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81.18% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 293: Destruction of the Olympians Final Part: More Olympians Fall

Capítulo 293: Destruction of the Olympians Final Part: More Olympians Fall

(General POV)

Location the God of War World-Macedonia-Corrupted Plains Battlefield, Chaos vs Olympians

Ragna was unleashing a onslaught of punches at Hippolyte without any mercy, as the Amazon Queen was taking the beatdown without any relief.

The amazon tried to push back, but her strength was completely outmatched against the Rampaging Goddess, as she felt more blows to her face, ribs, and stomach with the barrage of punches ending with a brutal uppercut that threw Hippolyte to the ground.

All the brutal damage that Ragna has done to the semi-mortal queen restored Ragna's face back to it's previous state, Ragna moved her jawbone around to loosen the stiffness that she suffered from the regeneration process.

She stared at the beaten down Hippolyte covered in bruises, cuts, and bleeding, as Ragna got closer to her struggling opponent all the amazons started to reorganized around the two of them, and cheering for the incredible battle their witnessing.

Hippolyte wasn't yet defeated, she'd waited for the invader to get as close as she needed and slashed at Ragna across the neck area with her golden Gladius, only for Ragna to catch the shortsword in her hand and with a bit of force, shattered like glass making the Seventh Carnage Queen smile and laugh as she kicked Hippolyte across the chin, knocking some teeth out the amazon's mouth.

Hippolyte felt that her chin was shattered by the kick as she rolled across the ground.

Not yet sastified or ready to end the fight soo she started walking towards the downed queen, with her arms crossed behind her head without a care as she was eager to keep bashing her opponent senseless.

To the surprise of most violent of Wives of the Dark One, even with all the wounds and beatings that she done to her opponent, Hippolyte, she still stood up.

This of course made the Rampaging Goddess, very excited and eager to keep fighting her and kill her, soo lowering her arms and with a big smile filled with battlelust Ragna said, "Man is going to suck, losing such a warrior. But at least have some comfort, you'll never be forgotten Hippolyte, I'll shall devour your soul with great joy." Ragna kicked off the ground and changed at Hippolyte again.

In another fight Ruu was literally throwing long stretched slime punches at Hercules, even with his bulk and herculean physical abilities he was still not at the same league as a real God, let alone a daemonic one.

Each of those blows that Ruu threw she turned only her fists into poisonous slime and sprouted sharp, knuckle spikes that pierced into the Hero of Greece's, skin and injected debilitating poison into him.

Hercules tried to power through, but he was getting weaker and disoriented that's when the Slime Queen drew back her right arm, shifting into a gigantic state and strike at Hercules stabbing deeply three huge spikes into him, along with the blow crushing his ribcage as he was sent flying across the way, when Ruu was smiling and enjoying herself she sensed a presence coming closer to her, soo she leap to the right barely avoiding the spear slash that came from the Son of the late Ares, Pavor.

Seems that God of Fear, has recovered enough to return to the fight, and Ruu was happy that her toy wasn't completely broken...yet.

Laughing and bouncing around as said, "Yippee!!! I was about to hop my way, back to you, little Godling and eat you. But surprise!! Surprise!!! You come to me instead!!!! This just get, more fun and fun as it goes. Soo play with Ruu!!!!" Ruu flicked a large poisonous slime projectile at Pavor and their fight resumed as the God of Fear, was forced to dodge and get ready for the fight of his life.

Back to the match between Ragna and Hippolyte, with Hippolyte desperate to get back into fight but...she was completely outmatched in hand-to-hand combat.

Ragna she delivered a brutal knee-strike to Hippolyte's lower chest not only cracking her armor but her bones as well, doubled over as she coughed out blood the Amazon Queen has never been this dominated and beaten in her countless year of serving the Gods, but before she could realize what happened to her next Ragna was behind her with her arms around her waist, and the next moment she was lifted over her opponent and her head and upper-back surged with pain, as Ragna just delivered a powerful and brutal "German Supplex" to Hippolyte.

And it seems that was the end, as Hippolyte laid there unmoving which made the amazons go quiet as they watched for the outcome of this fight.

The Daemon Queen, Ragna waited to see if Hippolyte would surrender to at least imprisoned and corrupt the woman, but she decided against it...she might be many things, but a merciful wasn't one of them, she'll give her the ultimate honor...a warrior's death.

Eventually Hippolyte started to stir slowly and with difficulty stood up again.

With wobbly legs, and she swung her fist at Seventh Daemon Queen of Carnage, only for Ragna to take a simple step to the side and completely avoiding Hippolyte's punch, it was the same for all of the amazon's following swings.

