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100% Fate summoning in MHA / Chapter 1: 01
Fate summoning in MHA Fate summoning in MHA original

Fate summoning in MHA

Autor: Overlordfanboy

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: 01

"Hey Merlin, what are you choosing as the subject?" A tall black haired teen asked as he handed him a form inside the class. It was the last year of their middle school and they had to choose their high school that they wanted to apply for,

"Hmm?" an unkempt mane of snow white hair tied in a ponytail turned around to revealing a face handsome enough to be considered a beauty quirk.

"I will go where life takes me" the boy, Merlin smiled as he went back to staring the walls as the black haired boy, Kieta Ito, sighed. His friend Merlin was a foreign student from Britain who came to Japan with his family. Even though he had a face of a model he hardly put any effort into maintaining his looks and acted rather weirdly like how sometimes he would just stare at the walls.

At first Ito wondered if his friend's quirk was x-ray vision and he could see beyond the walls although that was dashed a month after some students tried to pick on the boy for being too good looking, they really needed a better excuse but that's just how the bullies of this school acted,

Well, considering his quirk that whole debacle ended rather quickly as whenever they tried to hit the boy all they would hit were pink flower petals, as their hands would pass through the boy while the boy just stood there with an amused smile on his face. After that incident, there were a few more sneak attacks yet all of them resulted in the same outcome, finally understanding the futility of the action they moved on to other students and only sent glares and slurs while the boy acted they simply didn't exist.

"Ito" the boy turned around to find his friend packing his bag,

"I will tell you my choice later" Ito dumbly nodded as he saw Merlin not smiling, his friend had always had that devil may-care attitude towards life, then again if you have a face and quirk like that you could just a model but this piece of work somehow always score near the top of class and was decently good in PE as well. He was a living example of how unfair god and life was.

That Merlin had a serious look on his face… which turned back to normal, what the heck is he looking at that wall that he is going through so many emotions, is he one of those chunn…

His thoughts were interrupted when a bag hit his head.

"You are thinking unnecessary things again," Merlin said while raising an eyebrow at the other teen.

"No, my friend, you need to change the path you are going down"

"You are the one who needs to stop assuming things"

After that little spat and a good laugh which as usual brought every student in their entire vicinity to a standstill as they admired the white-haired boy's smile, especially the female half. Lucky Bastard.

Merlin on the other hand walked out of the school with the usual fanfare and stares, even after attending this school for 3 years people would still turn around and take a good look. But he had gotten used to it a long time.

Since he was born in this fictional world, he half expected things to not go as they have if someone like him could exist, there was nothing stopping other strange things to emerge as well, and it did, just one single thing but aside from that everything else was just as the manga had depicted. But this little incident was quite off. 

Yesterday he saw the news in which an ash blonde teen was attacked by a villain named sludge villain by media and was saved by Allmight .Yet there was no mention of a green haired boy, at first i thought the media was covering it to protect the boy from getting hate for his foolish action and to prevent vigilante actions like those. 

Hence since morning I have been trying to find Midoriya through my Clairvoyance and if I could find Allmight, yet all I saw was the same meek green haired teen that I saw when I first went to mustafa to confirm his existence and to make sure it was not some parallel version of my hero academia, well it was because of what was in south America and the reason I was reincarnated here with the abilities and looks of Merlin. 

Right now, after the sludge incident there was a change in Midoriya's behavior. He looked more confident, well relatively more confident and seemed like he was looking forward to the future, that means he had been chosen by Allmight then again I should check myself, I needed to see Allmight as well to get a gasp of his quirk, and it would be interesting.

It seems like he needs to pay a visit to Mustafa district.

Merlin turned around and took a path through the buildings where there were barely any people, finding a spot to use his teleport in Tokyo was difficult but there were always spots like this one here he could use his quirk without getting in trouble, though even if he did he could just show them an illusion make them think that they were hallucinating.

Entering the back alley, he used his magecraft as a pick bubble formed around him and he disappeared leaving behind flower petals which slowly disappeared into thin air.

"I am home" Merlin said as he appeared on the entrance of his house.

"Wash for yourself and came have lunch first, Merlin" 

"Ok, mom" a white haired woman spoke for inside the traditional house which was a little too big for a family of four but he was not complaining when he had his own room and a large garden and a forest behind their house since they live near the outskirts of Tokyo, the posh area, as the locals call it .

Though to me, it was the best place because of the fact that I could train and experiment with my magecraft without interruption in the jungle and trek back home when I am is tired.

