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33.33% Pokemon: The Laid-Back Trainer / Chapter 1: Viridian Forest
Pokemon: The Laid-Back Trainer Pokemon: The Laid-Back Trainer original

Pokemon: The Laid-Back Trainer

Autor: Togepii

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Viridian Forest


Viridian Forest

A deep and sprawling forest described to be a natural maze. It is the home to millions of Pokemon with the majority of Bug and Grass types.

Here in this forest where strength is law, various type of pokemon exist.

These Pokemon survive due to the resources found in this vast area. It was said that only 30% of the forest have been truly navigated by humans. Even Elite trainers could not risk to venture within the maze said to be a one of the world's Devil dens, considered for its reputation of having high death rate and counts of missing people.

At this uninhabited tree in the forest, I found myself dazed by this wondrous and maybe horrifying sight of creatures I believed to be just an imagination, a fiction in the world I used to live in. Yes, used to. Apparently, it's as if there is a hole in my memories and I just couldn't remember how I was brought here.

I have been in the Viridian forest for several days at this point, eating the meager berries I could find to sate my hunger, hiding in trees and cracks to evade predators like Beedrill and Arbok, and smearing myself with unknown substances to cover up my scent and tracks.

My only possessions were a bottle of water, a few Oran Berries, a Sitrus Berry, a Cheri Berry, and a dusty space backpack. I arrived here wearing ragged shoes that were lost somewhere, only Arceus knows where. I basically look like a hobo.

"Damn it. When would I ever get out of this hellhole ?" River said.

Just this morning, I saw a group of Butterfree beating the hell out of six Primeapes. With loads of confusion and poison powder, the gang of Primeapes were beaten and poisoned to death. After finding out the reason why, I could only sum up that six Pokemon probably thought it was a good idea to punch the bugs resting, and then stealing their hard-earned berries.

I've been a Pokemon fan since childhood. Watched the anime and always dreamed of how I could have my own team. I've played for hours every after school but I didn't wish for this. Barely having anything to help me survive, I wouldn't even want my enemies to experience what I'm going through. Except for the bad guys of course.

Pokemon feast on one another in reality. While the weak continue to die and being prey upon, strong Pokemon compete for dominance and territory. I've spent many days in this ocean of greens and have witnessed a lot that has managed to change my perception of the cute Pokemon World. Pidgeys eating rattatas and caterpies. Raticates are having their bodies decorated of holen by some Beedrill swarm. Arbok sliced to pieces by a Pidgeot after it had consumed a Pidgeotto.

After seeing these sights, I'm not sure if I'm lucky to still be untargeted or unfortunate that of all the areas I might potentially transmigrate to, I'm here in this goddamn beast-filled forest. I consoled myself by thinking that, at the at least, I've received a slap in the face, making sure that I never again underestimate the danger of the wild.

I was slowly moving through the tall grasses when I suddenly heard commotion in the nearby bushes. There were buzzing crackles that I thought were electric shocks, and the grass slowly burning. I could see a Pichu, a withered and poisoned Pichu being bullied by three Ekans, as I peered through the holes in the grass. Despite its disadvantages and poisoning, the pokemon's electric bolts were a true marvel.

'Stay calm, stay calm, what do I do now?'

I could more or less guess that behind these three bullies, an Arbok hiding behind the scenes. Probably to ensure no one's going to intervene on the hunt. These type of Pokemon here in the forest are vicious and cunning. Like humans, they know how to trick their preys. I've seen it several times already.

As River began to panic, he could hear another buzzing sound from an opposite direction.

'Probably the Beedrills? My god, give me a break!'

After taking a second look at the Pichu, he briefly considered whether he should just leave when their eyes locked. Such eyes. Those eyes, full of despair, dread, rage, and suffering. River experienced another feeling. Its eyes are gently leaking tears. Apologies for bringing its predators so close to him. Being sorry for having another target be implicted.

Something began to erupt from my soul, I realized. In a fit of impulse, I grabbed a rock the size of my knuckles and entered a 3 foot deep fissure. I hastily took cover and then tossed the stone in the direction of the Beedrills while using all of my strength.

Unsatisfied, I threw another one I could grasp again as I attracted those yellow devils my direction, and when I realized there weren't any more close by, I stopped. I just wished for the best at that point.

My face was smudged with perspiration and dust. I closed my eyes and paid attention to the sounds around me. At this point, my heart's rapid beating was all I could hear. I was aware that my actions were suicidal. But did you know that occasionally the most dangerous location could also be the safest? I sent a pack of predators to another and prayed for the best. Ten seconds later,

"Buzzzz Buzzzz"


"Chaaabok" "Kannss" "Kansss"

The battle happened.

