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25.53% Wolf king hegemony / Chapter 12: Dead end of the anime

Capítulo 12: Dead end of the anime

{Next morning}

I died and went to hell. That was the only thought I had after the HOUR of teasing. I came so close to just saying 'fuck it' and fuck them both until their Regeneration couldn't fix their legs, but I held on. I had a will of steel and patience saints would kill me over.

But I survived.

At some point, Shizuka grew tired, and after she had climaxed after rubbing her pussy against my dick for what felt like hours, she started to drift off to sleep.. Still on top of me... Dripping against my dick. I endured like fucking Buddha, and eventually, Saeko joined her in unconsciousness. And for hours, I laid there, staring at the ceiling and thinking how I got here. Even the sun didn't annoy me as much as it usually did. I was just stunned. But today was another day, and I had to get up.

So I gently shook Shizuka, and started to wake her up. She groaned as I did, and after a few more tries, she woke up. "Mhm... Morning Si...-" She felt my dick, and I saw her start blinking more. She looked at her position, and she smiled at me. I prayed it wasn't a horny smile because I was on the ends of my rope.

She straightened up, and straddled me. I watched as she slowly, and when I say slowly I mean she must've been moving fucking CM at a time, slid against my crotch. She made eye contact with me the entire time, and I was moments away from snapping. She ground herself against me, and after a few more seconds, leaned down towards me. "Good boy." Then she kissed me.

I kissed her back, and that's how we started our morning. After a minute of kissing, she got out of bed, and after almost walking into a wall, made it to the door. Though she did stop before opening it. "Silveeer, wake up Saeko." I sighed, and did so.

I gently shook Saeko, who was drooling again, and woke her up. As her eyes opened, she looked at me, and nibbled my neck. (Welp, I've figured out my new morning routine.) I wasn't complaining, just stating a fact. After a few nibbles, she started to get up, but before she did, I wanted revenge for helping Shizuka with her punishment. So before she got off the bed, I stood up, and spanked her.

The yelp Saeko let out was both adorable and arousing. She even looked at me and I understood I'd made a mistake. "More. Don't tease me my lord, give me more." I blinked, and turned away. That was when I noticed Shizuka rushing towards me.

"Silver smack mine too!"

(Why am I so fucking stupid? Did that wall take some of my brain cells?) I couldn't say no to Shizuka though, so I gave in. After I spanked her, and tried to ignore the very sexy moan she let out, I shifted and walked with my girls. We had finished freshening up and eating a small breakfast, and went looking for the others. They ended up riding on my back, and I ignored the horny side of my mind that told me they were riding me, and walked to where I smelled the rest of the group.

I found them on the balcony, and quickly understood why. Saya's dad was here, and the demonstration was starting.

"Your dad looks just as intimidating as always huh Saya." Takashi was her childhood friend, so of course he knew him. Saya scoffed, but still nodded.

"Of course he is, my papa has to keep his men in line somehow. It's just easier to do if you can scare them just by looking at them."

"I hear that. It was easy to keep my girls in line if they were too scared to act out." Huh?

We all looked to Kiriko, who just looked back at us.


"Uh... Were you more then an officer before Mrs. Miyamoto?" Kohta, who I just noticed had bags under his eyes, asked. We all watched as Kiriko blinked, and went 'ah' and spoke.

"Yeah. I was a gangster. Ran my own crew and everything. Hah... Good times." We all just looked at her, and I watched Saya go through a weird cycle of confusion and acceptance. Though Rei just looked proud, and I wasn't exactly sure why. I only remembered that detail now, but that was sort of out of left field.

"... I have a feeling none of us were ever normal to begin with." I agreed with Saeko. And since there weren't any other people with us, and my girls were off my back, I shifted back.

"If you look at it, the only normal people are Takashi and Alice. The cavalry both know how to use a spear, are competent fighters, and have weird pasts." I ruffled Saya's hair, which caused her to flail her arms and shout at me.

"Cub's this little heiress with a family estate and everything." I pointed my chin at Kohta.

"G.I Koh is the best shot ever seen aside from Rika, and knows guns better then an army general." He glowed at that praise. I pointed towards Saeko next.

"A samurai woman that beats the shit out of zombies with a bokken and sends them flying." She smirked at me.

Then I pointed to Shizuka. "A woman that lives with someone in the list for top 5 snipers in the country." She looked proud at Rika's accomplishment. And then I pointed to Takashi.

"And even if we count Alice, you're still the most normal one here. Mini-me, if you weren't a Werewolf, then I'd have nothing else to say. Though out of all of that, you still fit the leader role the easiest. I don't count, since I agreed to leave it to you. And you haven't proved me wrong yet."

