, particularly when the events take place in the same day, or closely followed by each other.

So you might receive a monster of a chapter that's a little late, or just your standard ones, but later. Have an editor to locate.

Regardless it'll be at least an extra week.

Oh, right final thought, and this one is IMPORTANT: The next chapter, regardless of what version is edited, will still be... heavy, and since any read, can be someone's first read. I highly recommend, to not read the chapter if you've read multiple chapters in one day. Come into it fresh.

Alright... that was a long AN... Piece N Love!!!

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