Crunching sounds of bones and flesh being broken into. I could now, at last, hear that. I shuddered as I understood how terrible Pokemon battles in the wild can be. Bloody, harsh, and terrifying, it is ruthless. My clothing is drenched in cold sweat.

After skulking there for a while like a chicken waiting to be butchered, I suddenly realized that my involvement might have put the Pichu I was trying to save in a much worse situation. Looking for the yellow mouse, I hurriedly leaped out of the hole.

The scene shocked me. I nearly vomited my breakfast of oran berries. Bodies and blood of Beedrills, Ekans and Arbok layed on the ground. Puddle of toxic liquid drenched the surrounding, sizzling as it melted the grass. Stingers of Beedrills cut off and poked holes in several bodies.

I never comprehended the potential horror I may have encountered following the Pichu hunt if I had not assisted, as several Arboks and Ekans were also now dead. Finally, it dawned on me. I was a prey all along and was completely unaware of it. Those Arboks were already eyeing me from a distance. That explains why I didn't spot any raticates approaching me.

Looking at the battlefield, I saw a small yellow body squirming underneath the corpse of an Arbok. It was a bit away from where the remaining Pokemon were fighting.

Seeing the struggling Pichu sandwiched and poisoned, I could no longer help myself. I sprinted with all my might towards the pitiful pokemon and lifted the corpse to give the Pichu a way out. I then grabbed it and placed in both of my arms' embrace. I knew I was being glared at, the hairs on my back rose. Those cunning Arboks. They too now realize they were pitted against the beedrills by a weak human. The human they considered just a reserve food waiting to be devoured once they go hungry.

'RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN,' That's all I could think at that moment.

I just blanked out from there and continued to run towards the other direction. Run like there's no tomorrow. Run, River, Run. Sharp branches, prickly leaves, and vines were scratching and cutting into my legs, arms, face, and skin. I had cuts and bloody feet from stepping on rocks and tough roots. Had never experienced such excitement in my entire life before, the thrill of death approaching. I was never the daredevil. My little hair was standing, Icould feel it. Something is looking at me, pursuing me, and desiring to shred me to bits.

River understood that if he stopped now, it was game over. He carried on running, dodging trees, large branches in his path, and thick vines as thick as his arms that nearly tripped him and knocked him over. He was unaware that he was entering the Viridian Forest's deepest depths..

After Arceus knows how many minutes River ran, he found very huge trees. Rhydon couldn't probably smash these kind of trees even after hitting the tree for a week right? The size of these trees, with a width of at least 4 meters and was full of vitality. But he just went deeper to find a safe spot.

While all of this was going on, hundreds of mostly grass-attribute pokemon peered out from tree tops, tree holes, and tall grasses to catch a glimpse of the creature they had never seen before. River would have been startled to discover a peaceful community of grass-type Pokemon if he weren't so preoccupied. The farther River traveled inside of this exclusive area, the more a mythological being became interested in him after feeling the oddity.

River panicked and looked at the state of Pichu. The wounds and bites and bruises it got from those Ekans. The venom slowly worsening his condition. Pichu's small face frowning from pain of body getting corroded by poison.

"Fuck, I ran out of Pecha berry already. Damn, where do I get one now? damn it, damn it, damn it." I was in a panic.

I hugged Pichu, crying as tears and snot come out. I never felt this way. I never felt so helpless and desperate as the time is ticking. As I continued running, I saw a berry tree with pink fruits hanging out from the branches. Below the Berry tree are a family of Gloom and Oddish playing around. I could already smell the stench from the Glooms but do I really have a choice?

Rushing to the family, I begged. The Glooms and Oddish startled at the sudden appearance of an intruder.

"Gloom, can I ask for two berries please. This Pichu needs it, and it's deeply poisoned."

"Gloooom Glooom Gloooooooom? Gloom" As if saying "You nearly shocked us to death and now you're begging? But okay, go ahead" The family looked at us in intrigued.

I snatched two Pecha Berry from the tree then grabbed my remaining Sitrus Berry from the bag. I placed the berries into a husk I used as bowl to eat from, and then mashed the berries as fast as I could, the juices messily splashing my clothes and face.

"Pichu, please stay strong buddy. You'll get through this. Eat this now so that you'll feel better."

"Pii" The Pichu, eyes closed slightly opened and weakly ate what the human fed it. It has never seen this kind of creature before but it knew it's being taken cared of.

