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75.14% Naruto: Back in Ancient Times / Chapter 390: Chapter 165

Capítulo 390: Chapter 165

Title: Jounin Exams End 5


The battle between the two was intense but ended as many had expected. Despite being a wonderful swordswoman, with her sword unable to reach the Iwa nin, they was no hope for winning.

After withstanding and cutting through a couple explosive clay, Yugao met her unsurprising defeat at Deidara's hand.

As usual, a short break was supposed to be held after the fight, but Deidara defiantly refused and demanded for Shun to come down immediately.

"Oh? Seems like this kid got some spunk." Keshiro said with a laugh.

"You know. I'm beginning to think you invited us all here to showcase your Village strength." Ohnoki spoke in derision.

Keshiro looked at him in confusion before asking. "Isn't that the point of every joint examination?"

"Hahahaha." Out of all the Kages, only Hiruzen and Ay laughed.

For them both, they had a Shinobi or two at the finals who showcased wonderful potential.

To them, no matter what, they could go back with a little pride. For Rasa and Ohnoki however... Their faces told everything.

The guards behind too, despite feeling ashamed, knew it wasn't in their place to talk and kept mute. The only one unbothered by it was Pakura, who stood as though whatever they said had nothing to do with her.

'What an impressive kunoichi.' Keshiro praised internally as he eyed her. Such composure was something befitting if a true leader.


The arena buzzed with excitement as the crowd watched the intense showdown between Shun and Deidara in this competition.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting sharp shadows across the arena, as the battle began. Shun's keen eyes narrowed as he observed his opponent's every move.

He had studied Deidara's reputation and knew that this would be no ordinary duel. He was well aware of Deidara's unique kekkai genkai, the power to create explosive clay sculptures.

"Let's see how you fare against my techniques, hmm?" Deidara's smirk hinted at his confidence. He molded clay into his palm and formed it into a bird-shaped figure. [C1: Exploding Sparrow!] With a flick of his wrist, the clay bird soared toward Shun, wings flapping.

Shun's eyes focused on the clay bird, and his mind raced through possible counters. He weaved a series of hand seals with precision. [Wind Release: Gust Wall!]

A wall of wind materialized before him, colliding with the clay bird. The explosion that followed sent shockwaves through the arena, debris scattering.

Deidara grinned. "Impressive, brat. But let's see how you handle this!" He formed a snake out of clay. [C2: Slithering Serpent!] The clay snake lunged forward, its mouth gaping open to reveal explosive material.

Shun's eyes gleamed as he channeled his chakra through his feet, and the ground beneath him vibrated. [Earth Release: Tremor Quake!]

The earth rumbled and shook, causing the clay snake to lose its balance. Shun capitalized on the opportunity, dashing forward with astonishing speed.

Deidara's eyes widened in surprise at Shun's swift advance. He attempted to retaliate with a barrage of explosive kunai. [Explosive Kunai Assault!]

The kunai detonated upon contact, creating a fiery explosion. Smoke billowed, obscuring the view.

Shun's was undeterred. He poured chakra into his eyes, enhancing his perception. He saw through the smoke, predicting the trajectory of the exploding kunai.

Swiftly, he maneuvered through the chaos unscathed. [Water Release: Aqua Shield!] Water materialized around Shun, dispersing the fiery onslaught.

Deidara's frustration was palpable, but he didn't falter. He formed clay in his palm, shaping it into a menacing spider. "C3: Explosive Arachnid!" The clay spider grew to a massive size, its legs extending ominously.

Shun's heart thumped at the danger the possible explosion presened, but his focus remained unwavering. [Fire Release: Blaze Inferno!]

Flames erupted from his palm, forming a blazing inferno that engulfed the clay spider. The explosion was cataclysmic, shaking the very foundation of the arena.

Amid the smoke and rubble, a figure emerged. It was Shun, standing tall and unscathed. Deidara, on the other hand, struggled to rise, his body covered in burns and injuries.

The crowd erupted in cheers, impressed by Shun's mastery of various elemental techniques and analytical prowess.

As the echoes of the explosive battle hung in the air, a hushed tension gripped the arena. Deidara, battered and scorched, managed to rise to his feet with a determined glint in his eyes.

His breath was ragged, but his resolve burned bright. He had one more trick up his sleeve, a technique that could turn the tide.

"Enough games, hmm?" Deidara hissed through gritted teeth. He channeled his chakra, the ground beneath him trembling. Dust swirled around him, forming a menacing cloud that expanded rapidly.

The crowd watched in awe, sensing the immense power emanating from Deidara's desperate move. [Dust Release: Atomic Annihilation!]

Shun's eyes widened as he sensed the potency of the impending attack. His mind raced, desperately searching for a counter. 'This isn't supposed to happen!'

In that moment of relapse, he forgot, or rather, the thought to activate his domain eluded him as the dust cloud enveloped him, and a wave of energy surged through his body.

