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2.17% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Skaven Redesign to Veermyn

Skaven Redesign to Veermyn

Once Ultnarth the Great Horned Rat joins the others in the 40k universe, the skaven will start acting a bit like Genestealers in the sense that they'll hid in the Underhives, underneath the sits of power in Feudalworlds. All to breed and gain more tech to combine with their warptek, to make deadlier weapons, doom and warmachines, along with power armors. It also helps that Age of Sigmar officially rised the Great Horned Rat from minor to a main Chaos God, so I'll take some inspiration from that in designing the Ultnarth's realm, and special daemons.

Veermyn Special Grade Power Armors: The armor is a bit like the style of Warpath/Deadzone/Firefight Tabletop. Only having the Skaven vibe like warpstone chunks or spikes in the armors, they'll have skull accesories helms like from Clan Mordkin, or have the special helmets from Clan Mors.

These armors come in rankings the Warlords, Chieftains, Paw Leaders, wear a enchanted power armor called the Ruinmark Plates.

While their Elder Daemons aka Skavenfiends as the veermyn/skaven call them, have the best armor most advance, personalized and "enchanted" of the rest these are called Dreadarmour.

Then comes their version of Terminator Armor, which is the biggest and heaviest set they'll own, use by are mostly weared by Rat Ogres or as many man-things of the Imperium Veermyn Ogryn.

Veermyn Common Grade Power Armor: These patterns are mass produced and used mainly by Stormvermin, Packmasters, Clanrats, and Ratling Gunners, painted in their Clan Colors-Red for Mors, Blue for Skryre, Green for Pestilens, Dark Green for Moulder, Brown for Rictus, Grey for Mordkin, Black for Eshin, and etched in their armors the Clan symbol they belong to plus the mark of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth.

Upgraded/Stolen Weaponry of the Veermyn

1.Rat Claws: A Power Claw retrofitted to fit and work for the skaven/veermyn, having a more Chaos pattern then Imperial type which are knuckle blades, while the Chaos type are finger blades.

2.Warpshock Claws: Warpstone powered Power Claws that both electrocute and corrupt the victims.

3.Veermyn Blades: The power swords designed by the Skryre engineers, powerful and razor-sharp, coated in a warpstone made energy.

4.Eshin Sabers: Special curved and razor-sharp swords, only for the Clan Eshin use, coated in numerous venoms and poisons from across the Galaxy.

5.Chainswords: The classic 40k sword, redesign to the skaven's liking, and fueled by warpstone, making it impossible for man-things, or Marine-things to use them.

6.Tail Blades: Are small bladed, barbed, or spiked weapons designed to be worn or strapped to a Veermyn/Skaven's tail, Tail Blades have upgraded these blades with special metals and are quite often ornamental as well as deadly, etched with glyphs and studded with small crystal shards and bits of Warpstone.

8.Stormshields: Special shields taken from dead marine-things, this special power shields were then taken apart and redesigned for skaven/veermyn, still able to form a energy protection, and even infuse warpstone to augment it power-core.

9.Force Glaives: Power harlberds and glaives, with bolter attachments, after an encounter with the Gold-things (Custodes) the engineer made weapons similar to them for their stormvermin to use in battle.

10.Chainspears: Spears that double as chainsaws, many veermyn commonly use these spears.

11.Plague Censer: The flails used by Clan Pestilens which are large, incense-filled flail that disperses warpstone-based incense smoke, those struck by the weapon inevitably contract a supernaturally-enhanced disease.

12.Things-Catchers: This two-handed pole arm has a large, tong-like head lined on the inside with spikes, designed to be thrust around the torsos and extremities of foes, these weapons can immobilize creatures of nearly any size, a Clan Moulder exclusive weapon.

13.Warp-Grinders: A tunneling tool made smaller and more portable version of a much larger drilling machine first devised by Clan Skryre.

14.Warppistol: A lapspistol that Skryre have redesign to fire beams of warpstone.

15.Rat Bolter: A stolen and redesign bolter, for use and easier handling in skaven hands.