He turned thoughtful, and looked around the rest of the group, and nodded when he came to some sort of conclusion. "It's kind of weird when you put it like that. Almost sounds like an anime or something." I whistled in my mind.

(Not gonna tell him he hit the nail on the head.) We all looked down when the audience gasped. Saya's dad had cut off the guys head, and it flew into the fountain...

"That's kind of a fucking waste now isn't it?" It'd be cleaned out, but still. Saya grunted in acknowledgement, and the crowd started to disperse. "Anyway, how're ya feeling G.I Koh? You were the last one to wake up. That, and you kinda look like shit." Kohta looked at me, and then he did his fucking 'I've got a weapon' face. Then he started fucking cackling! We all just stared him like he was insane.

"Can you just answer the question Hirano?!" Saya's shout broke him out of it, and he looked embarrassed.

"Sorry... It's just, I figured it out." Huh? Fuck's that mean?

"What did you figure out Kohta?" Yes Saeko, ask my questions for me. Kohta grinned again, and we watched as a bullet, yes this fucker was making a bullet, of aura formed above his hands. The pack watched, and I blinked.

"As soon as I woke up, I knew WHAT I could do, I just had to learn how. This stuff is awesome! It might've taken me a few hours, but I managed to replicate the 7.62x51mm rounds Minami's rifle needs. As of right now, I can replicate a full mag before I feel tired. And still, I can only hold a bullet for 2 minutes maximum. But this was after a few hours! What about days? Weeks? What could I make after a month? It's like you said Mr. Zaka, I'm only limited by my imagination and my control." I blinked again, and I could my instincts were also silent.

"... Holy shit Kohta... You might be a fucking genius..." I just had to say it. Shit like that usually takes a Werewolf MONTHS, and the kid did it in hours? Granted, he didn't sleep, but still.

Kohta seemed to glow even more at my praise, and the bullet in his hand vanished. The rest of the pack were still watching in silence, but then Saya reacted. "Hirano, we are going to have a very long discussion about what we can and cannot do with this!" We watched Kohta straighten and salute.

"Yes, ma'am!" That reminded me.

"By the way. Since your all fresh, we'll be taking time to learn and work on what you can do. As you all are now, you're hardly Werewolves. You've got the knowledge, the instincts, and the power, but you don't have the experience. I'll be teaching you how to really use, grow, and push your powers to their limits. You all got me?" They all straightened up, and copied Kohta.

"""""""Yes sir!/Kay Silver!/Yes my lord!"""""""

I nodded at them, and we started our day. The rest of the pack had breakfast, and we all made our way towards the forest. Though I did call Rika first. As soon as she heard Kohta could make bullets, she lost it.

~Silver you've got a fucking week to get to me and bite me. I'll even screw the dinner and just take it, but infinite bullets is a fucking wet dream for me right now.~ I snorted at that.

"I'll make time for it. For now, I'll work on teaching the kids how to really use their powers, and get to you by tomorrow, the day after being the latest."

~You better! I've been dealing with reloading over and over again, I'm going to get arthritis at this rate!~

"Sure sure. You know, you could always just get on a chopper to the estate. The place is a good stronghold."

~If only I could. We got a general here, sitting on his fat ass, ordering us to clear the landing strip, secure the airport, and pick those zombies off if they get too close. I'm getting close to shooting that pig in the balls if he makes me deploy to another empty street for 5 hours.~

"Can't you just throw the Takagi name around?"

~I could. If I had the chance to say something! If I'm not sleeping or having breakfast, I'm being shuffled around like a damn trading card! I tried to get a message across, but the guy I told about the Takagi's 'died in action' so I'm pretty sure the pig is trying to keep his power.~

"Huh? Are the Takagi's that influential?"

~Damn right they are! If the Takagi's came in, they'd get oversight on operations and get the power to run their own. The only reason I'm safe is that I'm too valuable to lose. The general can't touch me, my unit is too good to fuck with, and I'm pretty sure someone else is trying to seize command from him. Even with the end of the world, politics are still fucking with us.~

"Huh... Yeah, I'll see if we can get to you by tomorrow. Stay alive short stack."

~Yeah yeah, love you too and all that shit old man.~

"Brat." She laughed at that, and we hung up. With that out of the way, I made my way back to the pack, and I looked around at them. The rest of the pack were standing in a clearing I found. They were all lined up, and some were talking to each other, like Saya and Kohta were about guns and constructs, or Rei and Takashi about... Last night? I raised a brow, and turned to Kiriko, who was talking with Saeko and Shizuka about something. (I could just ask later.)

