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As more 5 Space ships approved in their that surrounds us while the Giant Helicarrier also could be seen now even Mephisto could see hovering in the air everyone looked at this with eyes wide open.

3rd Person Pov.

As we go inside Helicarrier we see all the agents were recurring around trying to figure out what just happens and why their radar systems can't able to

detect them.

And this was the same for everyone as their cover has just blown up by snap.

Fury:" Call Agent Romanoff down it seems he can't be gunned down that easily. And report on what that man just did and also prepare every weapon we had launch every Jet that is available on this craft and launch every Sentinel we had we can't let him go no matter the cost he holds too much information that can topple the not only government but whole countries GDP. but wait told them to wait for my orders as I want to see what he will do next if the off chance this failed this will give us something to work on or maybe his limitations. and open a channel I want to talk to him to see if we can use him for this nation's good"

As Fury says this all the Agents nodes 5 seconds later many hunches open in the Helicarrier and hundreds of Sentinel came out of them surrounding the whole Island while their weapons are ready as they fire them on command while Jet aircraft, military helicopters, and power suits were also launched while Helicarrier itself has its weapons out open ready to fire. And we go to the island now surrounded by nearly 300 Sentinel, Jets, Helicopters Power Suits that are just bulkier versions of Iron man armor while whole crowed watch this with wide eyes as now ships robots were surrounding the Island they new SHIELD will be going to use its full power which they didn't use against even to Magneto.

The air itself was getting intense as everyone knew a full-blown fight can happen at any time. while some blamed themself for why they came here. while Mutants looked more intense than anyone as their eyes were full of fear and rage seeing the hundreds of monstrosities.

The atmosphere was fully intense but truly experience look like nothing is happening and this was because when they saw that Darkseid's facial expressions didn't change a bit and this was the same for Laura and Domino they knew the situation was still in control and even they can fight here.

Fury: "by the power bestowed upon me by President of United States of America and UN I ask you to Surrender yourself for illegally attacking a highly secret facility and many more National International crimes Or we will be forced to shoot" as Fury Voice could be heard by everyone they knew it was fully serious matters.

While everyone started to get tense powers flared but still everyone just stand and Looked at Darkseid who doesn't even react to this he still has that face since he came out of the bunker.

So to lighten the mood and ease the intensity Charles decided to break the atmosphere. "My name is Charles Xavier and I run a school for gifted youth such as yourselves. We came here today after being made aware of your presence a few hours ago. I believe that each of you has extraordinary gifts and we would like to help you learn more about them."

As Group behind Darkseid looked at him causing Xavier and the X-Men, Brotherhood of Mutants, and everyone to do the same.

Darkseid: "Mmm Hahhahahaha Hahahahahah hahaha Mm Hahaha"

as Darkseid started to laugh as if he heard a genuine joke making everyone tenser. then He stopped laughing his eyes shined.

Darkseid: "it Seems you have to taken my silence as to speak anything you want to let me tell you all some secrets I can hear thought yes Yes your as well No Eric a Metal can't stop me I can hear thoughts and control them, your President and anyone who is living not only this planet but in lightyears away I can control them. Said Darkseid.

as Darkseid said everyone's eyes were wide open as it was not the word not came out of Darkseid's mouth but inside their brains and this happened to everyone on earth as if a God was speaking to them before shock could even last longer.

Darkseid: "I know it's hard to believe so let me demonstrate to you" "Snap" As Darkseid said this a Giant holographic screen appeared which has many small screens in the screens had videos of different females looking in the sky while some grabbing their heads. "You may know some of the women after all one of them is the first lady and many of them are congresswomen that could be seen they look normal right unaware of what their Husbands did in 3 seconds they will going to shoot themselves."



Fury: "FIRE"


"snap" "crack" "snap" "crack" "snap" "crack" "snap" "crack"

As all women shoot themselves then

"Boom buzz" "Boom buzz" "Boom buzz" "Boom buzz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" "whizz" Millions of bullets thousand of Missiles and Thousand of energy beams fired at Island as now Fury doesn't care about casualties. and everyone took safety measures as Magnito and Most of the Mutants were enveloped by a giant adamantium that came out of the underground base Dr. Strane created force fields and the same with Sue while they take as many people as they can inside it Dr. Doom also did the same.

only People behind Darkseid remained standing they just close their eyes and waited for death while Only Laura and Domino looked like nothing is going to happen.

