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72.72% The Straw Wizard / Chapter 8: Spider cut in half

Capítulo 8: Spider cut in half

One day after Sadi's union

"So, Basil Hawkins is on the island and murdered a naval captain?" A man who was located at a table in a corner of the restaurant, was listening to the rumors that the people in the place were talking about.

"Kuahahahaha... it was a bad day to look for trouble, if he escapes his next meeting it will be worth inviting him to join my organization" the man spoke as he lit a cigarette and left the restaurant.

Then he set off for the next island.

Hotel where the Hawkins pirates meet.

"Captain, since you killed a naval officer, it is best that we leave soon" Law informed Hawkins who was finishing lunch.

"Why do you say Law?" Hawkins and the rest of the crew paid full attention to Law, they were all in the hotel restaurant having lunch, Kokushibyō as usual was flying over the island.

"According to the information I collected on the island, Vice Admiral Onigumo is on this island and he is looking for him, Captain" Law said with great seriousness, although they had already faced a Rear Admiral, that did not compare to the strength of a Vice Admiral.

Maybe under normal circumstances they shouldn't be too afraid of a Vice Admiral, unless it was a garp, but the problem is that now they had two untrained kids in the crew, especially Sadi.

"I see, do you know if he is accompanied by more officers?" Hawkins asked still calm.

"He seems to be accompanied by the young Rear Admiral Gion, who is said to have incredible talent and will soon rise to the rank of Vice Admiral, there is also Rear Admiral Tokikake" Law said all the information he had.

"I see, Law. Do you think you could fight Gion?" Hawkins asked as he stood up and started to leave the restaurant, everyone imitated his action, except for Sadi who was still stuffing food into her mouth as fast as she could, in the end Ideo had to drag her out of the place.

"I... I don't know if I can defeat her, but at least I should be able to give her a good fight" Law said as he walked to the right side of Hawkins.

"And you Bellamy, do you think you can fight Tokikake?" Hawkins asked this time to Bellamy who was walking to his left side.

"I'm ready to fight whoever you want captain" Bellamy said with a big smile as he brought both fists together in front of his chest.

"Very well, remember that the way to become stronger is through battles, otherwise our strength will be stagnant, prepare to leave" said Hawkins.

Later on, the pier.

Hawkins was looking at the nearby buildings as the rest of the crew climbed into the sub.

Next to Hawkins were only Law and Bellamy.

"I'll get the attention of the navy, get ready... Straw Man" Hawkins said as he created his straw sword and then a large amount of straw came out of it which created the straw demon.

The straw demon immediately swung its spiked staff and mimicked Hawkins' movements and destroyed a nearby building, thus creating a loud bang.

"Captain, do you have Voodoo dolls connected to anyone? If not, you can connect one to me," Bellamy said, his loyalty to Hawkins turning more and more into blind devotion.

"Thank you but it is not necessary Bellamy, I did not want to become someone dependent on my devil fruit... as advice for Law and for you when you get a devil fruit, do not become dependent fruit, the most important thing in this world is the power of the devil." Haki" Hawkins said to Bellamy and Law who gave an understanding nod.

Soon the pier was filled with marines and at the front were two men and a woman, all wearing capes with the word justice on them.

"~The Magician~ Basil Hawkins with a bounty of 325 million Berries, ~The Surgeon of Death~ Trafalgar Law with a bounty of 221 million Berries, ~The Hyena~ Bellamy with a bounty of 129 million Berries… Some of the most dangerous criminals of this half of the Grand Line" Onigumo said while looking at Hawkins, Law and Bellamy respectively.

"Well, you're well informed Vice Admiral Onigumo, and I guess the beautiful woman next to you is the new talent in the navy Gion and the ugly guy must be Tokikake" Hawkins said with a slight smile when he spoke of Gion.

"Tch dirty pirate don't get your hopes up with the beautiful Gion, you must first pass over me just to touch her" Tokikake coated his fists with Haki as he stepped forward.

"Oi oi pig, if you want to fight the captain you have to fight me first" Bellamy said as he stepped forward as well.

"I think we all know who we're going to face right? Allow me to sweep the trash off the field." Hawkins said this and then unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, causing all the other Marines to fall to the ground foaming at the mouth.

Before anyone could say anything about the Marines, Hawkins attacked Onigumo.

"Kyo Kyo Kyo Kyo" The straw demon let out a creepy laugh as he attacked Onigumo with his wooden staff with nails, who had to defend himself with his eight swords, of which 6 were held by his spider legs.

