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37.03% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Capítulo 9: Chapter 9

Jinx POV:

I woke up with a groan, only to realize I was tied up and bound. "What the? Who the hell are you guys?" I say to the only other people in the room, a little group of three cloaked assholes. "You're those Firelight shits, aren't you?!" I yelled at them.

They remained silent as one of them left the room we were in. Since they won't talk I decided to follow Dire's training. I took a deep breath and looked around to get some clue as to where I was. It looked like an old factory that had been ruined and abandoned.

Looking a little closer, I saw there were way more than just those three people, as in the shadows there were way more. Now that I'm somewhat calm I also remember that these can't be the Firelights or some other Undercity gang. They all looked too cult-like to be a gang.

"So you're awake." A hear someone say. Some dude who unlike everyone else wasn't fully hooded walked up to me and crouched to get close to my face. "Good. You should be awake for this."

"Who the hell are you?! Some pricks working for the Enforcers? Yeah, I know I pickpocketed a couple people while we were Topside but it's not my fault they hang their money in pouches on their waist."

"We have no business with Piltover. Though I'm curious to know what business... the Apollyon seeks here."

That confused me "Apollyon? What the hell are you talking about? Have you been doing too much Shimmer or something you annoying trash."

He did a long dark chuckle "You know nothing of the companion you so quickly became fond of."

"Dire? What do you want with him?"

"Ah, so that's the name he choose for himself. The fool thinks he can steal the gifts given to him by our Matron and leave? No matter, he has two choices: To leave you here or die for your life." He says with a sadistic smile.

"You? Kill him?" I laugh "I might've not known him long but I know he can take you losers without one of his damm arms."

He chuckled "Oh, yes, we regular humans may not be a match for THE Apollyon. But that's why he's here." He says gesturing to his right.

I look in direction as a figure steps into the light. He honestly looked like Dire in his armor but red instead of black. Still, the feeling radiated from him was scary, something I had never felt in my life. I've been hunted by Enforcers, yet this guy leaked an almost unnatural terror that every Enforcer in Piltover combined couldn't match.

"The Matron still likes to believe that the Apollyon is our greatest achievement. Let's see him win against this monster: Blood-Red Commander Igris." He cackled. (Pic in p/c)

All I could do was hope that Dire is able to fight whatever this monster is.


Apollyon POV:

"What is this?" I think aloud staring at the abandoned factory on the borders of the Undercity. I could feel that Jinx was in there, but something else was also there. That must be whatever LeBlanc was talking about and I can now understand, what she meant by it being my better, as I could feel it's power that was at least a little greater than mine. Still, I tried to find a spot to start my rescue.

Using Shadow Archers to shoot down nearby Black Rose lookouts I sneaked into the building. Inside I could see Jinx as well as the monster emitting this dangerous aura, some dude in red armor. "Heh, copycat much." I quietly laugh.

I could tell that while my Shadows can take care of the remaining Black Rose members they wouldn't stand a chance against this red knight guy even if they all worked together. But I can if they back me up.

"Kill them! Rescue Jinx and keep her safe!" I suddenly call out as I rush forward. I could feel Shadows dash in all directions as the sounds of fighting ensued. Jinx stared at me for a moment with genuine surprise as two Shadows come to her side and cut her free before grabbing her and taking her away.

"Hey! Wait! Dire!" I hear her shout as they forcefully take her away.

I would've said something but all my focus was on my enemy. I charged at the knight trying to surprise it. Using all my superman strength, I dashed at it, but it still was able to react, pulling out a long blade and readying itself.

I thought I lost the element of surprise but suddenly blasts of gunfire went off as the knight was forced back against the numerous shots that hit it. Using the moment I slashed at it with my own blade as it launched back into the wall behind it. "Mages!" I order.

All five mages raise their hands as balls of fire form in their palms. They all launch fireballs towards the knight that was stuck in the wall as it was hopefully destroyed in the explosion. But suddenly in a burst of wind I was struck hard in the gut and blasted backwards.