"Fou!" a dog like creature with the same white mane like mine jumped on my head, and snuggled on my shoulder as I caressed his head.

"I need to wash, we will play later" I smile as the small creature understood my command and jumped off my shoulder and went towards the garden.

After entering the bathroom I looked at the sink and myself in the mirror, opened the tap and then used a simple spell to clean myself.

To everyone even my parents my Quirk is supposed to be Flower body as I could transform any part of my body into flowers and back. Though at first I wanted to display my quirk as a fire quirk by using simple runes as a kid but when I was practicing my magecraft, my mom walked in room and it was full of petals hence I had to around the play fact and this helped me avoid fighting.

Since a lot of kids didn't like how much attention I got from the adult just from my looks, though realistically it was due to Merlin's half incubus nature that I looked inhuman but for their perspective I would look perfect or just dangerous nothing in between. But since the bewitchment is so minor that anyone who had a trained and focused mind or someone who looked not my physical appearance but the person behind it, like Ito ,Art ,mum and dad, would 

only see a beautiful face, nothing bewitching about it. 

I walked into the living room to find dad watching TV as it showed that Allmight was in Mustafa 

now and how the crime around the place was going down significantly,

"What happened today?" Ronan Pendragon, I have no idea why that surname still exist and is legal to have but I see the inspiration behind my name.

"We got our forms for high schools today" Merlin said as he sat down beside him, watching news about some election campaign in the yokohama region,

"Where do you plan to go?" Ichika Pendragon put plates in front of us, a beautiful white haired woman with a small flower symbol on her cheek due to her quirk. Needless to say mother dearest was elated when she saw my quirk (Ichika means thousand flowers).

"I don't know, though I am not too excited about high school" I said as I saw fou's head peak though the door as I motioned him to come in. The small white furred creature jumped on my lap as I caressed his head.

The seemingly innocent and small creature was very much not small and innocent but my training partner, my next stage of training had been to at least survive against the onslaught of the beast called Primate Murder and when I first saw him in my room 8 years ago, first thing after waking up, I screamed like a little girl and my sister seems to get a kick out of it even now.

And my parent seemed to also enjoy that reaction since I always, by mother's word, acted like a sly old man. Yep, that was enough for me to start cutting some slack and since then I have relaxed quite a bit, enjoying my second life more.

"What about UA, your sister will be going for that. Will you not be eating dear?" Dad asked me and changed his concern when he saw mum not with her lunch, pick one question old man. I wisely did not express my thoughts and waited for my mother to finish.

"Artoria isn't back yet, I will eat with her" she smiled at us as she went back to kitchen.

Both me and my Dad waited for mum to leave and nodded to each other when we made sure she wasn't near. Shifted the small table away took the cushions and lazily lied down with the TV in front and started eating one small piece at a time without any manner but full comfortibility… that is not a word I just made that up since I had nothing better. 


"I do not have those knightly values hence I will have to refuse"

"I will be more at ease if you are with her"

"She wants to be a hero; it will be a whole lot more dangerous than a school" 

Papa pendragon sighed as he continued,

"I really don't want either of you to go in this industry, I am rich enough the two of you can simply live of my money, doing something less paying but a lot less dangerous"

"Don't worry I will be doing exactly that, father" All I got was a slap behind my head as a reply when we both heard footsteps and scrabbled to put everything back in place.

"I forgot could you get some spies when you go…both of you were lying on the floor weren't you?"

"No, of course not." Dad lied through his teeth

"No we weren't, No" like father like son.

"Fou?" mother turned to look at the white creature and asked.

He nodded in affirmation, that traitor.

But before we would get the entire gospel read through our ears the door opened with enough noise to get our attention,

"I am back" a young teen exactly my age with me being a few minutes older, walked in the dining room, blonde hair like father and emerald eyes she was the spitting image of saber from fate. 

"You came at perfect time, go wash up quickly and come have lunch with everyone"

"Ok" Artoria Pendragon replied as she turned to look at me,





And there was our daily ritual done, but she even after this many days haven't let go of the fact the I had no interest in Heroics even after being the one who was training her in hand to hand combat and using her quirk, Generator. The quirk was named so because of the excess energy that her body produced in quite the abundance, though in reality it was a dragon core since she could use magecraft while others with similar energy based quirks could not, I knew because I found a few of those quirks in my own class and sneaked in some knowledge about runes and spells.