"This damn thing is very strong," Onigumo admitted as his hands and spider legs trembled from the force. "Gion, deal with Trafalgar Law" Onigumo ordered and then jumped back to avoid being crushed by the spiked rod, but the marines who were passed out couldn't dodge causing them to be crushed.

"Vice Admiral Onigumo, why don't I help you?" Gion asked in surprise.

"I don't have time to save the lives of weaklings who are not capable of withstanding the will of a criminal," Onigumo said without paying attention to Gion. "Now carry out the damn order" Onigumo ordered angrily.

Law vs Gion

"ROOM" Law created his room and then unsheathed his sword, Gion also unsheathed his epsada as he prepared to fight, Law cut Gion with his Kikoku sword to separate it into parts, but to his surprise nothing happened.

"I could feel your skill, but it seems it's not strong enough to defeat my Armor Haki" Gion said with a smile and immediately attacked Law, engaging in a slightly even sword fight, but Gion's superiority was soon seen thanks to his Armor Haki superior to Law's.

Law used a Soru to quickly retreat and then slashed away with his sword.

"So, it's true that you know the Rokushiki" Gion said as he also launched a cutting energy with his sword, causing the two flying slashes to collide and create a slight explosion.

This time Gion was the one who used Soru to close the distance with Law with the intention of giving a thrust to Law's chest, but Law interposed his sword on the flat side to stop Gion's thrust.

"You are much stronger than I thought" Law said as he used a great amount of force to stop Gion.

"We're just getting started for now," Gion said with a smile.

Bellamy vs Tokikake

"Oi pig, don't you think it's suicide for a pig to attack a hyena?" Bellamy said as he licked his lips.

"Psycho, I will kill you and then your captain who dared to look at my beautiful Gion" Tokikake said with annoyance.

"Not even a hundred pigs like you could kill the captain hahahh-haha" Bellamy scoffed at Tokikake, then gave a big smile before attacking.

"Kamisori" Bellamy used Soru with a zig-zag movement in the air, which allowed him to make extremely fast movements in three dimensions around Tokikake, thus attacking Tokikake from various directions.

"Rankyaku «the hyena hunt»" Bellamy fired bursts of two Rankyaku every time he changed position in the air, each in the form of a Hyena, These Rankyaku not only slashed with their fangs but also exploded upon contact with either Tokikake or with the ground as if they were compressed air bullets.

The dust from the explosions on the ground created a large smoke screen preventing the view, Bellamy stopped his attack after a few minutes and stood on the ground looking at the smoke as he couldn't see anything else.

"What did you think of my special technique? The captain gave me the idea a long time ago, did you like the game, pig? Hahahh-haha" Bellamy laughed non-stop like crazy.

"YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME YOU BRAT!!" In a second a Tokikake with light scratches came running out of the smoke and landed a strong blow with haki on Bellamy's face making him fly a few meters until he crashed into a building which collapsed on Bellamy.

"Although that technique was good, my armor Haki is much stronger than you think" Tokikake said while craning his neck.

Hawkins vs Onigumo

After having dodged the straw demon's first attack, Onigumo used Soru to try to attack Hawkins while dodging the straw demon, to his bad luck, although the demon was of a large size, its speed was still very high and it got between them. two, from the mouth of the straw demon came out a large number of giant nails at high speed.

Onigumo deflected the spikes with his 8 swords as best he could, but the straw demon didn't give him a break as he immediately attacked with his spiked rod, this time Onigumo was sent flying crashing into a building.

The sky had clouded over a while ago and now it had started to rain, raindrops hitting Onigumo's face.

Hawkins undid the straw demon, then with a Soru appeared on top of Onigumo and lowered his sword to try to cut him, Onigumo used his spider legs to block it and used Soru to get away from Hawkins.

"Basil Hawkins, it seems that I underestimated you and made the mistake of trusting myself... I admit that your strength and ability is slightly superior to mine..." Onigumo began to transform into a hybrid form of Man and Spider, his body grew greatly and by consequently his strength and resistance as well "But now with my transformation I will defeat you" Onigumo began to run towards Hawkins and although his strength increased it seems that his speed had decreased.

"There was something I wanted to try, I think there is no better time than now, I don't even know if it will work, but here we go" Hawkins said as he closed his eyes, ignoring Onigumo for a moment.

'Imbue my attack with Conqueror's Haki like I do my armor haki... such a feeling is so hard to come by' Hawkins looked deep in thought.

"PIRATE TRASH, YOU DARE TO IGNORE ME WHEN I ATTACK YOU FROM THE FRONT" Onigumo was furious to feel slighted by a pirate.