River patiently scooped and fed the tiny mouse. The deep purple spots on the body slightly lightening and receding, an obvious indication that the berries helped. what kind of Pokemon science is this? But this was only temporary.

If Pichu couldn't get any medical help to properly treat the poison, Pichu's state would probably worsen over the days. But how could it be brought to a Pokemon Center, if ever there was any. 'I don't even know what Pokemon era I am in or where in the damnation place I'm stuck at. I could only hope for the best.'

The Glooms and Oddish family were observing him with interest as this was going on. They have never encountered a creature of this kind before. They were located in the heart of the forest. Only pokemon of the flying, and bug types and some rodents would unintentionally enter their domain.

All those predators are aware that this neighborhood may appear tranquil, but it may actually be filled with frightful Pokemon that are defending a location. River suddenly became aware of the situation he was in and got up from his seat to thank the Gloom family.

"Thank you Gloom" I felt a sense of relief.

It was really hard for me though to not show any look of disgust from the stench without offending the Gloom so I walked away immediately. If I did stick around, I'd probably invite trouble. Intruding in someone's home or territory is already a big NO in any world's common sense. Lucky for me, the Pokemons around looked mild, probably because of the lack of tension and conflict.

I took my time getting to the empty clearing next to the enormous oak. I could sense it. Many creatures are looking at me, but I'm already feeling quite worn out. All that sprinting and strain, the adrenaline high now gone, left my body incredibly weak and exhausted. "Fuck it, eat me then I dont care."

I was famished and had lost all energy. I held Pichu in my arms as he dozed off in the grass.

While River continued to sleep, one after another the various grass types leaped out from their hiding place, curious about the boy who suddenly made his appearance. 'What kind of moves can he do?' 'Can he spit powder from his mouth?' 'Or water?' 'Can he spit poison?' 'Why is he an ugly pokemon?' 'Probably one of those hanging in trees type?'.


From Oddish family to Bellsprout family, Hoppip family, Tangela family, Exeggcute family, and Sunkern family. Various grass type pokemon native to Kanto and Johto region. There were even a considerable number of Pokemon from Hoenn region like the Shroomish line, Seedot line, Budew line and Tropiuses. But the most amazing are the presence of the Royal line of Bulbasaur and Chikorita. If those grass type trainer fanatics see this mind-blowing scene like this in the dangerous Viridian Forest, they'd probably die smiling. One should note than even the League has trouble breeding the Royal Kanto and Johto Grass Type because of the low fertility rate.

The earth suddenly shook as a truly enormous Pokemon with bumpy, blue-green skin and a flower on its back slowly walked towards River and Pichu as the crowd of Pokemon became intrigued by the strange-looking "mankey". Meanwhile River still asleep, Pichu sensed the trembling and weakly got up and jumped on the ground to protect itself and the creature who rescued it. It flinched at the sight of a giant Venusaur but it showed electrical currents on its cheek pouch threatening to attack. The Pichu gritted its teeth, body nearly collapsing as Venusaur's aura intimidated it.

"Pichu" Get away

"Saur" Stay calm

"Pi, Pichu, Chu, Piii" Dont hurt the mankey or else I'll beat you too.

"Saur, Venusaur" Just be calm, let me heal your wounds.

"Pichu, Pi, CHUUUUUUUUU" I said stay away from HIIIIIIMMM.

It's not everyday for this Venusaur to handle this kind of situation. It has been living in this forest all its life and yet it knows creatures like humans too. It knew these humans are those who captured them in this weird looking ball to be used for battles. But it sensed no malice on the little human.

As Venusaur was about to increase his aura to use for healing, the Pichu took it as a sign of offense and blacked out. But before it did, it jumped off and launched several bursts of thunder shocks.

Imagine the horrified looks of the other pokemon. Their elder was almighty that no other pokemon outside their community would dare to intrude, fearing its might. Yet a puny pokemon dared to attack? They did not understand at all. The Venusaur just stood there gently grabbing the Pichu with its vinewhip.

But inwardly it was surprised. Shocked? Yes it did. Figuratively and physically. It never understood how could a little pokemon endured his aura. The others didn't know because of its fine control, only the Pichu could feel his aura. If they did, they'd faint the second it touch them.

The thunder shock was powerful too. It was a last resort move with the intention to hurt. Yet tt didn't harm him. This Venusaur was buffed to the max, but it still made a sting on his senses. How could this young fellow possess this power at this age? He could only feel pity for the Pichu. Arceus knows what it had suffered to have this kind of fighting spirit. He then stared at River.