I clapped, and got their attention onto me. I knew I'd have maybe 2 or 3 hours before the EMP, and I'd use that to see where my pack stood.

"Alright. I'll find out where you all stand in terms of base physical ability, healing, aura control and manipulation, then we'll move onto how well you can act as a unit and end off with your Werewolf forms. I'll end up figuring out your affinities after those first tests are done. First we'll be starting with fighting." Saya and Kohta groaned, Saeko grinned in anticipation, Shizuka just looked as she usually did, and the power couple and mom looked interested.

"Zakaaa, are we really fighting against YOU?" I snorted at that.

"Of course not cub. Even as weak as I am, I'm too much for you all to take on, even in your Werewolf forms. What we're doing is testing your stamina and power. How long can you hold out for? How hard can you hit? You all know the basics, but we need to see how well you can apply said basics. I'll limit myself to using the amount of force I had after I got enough energy to shift again." (AKA E rank strength.)

Saya groaned again, but didn't say much else. Though Takashi raised his hand, which I laughed at. "We're not in school Mini-me. Just ask your question." He looked embarrassed at that, but cleared his throat anyway.

"When you said you'll test our healing, how exactly are you going to do that? I've got an idea, but I'm just hoping I'm wrong." The others blinked at that, and they all looked at me, a little fearfully... Aside from Saeko... And Shizuka? Oh god.

"We'll start off small. Cuts, scrapes, stuff like that. Depending on how fast you heal, and how tired it makes you, we'll move on to the next stage. Broken fingers, unimportant bones, things like that. And before any of you say something, Werewolves have a higher pain tolerance then you used too. Everyone's is different, but it's still way higher then human standards. A broken bone will be like scraping your knee... Depending on the bone though."

They just looked at me, and I heard Kohta sound unsure.

"Do we really need too Mr. Zaka?" I sighed.

"Kohta. If I shied away from pain, I wouldn't have made it to where I am today. Werewolves live for the hunt. To fight. We dance a bloody dance of war and violence. We fight, we advance, we know no retreat. Knowing what we can or can't do is sometimes the difference between dying and victory. From now, you're all going to really learn what it means to be a Werewolf." They all took in my answer, and Kohta turned serious at it. Though that didn't mean I couldn't throw in some incentive.

"You know, our bodies grow and optimize themselves. If I remember right, it took a fresh personal bite Werewolf around 4 days to go from a 400+ pound human to a 188 pound Greek sculpture of muscle. Whatcha say about making our own record G.I Koh?" I saw the look in his eyes go from serious to a burning inferno of determination.

"I'LL DO MY BEST SIR!" Did I feel bad about the way I motivated him? Hell no? Besides, Asami could thank me later. The rest of the kids, and Kiriko, looked at me with amusement on their faces.

"Good man! Now then, Mini-me! Come on and show me what you can do!" Takashi blinked, pointed at himself, and I laughed. "Yes you Takashi. As the leader, you need to set an example, so come on. The road to getting as stacked as I am starts here." I watched him groan, but walk over to me anyway.

"Now then. As part of the package deal, you should instinctively know how to stand. Don't give me that look. You're fucking doing it now!" Which he was. When he got close enough, his body instinctively changed a bit. It's a subtle thing, knowing the right way to stand so you can move to dodge or strike at the drop of a hat. He even seemed confused when I brought it up. The rest of the pack noticed it too, and they were interested.

"How does that even work? He doesn't look any different, but I know you're right. Zaka?!" I raised my brow at her.

"I told you all, remember? You get the INSTINCTS as well. Think of it like breathing. We all now how to do it, but we don't consciously do it every single moment now do we?" (AN - enjoy manually breathing fuckers.)

I saw her understand it, and nod. With that done, I went back to my explanation. I opened my palms, and had them face Takashi. "Now then, hit me. Hard as you can Mini-me." He nodded, and punched my hand. "Hmm... Good hit. You could probably break a tree in what... 3 hits?" He stiffened, and just stared at me.

"What? I... Did I hear that right Sir. Zaka?"

"Yea, now get back to hitting. I need to see how long you can keep punching at that level before you get tired." He broke out of his stupor, and nodded. So for 5 minutes, Takashi punched my hands, and we learned what he could do. I think he even got into it after a while. Though I had to stop him there, or else no one else would get a turn.

"Alright, we're good here. You did good Mini-me. Go back and stand with the others." He nodded, and I saw him look at a tree. "Yes you can go punch the tree." He almost tripped as he walked back, and we laughed. I heard him grumble 'assholes' and laughed harder. "Alright, Cavalry, come on over." Rei looked at me, and came on over. I didn't even need to prompt her, she started punching, and I hummed.

