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Capítulo 6: Chapter 6

Wendel was breathing hard as he had just barely escaped from those crazy guys. Seriously, if not for the money and bets he had going on he would have long since accepted being 'captured' by just about anyone from that bunch. He did not overly care who his 'God' would be since he would always just make his own party in the end anyways, but he really could not afford to be captured now.

The cash from the bets he put would not let him be taken away until at least over an hour has gone by. The odds there were quite excellent and he believed his ability to not be captured until then.

And he really needed the extra money from the bets for his gear, or to be more precise the Vassal Projectile.

All hero weapons have empowerment methods for their forms which can always become extremely strong after enhancement or even unlock new unique skills. The Cardinal Weapons like the Shield and Sword Legendary Weapons have multiple forms of enhancement, but a Vassal weapon like the one Wendel has in his hands possesses only a single form of empowerment so he had no choice but to focus on it.

Namely, his form of empowerment requires money. Pay money to enhance the weapon, each time becoming stronger, but it always has a chance of failure that sends the weapon right back to how it was when it was not enhanced.

It was a ridiculous 'pay-to-win' system that was very frustrating, but Wendel had no choice but to use it since it was the method for his weapon so now he needed as much cash as possible.

If he can keep the game going until an hour has passed, he would have enough money to enhance several of his current weapons, which would enhance his survivability quite a lot.

Jumping from one place to the other, Wendel turned his eyes over to a corner just in time to see a big ass icicle going toward him.

Not even thinking twice, Wendel jumped to avoid this as he launched himself away from the path of the projectile.

After avoiding this, he looked at the source and saw that several other icicles were being formed. An elf stood there with a scepter in hand chanting so Wendel released a 'tch' before speaking.

"As source of thy power, the Projectile Hero orders thee. Decypher the laws of nature and burn that which stands in my path with its unrivaled fury. Zweite Firewall!"

With that a wall of fire surged in front of Wendel, not satisfied with it he chanted again.

"As source of thy power, the Projectile Hero order thee. Decypher the laws of nature and push all that stays in your path. Zweite Wind."

This second magic created a rather strong gust of wind that, upon hitting the wall of fire, expanded it further and made the fire hot enough to melt most of the ice that was sent in Wendel's way. What was left was easily dealt with by his physical skills.

Wendel however had no time to relax as he saw the flames twist in two places for a short period of time but seemingly nothing came out of it.

Realizing that, once again, there were the invisible 'assassins' coming out to get him, Wendel did not hesitate as he chanted one more time.

"As source of thy power, the Projectile Hero order thee. Decypher the laws of nature and burn away that which tries to hide from my sight. Zweitte Fireflash."

A magic circle appeared on Wendel's hands and a thin wall of fire expanded around Wendel. The wall passed harmlessly around his surroundings until it hit two people who were trying to sneak up on him.

The dangerous Black Cat and Black fist assassins. The two were not from the same Familia and were the future members of the Hostess of Fertility, Chloe and Lunoire, both being very well-known and capable assassins who sometimes worked together and thus were used to each other, having good chemistry when fighting together

"Shit." Chloe said as she saw her invisibility spell vanishing. She wanted to jump and catch Wendel but the boy was faster as he took a deep breath before-

"Sky Dragon's ROAR!" With that a tornado hit Chloe, sending her hurling toward the wall of fire that was further ignited by the wind that made the car girl pass out from the heat of the flames.

Lunoire moved fast, jumping towards Wendel and when she was about to get to him she froze as a small dagger hit her shadow, locking her in place.

Truly, the combination of Wendy's Sky Dragon Slayer and Enchantment powers as well as Rishia's multiple abilities had an amazing synergy. Despite none of those powers individually being able to let him survive this siege, the combination of the skills was more than enough to let him survive.

Not only that, the talents he obtained from the Catalog together with the natural talents of both Rishia and Wendy were showing their worth as Wendel was growing fast during this competition as he adapted more and more to his abilities by being forced to face different situations so much.

This was the ideal pressure Wendel needed, which of course meant that it was now that the next batch was released and the 'nightmare mode' of this competition gets out as the Level 5s are free to move.

Now it was no longer a competition between equals, but the start of the hunt of the apex predators.

At the starting line, just as the sound for the 'go' was released, the first one to move was not the agile and most capable Finn, or the highly experienced Tsubaki, or even the 'super in hear' Phryne. No, the one to make the first move was actually the scummy little shit Dix who did not even try to run towards Wendel to start, instead using his curse.