The sheer force of the Dust Release disintegrated his form, scattering his essence into oblivion.


In the Kage booth, a deadly silence pervaded as no one knew how to react to what just happened. No one expected it. Yet they knew that getting hit with this technique has only one outcome.

Total Disintegration.

"Tsuchikage-dono." Keshiro calmly called out. "This was a peaceful competition." Keshiro continued calmly as the temperature of the booth chilled startling even the Kages.

'What the hell is this pressure?!' All the Kages thought to themselves in unison with Ohnoki being the most dreadful.

He had felt something like this once, but even that pressure was milder as compared to this one.

It was on that one occasion that Uchiha Madara had confronted the First Tsuchikage.

He could feel the threat of death hanging on his neck despite him being way back in the village.

That was the effect of just two Kage level Shinobi duking it out back than. But this...this was much worse.

He immediately began looking for a way out of this. Half of the guards already found it difficult to breath properly and were already on the verge of choking when...


Deidara's triumphant grin was short-lived, however, as a strange phenomenon occurred before his eyes. The very air seemed to ripple and distort.

And from the fragmented remains of the disintegrated Shun, a figure began to emerge. It was as if reality itself was bending to Shun's will.

As the dust settled, a renewed Shun stood before Deidara, his gaze unyielding. But there was something different about him. A faint glow surrounded his form, an otherworldly energy that spoke of an unearthly power. The crowd gasped, as few realized that this was no ordinary reformation.

"What... What is this?" Deidara's voice wavered, disbelief etched across his face. He had witnessed Shun's body disintegrate, yet here he stood, unscathed and radiating an energy he couldn't comprehend.

Shun's voice carried an air of authority as he explained, "This is the Kyojitsu, the Reality Fusion Release. It allows me to manipulate reality itself, to meld and reconstruct my form from even the most atomized state." His eyes met Deidara's, a quiet intensity in his gaze.

Deidara's shock transformed into a determined resolve. He had pushed Shun to his limits, yet the battle was far from over. He extended his hand, clay materializing within his grasp. "If you think this is the end, you're sorely mistaken. I'll show you the true power of my art!"

Shun nodded, acknowledging Deidara's determination. "I acknowledge your determination, however, you broke the rule of this competition."

Shun's gaze and tone Changed, a profound transformation began to unfold within Shun himself.

His eyes, once focused and sharp, now seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, radiating an energy that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld it.

The air around Shun began to hum with an electric charge, sparks of lightning dancing at his fingertips.

His breath synchronized with the rhythmic pulsation of the earth beneath his feet, creating a harmonic resonance.

Water droplets seemed to materialize out of thin air, swirling around him in a mesmerizing dance.

Fire flickered at his core, a passionate inferno that illuminated his being with an inner fire that burned brighter than ever.

And earth, steady and unyielding, anchored his presence with a sense of grounded power.

The elements converged behind Shun, swirling and intertwining as if choreographed by some ethereal force. The arena was bathed in a multicolored brilliance, an aurora of nature's essence.

The elements manifested as an ethereal halo, a testament to Shun's profound connection with the world's elemental forces.

As the halo coalesced, a sensation of weightlessness overcame Shun. He began to rise above the ground, his body suspended in midair.

The crowd fell silent, their breaths held in awe as they witnessed this transformation.

Shun's aura expanded, radiating a harmonious blend of energies that transcended mere jutsu.

He was no longer just a shinobi; he was a conduit, a vessel for the very essence of nature.

His eyes, once a brilliant shade of red, now glowed with a dazzling luminescence, reflecting the five primal elements that swirled behind him.

The power of his connection with the elements was palpable, an overwhelming force that seemed to bend the very fabric of reality itself.

Amidst the suspended particles of dust and the residual energy of the battle, Shun's form became a beacon of elemental unity. He was no longer just a shinobi fighting a battle; he was a force of nature, an embodiment of the very world he fought to protect.

Every fiber of his being resonated with the elements, an intricate dance of power and purpose that defied comprehension.

In this state of unparalleled connection, Shun's resolve was unbreakable, his determination unshakable. He hovered above the arena, his gaze fixed upon Deidara, who now faced a being of unimaginable power.

The avatar-like state that Shun had entered was a testament to his growth, his mastery, and his unyielding spirit.

And as the wind gently tousled his hair and the elements continued to spiral around him, Shun prepared to unleash a force that would shake the very foundation of Shinobi.

With the elements swirling behind him in a majestic display of power, Shun's aura intensified, each element resonating in harmony with the others.

The air crackled with lightning's energy, the water shimmered with fluid grace, the earth emanated stability, and the fire blazed with an untamed ferocity.

His very presence exuded an overwhelming might that seemed to press against the boundaries of reality itself.

Deidara, his earlier confidence now replaced with a mix of shock and fear, took a step back as he witnessed Shun's transformation.