"Faster then Mini-me, but with less force. Looks like you're a speedy one Cavalry." She blinked at me, and looked confused.

"What's that mean though? Am I going to always be weaker?"

"Nah. It's part of the affinity thing I mentioned. It's also why I called Kohta a genius earlier. Every Werewolf is different. Some are faster then they have any right to be, hit like a whale on crack, can take hits that blow buildings apart with ease, or can use aura like they got it flowing through their veins. Our affinity towards a certain aspect of our power advances faster then the others. You're a speedy one, so you'll be annoyingly fast if you train the right way. Though I'm pretty sure Mini-me is a stamina freak. You'll find out the joys in that later." The way she burned and the sound of Takashi's choking made me laugh.

We finished with Rei, and then I moved on to Saeko. "Alright samurai, you're up to bat." Saeko licked her lips, and strutted up to me. She got into her stance, and started to punch. "Hmm... You're a speed type. That'll be interesting." Saeko hummed and kept punching. After I was ready to call next, she went back and stood by Shizuka. "Ok Shizuka, come on. Let's see what you can do."

I saw Shizuka come up to me, and after a small hug, she started. And I wasn't ready. She punched my hand, and I felt it break. Everyone stopped, and we just looked at my hand, and the bone sticking out of it. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. You're a power type!?" (AN - The idea of Shizuka punching people into walls was too good for me to pass up.)

Shizuka just looked up and blinked at me. My hand already healed by the time she did, and we just looked at each other. "Um... Did I do good?" I just looked at her, and brought her into a hug.

"I'm so teaching you how to throw asphalt and concrete!" She didn't expect the hug or response, but she hugged me back. After that, I adjusted how much I'd need to keep my bones from breaking, and tested Shizuka. She had the power, she was just low on the stamina. We'd work on that later. After we were done, I looked at Kohta. "G.I Koh, report in!"

"Yes sir!" Kohta came to me, and I tested him.

"You're an aura type, I already figured that out. But you can get some decent strength behind these hit. Nice going Kohta." He ate the praise up, which made me realize the kid must've been deprived from positive affection, though we'd all work on it later. With Kohta done, it was Saya's turn. "Come on down cub, it's your turn in the ring." Saya huffed at that, but she came over anyway. "You know the drill."She nodded, and started punching.

"Nice power and speed, you're low on stamina, but we can work on that. I'm not feeling a physical affinity, so you might be an aura affinity like G.I Koh." She hummed thoughtfully at that.

"What do I do with that? You mentioned constructs, Hirano can make bullets, but what else can we do? And what about you? What type are you?" She kept punching as she asked, and I hummed.

"I'm an aura type." She missed her next punch.

""""""WHAT?!"""""" They all held their ears after that, and I laughed in sick glee.

"Finally! You fuckers finally learned why I hate that!" They all sent an annoyed glare at me, but I laughed more.

"Ugh! Anyway! You're an aura type?! We've never even seen you use it! And what about your Regeneration or strength? How're you that strong if they aren't your affinity?!" I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"I trained. I fought. I never died. My regeneration is a freak mutation. Take your pick. Back then, we were constantly fighting. We trained everyday. We fought everyday. Either with each other, vampires, or on our own, we fought. We improve the more we train. We can always improve. Even if it felt like we reached the height of our strength, that just meant we had to work harder to break that ceiling. I'm still too weak to use my aura, but when I can use it again, expect me to go from a old cannon to a missile. Though I might tire myself out too quickly if I use too much."

I saw them all trying to picture me being stronger then I already was, and I saw Kohta picturing me as a missile. Saya nodded, then swatted my hand from her hair, and went back to punching. She finished up her round, and I turned to Kiriko. "Mama Cavalry, your the last one up. Show me your moves." And she did. She came up to me, punched, and I groaned. "Another power type. Great." She smiled at that, and kept punching.

5 minutes later, and they were all back and lined up. "Alright. For this I want you all to bring out your claws. Just think of them showing up, and they will. After that, start scratching yourself. Start small, and count how long it takes. After every 5 have healed, tell me if you feel tired. Begin!" And they did. They all had no issues bringing out their claws, and I watched them cut. After 10 minutes, I stopped them. Takashi healed the fastest, a paper cut would heal the moment it appeared, and something like a gash healed in a minute. We didn't do broken bones yet, but we would some other time. He was fine in terms of stamina. Shizuka and Saya were tied for 2nd place, but they both had horrible stamina so they were exhausted.