Days prior, the Venusaur had sensed River's presence. Although he felt no hostility, he was perplexed as to how a human could appear out of nowhere in its domain. Venusaur could detect human entrances and exits even outside of Viridian Forest. But how did this human appear mysteriously so close to the deepest depths?

The human and the Pichu, they are peculiar. They're different. The Venusaur stood there for some time, contemplating in silence. He then slowly glanced at the countless Bulbasaur and Chikorita, its children. Then looked back again at Rivers.

"SAUUR" It released a grassy terrain and floral healing.

Pichu's poison was slowly being expelled from its body. Their bruises, scratches, and cuts healed quickly.. Vitality injected to the two. The look of both faces looking refreshed while snoring in comfort.

"Saur" Satisfied with their recovery, Venusaur smiled and went back to the deepest core of the forest. The gentle giant's going to ask for an opinion.

*Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom*

The other grass type Pokemon still stayed looking dumbly at River. Curious to why he looked like that. Some mischievous little ones licked his cheek, some sniffing his hair, and a tiny Chikorita laying on his lap.

Celebi's POV

'This human is really an anomaly. Why is his soul weird? Does it need healing?

Of the tens of thousands of years I've lived, I've never met one as peculiar as his soul. It's as if its not from this world.

Is he a Deoxys in human flesh? I dont think so. Hmmmmmmm.'

Celebi has never really met a peculiar soul like River. River's body may be made from the energy of this Pokemon World but his soul and memories don't. Celebi probably never imagined the possibility of transmigration. It would probably be shock if it knew that a legendary truck-kun who keeps sending earthling souls to different worlds. But that's another story for another time. It only guards the forest anyway. Not its problem. Blame it on Arceus or maybe Rayquaza, if ever this human is some alien from space or something.

*Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom*

In the deepest core of the Viridian Forest, a secret realm where Celebi resided in opened. Venusaur respectfully bowed his head on the majestic Guardian of the Forest. Below Celebi's feet is an ancient altar. Made my humans probably, who knows?

Sea of flowers and treasures found nowhere else in the world can be found in Celebi's secret realm. The chance to grab any of those would drive countless individuals wild. A Pokemon with Authority has a secret realm that is their private domain. Celebi is a legendary Pokemon known as "Voice of the Forest" in legends. It has the ability to cure wounds, purify contaminated Pokemon, and travel through time.

Celebi smiled as it saw the loyal and proud Venusaur that helps keep order in the forest.

'Venusaur, I already have an idea what you came here for'

"Saur" I want to ask for an opinion, my Master. (Venusaur)

'That human is peculiar, his soul is peculiar. It has a different feeling.

Different color. But it does not harm. The Pichu though, its spirit is strong for its age and yet fragile. I've seen it from the moment of it was born but I could never intervene in the work of nature. Let nature takes its course. It must be fated to meet the human." (Celebi)

"Saur, Venusaur" It must be fate. But it bothers me that it's too strong for its age. (Venusaur)

'Hmmmmm I do not think Raikou has blessed the little one.

It's possible that its genetic potential has been unleashed earlier than how it was supposed to be. It has been alone after all in the forest, struggling to survive. Remember the little tyrant Raichu from 200 years ago? No humans would even go near the outskirts of this forest because of it. I do think that it's his descendant.' (Celebi)

"Saauurr, Venusauuurr, Sauur" Yes, my Lady. But luck or not, it's detrimental for its body, health and potential if its body could not handle the power sleeping inside. Its too early for it to appear.

'You are right.

We can only wish that after the little human wakes up from his rest, he can help it and take it away to help it.. The human world has miraculous inventions of their own now to help it'

"Sauuuur, Venusaur" My master, the human is different from his kind. I can feel it too. This may be selfish request but I wish to have him take a cub of mine in his journey.


A day has passed, in the corner of the Viridian Forest where little sunlight could seep through, the young River and a cute Pichu is seen wolfing down berries of huge sizes that could never be found outside here.

"Damn. what kind of fertilizer is used to grow these. *munch munch munch* These would probably be worth a lot outside right?"

"Pi?" What?

"Nothing, I miss eating meat. (╥﹏╥) Ever since I've been here, I have not eaten any meat. Not even a Pidgey's meat."

A group of pidgeys on a branch glared at me after my stupid complaint. I could only raise my hands in surrender.

"I think this forest paradise is how I previously imagined the Pokemon world to be. Less the tragedy, more of harmony? This could only happen here because of the strong backers right? Sigh. only the strong dictates."