I was on the ground as I leaned up to see the knight standing there unaffected by the previous attacks. "tch tch tch, don't you see Apollyon?" Some random cloaked asshole says walking in front of the knight. "I am, sure, our Lady told you of your enemy, meet Igris. He's going to kill you to prove to our Matron that Igris is everything you should've been."

He was about to keep taunting me no doubt if not for the rifle shot that went through his skull. I groaned and stood as the knight and I charged at each other. Our blades met as our swords grinded against each other. I kicked at Igris's knee making him lower his sword and I was able to stab directly into where his heart would be.

My sword scrapped across his armor, only causing a slight scratch. I tried to slash at him again, this time the side of his waist. Again, his armor protected him. While I was still trying to figure out what to do he used his sword to slash at me. But it seemed we were in a stalemate as our armors were stronger than our blades.

After an unknown amount of time we were stuck. Neither of us could strike at the very few weak points in our armor like in the joints because our skill was seemingly matched. His overwhelming power was equal to mine with the aid of my Shadows. We were forced back until I noticed something, he wasn't breathing.

Maybe it was just his armor or not, but it seemed that whoever wore that armor was lifeless. That meant the fight would favor me less the longer we fight, as even if it's superhuman I still have stamina. I needed to end this as soon as I can.

So I recall my Shadows to preserve my energy as I stab my blade into the ground. Igris stares at me confused as I click my shoulders. If I can't cut him down with my blade, my hands will have to rip him apart. He seemed to understand what I was doing as he did the same thing, stabbing his sword into the ground.

"Is that chivalry or mocking?" I say gesturing for him to attack with my hand.

He charges forward and when he was close enough I use my elbow to hit his back. The force of it drives him straight under my arm as I hold him by under his shoulders and lift him with all my strength. With a roar I spin before throwing him through a wall.

The destruction causes the entire place to creak but I couldn't care. I couldn't see him into the hole he made flying through but I could hear him get up. A block of rubble flew out which I dodged but it was swiftly followed by Igris getting close as he lands a hard punch to my face. Before I could do anything else I feel Igris grab my back and throw me across the building.

The wall seemed to be tougher than the one I threw him through so I was just surrounded by massive cracks into the concrete wall. I look forward seeing him about to keep attacking so I raise my hands to defend myself. But even when I blocked his punch the sheer force of it pressed me further into the wall.

I knocked him back with a kick as I jump away from the wall. He turns to me as we start to exchange brutal hits to each other. I could feel the bones in my hand crack with each punch I land on him but heal with my powers straight after. Still, it hurt a lot. There was no doubt in my mind, Igris was the hardest opponent I have ever fought in my life.

I was pushed back to have my back towards a metal pillar and as Igris tried to punch my face. I dodged it before grabbing his head and throwing it into the pillar making it snap. A piece of the roof started to fall as I kicked Igris so the piece would land straight on him with a crash.

I retract my helmet for a moment so I could wipe the blood coming from my nose and mouth as Igris pulled the rubble off him. My helmet comes back on as I yell out "Come on asshole! I'm not dead yet!"

He made a noise either between a grunt and a chuckle before running forward. We kept at it, throwing each other, punching each other, kicking each other, all while the building around us continued to crumble.

But as I ran up to him, he slammed both of his hands onto me making me flip till my head was about to hit the ground. To try surprise him I turned my body around mid-air to knee his head. And while it hit, he managed to grab my leg in the process. He used his arm to smack my side as I flew into a pillar.

The pillar seemed to be the last one, as whatever remained on the factory crumbled on top of me. I was defeated or at least was going to be very soon. I couldn't even muster the strength to pull the rubble off me. But I didn't need to. The rubble was lifted as Igris pulled me out before holding me high into the air.

