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31.66% Majesty's journey 3: female Ezio's Assassin in shining black / Chapter 17: CH 17: Leonardo da Vinci

Capítulo 17: CH 17: Leonardo da Vinci

Ezio smiled at his sentence but shook her head with a helpless sigh at his language. But Duccio didn't seem to like how he showed up in front of the girl that every boy, including him fancied :"huh! You talk a lot, but now I'm going to break that pretty face of yours!"

But his sentence only made Ezio roll her eyes at his stupidity as they both got into a fighting stance and he acted big by trash talking :"you Auditores all talk big, but when it comes for action? Hah!" he threw a punch, but Ali wanted to humiliate him by making him feel helpless and hopeless as he just slapped it away :"Duccio, ti farò pentire di aver aperto la bocca (I'm going to make you regret opening your mouth)."

He thought he was being smart when he tried to kick his legs, but just regretted it when Ali kicked that away as well :"ugh! I could have taught your sister in law a great many things! She's lucky to have had someone like me!"

But Ali just laughed at his sentence as he easily either dodged or blocked his attacks :"HAHAHAHA! You?! Your standards are so low that you were willing to go for such an ugly bitch! And you have the audacity to say that you can "teach"?! teach what?! Eating shit?! Hahahah!"

At the end of his sentence, he finally had enough of talking as he punched his face. He then did another one, then another one and continued hitting his face left and right and stopped just when his face looked like a pigs and was begging :"basta (stop)! Basta (stop)!! Mi arrendo (I yield)!"

Ali stopped as he cracked his knuckles :"stay away from my sister in law and the Auditore family!" and he shouted that loud enough for the people to hear. Because that would be the easiest way to spread the rumors of Ezio Auditore being taken and already having a man.

He looked back at Ezio who had folded her arms under her big boobs and was looking at him with amusement. He started walking to her with smirk, but just when he was about to say something, the corners of his vision turned red a little.

He rolled his eyes as it was a sign of enemies have completely noticed him and will fully attack. And Ezio noticed too since they weren't silent about it as the Pazzi roared :"they're here! Get them!!" and ran at them like a bunch of fools.

But the two had clearly had enough of fools today, so they both only spared a single hit to the nearest Pazzi which landed like a critical hit and knocked them out cold. They both then held up their fists with threatening looks at the last one :"you want a broken tooth or jaw too? No? then fuck off!"

He quickly ran away after nearly falling but stumbling away afterwards. Ezio sighed with exaggeration as she rolled her eyes and shook her head :"a fool, a coward and a weakling! Seriously, this is why I never accepted a suitor, they were all like him!"

Ali chuckled at her antics before he grabbed and held her hand :"well, miss high standards, those exact high standards and them not meeting any of your expectation led to me and you being a couple. So I think we should be thankful somehow even if they're annoying as fuck."

She sighed helplessly as she couldn't come up with any argument. She smiled as she interlocked their fingers and started walking while swinging their arms lightly :"come on, let's go. Father also said that mother has something to do with us. We shouldn't keep her waiting."

Ali gently squeezed her hand with a warm and happy smile as she walked along with her and gave the control of his arm to her as she childishly swung both of their hands with a happy go lucky mood that Ali just loved.

But he thought of something and raised an eyebrow :" cosa è successo a quella puttana (what happend to that whore). non l'ho vista alla fine del combattimento (I didn't see her at the end of the fight)."

Ezio sighed and shrugged :"that ungrateful and unfaithful of a girl left in a hurry the moment that she saw the man that she flirted like that has gotten into trouble. And I didn't bother with her since I didn't want to see her any longer."

Ali noticed how the swing of her hand got slower, so he snorted as he swung it a kittle himself, which caught her by surprise a little before she giggled and swung it as well :"forget about that whore. You did the right thing to just ignore her. Now, let's just enjoy our day!"

And Ezio being the adorable and childish sweetheart that she is, obeyed with a nod as they both made their way make home hand in hand in everyone's jealous gaze. Though it shouldn't be necessary for me to say that they have already learned to ignore gaze of the strangers.


After a while though, they finally reached their home and went inside to see Maria checking the vine like flowers on the walls nonchalantly :"madre, siamo tornati (mother, we're back). avevi bisogno di noi per qualcosa (did you need us for something)?"

Ezio said as they entered the yard or whatnot. Maria turned around gently before she gently smiled at their show of affection for each other :"buon giorno (hello), Ezio, Ali. I see that you have already gotten used to your new relationship and are enjoying it."

Ali scratched his nose at the compliment :"buon giorno a voi, zia Maria (hello, aunt Maria). Come state (how are you)?" he just hoped that she wouldn't bring up the little dance of his from last night, cause that would be really embarrassing.

Maria :"sto bene (I'm good)! And you two? You're not tired from your father's errands, are you?"

