The blizzard raged for two full days before subsiding, and at the same time, the plane piloted by the maid finally appeared on the other side of the horizon.
Seeing the long-awaited maid, Duanmu Huai also breathed a sigh of relief. Due to the hasty departure, the maid only rented a light ten-seat transporter. Although not large, it was already adequate for Duanmu Huai and others. After arriving at the research station and after a round of resupply, Duanmu Huai found Dr. Palmer, indicating that they would be leaving the research station next.
It must be said, facing the request made by Duanmu Huai, although Professor Palmer was somewhat prepared, he was still a bit surprised. After all, this was Antarctica. Not to mention, Duanmu Huai also wanted to take Mary along. Frankly speaking, he really didn't understand why such a young girl would go deep into Antarctica, wondering what kind of adventure there could be.
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