He held me around my neck before slamming me into the floor , due to my lack of energy I wasn't able to hold on making my armor forcefully retract itself. He let go as I coughed a large amount of blood as he lifted his hand and magically dragged his sword to his hand. He held it above my head as I was ready to accept death until Igris's head was hit with a bullet of scrap in a burst of blue lightning.

(Ah, shit... here we go.)

Third person POV:

It didn't even make his head move, but both monsters looked over, Apollyon realizing they had fought for hours as the sun was starting to rise. There stood Jinx, holding her gun, Zapper, with a fearful yet determined look on her face. "Jinx?" Appolyon said weakly.

"I-- I won't let you kill him you red piece of trash!" She shouted mustering up her courage.

Igris kicked Appolyon further into the ground before starting to walk towards Jinx. Jinx kept firing her gun at Igris and even threw some of those bombs she showed, but nothing stopped Igris as he slowly walked to her.

"S--Stop... Run Jinx!" Apollyon says inbetween coughing out blood.

"I-- I won't leave you! I can't lose you too!" Jinx yells as tears start to fall from her eyes due to her fear.

Igris dashes, towering over Jinx. His sword magically returns to his hand as he prepares to cut Jinx in half.

"D̴̮̮̱̥̓͛́̑͊͑̀i̴̡̝͎̬͑͛̊͘͝Ẻ̴͉͎͖̅̈́̑͆͛̈́͘" an almost demonic voice spoke, as Igris turned around, a bloody and bloodshot Apollyon with a sinister and bloody aura standing behind him, with a fist cocked back.

With a sonic boom Apollyon's fist pushed through, quite literally skewering Igris. Then with a roar Apollyon lifts Igris over his head and with another hand… RIPS him in half.

After Igris falls to the ground in pieces, completely dead, Apollyon seems to come back to his senses as he falls to his knees, the demonic aura dissipating… Apollyon closes his eyes.

1st person POV:

"Dire!" I hear Jinx yell rushing to my side. She lifts my head trying to figure out if I'm alive due to my closed eyes.

I slowly open them and stare at her tear filled face "We... make a good team..." I chuckle.

She laughs inbetween sobs of relief. "Of course we do you ass. That was all me."

I laugh louder than I have ever in my life "Go fight that bastard for hours without stopping and then you can say it was all you, you brat." I then ask her to help me up, I needed to do one last thing afterall.

I walk over to the pieces of Igris to get a look at this bastard. To reveal nothing. Like Igris was a piece of Living Armor, there was no one under the red plates. Still, I could feel a soul all the same. I lift my hand and order "Arise."

But for the first time in my life... it didn't work. The Shadows climb into the armor before being displaced like something forcing it out, like it's soul still served it's master. I grit my teeth "Your Lady left you to die. Now, it's time you fight for someone who won't let you go wasted. So stand, stand and fight for me Shadow Commander Igris. Arise!" A shadowy hand reaches out before pulling a head and soon an entire knight was pulled out of the unliving armor. (Pic in p/c)

(Of course it's dark red instead of blue like all other Shadows.)

Igris's new form looked at me for a moment before kneeling in front of me. I then looked around and noticed my entire Shadow army revealed itself and was also kneeling in front of me. Like I fully proved myself to be their leader.

"Do take care of me you lot." i laugh

"What the hell?!" I hear Jinx squeal.

I turn to her "Oh, I forgot you were here. Got caught in the moment."

"Did... Did..." She stutters.

I laugh "Yes I brought him back to life Jinx."

"WHY!? He nearly killed both of us?!"

"All those I bring back are loyal to me completely. There is no way I'm not bringing back the guy that nearly killed me."

She was silent for a bit "Are you going to do the same thing to me."

I sigh before walking up to her. She must have been expecting something dangerous until I patted her head "Of course not Jinx. You're my friend afterall."