"Pi" The Pichu beside River stared at him. 'Why is he talking to himself?' Even yet, the Pichu understood every word he said.

River then stared at Pichu. There was a bit of hesitation not knowing how to say, his plans or how he could make it happen. Pichu could feel it though. "Pi?"

"Okay then, well, Pichu. For now, this month here in this area of the forest, I'll train myself. I dont really have any idea how to get out of this forest but I'm sure that I need my body fit and agile. Now that it's safe, I'll strengthen myself. I guess the community here could tolerate us for now. Don't know why though, why do they glare at you? hmm"

"Piichuu, pi?" I want in. I want in. Glare at me, no idea.? (❛‿❛✿̶̥̥)

"Alright, you'll join me in my work outs. But don't over exert it, alright? You're still considered a baby type pokemon according to Professor Elm if I'm not mistaken. I need you to train on your tail strength though so that the mighty Pichu will have no weakness, right Pichu?"

"Pichu, Pichu" Im ready, Im ready.

Me and Pichu in our days in this corner of the forest spent our time working out. If not for the protruding branches and leafages that blocked the way, I could probably enjoy the experience. The vibes in this forest is different. My wounds heal fast. The muscle strains rapidly ease. The efficiency is just too damn high. No wonder even the young cubs here are powerful for their age. 'If I would guess, the potential of pokemon here is probably better than the Pokemons handed out by Professor Oak. Those he hands out are the cream of the crop already. *sigh* I hope I could bring out one from here though.'

Pichu's training worked more on its stamina, control, tail strength and accuracy. For stamina, I instructed Pichu to run with me every morning. After a session, I tell Pichu to summon electricity at a constant rate. I want Pichu to exercise its control over its power, and although I have not seen any other Pichu, my gut tells me this one is different. it's a league higher than even the average or higher. I knew from the very first time he saw Pichu. I could only train him in ways I think best.

For tail strength, I instruct Pichu to curl its tail to the branch and do pull ups. For a little Pichu, I think it's not straining right? No hitting of boulders yet, and for accuracy, I instruct Pichu to send electric shocks to target areas I prepared in a clearing. I would even throw projectiles for Pichu to hit.

Days pass by fast until a month our training. Over the month of staying here, I have made lots of Pokemon here my friends. They were never the cautious type, because they never had any other visitor. The strong Pokemon tolerated me. They're just hidden in the dark, I knew. I could feel it. I saw once a very fast Shiftry leaping on branches like a ninja on steroids. The intent it made me feel, it was scary. That Shiftry could single-handedly decimate those Arbok, Beedrill and Butterfree I saw combined and I dont think it is even the strongest one of its kind yet.

'Is there a mythical Pokemon here, blessing this corner of the forest?'

While training, I also collected stuff that I properly asked for from the Pokemons. Resources like leaf stone, miracle seed, and different types of berries. The berry I hoarded the most is Salac berry and some legendary Lansat and Starf Berry.

In Pokemon Gen Emerald, these berries were difficult to get. How could it appear here, even starf involves a mirage thing right? I'm sure to attract attention if I expose this to the outside, I will only paint a big target on my back.

Still, he stuff some on my bag. I'm shameless but so what? Right? The Pokemons are just treating these treasures as extra baggage. Why not help carry a few to lessen their burden right? To repay those Pokemon, I tell them stories customized on the spot. Like "Chiko White and the seven Exeggcute"."Bulbarella", and "Doraemon", A Kanggaskhan with thousand gadgets on its pocket.

They wouldn't know how a Kanga would look though. All characters consisted Pokemon of course. I wouldn't want these cutie naive babies to ever dream of meeting humans. With their potential, it would invite disaster here in the forest. Human greed is insatiable. Hypocrisy or not, I don't want to end up in guilt of inviting trouble here.

The resources I got from the forest was just a pebble in the ocean though. I just hope for the best that the resources I got here could sell well, and earn me enough to live by for 3 to 4 years if possible. I have no idea yet of the currency or if there is any civilizations that exists outside but, my items can will help me a lot. Five to six pokemons already considered. I'll have to say no for a Snorlax though.

The last days of my schedule passed by as I prepared for departure, the thing I just never expected was I was called by a really humongous Venusaur. I could feel it was telling me to follow and meet it somebody.

'A pokemon your size and might, and you still have a boss?' I thought, crying inwardly. Why didn't me and Pichu just left earlier right? I swear I'll surrender everything in my bag to beg for mercy if I need to. There's no escaping from this.

Togepii Togepii

My first chapter I wrote in my entire life for a novel.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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