As everyone waited for impact but to their surprise, nothing happened they waited but still, nothing happens so after some time they open their force fields and saw something which opens their eyes wide as every bullet every Missile everything just stopped and just floated their even energy beams standstill and this happen right before they were about to hit everything stopped in the air. Everyone in the control room and on Island was speechless.

As everyone knew it was not Magnetokineses as not everything was made of metal nor it was completely Telekinesis as a very advanced form that still only deflects energy beams not stop them like this.

Darkseid: "You build these Toys to destroy anything that stands in your way, why because you are afraid of Gifted people to unknown, to something you can't control to anyone who poses threat to you because they are different we are different Mortal/ Humanity has always feared that which is different, Well I'm here to tell you to tell the world you're right to fear us to fear unknown, I am the future, I am the one who will inherit this Universe this Multiverse This Omniverse and anyone who stands in my way will suffer the same fate as these men you see before you. today is meant to be a normal day Instead I show you a glimpse of the devastation of my power that can unleash upon anyone who comes in my way."

Darkseid: Let this be a warning to the world and to anyone who will see this out there I say this You can't hide, you can't run, and the only thing you will get is suffering from me those who lived in the shadows for too long thinking you are the master players here. Not anymore, I will have you come out of those said shadows or you do it yourself, come out bow down as even great Darkness bow to Darkseid a new Tomorrow that starts Today." as Darkseid mentions Great Darkness a blackness something darker than black darker than Darkness and even darker then void itself could be seen on his hand and seeing this even Mephisto who was enjoying the show with a grin on his face felt a greater fear then any mortal extra-dimensional Demon seems to be too afraid of this great Darkness. and It was enough fear for him to runaways as he teleports out of the place just after seeing the great Darkness.

Then with a flick of the "Darkseid" hand, all the missiles, bullets, Sentinel, Jets, Helicopters, Power Suits, and even S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier and 5 ships of different heroes who just wanted to see this without interacting with it started opening up deconstructing and breaking down into their different small very small components and changes even happened at the molecular level. this was a shocking display that left people speechless while people inside it fall down to the ground to the water and seeing this, So all the heroes left their shock aside to save thousands of people who were falling to their death all heroes who could fly or possibly save them flew to save those falling people.

While before Balck Widow fall to her death a Boom Tube opens up sucking her inside while throwing her into a New york Garden. After everything was deconstructed it all flew behind Darkseid and it started to assemble into something and In just one minute later there is a stand Giant 2000 feet tall Sentinel that could be seen even from space. it was floating up in the air as its weight alone will be enough to sink the Island and had a small hole into its chest that was open and it wasn't getting any power. so it was just a giant metal statue.

this was speechless enough as it is up on the ground we see heroes able to save most people but more than a thousand people were dead as they were too late and there were too many people as everyone including newly saved people, watched the colossus with wide eyes jaws on the ground then next second a spark of light bright enough to concentrate on what is happing, as it happens again with more brightness as brightness continues to increase and a ball of pure plasma so hot that it vaporizes the ground but the heat didn't do anything to anyone as if the newly created star is not in front of them nor it brightness did anything to their eyes.

as Start continues to grow and after it was the size of an average human it stops and it flew into the hands of Darkseid who nodded "Prefect" Said Darkseid as he just created a star able to power up humanity for the next millennia as next second the Star flew up from the hands of Darkseid and it flew until it reaches to the Chest hole of Sentinel and then it enters there and the chest hole close than in the Next second the Sentinel opens its eyes and its all weapons came out mussels, guns, laser, beams, sonic cannons, repulsor, shock wave cannons, bomb launchers, flame throwers, Electric weapons and many more and all of them were aiming at someone who was not a mutant.

Seeing this many things everyone felt great shock and fear even Mutant doesn't look any different as seeing this specifically smart person who knew how tough it is to create a star and then even tougher to make it stable so it doesn't blow up or turn into a black hole. So they looked at Darkseid who still has the same face as before.

Domino: "That is a Giant thing you had created big guy and I was so lost in your beautiful madness I forget to tell you that very cool and badass name you have chosen for yourself OO Lord Darkseid." Said Domino ignoring the intense atmosphere. she had seen enough insane things as she returned to her usual personality.

As everyone glared at her but she just ignored them while a sigh escapes from, the mouth of Laura.

Darkseid: Now imagine ....