Ragna saw that Hippolyte was in a pitiful state, with no way to continue soo she decided to end their fight once and for all, she stood in front of Hippolyte and grabbed the head of the beaten, and bloodied Hippolyte, with a brutal and swift twist of her hands, snapped not only the Amazon's neck but twisted a whole 180-degrees.

Blood oozed out of Hippolyte's eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and areas of her deformed, snapped neck as she fell lifelessly onto the ground.

Seeing this the amazons let out one last cry for their fallen queen, Ragna crossed her arms below her large breasts, and said, "You'll now serve Chaos. Show Hippolyte some respect and bury her as a warrior, once that done join the Legions in the devastation of Greece." after Ragna, gave her commands, the amazons yelled out "hoo!!" in confirmation as some of the demi-immortal warrior women rushed to recover Hippolyte body, while the rest of them rushed back to battle.

Too serve worthy Gods like Lady Ragna, speaking of her hundreds of amazons rushed to join her, while other went to the other Goddesses still around Macedonia, Scalpel, Crystallyl and while others wanted to go fight by Lady Valkia, or the others but they were either not in the area, or occupied in their own duels to allow them to stand beside these true Goddesses.

Turning back to battle between Ruu and Pavor.

Ruu turned her arms into a giant spiked ball to smash Pavor, who rolled to the side evading the impeding attack, as it struck the violet carnage-corrupted ground causing a great impact, shake, and crater in the strike zone.

Pavor spun his magical great spear to attack the wrists of the Daemon Slime Queen, but Ruu thought that this could happen with a devilish grin on her face, a pulse that circulated through her stretched out arms onto her spike ball, which cause the massive mace end of her combined hands to vibrate and shot out all the slime spikes, at all directions.

The Son of Ares, was surprised by this attack, and could only cross his arms in a last ditch attempt to protect himself from fatal injuries, but still several of those slime spikes pierced deeply into his body.

His arms being the parts with the most damage of his body, but that wasn't all Ruu made these spikes with a special property to them acting a bit as body-intruders, burrowing into the flesh of her victim to act as slow acting, but excruciating destroyers of the Inner body of her "playmates".

A few moments later as Ruu's previous spike shower has ceased, Pavor grunted in pain from his arms, right waist area, left shoulder, and both thighs that were pierced by Ruu's barrage.

Already the effect of her attack was dealing damage and pain, within the body of the Greek God of Fear, the pain was gradually becoming more intense and excruciating as Ruu shifted her body once again, this time taking the form of giant slime mouth to bite down at Pavor.

But the Son of Ares, used his spear as leverage to prevent Ruu from closing her giant liquid maw on him, she cried in pain as the spear-tip pierced the top of her mouth, forcing Ruu to make slime tentacles to grab hold of Pavor and his spear to prevent him from driving further in.

Trapping them in a deathlock like that scene from Dragonheart between Draco and Sir Bowen, Pavor tried to either escape the jaws of death of Ruu or free himself from his binding to stab the Slime Queen with his magical spear, but they were in a stalemate which infuriated both of them quite honestly...but in truth Pavor was the one with the biggest disadvantage in this deathlock for Ruu's flesh intruders were further circulating through his body and granting the childish, Dark Goddess ample opportunity to end him...

Ruu then used her command over her daemon slimes to bring them all towards them soo she can finally take down this annoying toy.

Eventually the countless daemon slimes that were all over the duel area, all gathering and crawling over their God Mother, and over the restrain Pavor, as they completely covered him and caught off his air supply.

After a while of being suffocated, Pavor lost his strength and laxs his grip on his weapon allowing Ruu the opportunity to break their deathlock creating a harpoon tipped tentacle, in where it should be the back of the maw's throat shooting the latest tentacle, like a soaring razor-sharp harpoon that impaled Pavor in the center point of his chest, a deep wound that allowed more slimes to attack him, and the blow knocked him out of her massive gapping maw like form.

She finally dealt with Pavor, reverting to her original slime girl form, and watched as he was being smothered and soon eaten by her and her slimes, when she heard yelling and turned to the sickly appearing Hercules.

Said Hero of Greece, was holding a giant piece of earth over his head which obviously meant he was planing to crush Ruu, which quite honestly made Ruu giggle on the silly last ditch attempt for the Demigod to beat her, she didn't move she allowed Hercules to toss the giant rock on her.

Hercules weak and dizzy from the poison saw the giant piece of violet earth, crush the damned childish Goddess and he fell on his rear exhausted, not noticing the blue slime coming out the edges of the rock, that he just threw and a huge spread mass of blue slime overshadowed him.

Like a massive net of slime, it covered him and trapt him inside what can be compared to Ruu's stomach like bubble, where Hercules was utterly trapt.

After a while, Ruu has completely consumed Hercules flesh and body inside the massive sphere that she captured her prey, and once he was floating in dead like state, she tossed his corpse aside, as she reverted back to her main form.