Rei and Kiriko were tied in 3rd. Saeko was 4th, and Kohta was 5th. Kohta and Saeko could heal scrapes in 3 minutes, Kohta was a minute slower, and they needed stamina. They were all on the ground, and I hummed at them. "Damn, you guys suck." Takashi, Kohta and Rei groaned at me, Saya shouted at me, Saeko threw a rock at me, and Shizuka reigned me in.

"Silveeer. Are you being a bad boy?" I shut up after that. The rest of the pack looked at me, and I heard Kiriko whisper "Whipped." I loudly cleared my throat, and moved on.

"Anyway, onto the good stuff. Time to play with aura." I saw Saya and Kohta perk up, and continued. "Now usually, aura is instinctual. We can all do it, but we usually do it differently. For me, I started out using aura on my claws and sending out slashes of 'fuck you' beams at my enemies. We've all seen Kohta create a bullet of aura, so that should give you an idea of something you can try. So for now, I want you all to work on something small." I bent down and picked up a rock, I made sure they all saw it, and I flicked it into a nearby tree. The rock went through that tree and the one behind it.

"I want you to try that. Putting aura into stuff is the basics. Kohta just skipped levels 1-3 and went into the intermediate zone. We'll be starting at level 1, then making our way up. And before you say anything Kohta, the basics help strengthen our foundation. How do you expect to make a gun if you can't hold bullets for longer then a few minutes?" He closed his mouth, thought about it, and nodded.

They all started working on rocks and pebbles, and as I watched Saya flick a pebble through a tree... I had a thought. "So this is what you felt... Huh mom?" I was pretty sure they all heard it, but no one brought it up. In a strange, roundabout way, I was finding out what it felt like to teach. "It's not bad... Not bad at all." After 20 minutes of aura training, they could all imbue it into pebbles. They did seem a bit tired though.

"Alright, you're all tired, so lets break for a few minutes, then we'll get into the next stage of your training." They all cheered, and laid down against the ground. Though Shizuka came over, sat down, and padded her lap. I got the message, and laid my head in her lap. She slowly ran her fingers through my hair, and I melted into her lap. We didn't say anything for a bit, but a minute later, she asked me something.

"Silver... What was your life like? Before you became the best boy king." That made me think. I knew what my old life was like, but I was pretty sure I was going to get memories of another. I wasn't sure how to respond for a bit, but I decided to just speak and see what came out.

"It was... Normal, I guess you could say. I was an only child when most families had atleast 2 children each. My mother taught. Nothing specific, she taught anything. Combat, geography, tactics, language, aura. If it could've been learned by the tribe, she taught it. My father though? He was a warrior and artist. Back then, art was different... More personal... He took me on my first hunt, and he was the one that gave me the idea to lead.

It was joke mind you, 'Ha, this jester is running our kind right off a cliff, my son could do better then that!' I probably wasn't supposed to hear that, but I did. And I ran with it... Well... As far as a 5 year old can run with anything. Our lives were normal, for Werewolves. For years, it stayed that way. But that changed when I was 14..." (So I lost them around the same time...) Shizuka kept running her fingers through my hair, and let me talk. I knew the others were listening in, but I didn't mind.

"It was a mess. One of our territories was hit by vamps, and my parents were some of the warriors called in. It was supposed to be a normal day. Vamp attacks were something that happened monthly back then... But it turned out so much worse. It was a probing attack. They wanted to test a response, and the one they got wasn't good enough. They decimated the response team, and we were sent their bodies, drained of their blood... That when the war really kicked off." I exhaled through my nose after that last part. Our lives seemed similar, even up to what we did next.

"For a while... I was inconsolable. If I wasn't fighting, training, or killing vamps, I was drinking, fucking, or grieving. I was letting myself go. Friends I had known for most of my life tried to help, but they either died, got pushed away, or stopped trying after a few years. I grieved for... 5 years I think? That was how long it took for me to get myself together... And when I did, I knew what I had to do. It might've been a joke, but it was what I had to do. I had to stop the war... And I'd have to be king to do it.

So I fought. I would seek out anyone I could. Any genius that rose in our ranks. And I fought them. Even if I lost, I kept coming back. Over and over until I won. Until I surpassed them. I repeated that process for yours. I trained and surpassed any and every genius I could. Some of them even gave me some of the scars you see on me. But back to the story. When I was sure I had the power, I challenged our king. The man lived for almost 2 centuries, ruled for 30 years, and I had trained seriously for 20 years and only lived for around double that.