Wonder Man: "You monster you killed so many innocents you killed the first lady you monster you need to be in a mental asylum." Said Wonder Man with mussels while coming flying at supersonic speeds his punch was ready he had put all his power into it.

As he reaches Darkseid in a blink of an eye but before it even connected to the head of Darkseid 'boom" "crack" "crack" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" he directly receives a punch into his jaw which shatters like glass and he sends fly at such speeds that he left multiple shock waves and sonic booms behind.

Hearing and seeing this everyone was once again shocked as Wonder Man man was one of the most powerful heroes on earth strength-wise. and his jaw just shattered like nothing.

Iron Man: "J.A.R.V.I.S track him we can't have his leaving the atmosphere." Siad Iron while seeing how fast he was flew away.

J.A.R.V.I.S: Sorry to tell you sir but Mr. Simon has repealed faster than 10 thousand miles per hour and he will leave the atmosphere in 3 2 1 and I can't track him anymore sir.

in Space, we see Wonder Man who was already left earth and now he is colliding with many satellite truing into junk that falls back on earth, and just some second later he was out of earth's space satellite belts. and now he was colliding with mentors this continues to happen to leave his blood bones and muscle tissues behind that freeze in the coldness of space and shatter pieces of mentors who already lost his consciousness.

Then next second "Boom" "Crack" "Crack" (Silent in space) he collides with a super giant light grey palm that was coming out of a giant red Boom tube the speed collision itself was enough that it broke every bone his body then "Boom" (Silent in space) the palm close turning him into meat past killing him in an instant. then hand retired back while getting small as we follow in it and we see it was the hand of Darkseid that was now turned into normal as it throws it whatever was left of poor wonder Man which was nothing more than meat past and some pieces of his costume.

while Everyone watches this with wide eyes, as it was shocking for them as he just opens a portal stick his hand in, and retired back but smart people knew he open the portal in the space from the coldness and radiation from the portal and he increased the size of his hand.

as Darkseid looked at his bloody hand and the next second all the blood was gone like it was never there before. but before heroes even had time to give to their fellow heroes and sometimes co-worker.

Darkseid: "I hate people disturbing me Where I was yes Now imagine I let this super Sentinial into your So-called proud country as you do for Mutants and believe me this thing will not even get a scratch from a nuke I and Even if it did the Star inside it will become unstable and I don't need to say what it can do to this planet," said Darkseid with a smile on his face and first time changed his facial expressions.

And hearing this Now even fury was shitng in his pants as he had seen so much madness but something like this first time happens to him.

Thor: "This is enough you will do no such things you Mortal man when you stand in front of Thor now face the wrath of the Son of Odin, the wrath of Mjölnir." Siad Thor who throws his Hammer toward Darkseid and Heros also had enough soo they also attacked him As captain America throws his Shield Iron man fires repulsor blasts and missiles fires at Darkseid Dr. Strange uses Eye of Agamotto to its fullest casting spells like Icy Tendrils Of Ikthalon, Crimson Bands Of Cyttorak, and some other spells. Captain Mar-Vell projects Solar energy while fully using Nega-bands.

Import to read

So It seems people didn't like me going too deep Explanation of characters and thinking I am doing it for word count do you even know how much time it takes to write a single female appearance I had to check on 3 different sites to conform it then it only shows some small features I have to rack my brain to write next things and I take time to do this fucking shit much time plus I also explain some of there characteristics like Medusa calling Block Bolt Love.

So how Mc will handle this while Sue seems to be bored with Reed or magneto's determination to save Mutants no matter the cost and so on but you only concentrate on the character's appearance which has taken more than 15 minutes to write a single one.

and For why chapter names don't match with what the chapter is about because they are about the Future chapters.


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Marvel could have died out four years before its first comic was even published.

In 1937, the creator, Martin Goodman was in the middle of preparation to return to America from a honeymoon. However, he booked his tickets a little too slow and missed a flight on the Hindenburg. Luckily, because of this Goodman avoided the famed disaster and went on to continue working on building his company.


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GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

So It seems people didn't like me going too deep Explanation of characters and thinking I am doing it for word count do you even know how much time it takes to write a single female appearance I had to check on 3 different sites to conform it then it only shows some small features I have to rack my brain to write next things and I take time to do this fucking shit much time plus I also explain some of there characteristics like Medusa calling Block Bolt Love.

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