"Lose your way in an unending illusion. Phobetor Daedalus." With those words he activated his curse, a wave of red energy was released and quickly entangled all the level 5s except for Phryne who was free to run ahead.

As for the others, Dix's attributes were all lowered to be those of a Level 4 only, but the rest were in a much worse state as they fell into an illusion, instead of running towards Wendel they all started attacking one another when they were still close to the public.

As the three Level 5s started fighting one another and whoever else got too close, Dix simply jumped far enough away to observe the situation. He knew that all three of them should have some form of resistance to his curse, which would explain why they did not start to indiscriminately attack the public and instead only focused on each other. Dix also understood that his curse would not be able to hold those three for that much time, so he would let Phryne go hunt down her shota dildo. If she did not manage it until the time that those three got free from the curse, then Dix would have to say that it was her bad luck.

"Now, now, I wonder if your hunt will go well, miss weakest Level 5." Dix said as he turned his gaze to the screen above to watch what would happen.


Wendel's P.O.V.

Fucking finally, I could swear those assassin girls would not leave me be. Fuck it, when they join the Hostess of Fertility I won't give them any tips!

Taking a deep breath as I stand far enough away from the rest I focus. I have around 70% of my magic reserves yet, mostly thanks to how simply 'eating' air restores my magic energy, but my stamina is starting to lag after fighting for half an hour and running around for that long now.

Exhaling my deep breath I go back to the ground. I know I cannot hide thanks to everyone being always able to see me from the screens, so hiding away from my pursuers is out. I can only focus, soon enough the Level 5s will arrive and I must not be caught in a siege by then.

My options are limited, but I suppose my best option would be to incapacitate at least one of them, even if just a bit. I should avoid being caught by all five Level 5s at once, otherwise, I am as good as done for.

Yes, that should work. Considering I must incapacitate at least one Level 5, I must go all out even if only for a very short period of time. Thinking thus I concentrate, the Rishia template is a lot more than I originally expected and her skills are certainly much more than just her Vassal Weapon, and it is precisely those skills that I need now.

Sensing the flow of life energy inside me I push it to circle inside my body like I was doing for a while now, but this time around I activate it in such a way as to let it explode in potency, making my power increase to a much higher degree even if it costs me a lot more stamina to maintain. A green aura surrounds me as I do this, but it is not enough.

With a thought, my hair turns from deep blue to a vibrant pink, and dragon scales appear on my wrists and legs as well as small wings made of wind on my back.

Dragon Force.

Feeling my energy and stamina being drained, I have no time to think that much as I jump up to try and find where the Level 5s are.

As I move up I think about how to better incapacitate one of them. Perhaps breaking the leg of one or two of them before running away would do the trick, no way they can simply run after me at the same speed if their leg is busted.


I hear a shout and before I can get a proper footing or avoid it, a brown missile pushes against me.

"GAH!" I gasp as the impact throw some spit and blood out of my mouth, so unexpected it was. I can only look at the said missile using one of her hands to hold my arms above my head.

"Hehehe, finally you are mine, delicious." Came a disgusting voice as the face is revealed and-

I wanna throw up.

Seriously, I feel bile coming up my throat at the image in front of me. Why did no one tell me that Orario experiments with monster-human hybrids?

I understand that the Gods here tend to be stupid dumbasses with intelligence comparable with children on a sugar rush and without parents' supervision, but seriously, who was the brilliant idea of mixing a swamp frog with an ugly bitch woman?

Note to self, make sure to create the manga for Monster Musume or something, if only so that future experiments on human/monster hybrids are more on the ways of ecchi instead of body horror.-

"Now, I will enjoy this a lot~~" The frog monster said and licks her lips, the action somehow making me have goosebumps from how disgusting it was, her eyes all but raping me.

I try to pull my hands away, but her grip is firm and despite me feeling her struggle to keep my arms locked she still can do it.


Huh? Wait, what is this feeling?

I look down to see the monster taking her other hand down to my pants, putting her hand in and-

"SKY DRAGON ROAR!" I release my anger and disgust in easily my strongest attack to date. The monster is sent flying while releasing a weird sound that looks quite in place with a frog being hit.

As she was in the air I did not hesitate, flying up towards the monster way higher than one would expect my hair swing widely as I start to throw punch after punch at the monster, they all had my win pushing my arms to move faster and stronger as well as each being accompanied by an appropriate word for how I felt right now.

"Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, DISGUSTIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!"

As the combo ends with me delivering a kick to the head, hurling her to the ground, I feel my energy reserves lowering by a lot, almost half of both my stamina and magic reserves were spent just like that.