Hawkins condensed his armor haki and a tiny part of his king's haki into his straw sword which was dyed black with a faint and almost imperceptible red outline, Hawkins swung his sword forward and then unleashed this combination of haki at the tip of the blade, magnifying the slash attack, which flew forward.

This cut took the form of a black and red crescent moon, with a size of about eight meters high and one meter wide.

The crescent moon sliced through Onigumo, splitting him in half vertically but even after that the slash didn't stop and continued to bring destruction for another 50 meters.

No matter what was in front of this cut, everything was destroyed, leaving only a large deep crack on the ground.

"Hell, even someone weak like me can cause this devastation with imbuing king's haki in my attack, I think someone like Roger or Shirohige should be able to split an island in half with just one attack" Hawkins said as he fell to the ground extremely Exhausted, almost about to pass out.

He used an amount of power for which his body is not prepared, so immediately his body is asking for rest, making an incredible effort Hawkins stood up and began to walk slowly towards where Law was.

A few minutes before Law vs Gion

Law was lying on the floor bleeding everywhere, in front of him was Gion who was also plagued with wounds but was in much better condition than Law.

"Incredible, at such a young age you have great power" Gion spoke sincerely, she was a few years older than Law and she didn't think she had had a power like Law's when she was his age.

"Tch... it's no use if I can't beat you... hell, I couldn't even fulfill my revenge against Doflamingo" Law was starting to cry with frustration and anger.

Gion looked at Law and felt a bit of pity, since he assumed that the young man in front of her had become a pirate to seek revenge against Doflamingo.

At that moment it started to rain, for a few moments Gion looked at the sky, thinking about the pirate recently accepted as Shichibukai.

"Alright, this is over now I have to arrest you" Gion said as he walked towards Law.

"You know… this would have ended in your favor a moment ago… but you can't compete against my ability Room Under the Rain." Law said this and then appeared behind Gion and with his armor haki imbued sword cut diagonally across Gion's back. Gion, she let out a cry of pain but quickly reacted by turning to cut Law with her sword, but he changed places again with his Shambles ability.

This continued for a while until Gion couldn't stand so many injuries and blood loss, then she fell unconscious to the ground.

"Shit… using my ability so much… this level of exhaustion reminds me of my training with Shiki" Law sat down while taking in some air, then he heard a loud explosion and could see a large column of black energy in the shape of a crescent moon which created great destruction.

"The captain has grown stronger" Law said, a few moments later he could see Hawkins approaching him.

"Hey let's go now" Law turned his head to look at the owner of the voice, there he saw Bellamy who had his face bathed in blood and a black eye, with bruises all over the rest of his face.

With his right hand he was dragging a Tokikake in a much worse condition, as he was missing several teeth and even an eye was missing, but incredibly he was still breathing.

"That girl was kicking your ass, wasn't she, Law?" Bellamy tried to smile but he couldn't, his face hurt a lot.

"Shut up," Law said as he fell back onto his back.

A few minutes before Bellamy vs Tokikake

Bellamy was thrown flying again due to a punch from Tokikake, Bellamy scrambled to his feet, spit blood to the side and then looked at Tokikake.

"You hit hard, you fucking pig," Bellamy said, as he prepared to lunge at Tokikake once more.

"Are you some kind of masochist or something? You've already realized that I'm stronger than you, my haki is stronger than yours, I'm superior to you and yet you keep attacking me like an animal without reason" Tokikake said mockingly.

"I will not surrender, I can do no such thing, it would be an insult to my captain if his second commander surrenders to a pig" Bellamy said as he ran towards Tokikake with his fist raised.

"Your captain is just as useless as you and soon Vice Admiral Onigumo will kill him" Tokikake said who dodged Bellamy's punch and then punched Bellamy in the face, but this time he didn't send him flying but crashed him against the floor.

"As a favor I will bury your body to the left of your captain's grave" Tokikake said and then began a rain of blows against Bellamy's face, one after another punch nailed Bellamy's face who was about to lose consciousness.

`~~I have a lot of faith in you Bellamy~~… ~~ You and Law are my most trusted men~~ … ~Bellamy, try creating an animal form with the Rankyaku to give you greater attack power, you can compact the Rankyaku to generate an explosion~~ … ~~ Although I am your captain, you are also my friends~~` Bellamy remembered the conversations he had with his captain, his captain used to talk a lot with the crew during meals or during the training, this had generated a great camaraderie in the crew.

'I won't let you down Captain' Bellamy thought determinedly, he opened his eye to look at Tokikake who was still punching him, concentrating his haki on his right hand specifically on his finger he quickly attacked Tokikake's face with a Shigan.

Tokikake did not expect this action and the Shigan destroyed his eye and at the same time made him fall back to the ground.