She goes wide eyed at the word friend. True enough it was unexpecting to me too, as I've never had a friend before. But it just felt right the way she is fine with nearly dying for my sake. I go to sit on a piece of debris to rest on which she sits next to me on. "Thanks... for coming to save me."

"Huh?" I say confused.

"Some guy told me you were given a choice between me and yourself. Just... Thanks for not leaving me."

"Did you have any doubts I would?" I ask her.

"You wouldn't have been the first..." She replies simply, yet sadly.

I sigh "Is this about this Vander person?"

She shook her head quickly "No! No it's nothing to do with him."

"But he knew you before didn't he? When you were Powder?" I say.

She slumps defeated "Yes. He looked after me and my sister... Violet along with two other kids."

"They're dead now aren't they?" I say knowing the answer.

She nods as she starts to cry "It's my fault. If I just stayed away they would all alive, Vander, Vi, Mylo, Claggor. I killed them all."

"You didn't kill them Jin--"

She interrupted me by shouting "YES IT WAS. I made the bomb that killed them with the stupid blue ball!"

"The Hexcrystal? Jinx you must've been around eight or seven at the time. There was no way you could blame yourself for not understanding the power you carried."

"Yeah but I should have! The moment I caused that explosion in Piltover I should've stopped! But I didn't! All because I wanted to show Vi I was capable! And where did that leave me? Alone. Surrounded by ghosts." She says holding her head.

I was quiet for a moment before placing a hand on her shoulder "You're not alone Jinx. And I'm sure they don't blame you for their deaths."

"Wrong on both accounts." She replies.

"But I'm not. I mean, I'm here aren't I? And well I never knew your family do you think they blame you for their death? I'm sure they are happy knowing you're alive and kicking ass."

"They aren't. They tell it every time I'm not close enough to you."


"Their voices. They tell me I'm useless, that I'm not forgiven... that I'm a Jinx."

It was hard to find something to say. "Well, you have, just, not done anything worthy of forgiveness?" I say.

"What do you mean?" She says finally looking at me.

"Well, you've been hiding with Silco, making guns. I think if you want to properly forgive yourself you need to do something that deserves earning your forgiveness, you know?" After I finished talking I went wide eyed and stopped talking. Does that logic apply to me? I'm hired by a nation to eventually go kill innocent people. Yet here I am telling her to do the opposite.

"Are you alright?" Jinx asked me.

I took a breath "No. I just realized what a horrible person I am."

"What? What are you talking about?" She looks at me confused.

"I mean. I was hired by Noxus as a mercenary Jinx. In a couple months I'm going to Ionia to go murder hundreds of people for money and fame. In my head at the time it felt right, every thing I've done felt right to me no matter how many people might die due to my own hate for my creators."

"You mean the people that took me?"

"Yes. They are called the Black Rose. They raised me and tortured me to be this powerful. I only recently escaped, but at the time I had a deep hatred for them."

"Well what changed? You don't seem like someone to do something like that to me."

I think for a bit "I think it's because the more time I spend out here free, the more human I become. Making friends has allowed me to know that other people feel pain, just like I do." I then groan heavily "Swain's gonna hate me now."

Jinx chuckled "What'chu thinking?"

I stood "I'm gonna have to fight for Ionia it seems." I say with a smile holding out my hand for her.

"Maybe not alone." She says as I pull her up.

I walk off before realizing just what she said "What?"

She seemed a little embarrassed rubbing her left arm with her right hand "Well... I mean you still need to train me."

"Really? You know it's gonna be dangerous? We'll be fighting an entire nation... probably."

She giggled "Sounds like fun!"

I stared at her shocked before smiling "What are you going to do about Silco?"

"Well what are you going to do about this Swain guy?"

"Probably milk Noxus for as much money as I can without telling them, I have no intention of helping them."

"And I intend to not care about whatever Silco says to me. The dudes kind of a complete asshole anyway" She says pointing her thumb to herself proud as hell.

I chuckled, as the two of us walked into the distance to get some well earned rest.

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