Finding text related to magic out of nowhere in your bag was enough of a reason for them to believe that they were some kind of chosen one and tried to do what the text said immediately, well most of them while some where cautious it gave me enough idea of what quirks were albeit only superficially. 

Due to her quirk she was an ultra active child when she was young and more often than not I had not only play for hours but also look after her, and just like the Artoria in fate she had a strong sense of justice and a world where someone like Allmight is almost worshipped, it is a place where she will fit shoe in. 

Although her main source of inspiration isn't Allmight or the heroes here in this world and their overblown glorified tales but the story I told her when we were 5, the story of the King of Knights and her advisor Merlin. Since that day she had the idea of me and her growing up as the best heroes together, though I had to break it to her that I had no interest in heroics and the story was just a story, there was no reason to be hung up on it so much, even more so when you know the ending.

I didn't tell her the complete story when we were 5 but when we were a bit older and she liked the story even more to the point she pestered me to write it down, and those 5 pages are probably in her bag she took to school. She was treating it like bible at this point.

"Then training?" Artoria asked as we were almost done with lunch,

"Tomorrow, I have a friend to visit today" She nodded albeit reluctantly, she was old enough to understand that I too had a life and stuff to do than just train her. She went back to eating with as much grace and elegance as both I and pops here lacked.

Ah…she is growing up so quickly. Just yesterday she running around in her pajamas waving her plastic sword like it was the holy blade proclaiming that she was the king of Britain.

Laughter reached my ears as I saw my mother chuckling and my father laughing without restrain along with a very red and angry Artoria.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"MERLINNNN!" Time to bail.

After making a beeline towards the forest I stopped at a cleared section and looked around, greenery all around with a busy town right at the periphery of your vision. I liked this place solely because of the scenery but I wasn't here to enjoy that today unfortunately. 

I moved the mana around me as after dong it so many times over the years it finally came as instinctual to me like moving around a limb, 

A pink bubble formed around me as I disappeared from the forest and teleported in the sky right above Mustafa, and gently landed above a building in the city. 

'If I remember it was some beach turned junkyard they were training in' 

A single leap took me airborne again as I used my clairvoyance to find sea… Found it. And even two people there within the heaps of junk, one who had a sea of some kind of energy flowing through him while the other was …as unremarkable as they came.

Making myself invisible I moved closer to them, the stuff wasn't quite on the level of assassin's presence concealment but it would be enough for any person who didn't have a quirk to detect people or high sensitivity about their surroundings.

"Keep going Young Midoriya, one more pull" Allmight sitting on a refrigerator cheer the small green teen on as he tried to pull both of them along the beach.

"I…am…TRYING" needless to say the task was a bit too much for the scrawny teen.

Yep these two were fine and good, so I walked back to the city and undid my invisibility and walked down the road observing people, my clairvoyance showing me even the people inside buildings the stuff they were doing as clear as day even though I was miles away from some of them.

This won't last long. I floated up to the roof of the tallest building I could find. 

Time passed as sun had already gone down, with the stars adorning the sky like jewels, yet to someone who could read them will say the same thing, they tell a future of great tragedy aka the reason I was pulled here, a last ditch attempt to ensure humanities survival.

Making use of teleportation again I appeared some distance away from my house and walked to the door to make sure no one, not even my parents know of my magecraft. There are only three people know of my magecraft,

Artoria, who I taught reinforcement and a few minor wind spells that she could show off as her quirk since leaving, a dragon core level of mana just lying there begging to be used, was not possible and there is no way in hell am I letting her go to UA knowing what will happen there without at least making sure she has enough stuff up her sleeves to kick even Allmight's ass 7 ways to Sunday and that meant explaining how I did all that.

"I am back"

"you are late, came have dinner"

"I already ate at Kieta's. They insisted"


Fou, Cath palug, Primate murder, whatever you want to call him cause it was intelligent enough to know that I was not entirely human, half the reason why the Gaia's guard dog was here to keep an eye on me and since became my training partner.

"I am going to sleep"

"Good night"

"You too, mom" 

I entered my room and lied down with sleep gracing me immediately as I found myself waking up in garden of flowers that stretched to as far as the eye could see with a tower hanging in mid air.

'You came early today' 

And the last person who know of my magecraft, and the one who brought me here to this world and the other half of the reason that cath palug was in my room,

"Today's lesson is important after all sensei"

The man who was a spitting image of me or rather whose spitting image I was only a bit younger, Trapped in the land of distant dreams forever dreaming, the only way he could talk with me was through my dreams,

The original Magus of Flower, Merlin.


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