I can see that this thing is still alive somehow, but it would likely be better if I did not take too long here. If this thing could take all those attacks head-on when it clearly was not so prepared I do not desire to face it when it IS prepared.

Turning around I was just about to leave when a memory of what just happened crossed my mind and I could not help but go to her side and start kicking it when it was down.

"I am gonna make you pay, pay for being the first one to touch my... fuck, I wanted the first one to be some hot woman, not some frog monster of dubious gender." I then turn to the sky, hoping to make my point. "Her molesting me doesn't count, I am human and this thing is some chimera between human and frog some demented God made while drunk. Fuck you, whoever made this thing out of nightmares!"

After finishing my righteous rant, I accelerated away from here, hoping that things would be better now.


Only to get a slash wound in both my legs. Looking back I see that Chloe, despite me hitting her before, was still able to fight even if she was quite a bit charred from the fire. Oh, she has a flask on her hand, a healing potion maybe?

I try to keep standing, but it is a losing battle as I feel myself get dizzi.

"Don't bother, I coated my daggers with a strong paralytic poison." She said and I decide not to struggle as she approaches me. "It is nothing personal and I am sure our future God, Njord, will treat you well. He is a nice guy and he feels you two might get along, don't worry we of the Njord familia will take good care of you."

Oh, sheesh, thanks for making a sales pit AFTER stabbing me through the leg. Really shows your skills and how much care you guys will have for me, 10 out of 10, but, can we get moving?

Soon she had me dangling on her shoulder as she moved away, I not even trying to fight it as I let her carry me away. All things considered, she capturing me is a nice option. No, not because I want to join the Njord Familia, but because said Familia has a base in a city to the southwest of Orario, 5 kilometers out of the borders of Orario. With several Level 5s hunting us down AND knowing our location AND the fact that she must already be tired and is very much hurt from all the fighting until now?

Yeah, I can just relax and rest for a bit before she is inevitably caught. Maybe, if I am lucky, she can get me a few minutes of rest to recover my magic as well as stamina (this was a short fight, but releasing so many skills at once is still tiring).

Well, at least one Level 5 seems to be down for now, and considering who it is I won't need to worry about ending up as a gigolo or the toy of Ishtar.



In the stands watching, everyone was shocked at the display in front of them. None could comprehend how a true Level 5 could possibly lose to someone who did not have their Falna yet.

And the silence was finally broken when a clapping sound was heard. It was slow at first, but soon the person clapping was doing so openly and loudly making all those present turns in the direction to see just who was clapping, only to see that it was Freya.

"Magnificent, truly magnificent." Freya said before turning to her strongest child, Ottar.

Said 'child' had his hand clenched into fists, both in fury over someone else being admired so intensely by Freya, and his sheer fighting instinct and desire to face this child after he grew some more. Ottar could tell that the kid would have no chance if the two were to come to blows now, such were the abilities of a level 6 who was just a step away from level 7, but the abilities of Wendel completely convinced Ottar that, sooner or later, the two would stand in the same stage.

Their fight would be something that would let both grow even higher in their way of divinity!

As for the others in the stands, they started talking excitedly about all that was happening and some money was being passed over between the gods who had placed bets between themselves BESIDES the main ones posted for anyone to compete.

As this was happening, a few Gods started releasing some comments about the only level 5 who was defeated and Ishtar's face grew redder and redder with shame and anger at this humiliation. She was one of the strongest and most influential goddesses, and her familia was one of the most powerful as well, how could she easily accept standing here and hearing the comments from all these minor Gods who, in most cases, would fall over themselves for the mere hope of sleeping with her once.

Unfortunately, just as Ishtar was getting up to leave this place, she was noticed by Freya who could not help but want to poke at her 'rival' of sorts. Infuriating and frustrating Ishtar was one of Freya's favorite pastimes for tens of thousands of years now, after all, and somehow it never truly got old.

"And where are you going, Ishtar? Were you not excited to see your 'new toy' in action?" Freya said mockingly to the Goddess of the Ishtar Familia.

"Where I go to is none of your business, Freya." Ishtar said and Freya giggled at that.

"Oh, and here I was thinking you were going to go retrieve your experiment? What was it named again, 'gross, gross, gross'?"

Ishtar's teeth ground against each other as she left, her face red in fury.

She glared at Freya, wanting nothing more than to crush her then and there. But, she was not yet able to do it, so she could only swallow this and move along, her mind turning to how she could make her Familia stronger. Strong enough to crush Freya!

As for the other Gods watching, they simply continued to look to see how things would develop. Such were the gods, after all.

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