Ezio :"of course not, mother. They're just small carrying errands. And we had fun since we went together."

Maria :"oh? I'm glad to hear that. Anyway, I have an errand to run and I'd like you two to join me."

Ezio and Ali nodded with smiles :"with pleasure."

Maria :"come. It's not far from here."

As they began to walk, they also started to talk as Maria said while leading the way :"I know about the fight you two had with Vieri…"

Ezio :"what fight?"

Maria :"per piacere (please), let's not play this game. You were really careless. What would have you done if that scar was on your face? You would have been disfigured."

Ezio :"he spoke ill of us. I could not allow him to continue."

Maria :"I'm sure he's having a hard time dealing with the accusations against his father. Francesco de' Pazzi is many things, and none of them good. But even I never suspected he'd be capable of murder."

Ali :"sigh, we live in a warm world which has its heat taken away by cold people, making it a warm world which cold and people have control over. killing is something small for some people. He is one of these people."

There was a moment of silence as they sighed but was broken by Ezio:"what will happen to him?"

Maria :"I imagine there will be a trial."

Ezio :"will father speak at it?"

Maria he'll have to. He's the one with the evidence."

Ezio :"still, I wish there was another way."

Maria :"you've nothing to fear, my dear daughter. Everyone wants justice done. It is an unfortunate state of affairs, but it will pass."

As they continued their walk in a comfortable silence while sometimes they made small talks, they shortly after reached the place where Ali was somewhat familiar with because of how ironic it is as the place that Ezio goy his hidden blade really at.

Maria knocked on the door which got opened by an slightly above average looking man who Ali immediately recognized :"hello, Leonardo." The young man smiled excitedly at her :"madonna Maria!" and kissed her cheeks in greeting.

She pointed at the two with a smile then :"these two are my daughter and her lover who I hope to be my future son in law, Ezio and Ali." He bowed a little excitedly with his hand on his chest (molto onorato (it's a pleasure to meet you). "

They smiled politely in response and happiness of having Ezio's parents' approval :"l'onore è nostro (the honor is ours)."

Leonardo :"let me go and fetch the paintings. I'll be right back." And as he walked away to do as he said, he turned to Ezio and Ali :"he's very talented." But Ezio who had already seen enough talent to her liking from Ali just shrugged :"immagino (I guess)."

But Ali didn't have anything and liked him quite a bit for making the hidden blade for Ezio :"it seems like it if he has your approval. And he has a lot of stuff, so I guess he trains or works a lot on whatever he is good at."

Maria nodded approvingly at him before turning to Ezio who shot Ali beside her a glare :"self expression is vital to understanding and enjoying life. You should find an outlet." But Ezio just counted her words of advice as just another nagging.

So she rolled her eyes and shrugged :"I have plenty of outlets." But Maria wasn't her mother for nothing :"I meant more lady like and not your fists while it's beside looking for Ali's attention and muscles and face to gawk at when he isn't paying attention."

Ezio blushed while Ali's ears perked up and a malicious and teasing smile made its way to his handsome face :"mother!" and looked away in a futile attempt to avoid Ali's teasing :"wait! Wait a seconds now! You stare at my face and muscles when I'm not paying attention?"

Maria smiled at her daughters blushing glare :"it happens quite often in fact. She almost immediately notices when you have become absent minded, which happens quite a lot, and then proceeds to look at you for as long as you are relaxed and in your own world."

Ezio looked away bashfully as Ali stared at her with a victorious smile :"hoo? Is that so? I didn't know neither have I ever noticed anything. You ae as good as ever in sneaking, huh, Ezio? Haha, I guess I should dose off more often then. It seems that you quite like it when I'm like that."

Her blush deepened at the constant teasing of both her lover and mother as her mother kept adding more fuel to the already big fire :"yes, she does. In fact, she likes that thing that you like to call the thousand mile stare where you just stare off at somewhere."

But she was thankfully saved by Leonardo who didn't give a single flying fuck as to what atmosphere he just walked in or ruined :"back to your house, then?" and brought out the box of paintings after closing the door.

And he also got his answer from Maria :"si, si (yes, yes). Ali, will you help Leonardo, please?" Ali shrugged with a smile :"how can I refuse if you ask so nicely? Let's get going then." 'Leonardo, you better be happy that aunt Maria has gotten to know that I will easily agree if someone asks nicely.

Otherwise, if it was like the game where I was kinda forced in a way to carry the damn thing all the way, with how vengeful I am, I would definitely hold a grudge against you for it even if we became friends. And it wouldn't have mattered how close of a friends we are, I would definitely remember it for a damn long fucking time.'

As Ali moved to pick up the box which was quite light for him with how strong and how hard his muscles are, he glanced at Ezio. But the gorgeous who who had just gotten assaulted with teased hmphed adorably and looked away while pouting with a charming, crimson blush.

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