He knew he was facing something beyond his previous comprehension, a force that defied his explosive expertise. But even in the face of uncertainty, Deidara's determination held strong.

Or rather, his foolish ego.

Shun's voice, infused with the echoes of the elements, resonated throughout the arena. "This is the culmination of my connection with the elements, the embodiment of nature's unity. You've forced me to reveal this power, Deidara. Sigh" His eyes, still aglow, bore into Deidara's with an unwavering intensity.

The halo of elements behind Shun surged forward, condensing into a concentrated wave of energy that raced toward Deidara. It was as if the very forces of nature were responding to Shun's command, converging upon his opponent with an irresistible force. Deidara reacted instinctively, forming a clay sculpture to intercept the oncoming onslaught.

The collision between the elemental wave and Deidara's clay sculpture erupted in an explosion that illuminated the arena in a blinding radiance.

The shockwave rippled through the air, shaking the ground beneath their feet. As the smoke and debris began to clear, the true extent of Shun's power became evident.

Deidara, his clay sculpture obliterated, was left standing in a crater, his body scorched and battered. His breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to remain on his feet.

He looked up at Shun with a mixture of awe and disbelief, realizing that he was facing a force that transcended any technique he had ever encountered.

Shun descended from his suspended state, his aura gradually subsiding as the elements receded. He landed gracefully on the ground, his gaze never leaving Deidara's form. "It's over, Deidara. Your explosive prowess is impressive, but nature itself is not something that can be overcome."

Deidara's shoulders slumped, defeat etched across his features. He lowered his gaze, his clenched fists trembling. "I underestimated you," he admitted, his voice a mixture of resignation and respect. "You truly are a force to be reckoned with."

Saying that he slumped and lost consciousness. The arena fell into stunned silence as Shun's transformation and overwhelming display of elemental power unfolded before their eyes.

Whispers of disbelief mixed with gasps of awe, the crowd grappling to comprehend the spectacle before them. Fearful glances were exchanged as the ground trembled and the air crackled with energy.

Every member of the audience, from young academy students to seasoned shinobi, felt the weight of Shun's prowess. A mixture of admiration and shock rippled through the crowd as they bore witness to a force that transcended their understanding of conventional jutsu.

In that moment, the spectators realized they were in the presence of something beyond the ordinary.


"That kid... That was Senjutsu at its finest!" Kawaki who had been stoic since coming her reacted with so much shock that it startled everyone beside him, Tsunade, Shizune and Keshiro alike.

"I know. I've felt something like this before." Tsunade said as she remembered one of her painful memories. "Even Jiraiya...but he's like a child Infront of this kid."

Looking at the wide eyed Keshiro beside her, she asked again. "Who did you say this kid was again?"

"Definitely the next Hanakage!" Keshiro said with a resolute tone unlike his happy-go-lucky one from before.

"Heh, I see." She said and looked back at the departing back of the twelve year old. His long white hair flowing like a waterfall all the way down to his back. "I look forward to seeing how he'll grow."


Similar conversation were happening all over the arena and the village at large. Ohnoki who had been pressed to kill the kid, felt regretful for unleashing this monster he had just seen.

Being able to reverse the Atomic Dismantling was one thing, but the transformation that followed made the reality altering technique look like child's play.

With a snort, he stood up and directly left the room with his guards behind him.

"I guess I still understimated the brat." Ay said in an uncharacteristically low voice before standing up to also leave.

There was no need to remain here again. They had seen enough. What baffled him though, was the calmness that was etched on the Hanakage's face when the kid transformed.

Did that mean he already had an idea? If so, how strong were Hanagakure's Shinobi?

Unknown to him, Keshiro was having the battle of his life within his mind at that moment. In that split second that Shun altered reality and returned to the moment he transformed into that...being, he had trained his expression to look as calm as he could possibly be.

He knew as a leader of a village, his expression told a lot. So his calmness would also portray a message — it's as expected —

"Now I see why your Village... No, your clan has been able to maintain this level of peace for years." Hiruzen said with a serious tone.

"It's nothing much, I can tell you with full confidence that this is a first someone is Awakening a second type of power in the clan." Keshiro said honestly.

"Hmm. But he didn't even use his original domain throughout the competition. I really wonder how powerful he truly is with all inhibitions removed."

"I wonder the same."

"Hahaha." They both laughed and ended the matter. Seeing as Keshiro didn't want to talk, Hiruzen didn't force it.


A/N: WOW!!! Right? That's what you're all thinking. Well, he's a universe level being to begin with so this much should be nothing to his fragment soul right?

We're talking about a fragment of a Immortal Emperor, or Dao Creator, or Saint, or Heavenly Lord or something like that, if this was a cultivation novel.

So this much is expected....right?

You guys should really talk to me. I need to know.

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Josh_Richie Josh_Richie

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