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40% Tensura: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Human / Chapter 2: The Vilkhon Merchant Family and its 2nd Son

Capítulo 2: The Vilkhon Merchant Family and its 2nd Son

The Vilkhon Merchant Group was as its name stated, a merchant group that based its operations in the Kingdom of Falmuth that was created by Tseydor Vilkhon and operates under the Merchant Guild.

It is a wealthy and powerful merchant group that has a wide influence over the market in many areas. It is also known for having a unique system that ranks clients based on the amount of business they have done with them, which in turn provides them with various benefits depending on their rank.

It is this unique system that made them quickly rise in influence and wealth in the Kingdom of Falmuth.

And I, Zerua Vilkhon, am the second son of Vilkhon Merchant Group's President and also the one partially responsible for its rise in power.

Though my role in it success was minor, it still played a pivotal role with my ideas that have never been implemented before in this world.

Notice. I have also played a significant role in your plans.

"Yes, and I'm extremely thankful for your assistance, Great Sage" I murmured as I stared out the balcony of the mansion I was living in.

I looked out into the horizon, basking in the light of the morning sun as I reminisced of the life I've had these past 13... or 14 years.

Notice. It has been approximately 14 years, 1 month, and 6 days since your reincarnation into this world.

I merely nodded at Great Sage's correction. It has already become common at this point, though I'm quite glad to have its assistance.

"But... it truly has been a while, huh?"

That's right, it's been 14 years since I died and reincarnated into this foreign world. Luckily, I had Great Sage to aid me in navigating the uncertainties in this world. Though, it has been a journey.

As the morning sun had started to become more glaring to the eye, I closed the doors that lead to the balcony and entered my room.

It was extremely lavish and had a European style to it, as you'd expect from a wealthy merchant family.

I walked to a mirror that was situated in the corner of my room, slightly to the left of my wardrobe, and looked closely at my face.

The most notable thing about my appearance was my blonde hair that drooped down to my neck's length. In fact, it was the only thing that distinguished from others besides my looks.

Upon closer inspection, my eyes were a deep blue color, but they were unique because of the clarity they gave off, like the clear blue sky.

My face, on the other hand, was something else. Though because I was currently going through puberty, there were a few blemishes on my face, but not enough that it would diminish my beauty.

Hmm, if I had to rank myself in terms of looks, I would give myself a 9 out of 10.

It's not like I was tooting my own horn, I was actually that conventionally attractive. Though there's only one problem I had...

Haah, it's no good. No matter how you look at it, my face is too feminine!

If one did not closely inspect me, they would think I'm a girl or something! I only had my mother to blame. It seems that her genes were stronger than my father's...

But that's besides the point. I'm actually thankful that I turned out to be attractive in this life, but when I look more like a girl than a boy, then that's a problem!

Though, I guess there's nothing I can do about it... for now, that is.

This world that I reincarnated in is completely different than Earth and it runs on similar, but vastly different laws. The difference lies in the existence of Magic, Skills, and races other than humans.

Great Sage, the voice that usually pops up in my head to correct me or help me with certain subjects, is a skill, a Unique Skill.

From the information that I have, skills are like an innate ability that people can acquire, and from what I remember, they are acquired through a wish or desire.

When I was in my final moments, I jokingly wished to be a Great Sage because of my love for magic in video games, but it actually happened to grant me this skill.

Although I'm not exactly sure, I'm certain that wishes or desires play a major part in the acquisition of skills. Knowing this, I have tried many times to acquire other skills by inwardly 'wishing' to the Gods, or alternatively, thevoice that I heard then, as I did when I acquired Great Sage. However, i have not gained any results.

This tells me that there is much more than a wish or a desire to acquiring a skill. After much thought, I surmised that one could only acquire a skill when they had a wish or a desire near death, which is what exactly happened to me.

But that only raises more questions for me. Why did I acquire skills on Earth? Is Earth and this world connected? If so, will I be able to return?

This world turned out to be much more complicated than I had initially expected. But I guess that's what makes it so interesting. Knowing that there are these magical abilities out there only arouses the flames of passion within me. A passion to learn all about them.

Though on that note, skills aren't exactly common, especially for a teenager like me. So, I made sure to keep it a secret from anyone else in order to prevent trouble coming my way. After all, I've already died once, and I sure as hell don't want to die again by casting any unwanted attention on me.

Besides my skill Great Sage, I also have another Unique Skill called Fate Breaker. And from the name alone, you can tell its broken. Haha, get it? No? Oh, okay...


I'm not exactly sure how I obtained this skill even now, but the best explanation I could conclude was that my desire to live and avoid death birthed this overpowered skill. Here's why I came up with that conclusion.

Great Sage, explain the abilities of this skill to me again, please.

Understood. Unique Skill Fate Breaker is the combination of skills Prophet and Decider. It's abilities are Prophet, Future Attack Prediction, Change Outcome, and Optimal Action.