You'd think I'd lose... Which I did. Multiple times. But I never stopped. A king could be challenged once a year, on the day of their coronation. So I kept going. I trained, I fought, I lost. But 4 years later. I won. I claimed the throne, and I started working on the war. I made my way to any battlefield, and if the vamps didn't stop antagonizing us, I'd put them down. I had too much power at that point. Their fodder were destroyed in moments, their nobles hardly stood a chance... Except for 2 of them. This fast fucker that could out speed me because of vampire magic bullshit, and this guy that could punch through a mountain on accident... They were fun...

Though the only vampire I really got close too was Rai... And that was by total accident..." I went quiet for a bit, just taking in everything I said... And compared it to Muzaka's life. He had friends, people he could trust... I didn't. I had a Garda, but I pushed her away. I was on my own in both lives, and it was my fault... But that thought was cut off by Shizuka. She just hummed, ran her fingers through my hair, and comforted me.

"The sparkly vampire? How'd you meet him?" No sense of urgency, just a simple question. No judgement, no nothing. Nothing but care and comfort. Even her eyes and smile didn't hold anything but love. (I need to take her out on a date later. Fuck the zombies)

"Rai... I met Rai when I was going to talk peace. This noble showed up to guide me out, I didn't like him. So I walked off during the leave and just went looking. I ended up across this mansion a far way out, and I was interested. 'Who the fuck lives out here?' That was my thought when I came up on it. So, being the nosy fucker I was, I walked in. And the place was empty. This giant ass mansion, close to Saya's but like... Double? Yeah. Double the size. And it's empty. So there I am, walking through this creepy decrepit... I didn't mention that. The fucking place looked abandoned... Though it was getting cleaned up... But just a bit.

Then, I smell something. This human scent in the land of vampires and Werewolves. So I followed it. And that trail led me to the servant of my only bestfriend. I met Frankenstein a...-"

"FRANKENSTEIN!?" I sighed.

"Yes cub. Frankenstein. And before you ask, no there was no monster. HE was the monster. He replicated the vampires soul weapon concept, and made one for himself... It was fucked up, but he did it. And no he didn't LOOK like a monster. He was just a blond haired blue eyed human that could pass for a model. He was a mad scientist type. He had this evil cackle and everything. Apparently he ran into Rai's home escaping from vamp nobles. Anyway, back to Rai.

I met Frankenstein, and we almost fought. I was an intruder in his 'master's' home, and I just wanted to test the only human I've met that could give me a run for my money if I wasn't careful. Then, I heard him. 'It's fine Frankenstein.' The 3rd longest sentence I'd ever heard come from him for decades afterwards. I met Rai, and we clicked... In a weird way... Rai... He didn't speak much if at all. Most of the times it was a grunt of response, a look in his eye or on his face, or just a single word response.

I talked too much, he talked too little. Though he liked watching me and Frankenstein do our passive aggressive or outright aggressive act. He looked happy whenever there was someone to talk with him... And I asked him about it. He could leave. He had the power to overthrow the vampire government all on his own. 'So why don't you leave?' And his response stumped me. 'I have all I need here.' And I couldn't get it. We Werewolves love our freedom. We crave it, it's in our blood to run free. And then there was Rai. Standing by the same window for decades if not centuries... And that was all he needed? I didn't get it.

Then I talked about it with Frankenstein. And I did. He had all the power. All the responsibility for his kind. And he was alone. He was feared by his own people. He gave everything for them, and they rejected him because of it. He was alone. Like I was... And I hated it. He lived for them, and they chained him down. He was living, but he wasn't ALIVE. Even Frankenstein hated it. That was the only thing I ever agreed with him with. So I decided to do something about it. I'd visit him as much as I could. And even if we spent hours in silence, or with me talking and him looking at me in response, or the rare times he actually spoke, I visited.

We were the others bestfriend for decades... Then the whole betrayal happened. If Rai was that hurt, then I knew Frankenstein died. He would've destroyed the world if Rai died before him. And Rai himself? There was no way he was making it out after that. And there went my bestfriend and a guy I will reluctantly say was maybe the closest person to be my 2nd bestfriend. A vampire and a human were the closest people to me... And they died centuries ago... Must say something about me huh..."

The pack was quiet, and the only sound going through the clearing was of the leaves being rustled by the wind.

Shizuka just brought her hand to my cheek, and leaned down to give me a kiss. There was nothing sexual about it. No tongue, no desire to dominate or feel good. Just the desire to comfort and love. And I took it in. Shizuka was a healing being, I took in her love, and just took it all in. She didn't seem to care about the past I mentioned, she just cared about the person in her lap. We held the kiss for a while, and then broke off. She looked at me, and I saw the care and affection bright as day in her eyes. "Silver, shift." I didn't question why, and just did.

