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69.59% Naruto: Back in Ancient Times / Chapter 361: Chapter 136

Capítulo 361: Chapter 136

Happy New Year to y'all. Show some New Year spirit by Reading extra Chapters on my Patre@n


Title: Recap


Indoctrination... This was another issue that adds to the ever increasing amount of hate, killings and Incessant violence.

When one village tells its children that the other villages are monsters, they grow up with that ideology that everyone outside their villages are monsters.

Simple. No much string attached. Just pure brainwashing. It takes a truly strong individual to see past these hate and actually work towards something other than the negativity they've been fed their entire lives.

Why was I saying this..? Simple. I spent the remainder of my time subtly influencing the thought process of the three...well four, including Shusui.

I needed them to be able to ask the question that matters... Why?

Go kill this guy... Why?

Go assassinate that other guy... Why?

Go save that nuke nin... Why?

Orders that would normally go against their normal beliefs should be questioned. Of course, that won't make them Anbu material but it'll atleast make them more honorable than most.

Of course, Hana wasn't a problem. No one from the Inuzuka clan is ever admitted into the Anbu... They were too brash to be covert.

The problem lies mainly with Shisui and Itachi. Izumi didn't have any problems as her Sharingan initial awakening made sure of that. She wasn't in the Shinobi business to kill... She was in it to protect.. to be like her father...

Noble enough. But she needed strength for that. I made sure she could keep her One Tomoe Sharingan active for at least 10 minutes... And she's barely 7 years old.

She's got potential.

Anyways, with my help, Itachi became more outspoken... Atleast to those he subconsciously feels are worth his time. Perks of being a child prodigy.

He doesn't do this intentionally but I could tell.

Shusui on the other hand was far too trusting and outspoken... I made sure to drill into him the importance of having trump cards.

Still Can't imagine the guy went and told the four fucks about his Mangekyou Sharingan and it's ability... Well, that was in another timeline.

With that done, I left Konoha with peace of mind with Yusano. I made sure to leave Naruto in the safe hands of Biwako... For now at least. I know the fucker Hiruzen is easily susceptible to pressure so I wouldn't be surprised if Naruto still gets the treatment he got.

On a happy note... Naruto managed to say his first words Before we left. Normally, it'll take a baby 10-12 months to develop their vocal cords for that, but hell, this is The Naruto World where 4 year olds are old enough to kill.


"Kyaaa! Shun! Come quickly!" I was on my own one faithful afternoon when I heard this obnoxiously loud shriek from none other than my dearest sister.

"What!?" I shouted back while making my way over to her. She wasn't in any danger if my spiritual sense was anything to go by.

"I-I think Naruto is about to say his first words!" She shouted quietly while watching Naruto who was looking around curiously and making baby noises.

"C'mon sis, he's barely 6 months old, he can't form words yet." I rolled my eyes while chiding her.

"No seriously... I heard it... Maybe he's a genius like you or something." She insisted much to my...

"Hey! I get he'll be a genius but comparing him with me? Isn't that putting a little too much pressure on the kid?" I asked. No one should really compare with my genius.

If Ashura really did take control of Naruto now, then yes, he'll be a genius barely on par with me... But the him now? Nah.

"Ne...Ne," a small baby voice sounded from the crib Naruto was in.

"You see?! He's trying to say Nee-Nee. I told you, didn't I?"

"Nah, I think he's just thirsty, go get him a milk or something.." I waved her off... This was bad, how could Naruto be attempting to call Nee-Nee when I've been the one closest to him. He should be saying Nii-Nii.

"But I just fed him not too long ago." Yusano pouted but I insisted, causing her to reluctantly leave the room for a minute.

As soon as the coast was clear, I approached the giggling blond baby and said. "Say Nii-Nii..."


"That's right, just put the 'ii' and we'll have it. Just tighten your tongue in front of your teeth. Yeah like that.."

"Ni-..waa..." The hell? Why is he crying? Don't tell me he bit his tongue...

"What's wrong!? Why is Naruto crying?" Yusano ran back as soon as possible only for Naruto to stop and shout. "Nee-Nee!"

This little motherfu-! Breathe Shun, breathe.

But how could this little guy betray me so?


Well, it was surely a memorable day for both me and Yusano. Oh well, I just have to pay him back in full when he's older wouldn't I?

"We're finally going back home, Eh Shun?" Yusano skipped excitedly as we left the village under the farewell of so many of our friends.

Mikoto and her kids, Hana and her mother, Shusui, Kakashi who has lightened up a bit, but would still fall for the bullshit of either Hiruzen or Danzo.

Some clan heads I had made acquaintance with as a way to make sure Naruto isn't overly bullied in the village. The Hyūga, Nara, Yamanaka, and hell, even the Hokage himself were here.

Still waving at the ones waving at me, I answered. "Yes we are."

"Haa. I can't wait. I've missed mom and dad. Especially mom's cooking."

"Is that all you miss?"

"Nah... I'll also miss this place. Naruto especially..."

"I see... So you won't miss Kakashi, Eh?" I asked teasingly

"O-of course. Why would I miss him..?" She blushed before looking away

"I see, you know, there's this saying..'out of sight is out of mind'. With how long we'll be gone, he'll probably forget all about us given time."

"Humph! If he forgets, then let it be... It's not like I care. Humph."

Wow, two hunphs in one sentence. It really must be bothering her Eh?


And so began our journey back to Hanagakure, the one and only paradise Island on the planet... Literally paradise, not the one where Titans run amok.


General POV.

Several Years Ago...

Three kids could be seen standing under the rain, all wearing forlorn expressions as they gazed into the horizon where their Friend and Teacher who had been with them for over three years had just left.

They all looked to be in their early teens. Roughly between 12-14. Two boys and one girl.