The Slime Goddess, was happy she won her fights...then she remembered that Khorne wanted Hercules alive, all she could do is say "oops" out loud, when she heard the sound of footsteps coming close to her, Ruu turned her head to see her sister, Scalpel was coming giving her an exasperated look as she sighed and said to her, "Seriously Ruu? You can never hold back." Ruu "scratched" the back of her head, giving her sister a sheepish smile.

This didn't ease any of Scalpel's annoyance as she spoke, "At least this primate, called Hercules seems to be stronger and more durable than what we've expected. He is barely alive, but I can stablelize him long enough for Khorne to do whatever he wants with the brute." Scalpel walked over the unmoving, and barely alive Hercules and started to operate on the Demigod's body.

Ruu cheered and thanked Scalpel as she saved her from being scold by Khorne and Valkia, for killing one of their desired targets.

Lastly it was the battle between the two most sensual Goddesses on both Pantheons, Kiira Blakenroze and Aphrodite.

Calling it a battle is underwhelming, cause all throughout their duel Kiira has not relented or stopped her attack performing various slashes and slices with her ring blade from various angles and forms.

Along with blasting her pinkish purple colored, daemonic lust energy at the Goddess of Beauty, who was cowarding in fear and trying desperately to avoid Kiira's fury, as she could tell any one of those swings were going to be fatal regardless.

After a endless assault from Kiira, her latest barrier was starting to break the look of panic and despair was splatter across her beautiful tanned face.

Kiira spun forward her ring blade delivering three vertical, and fast slashes to Aphrodite's barrier then in a full vertical, heavy spin-swing she broke another barrier and knocked Aphrodite to the ground, as Kiira immediately wrapped her devil tail, tightly around the Goddess of Beauty's neck, lifting her in the air.

As Kiira held her hated opponent by her tail, spinning her ring blade in a vertical form on her slightly upward bend right arm, Kiira was just about to kill the bitch that insulted her and tried to take her away from the love of her existence, and dearest husband.

That's when Aphrodite managed to gasp out, "I..I, I...I surrender!!!" just as Kiira's blade was about to gut her, the Succubus Queen growled as she remembered that her beloved said to her and her sister-wives, that should a Olympian surrender to "spare and capture" she really wanted to kill this whore, but she'll do as her darling commanded.

But before that Kiira lifted her right leg high, with her violet heeled boot close to Aphrodite face and said, "I accept your surrender bitch, but I'm still not sastified. Soo go to sleep now." Aphrodite was confused when, Kiira kicked down and smashed her heel boot on the face of the Goddess of Beauty, breaking her nose, as she was smashed against the ground and sent into unconsciousness, by Kiira.

Unamused Kiira commanded her daughters to restrain the bitch, as she shrunk down and flew off somewhere, the succubi quickly rushed over to the fallen Aphrodite as they didn't want to further anger their Mother Goddess, Kiira after everything that has occurred.

Location the Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Base of Mount Olympus

The Arch-Daemon, Laharl Valboga was pissed and one of his serpents was badly injured...but thankfully it was still mostly in tact, soo it began to regenerate as the Dark One was focusing his magic into healing those wound.

Meaning that everything magical or psychic was no longer an option for the Dark One until he regenerated his wounds fully.

But that meant that he'll have to get seriously violent against Poisedon, that was standing back up pulling out his own triton from his right shoulder, that Laharl threw at him, after the attack on his serpent.

With the anger and murderous aura being released from Laharl.

Khorne, Nurgle, Oizys, and Moros stood aside allowing the Dark One to face against Poisedon alone knowing that the King of the Seas, has just doomed himself.

Laharl spread his wings and flew fast passed the still stunned Zeus and headed straight at Poisedon.

Poisedon saw the Arch-Daemon approached him soo he summoned a tidalwave, to stop his enemy.

As the giant wave of saltwater, surged forward Laharl tightened his grip on his Ragnarok's handle and swung in upper cross slash, cleaving through the tidalwave with little resistance.

Shocking the King of the Seas, soo seeing Laharl with his humongous sword ready to strike, the Sea God dove underwater to evade the Arch-Daemon's attack.

Poisedon's quick thinking save him from a brutal slash from Laharl, allowing him to use his divinity over the Sea to remove his triton and lightly tend to the wounds on his shoulder, but that's when, two of Laharl's serpents dove down after him.

The Sea God, noticed these serpents to late as they bit down onto his shoulder-blades and pulled him back onto the surface.

He emerged right in front of the Arch-Daemon, who had his third serpent in front of himself with white, amethyst, black, and grey energy as he fired a slightly de-powered [Warp-Ray] straight at the upside-down Poisedon's chest.