When I shifted, she brought her hands to my ears and stomach, and just rubbed me softly. I took it all in, and listened to Shizuka hum as she did. It was calming, it was peaceful. And I loved it. (I'm going to end up marrying this woman aren't I?) I thought about that, and I found I didn't mind. (How the fuck do I plan a wedding?!) That thought though? Oh I had no goddamn idea how.

"You hear all that, and then seeing this scene just makes it impossible to put together." I snorted at Kiriko's words, and just enjoyed my comfort. I spent, 7? Maybe 8 minutes like that, and shifted back. I gave Shizuka another kiss, and got up.

"Alright. It's time to see how you all do as a pack. You all ready?" They all got up, and nodded. There weren't even any complaints. (Sad and fucking epic backstory for the win.) "Ok. Everyone shift and form up in the first way that comes into your minds." And they did. Fun fact, Kiriko is the same species as Rei, and Kohta was a Timber Wolf.

I watched them all form up, and nodded. Takashi was up front. Rei and Kiriko flanked his sides, Saeko was by Rei, and Saya and Kohta took up the rear. Shizuka was in the center of the formation, and they all looked ready. "Good. For this, we'll be going on a hunt. I smelled a herd of deer here before, so your task is to hunt them down. Let's move!" I shifted, and I watched them run. They ran as a group, and no one was out of place. I watched them run, and I saw Kohta and Saya enjoyed it the most. Even more then Saeko.

After a few minutes, they found their prey, and I watched them move. Takashi signaled for Saya and Kiriko to go to the opposite side, Saeko and Shizuka went towards the rear, and Kiriko and Kohta stayed by the side. Takashi himself went to the front of the herd, and they had the herd boxed in. Then they moved. Rei and Kiriko blitzed them, Saeko and Kohta ran in, and Shizuka cornered one that tried to run passed her. Takashi dealt with anything that came his way. Saya seemed to hesitate, but she bit into a deer, and she just went in from there.

They took out the herd in moments, and I shifted and clapped to get their attention. They all looked at me, Saya stopped eating her deer, and somehow looked embarrassed at eating it raw. "Nice moves. If you want to eat it raw, go for it, I'll make a campfire for anyone else that wants to eat it cooked." I watched them all look to each other, and saw Saeko nudge Saya with a bloody deer leg in her mouth. Saya yelped and turned away, but we saw her turn back and grab the leg a few seconds later.

From there, they ate, Shizuka and Saeko came over to me, demanding attention, so I gave it to them. Everyone decided to eat their hauls raw, and I shrugged. After a few minutes of eating, I took my hands off of my girls, and shook my head at a jealous Saya, and clapped. "Alright everyone, time for the last thing for today. Shift back and form up." They did, and I looked at them seriously.

"Now, it's time for our bread and butter as Werewolves. Our Werewolf form. I want you all to focus inwards, and find it. You should know how, and what it is, but I want you all to do it and get used to that feeling. It'll take a few minutes for you all since you've just turned, but we'll work on getting it to be instantaneous soon. Now, begin!" They all closed their eyes, and I watched them do it.

Since they were new, it happened slowly, and I saw the whole process happen. They slowly started to sprout fur, their hair grew longer and more wild, their claws grew and sharpened, and the process went on. Then a few minutes later, Saeko opened her eyes. As soon as she did, she started looking herself over, taking in her changes, and I saw her grow excited. She swung her claws in the air, and I saw her hum as she did. Then she did what I would do. She coated her claws in aura, and slashed.

She sent out 5 slashes of claw shaped aura, and we watched as they tore through a few trees before they dissipated. She looked amazed, and I saw her start to get aroused. She turned to me, and I saw the hunger in her eyes. (Uh oh...) She dashed towards me, and tried to wrap herself around me. But I caught her by her head and stopped her. "Down girl. You can play later. Everyone else needs time to get into and use their forms. She groaned in displeasure, but she nodded. I set her down, and we watched as the others went through their changes. Then Saeko me a question.

"Will our fur cover us if we're naked?"

"Only your nipples. Which is convenient and always annoyed me. And not for the reason your thinking either samurai."

She gave me a curious hum, but didn't comment about that last part. "If you want to see them, you always could. You've ravaged them already."

"True. Though again, fun for later samurai." She chuckled at that.

"If you say so my lord." We stayed in comfortable silence after that, and then the others started to open their eyes.

Kiriko, followed by Rei, Saya, Takashi, Kohta, and lastly Shizuka. They all looked at their forms, and tested them. Kohta made a aura rifle for a few moments, and promptly went into mutterings about how he'd word on his control after he got jacked. Kiriko and Rei made aura spears, Takashi coated his fists in aura and even tried to make an aura bat, but failed on that department, and Saya was working on a aura... Whip? (Don't question it. Don't. Question. IT.) They all played around for a few minutes, and then their forms receded.

