After waking up the next morning, I walked with Mila out of the Dancing Moon Inn, pulling her into an alleyway for a quickie before entering the main road.
She had glared at me as I pulled her aside, only to moan loudly as I topped up her tight pussy with another helping of creamy semen, her soft ass bouncing as I slapped into her.
Watching as she pulled a potion from her small pouch, I frowned for a moment before shrugging; of course she was going to have those on her.
Mila rolled her eyes at me before exiting the alleys of the Earth District, and I swiftly lost sight of her as she entered a crowd.
Making my way over to the Marketplace, I saw Carlotta and smiled, giving her a few Septims for some apples.
Enjoying the sight of her giant breasts being hugged tightly by her green dress, I gave her a few extra Septims, making her frown.
"I can't take this!"
Seeing her trying to stubbornly refuse the tip, I rolled my eyes at her and said "Just take it. Think of it as a bonus or something..."
Waving her off, I walked away, climbing the stairs towards Jorrvaskr.
However, as I walked, I passed by Ysolda, the thin Nord woman tilting her head at me as I stared.
"Ah, sorry... not often I see such a fine lady like yourself..."
I bowed slightly to her, staring at her as she chuckled.
"Oh really? Were you not just talking to Carlotta, the number one beauty of Whiterun?"
Her eyes were slightly hard as she said that, contradicting her smile.
Pursing my lips, I glanced over at Carlotta, who was currently haggling with Olfina for a basket of fruits and vegetables.
"Aye, she's a beauty, but more in the sense of lust. You, on the other hand, are more elegant and refined. Does that make sense?"
Ysolda raised a brow before chuckling, nodding.
"Yes, it makes sense; Carlotta is pursued daily by many men and women in this city. Me, on the other hand..."
She chuckled again, a small smile on her lips.
"Would you like me to change that?"
Lifting her hand to my lips, I kissed the back of her hand, making her blush slightly.
Smirking at her, I waited for an answer, only to watch as she gently removed her hand from mine.
"I-I don't know..."
Nodding, I was about to leave when I turned back, asking "Did I hear something about you needing a mammoth tusk?"
Ysolda stared at me in surprise before nodding, quickly turning serious as she said "Aye, I need one. With it the Khajiit Caravans will trust me a bit more when they return; the leader, Ri'Saad, was offering to teach me a thing or two about trades if I got him a tusk. Do you have one?"
I shook my head, making the woman sigh, before I said "I don't have one now, but Aela and I are about to go out onto the plains; there are a bunch of mammoth out there, as well as a few skeletons of them. I can get you one... for a price."
Nodding, she said "We can discuss price when you have the tusk..."
Grinning at her, I bowed again before turning, leaving with a farewell.
Entering Jorrvaskr, I saw Aela sitting at the long table, her eyes stormy as she stared at the flames.
Seeing me enter she shot to her feet, making the others stare at her in surprise.
Stalking over to me, she grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside, making me slightly confused.
Glaring back at me, she slammed me against the wall before kissing me, her tongue swiftly finding my own and wrapping around it.
Her hands slid over my body, making me moan, before I yelped as she bit my lower lip.
The pale Huntress was still glaring at me, before she sighed, her shoulders slumping.
Leaning her head against my shoulder, she sighed again before whispering "I saw you with Ysolda a moment ago... kissing her hand. I know you have other women, but still..."
Her voice was slightly pained, and as she stared back up at me I shivered.
Those sharp blue eyes shone with possessiveness, and I recalled one far about her that she didn't really seem to hide...
She was a werewolf.
Which meant she was likely territorial.
Sighing, I wrapped my arms around her before kissing her, making the woman shudder.
Sliding my tongue into her mouth this time, I twisted our positions and pushed her against the wall, greedily devouring her lips.
When we separated for a breather, I grinned at her as I kissed her cheek, whispering "Aela, I've said it before, but I'm yours. Not exclusively yours, but we're together. You were the one to offer to become mates; I accepted. I want to be with you."
She nodded, pursing her lips before kissing me again.
However, her eyes were still filled with slight worry as she whispered "W-What if you get tired of me..?"
Rolling my eyes, I kissed the tip of her nose as I said "I wouldn't; you're beautiful, deadly, and you will be the first of my wives to impregnate me. I want to be with you; I want to have children with you. I just... can't say I will always be with ONLY you."
She nodded again, before letting out a sigh.
"I... I know that. I do. It's just..."
Her piercing blue eyes met mine, and she growled "I want nothing more than to chain you up so you're only mine. You're my mate, my woman, and eventually the mother of MY children."
Grinning at her, I kissed her again as I whispered "I am all of those, yes. But I am also a promiscuous woman who will never be satisfied with just ONE partner; I'm sorry, but I won't ever be that."
Licking my lips, she plunged her tongue into my mouth and then throat, slamming me back against the wall as she held me close.
"Fine. Just... try not to... 'hunt' your prey where I could see... It irks me to no end."
Returning her kiss again, I gently pushed her away before coughing, making her furrow her brows.
"Right... Silent Moons Camp; where is it?"