"AAAAHHHHGGG YOU SON OF A BITCH" Tokikake was rolling on the ground in pain.

Bellamy slowly got to his feet and when he was facing the injured Tokikake he put Haki on his foot and kicked Tokikake hard in the groin, you could even hear something break.

Tokikake was shocked for a moment and before he could scream, Bellamy started punching Tokikake's face again and again, with his armor haki imbued fists, blow after blow Tokikake was losing consciousness and some teeth.

When Tokikake passed out Bellamy stood up, grabbed Tokikake's ankle and started dragging him towards where Law was.


Hawkins, Law and Bellamy were looking at Gion and Tokikake who were passed out in front of them.

"Law, can you take their hearts without killing them? I have an idea," Hawkins said as he continued to gaze at the two Marines.

"I'll try captain...ROOM...MESS" Law hit the chest of both marines with his hand and from there came the hearts of both each one in a kind of bucket.

"Alright, let's go to the polar tang" Hawkins took the hearts and started his way along with Law and Bellamy.

Hours later at sea.

"Captain, we caught an intruder on the ship," Sadi said as she and Ideo led a young Nico Robin by the hand.

"Oh Mr. Hawkins, I can explain" Robin said with a slight smile, but something anguished in the background.

"Let me know why Nico Robin was on my ship without my authorization" Hawkins said as he looked at Robin, everyone was in the dining room so Robin was slightly nervous to have all eyes on him, but his years running from the marines had given a character with which to cope with these situations.

"Ah Mr. Hawkins knows my identity, that makes things a little easier, Vice Admiral Onigumo and the two Rear Admirals were initially on this island looking for my whereabouts, taking advantage of the fact that you were on the island and that you were going to leave, I thought I could sneak into your boat to be able to escape" Robin told the truth, because he knew that it was a bit complicated to lie to famous guys like Hawkins.

"I see… Nico Robin, are you interested in joining my crew? You are an archaeologist, if you join me I will do my best so that your thirst for knowledge can be satisfied and as a member of my crew I will provide you with protection against the government, I take good care of my Nakamas" Hawkins said as he held out his hand Robin did, who looked at him for a few seconds before smiling.

"Then I'm in your care, Captain," Robin said as she took Hawkins's hand.

Hawkins gave a slight smile, he knew that winning Robin's loyalty would take time, but even so he had confidence in winning her, if it was possible to fight the government for her that would make it even easier.

"Very well, you can stay in the women's room with Sadi-Chan" Hawkins said as he stood up and walked to his room, no one stopped him or protested Robin's union as they respected Hawkins' decisions.

Once inside his room and with the door closed, Hawkins created a Voodoo doll, the two dolls were inert in front of him because they were not connected to anyone.

Pulling out the hearts of Gion and Tokikake that he had saved, he inserted a heart into each doll and looked at them while using his Voodoo bonding ability.

Slowly the dolls began to grow larger and larger until they reached the actual size of Gion and Tokikake, and then their straw doll appearance changed until it was identical to Gion and Tokikake's appearance, even their clothes were imitated.

"Without a doubt, it was a great idea to take Law as the first officer"

On the island to which the Hawkins pirates were headed

"Kuahahahaha… I look forward to your arrival, Basil Hawkins" A figure in the shadows said while smoking a cigarette.


"We need to know how those pirates have such a deep knowledge of the Rokushiki, also someone with the strength to split a vice admiral in half is someone to take into account, we must send someone to collect the information" This was said by a tall and slim man with a pointed mustache and beard, who was standing.

"Then let's send it to him," said an old man with a big mustache.

"The killing machine" This was said by a bald man who wears a white gi exposing his chest and sandals instead of some black suit and shoes. He carries a sword with him.

End of chapter

What do you think of the chapter?

Hawkins may seem very strong, but he is still not at the level of big monsters, if you compare a vice admiral with the first, second or even third commanders of the yunkos they are quite weak.

Well Nico Robin joins the Hawkins pirates, for now Robin is just taking advantage of Hawkins' protection and is not loyal to the crew.

Law and Bellamy take a beating and then end up winning, I liked that. Did you like the fights? I am trying to improve.

Oh and about Bellamy, he only feels great loyalty towards Hawkins, it's not any kind of sexual or romantic attraction Lol, it was just a small Flashback about some moments when his captain encouraged him to improve and showed him confidence.

Then follows a small encounter with an interesting character and also the appearance of the gorosei's envoy.

What do you think of the new ability I gave Hawkins with the Voodoo dolls?

Please leave your comment.

Please leave a review so that people are motivated to read this story.

Greetings. :)

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