16.Ratling Gun: Perhaps the most powerful weapon Clan Skryre has ever invented, a large, multi-barrelled death-dealing machine with the potential to change the very face of warfare in the Skaven's favour. Though a relatively new and often unreliable design, thanks to the new technology that these rats have able to obtain they've become more powerful, deadlier, and realiable guns, that can even match against a Heavy-bolters of man-things.

17.Warplock Launcher: Rocket launcher, engineered to fire powerful rockets infused with warpstone shards.

18.Jezzail Railgun: Redesign lapsrifle that fires concentrate beams of warpstone, from incredible range, precision, and power.

19.Warpfire Thrower: Warpfire Throwers are one of the deadliest weapons within the arsenal of Clan Skryre, a weapon so powerful and dangerous that it is considered the hallmark of Clan Skryre ingenuity. The Warpfire Thrower is a crude yet highly volatile flamethrower that hurls a blast of concentrated Warpfire upon an enemy or a small area of ground.

20.Death Globes: Death Globes serve as the Veermyn Bio-Grenades in a way, they are glass or crystal orbs filled with deadly Warpstone gas, like poisoned wind globes but far more potent upon the spheres shatters, releasing billowing clouds so lethal that mere skin contact can cause severe pain or even death.

Upgraded/Stolen Vehicles of the Veermyn

1.Ratbikes: Hover bikes that were stolen from the elf-things, and using some tinkering and warpstone made them for Skaven/Veermyn use.

2.Warpdriller: Basically a combat Warp Grinder Drill, meant to break through heavy fortifications, and vehicles using a treaded heavy vehicle, with a giant warpstone drill installed.

3.Destroyer: A battle tank that once belong to the man-things of the Imperium, reinforced with more armor plating, and etched in daemonic symbols. It's equipped with heavy-bolters, ratling guns, and a special weapon call the Doom Warpblaster, designed by the Skavenfiend, Ikit Claw himself firing a cannon of super charged warpstone energy at their victims.

4.Doomflyers: Stolen aircraft from man-things, now redesign to more the skaven/veermyn tastes, fast, maneuverable, armed with many guns and doom-glode thrower, plus many skaven/veermyn jezzrail ride these planes to shoot down target from a "safer" distance in the air.

6.Doomwheels: Few devices sum up the blend of science and sorcery, the sheer inhuman ingenuity of the Skaven, than the infernal war machine known as the Doomwheel. At first sight the Doomwheel might seem an oddity, perhaps even comical to opponents that have not faced one before. None know this more than their old enemy of the Old World, the Dwarfs, who have suffered many wars against the Skaven, know full well the Doomwheel's measure and will direct every war machine at their disposal to blast the deadly wheel apart before it can churn close enough to pulverise the Dwarf battlelines. Indeed, Dwarf cannons will allow themselves to be overrun by the foe, willingly sacrificing themselves for their Hold in order to get off a single shot at the infernal Skaven/Veermyn device.

7.Warp Lightning Cannon: Is a warmachine, contraption built by the fiendishly clever Warlock Engineers and powered by an enormous hunk of raw Warpstone. This wonder weapon generates unearthly energy, which is directed along a rune-etched barrel forged and enchanted to channel such destructive fury. When fired, the Warp Lightning Canon emits a sizzling ball of Warp-energy.

Magical/Daemonic Artifacts

1.The Screaming Bells: It is an unholy altar under the protection of the Horned Rat, Ultnarth, himself. The bell is hung in a great carriage where stands its chained striker. The Bell can always be heard over the raging din of a battle and often heralds the defeat of an enemy and the victory of the Skaven. Driving non-skaven to nadness and panic, while the rats feel invigorated and empowered by it, and upon it thirteenth rung it a set, all veermyn are greatly buffed.

2.Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes: Is powerful Magical artefact and War machine that is sacred to Clan Pestilens and the Bubonic Court of Nurglitch. The Cauldron allows a Plague Pontifex to cast the Plague spell using its own energy and with different levels of power but if too much is used the virulant poxes can get out of control.

Daemonic Creatures

1.Wolfrats: Many are the strange and twisted creatures that have been spawned through the warpstone-tainted meddling of Skaven Clan Moulder, breeding a horrific mix between hound and vermin.