The Sea God, was hit with a multi-colored beam from one of Laharl's serpents launching Poisedon straight at the mountain of Olympus, no relenting the beam burying the Lord of the Ocean, deeper into Olympus' rocks.

Zeus watching the Arch-Daemon, focused on his brother he prepared to attack Laharl Valboga from the back only when he conjured a thunderbolt within his hand, Nurgle and Moros struck.

Nurgle swung his cleaver Worldblighter barely missing Zeus, while Moros coated his dark tree-like arm in his dark magic swinging a punch across the King of Olympus' face.

That surprise punch knock Zeus onto the Ocean, and allowed his thunderbolt to come in contact with water and shock everyone, including the Dark One.

The surprise shock was enough to make the Dark Harbinger cease his attack, and allowed Poisedon a moment to breathe.

Poisedon immediately pushed through the pain and counterattacked.

Channeling water and lightning through his golden triton and pointing at the Arch-Daemon, he shot a stream of pressured seawater, surging with magical lightning striking Laharl straight at his center.

His serpents hissed out in pain, as Laharl was struck in a constant stream and electrocuted as well, he used his titanic wings to keep himself from being pushed back, or knocked into Poisedon's domain...under the sea.

Which what Poisedon was desperately trying to do, if he can get the Arch-Daemon underneath the Sea, he'll dominate this battle, soo Poisedon did something that was quite reckless and it could end up backfiring against him.

The King of the Seas, started to move forward making the attack more constant and shortening the distance soo he can also perform thrust attack, along with his magical stream that he was firing on Laharl Valboga.

As Poisedon got closer, every couple of steps he'd increase the force behind his magic, to insure he wouldn't fall to any attacks from the Dark One.

But it also became his editable downfall, upon increasing the power and force of his attack he also obscured his line of vision, which allowed Laharl to send out one of his serpents to bite the left rib-area of Poisedon, making the Water God scream in pain as the black fangs of the Arch-Daemon's serpent dug in deeper and exhorted more pressure on the bite.

This pain eventually whained Poisedon's attack, and caused it cease all together, soo the Dark One pulled Poisedon in and stabbed his Claw of Hades, into the upper waist area, causing Godblood gush out and stain the sea.

Laharl sought to drain Poisedon's of part of his divine power, as he said, "Know this King of the Seas. Regardless on what happens, I promise you, that Atlantis will meant a horrific fate, the likes that it has never suffered before!!!" Laharl, pushed his massive claws in further and he said his promise to Poisedon.

Knowing what the Dark One was attempting, he was trying to drain his power and strength from him, and also by threatening Atlantis gave Poisedon anger and motive to fight back.

He fought through the pain and smashed the pummel of his triton onto the surface of his Ocean, making a water burst to burst at hit Laharl on his head the blow making the Dark One grunt in pain, and his serpent to release him, soo struck Laharl with the pummel of his triton, the blow strong enough to push back the Arch-Daemon and his claws out of his body...

Poisedon managed to escape the grasp of Laharl's claws, and dive underwater again, only to a deeper depth this time, which made Laharl lose track of his prey when...several Hippocampi tentacles emerged from depths, these water tentacles then pierce and wrap around Laharl, as he struggle to break free he felt the water touching his lower body, as Poisedon was dragging him down below.

Laharl continues to fight against the Hippocampi claws and tentacles while also indirectly absorbing yet a new elemental magic source, but...

At the end Laharl was pulled under the waters of the Sea, as Poisedon was taking his enemy deeper and deeper in his domain, only for the Dark One to break out the binds that the Water God had wrapped around him.

With a drowned out scream, and a burst of bubbles the Chaos God of Carnage & Desacration, not only is the magical waters of Poisedon's getting less effective on him, but we're making Laharl stronger and tougher, as the Arch-Daemon, swam straight at Poisedon once again stabbing him on the chest with his Claw of Hades, only this time all his serpents and lower tentacles were holding onto the Sea God.

Thus insuring that this time the Dark One can reach into Poisedon's core/soul and drain him of his divine power and rendering all but helpless to save the upcoming end to his favorite city, Atlantis.

As Poisedon struggled and felt the metallic claw-blades of sick deeper into his belly and blood mixed with the water, Poisedon was calling out for aid in this case...the giant Scourge of the Ocean, Scylla that tackled Laharl and freed Poisedon from his enemy's claws, as they started to banish into the dark depths, Poisedon was about to swim back and aid his brothers when he felt something around his right ankle.

Looking down he saw Laharl Valboga chain that somehow has strapped around his ankle without notice, before he could try to break free he was pulled into the darkness by Scylla dragging the Arch-Daemon further in the Sea, this meant that their battle was just beginning...

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