Ability Prophecy allows the user to experience their future death. By experiencing their future death firsthand, their fate is changed and diverges the timeline.

Ability Future Attack Prediction allows the user to predict the trajectory of an opponent's attacks as if they were seeing the future.

Ability Change Outcome is an ability that directly alters the laws of the world. It allows the user to freely change the result of an action or the state of an object into their desired outcome, no matter how improbable.

Ability Optimal Action allows the user determine the best course of action in a given situation by allowing them to see through the flow of their movements. It also enables the user to perfectly recreate anything they've done once.

No matter how many times I hear them, I'm still shocked. This skill of mine is too overpowered. Not only that, Great Sage itself is also a broken skill.

Should I say that my death was worth it after all? While I'm a little bit conflicted about that, I was able to to acquire these skills solely because I was stabbed and bled to death.

Though, in reality, I really do not know the true extent of these abilities simply because I haven't had many opportunities to utilize them. With the exception of Prophecy.

I've only used Prophecy once and haven't used it since then. When Great Sage told me that this ability forces me to experience death, I thought I would experience it through an observer's perspective.

But I was completely wrong.

It forced me to literally experience my future death. If I recall, in the prophecy, I was actually kidnapped by some criminals for ransom money, but I was ultimately killed after trying to escape.

What makes it worse is that when I'm experiencing it, I have no control over my actions. I merely experience the events that lead to my death. It also stimulates my senses as if i were actually experiencing them in reality, which was quite unpleasant having to experience a second death, even if it were not real. That's why I haven't used it since.

Ever since then I've mostly stayed at home to prevent anything like what happened in the prophecy happen to me. In a sense, I've been living in fear, though there's much more to it than that.

Though, I'll probably have to start using it again soon.

Why? Well, that's becauseー

Knock, Knock.

Someone's at the door, "What is it?"

In response to my words, a feminine voice curtly replied back. "Young Master, breakfast is ready."

"Oh, thank you for the reminder, Ellis. Please tell father and mother that I will be there shortly."

"As you wish." Ellis, the maid, quickly went to fulfill her young master's, my, task.

The echoes of the footsteps from her shoes could be heard even inside my room, how diligent.

Well, I should get ready before I make my father angry. I merely needed to change my clothes as I had already done my morning necessities earlier.

As soon as I was done changing, I headed out of my room, and walked down the hallway into a staircase that led to first floor where the dining room was at.

There, I saw my family at the dinner table, presumably awaiting my arrival. My father sat at the mainstay at one of the ends of the table, with my mother at his left side and my only sibling at his right side.

My father, Tseydor, did not have exceptional looks, but he wasn't ugly either. He had brown hair that was combed slick-back with while his eyes were dark brown. His only distinct attribute was his stern expression he always had on. He is what you would call a textbook commoner in the Kingdom of Falmuth.

My mother, Kalysia, was, what I would call, a world class beauty. She had the same blonde hair as I, and her eyes were blue like the sky. Her skin glistened with a milky tone, a sign that she had used a skin product earlier.

She had a gentle face and always exuded an aura of kindness.

Next, was my elder brother, Nikhola. He was a mesh of both my father and mother and took on their most prominent features. He's merely three years older than me, but he already looks like an adult.

Dark brown hair, blue eyes, and the beauty of my mother. Though rather than looking beautiful, he was more handsome. Kgh, I'm so envious.

But enough of scrutinizing their looks.

"I apologize for my tardiness, father, mother." I said as I lightly bowed with my right hand in front of my abdominal area as it was bent at a right angle.

While we are not nobility, our father still imposes certain rules and etiquette on us, his children, for manners and discpline.

He looked at me with that stern face of his for a brief moment and replied shortly after. "It's fine. However, do not make it a habit. Sit. We will be eating in a moment."

He ordered the servants by his side to bring the dishes.

A few moments later, our food was served in front of us. It seems today's dish is... nothing that I recognize. I bet it's not gonna be good anyway, like almost every other food that is served. It is in times like these when I truly miss my previous life.

As we ate, we conversed about various topics. Soon, the topic shifted to me.

"So, Zerua, I've heard once more that you have astounded your previous tutor with your talents. He was going on and on about how he no longer had anything to teach you, even though he was your tutor for only a year."

My father suddenly started talking about my education. I saw my elder brother start to fidget when he heard our father talk about me. It seemed that he thought I'd be the most likely to succeed in father's footsteps. Though, he couldn't be more wrong.

"Hm? Ah, yes. He was of much help in furthering my studies. I learned a lot from him, especially a few things that piqued my interest." I replied as I ate my gloomy breakfast.

Both my parents raised a brow. This is a first that they've ever heard me have an interest in something.

"Oh? What possibly could have piqued your interest. I'd like to know, tell me."

My mother and Nikhola too were slightly inerested in what I was going to say.