2.Brood Horrors: Brood Horrors are the greatest and most bloated of the Giant Rat species, created and formed when one of the litter begins to mutate extraordinarily fast and begins to feast and devour the rest of its litter, growing at an alarming rate whilst increasing in both strength and savagery.

3.The Hell-Pit Abominations: They are living mountain of misshapen flesh. The creature moves in a rippling tide of unnatural spasms, writhing worm-like and using its many limbs to pull and drag its hideous bulk forward. Various mechanical bits, such as wheels, cogs, and fluid-pumps have been grafted into the beast to ensure it moves at optimal speed and that the Warpstone mutated growth agents are regularly injected into the beast's hyper-fast metabolism. A multitude of heads dart out of the lumpen mound of muscle and bone at the behemoth's fore. The heads that snake out are all vermin-like, but some glisten hairlessly, like unborn rat monstrosities.

4.The Burrowing Behemoths: A albino furred monster resembling a giant rat, with razor-sharp, massive claws to rip and tear flesh, and tunnel through earth and stone. These monstrosities that burrow blindly in the deepest tunnels of Hell Pit were originally pioneered as a way of expanding Clan Moulder's subterranean empire. However these blind and twisted beasts are no less effective in battle, bursting from the earth and smashing into the enemy with earth-shaking force.

5.Chimaerats: The rarest of all Clan Moulder's creations, the Chimaerat defies all logic in form. It is a blasphemy against nature that is to a common rat what a Hydra is to a common lizard. Inevitably multi-headed, the Chimaerat wheezes sickly green Warpstone fire as it hauls its benighted bulk across the battlefield, scorching the earth in its wake.

6.Rat Legions: Using biomancy the Master Moulders, were able to not just mutate simple rats into more deadlier critters, but link their neural wave, making act as one, one legion meant to serve them and devastate and sabotage their inner systems of hivecities and more.

7.Ravegers: Special giant rats, mutated to become the greatest mount for Rat Riders, to rush into battle, with bone spike pertrutions, large teeth and claws, as well as special tail bladed exclusively for their use, their as deadly as the veermyn that rides them.

Daemons of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth

1.Verminlord: Giant multi horned rat daemons, that represents all that skaven/veermyn aspire to be.

2.Crittering Horrors: The essence fear over rats, manifested daemonic spirits from the Warp, resembling a ghost creature of horned rat.

3.Warpshokers: A Elemental of storms composed of lightning and warpstone resembling a horrific rat creatures.

4.Throtlings: These are so named because of Throt the Unclean's obsessive habit of grafting together unfortunate creatures with warpstone-infused salve when he is in between projects. The resultant nightmarish assortment of limbs, mouths and horribly abused minds crawl through the depths of Hell Pit, unleashed as mindless lesser daemons of Ultnarth, in times of war.

Named Characters/Skavenfiends/Elder Daemons

1.Queek Headtaker, the Slaughterer of the Horned Rat.

2.Ikit Claw, the Doombringer of Hiveworlds.

3.Skolk, the Rotting Master of Pestilence.

4.Trentch Craventail, the Lord of All Stormvermin.

5.Throt, the Unclean Master of Mutation.

6.Snikch, the Deathmaster of Shadows.

7.Skreech Verminking, the Lord of Vermin Lords.

8.Vrisk Ironscratch, the Arch-Sealord.

9.Skweel Gnawtooth, the Whisperer of Rats.

10.Thanquol, the High Seer of the Horned Rat.

11.Zingetail, the Great Skreeductor.

12.Gribtak Stabit, the Butcher.

13.Doomritxh Stormtail, the Ascended Stormfiend.

Clans Style of Warfare

1.Clan Mors, are the most numerous of all skaven/veermyn being expert in melee and brutal style of warfare. With many powerful Warlords and Paw Leaders in their ranks, they follow Lord Gnawdwell as their Overlord, but worship and fight alongside the Skavenfiend, Queek Headtaker more. Because of their violent and ruthless nature there known to fight against Orkz, Genestealers and Imperial the most common of them all, using a large number of Stormvermin and Tanks in battle, and to honor Queek a unit known as the "Rack of Headtakers" follow his codes and traits as he was a demigod and the most favorite of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth.