"Ok. We've gone over the basics of your abilities. Starting from today, we'll be doing training every day, for atleast 2 hours. We may not hunt everyday, but we will run everyday. We'll use that time to scout the city, and we can double using that time to search for people like The Cavalry's dad/husband. Hell, maybe we can find G.I Koh a lady if we're lucky." (I was definitely saving Asami. So Kohta was going to have his cop girlfriend.) The guy in question refused to meet anyone's gaze, and I moved on.

"Now. I've told Takashi this already, but I don't want ANY of you to get overconfident. Overconfidence is a slow killer. I will not have my pack die because they THOUGHT they were ready. We will work on the basics. You will engrave them into your bones and very soul. You will take the time needed to grow. To get used to your new powers, and you will become men and women that make Werewolves proud. Am I clear!"

"""""""YES SIR!/Yes Silver!/Yes my lord!"""""""

With that said and done, I turned around. "Alright, time to get back to the estate. We'll be taking a break there, and check up on the Humvee and the rest of our supplies. We'll make our way back home, set it up as our main base, and plan from there. Any objections?" They shook their heads, and we started walking back.

"Hey Sir. Zaka, you sure you don't want to lead us?"I snorted at that.

"Hell no. I'm your teacher. The guy that makes sure you all do great and become the best you can be. I'm not leading shit till the day I die." I heard a snort that sounded like it came from Kiriko.

"Sure looks like your leading to me. You're walking in front of us, we're all in line behind you, and you gave us a plan and order. If it walks like a duck." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Anyway wh...-" I didn't get to finish my sentence... The EMP went off... And I cursed.

[Omake - How embarrassing. The day before, Saya's POV]

I was a Werewolf now... That was a strange thought to wrap my head around. I had no idea how to think of it in normal terms. I still had SOME preconceived notions about what could and couldn't be done. But when I was able to hear people on a completely different floor from me as if they were right next to me? "It's ridiculous. How does he deal with this crap?!"

It was annoying. I could hear someone yap on and on about how this was some government conspiracy, and I didn't know how to tone it out. I could've easily gone to Zaka and asked, but I was still a little embarrassed to be around him. I mean, I kissed him for crying out loud! (He has to earn more?! The hell was I thinking?) I wanted to bash my head into the wall for how ridiculous that sounded. (I told a centuries old Werewolf king HE had to earn ME?! Did I smoke something?! I was a genius, so why did I sound so STUPID with him?)

I walked through the estate, and just ignored the people I didn't know or those that tried to talk to me about something unimportant. I needed someone to help me figure out how to tune everything out. I could tell I had knowledge to do it, but it was something I needed a tiny bit of help with... I could ask for help, how hard could it be?

So with that thought in mind, I looked around for one of the others in our pack. I decided to check around for Komuro and Rei, and found their scent. I followed it, and turned the corner I smelled them at... And I stopped. They were making out. And I ran. (NOPE NOPE NOPE! NOT TODAY!)

Part of my mind wondered where Alice was, but I smelled her just a little ways away from them, so she was probably distracted and they took their chance. I ran for a bit, and settled for walking somewhere else. Hirano was still asleep, Miyamoto was out of it too, so that just left Saeko and Marikawa-sensei... So where were they?

I searched for them, and found them in a bath. I was about to go over and knock on the door to ask them, but then I stopped.

"Tonight, I'll need your help. Silver's been a bad bad boy recently, and I need to show him how to be a good boy again. So while I'm on top of him, I want you to turn his neck into your chewy toy."

Then I ran again. (NOPE! NOT DOING THAT AGAIN!)

I ran for a bit more, and stopped when I was nowhere near their bath. I walked over to a window, and stuck my head out to cool off. The image of Marikawa-sensei on top of Zaka, probably naked, and Saeko biting his neck made me hot. It might've been summer, but I'd take the summer heat compared to arousal heat. And as I stuck my head out, I heard something horrifying.

"S-Souchirou, not there!"

"FUUUUUUUUCK!" I bashed my head into the wall and I didn't care who heard or saw.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 19(2,820) (NEW)

Strength - C-

Dexterity - D

Vitality - D+

Intelligence - E

Wisdom - D- (Advanced)

Charisma - C- (Advanced)

Luck - E

Werewolf Strength stage 2/4 - 581/750

Regeneration stage 1/4 - 85/200

Werewolf Senses stage 2/4 - 61/75 - 68/75

Wolf King's Wisdom stage 0/1 - 7/50

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