"Yes. Mr. Zell taught me various things, but the topic that interested me the most was when I asked him about magic. It turned out that Mr. Zell knew a little bit of magic, so I had him demonstrate. After that, I became drawn to it and had him tell me all about it."

My words were quite a surprise to my family except for my father who only reacted with a frown hearing them. He seemed to question the underlying intent behind my words, as expected of a merchant.

"And?" He urged me to continue speaking to see my true motives.

"Which is why I wanted to make a request."

I placed my utensils down and stared at him with complete seriousness.

"I would like to enroll in the Royal Magic Acadmey."

That sentence alone seemed to silence the room, while my father's frown grew deeper.

It's not like I can blame him, though. After all, I was the one who helped his merchant group become what it is today, even if it was merely a suggestion on my part. Because of that, he probably wanted to raise me as his successor and make use of my talents, but unfortunately I have other plans.

"Why do you want to be a mage? Don't tell me it's because you are merely interested in it. Give me a proper reason and I'll consider it." As expected he did not like the idea of me wanting to become a mage.

"No, no, if I wanted to be a mage simply because of interest then that would be disrespectful to all of the mages out there."

That's a lie though. I'm sure most people became mages because they were interested in magic, but right now I have to persuade him so anything goes.

"Instead, I thought it would be a great if I could become the Vilkhon Merchant Group's personal mage." I did not fully explain further as to gauge his reaction.

He seemed a little bit interested in what I was saying, "Explain."

"But of course. I'm sure that father, a merchant, would know that there are many dangers when traveling and that they must hire those who are capable of protecting them. However, you cannot completely trust those whom you have made a contract with as they can betray you for minor reasons. Neither can those of the Free Guild be trusted, they lack certain aspects. In the end, is it not best if the one who protects you is also family? Which is why I want to attend the Royal Magic Academy in hopes of becoming a mage and helping out the business that way."

This is it, my hook and line. Now all that's left is to see if there's a bite.

I looked at him and waited in anticipation for the answer I wanted. He seemed to be contemplating deeply as he had his eyes closed and his hands interlocked with each other as they rested on his forehead.

A few moments which felt like an eternity passed by. He opened his eyes and drew a deep breath.

"Fine, I accept your request."

Hell yeah! Magic, here Iー

"However, if you do not become a proper mage within four year's time, then I will have you drop out of the academy and return home to conrinue your studies."

My mother and Nikhola stared at my father wide-eyed. While they did not know any magic, they have heard how difficult it is to even learn any magic, after all not everyone had the affinity to do so.

Father knew this as well too. He knew that his additional condition was near impossible to meet. It was another way of him saying that he disapproved my decisions.

"Father, that's too extreme!" I retorted in displeasure at his impossible request.

He smiled as he responded in a 'confused' tone. "What, didn't you say you wanted to be a mage? I'm giving you an oppurtunity. Or were you all talk? I guess you dont want to be a mage after all."

Thsi was his way of arguing. With hoe heron things, it wouldn't be a stretch to call him a tyrant of some sorts. But that's not enough make me quit.

"N-no, that is not it, father. I will make sure to live up to your expectations. Thank you for accepting my selfish request!" I bowed down in gratitude towards him.

"Haha, it's fine. I'm expecting great results out of you, Zerua. It seems that everyone has finished eating, so you're all dismissed."

Everyone sat up from the table and went about to do their business. I, on the other hand, walked upstairs back to my room with my head held down and fists tightened. My mother and Nikhola saw this and decided to leave me alone for the moment.

On the outside, I showed an act of defeat, as if my plan did not go as I had expected.

However, it was a different matter on the inside...

Haha, oh father of mine. If only you truly knew what this son of yours is capable of!

Four years? Even if I were given one week, I'm positive that I would become one of the best mages to ever live in this world.


Because of my skill Great Sage!

With Great Sage's abilities, I'd be able to learn any magic I wanted with a single glance.

Though I was going to try and avoid doing that. In the end, I want to enjoy learning the magic for myself. But if the four year time limit were to near and I have still not achieved proficiency in wielding magic by that time, I'd have no choice but to do that.

But I can worry about that when the time comes.

Right now it was time for celebration!

Words could not express the amount of joy I'm experiencing right now, I mean who wouldn't be happy in this situation. I have finally gotten the opportunity to learn magic!

The only thing I have to do is wait. The enlisting fee should not be a problem for my father, it's only a matter of time before I begin this long awaited magical journey that I so desired.

I walked down the hallway leading to my room, and entered it.

I plopped down on the bed and rolled around on it in excitement.

Haha, I can't wait!

Though I still had one question that bothered me. Just what exactly did he mean about becoming a 'proper mage'? As far as I knew, there weren't any sort of certifications when it came to magic.

Hmm, it's annoying when I'm unaware of certain things, but it can't be helped. I should think about what magic I want to learn in the meantime.

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