However, the next moment, the High Technician's eyes widened in amazement as he saw, through the central hub of the thought network, a scene he could not have possibly imagined!
The girl's hands began to emit a radiant glow, and then ribbons of light emerged from her fingertips, sinking into the terminal. Following that, the High Technician saw an unimaginable sight—information and codes constantly weaving through the thought space, all kneeling to the girl's radiance at that moment, as obedient as subjects before a king, wholly submitting to the girl's willpower.
What kind of strength was this?
The High Technician's mechanical eye bulged as he stared at the scene before him, defying all reason.
The data, the information, the codes, were not being passively searched and read; they were actively transferring within the girl's will. The vast data streams in the girl's hands were like a small creek, effortlessly maneuvered, controlled, and commanded at her whim.
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