2.Clan Skryre, the masters of engineering, magic and psyker sorcery. Many of their most powerful and favored by Great Horned Rat, are born albino and horned possessing either great magical power or psyker potential. Preference to long range warfare, using a large amount of warpstone/laps/bolt firepower to overwhelm their enemies, always tinkering creating new weapons or redesigning tech from enemies and victims, because of this they are the most advanced equipped of all the clans. Cause of this they've been in intense and violent odds with the mecha-things (Cult Mechanicum) waging many wars over archeo-tech and more.

3.Clan Pestilens, the zealots followers and worshippers of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth, believing that all life should be infected and desolate in the Galaxy. Known to work alongside many plague marines, especially from the Death Guard or Doom Harbingers. Mixing robes in with their decayed and plague ridden power armor and weaponry. The vile masters of bio-warfare, using plagues, diseases, carrion-carriers, and poisons to cause a massive amount of casualties in their enemies ranks, because of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth, joining the ranks of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos many Plague Priests have gained more magical power or become psykers in his name. While Lord Nurglitch is the Clan's leader it is Skrolk that they worship alongside the Great Horned Rat as a Demigod, and fight alongside with great excitement and religious ferber.

4.Clan Moulder, the beastmasters and biomantic fiends that rival that Dark Eldars' Haemonculi Cults in experimenting and creating genetic abominations and monsters, that they sell or use in battle. Blessed by Ultnarth, they are able to even perform what they refer to use "infel-mancy" which allows them to create and adjust daemons or non-daemonic creature into neverborns, earning the favor of many Chaos Legions especially the Word Bearers. They are versatile on the battlefields but prefer using monsters over warmachines, their Skavenfiend, Throt the Unclean took the Clan over completely, killing all former rivals from when he was mortal and now seen in every battle that moulder is either eating everything or collecting new things to experiment with. Throtlings are one of the most common force in every Clan Moulder, invasion because of Throt's wickedness and hunger their among the few Clans, that are faced and seen, Throt especially loves fighting Tyranids seeing them as perfect specimen for his experiment.

5.Clan Rictus, the clan known to have a large number of breeders and broudmothers of all others, allowing them to replenish loses and numbers faster than the others. Plus their Stormvermin are the strongest, capable of facing off against Clan Mors' stormvermin with ease. They quite capable in fighting darker ambierments than others skaven/veermyn, from caves, underground, underhives, to nightworlds they excell in waging war in those location, hence them having to fight against the Inquisition, Death Watch Marines, and even Black Templars quite often for many worlds have fallen to the rats that scurry in the dark.

6.Clan Mordkin, the skull collector and desert terrain specialists of the Clans. They are quite capable on extreme desert deathworlds and even feudalworlds of the same terrain. But the most surprising from their countless years of fighting against the Tomb Kings in the Old World, they became quite capable of fighting Necrons and taking their heads as prices and scare tactics against others that they fight, by wearing the Necron skulls, and parts on them. Rictus while very specialized it has proven quite beneficial for the Skaven/Veermyn as a whole for some tombworlds have fallen to them and allowing greater Chaos invasions to happen. Because of this they are the only Clan that has necron-tech added to their wargear and arsenal.

7.Clan Eshin, the most secretive Clan of them all. Hardly engage in open warfare preferring the shadows and assassinating their targets, but if the target is amongst a large number of enemies than they go to war, with the specific task of killing the target and retreating. Responsible for many civil unrest and wars across the Imperium and even other races, that even the Alpha Legion or the Dark Eldar are known to hire their services. Incredibly skilled fighters and poison-users, using as little to no power armor to restrain them, since speed is their greatest ally apart from stealth. Few can live or see an Eshin making them a forklore within a forklore by the imperial highlords, just as they like it. Aside from the Space Marines, and the Inquisition they insure that no other man-things know of the skaven/veermyn making them a important and greatly fear part of their Under-Empire.

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