One had pale white skin with straight red hair, a sign of his Uzumaki heritage, his eyes were covered by his hair, preventing his eye from being visible.

One had short, straight blue hair with a bun, amber eyes with lavender eyeshadow, and a black labret piercing. Her eyelashes were a diagonal line at the bottom corner of her eyes.

She was wearing a large light blue paper flower clipped on her bun.

The last was a boy who had short spiky orange hair and brown eyes. He wore a short black shirt robe with green trimmings, dark pants, a black and white belt that he tied in front with mesh armor underneath.

These were the three Orphans of Amegakure that had just seen off their Sensei, Jiraiya.

As they were standing there all by their lonesome, they heard a voice that seemed to have a charming effect on them.

"What are you three lads looking over there for?"

They all turned around vigilantly only to see a pristinely beautiful woman looking at them while floating. The rain falling seemed to be afraid of her and not even a drop touched her body.

"Who are you!?" Yahiko, the orange haired kid, being the brash and protective kid he was, rushed to the front with his Kunai on hand.

"Aww. What a cute little boy." They heard the voice again, but this time, the lady was holding Yahiko by the chin. "You really do have spirit, kid. Unfortunately..."

She left the kid and then looked at the girl and the red haired boy. "You two are the unique ones, aren't you?"

Despite the fear he was feeling at the appearance of this unknown woman, Yahiko Steeled his guts once more and shouted. "You still haven't answered my question lady! If you don't answer, I'll.."

"You'll what? Kill me?" She asked, but this time, her voice came from behind the boy, her arms coiled around his neck in an embrace. "Sadly for you boy, the only people who can kill me are... Anyways, you certainly aren't amongst them."

"T-Then what do you want?" The red haired kid mustered his own courage and asked. He had just finished making a promise to his Sensei that he'll protect his friends.

This lady seemed to be too strong from the way she moved, not to mention the chakra he could see in her with his Rinnegan.

"Now that's a question I could answer." The lady said and appeared in front of the Uzumaki. "I am a... Goddess!" She declared but they all gave her an impassive stare.

For some reason, as soon as she said that, all the mystery that enveloped her and the cautiousness that enveloped them disappeared.

"What's with that look? Seriously, I'm a goddess."

"This nee-san seems to be a little bit Ill." The kind looking girl said shyly from the back.

"What! How dare you call me Ill? I'll have you all know that I invented Medical Ninjutsu and every field related to it in this world." The lady said but their gazes towards her became even more severe, filled with pity.

"Whatever, just call me Ria. I was just passing by when I felt two unique Chakra in this world... Lo and behold, I found someone with a Rinnegan and a natural Kekkai Tota." The lady said as she intensely gazed upon Nagato and Konan. "Wanna be my apprentice?"

"No." "Nope." "Nah."

"Eh? Why? And why was there a third answer?"

"We already have a teacher and we can't leave Yahiko behind." Nagato said with a shaky voice.

"C'mon, don't be stiff with me. I don't bite. I can't, really. My husband would kill me..." She said with a wry smile.

"Your husband? Why would he do such a thing?" The girl asked, feeling sad for her.

"Oh, don't worry, he won't really kill me. He'll just make sure I don't leave his...home for a few years... Anyways," she paused and looked at the kids.

"How about I teach you two more about your abilities? The Rinnegan has a lot of potential that no human currently living could hope to fathom. Your paper style Kekkai Tota also has enormous potential that no human alive could excavate. You on the other hand..." She said pointing at Yahiko. "Are totally normal, Which is good,"

"For real?" He asked doubtfully. "For some reason I feel insulted."

"Of course. You're like a blank piece of white paper... Do you know what that means?"

"That he's open for modification?" The girl asked back.

"Exactly. Where did you learn that word?"

"From Jiraiya-Sensei novel. He once asked me to read it and I saw some big words I couldn't understand. This was one of them." Konan answered proudly.

For some reason, the wariness they were supposed to feel as Shinobi was nowhere to be found. They found it normal conversing with the lady in front of them as though they had known each other for years.

"Oh? Good for you... So how about it?" The lady asked. "You go about doing what you wish to make Amegakure better, in the meantime, I'll train you all whenever you're free."

"Let us think about it?" Yahiko asked. The lady looked at them and found they followed the orders of this one kid causing her to smirk and nod her head.

"Be fast about it then."


"What do you think guys?" Yahiko asked as they all huddled together.

"I don't know, what do you think Nagato?" The girl, Konan asked.

"I also don't know, but I don't think refusing her is a good idea."

"Why is that?" Yahiko asked.

"Because. Her Chakra is far more immense than anyone I've ever seen. Even that kind lady, Jiraiya-sensei's teammate, doesn't have this much chakra." Nagato explained dreadfully.

"Are you serious? What about Jiraiya-sensei?"

Nagato shook his head. "I don't think he'll stand a chance against her. Plus, haven't you noticed? Since she started talking with us, the rain hasn't touched us since... How strong do you think she is to do that?"

"That's true." Yahiko and Konan only seemed to notice that point at the moment as their emotions palpitated for an instant.

"Then what should we do? I don't think she's a bad lady." Konan asked.

"I also don't think so... I would've sensed it if she carried any malicious intentions." Nagato said.

"Then... Should we accept?" Yahiko asked.

"..." The two looked at him Instead of answering. "You're the leader so you should answer that."

"I'm the leader? I'm the leader! That settles it. We learn from her. Jiraiya-sensei himself said he doesn't have anything else to teach us."

"Of course, but that doesn't mean others don't. She also said we have potential that no one can hope to teach us." Konan added.

"She seems to even know more about these eyes than Jiraiya-sensei. Maybe I can learn to use it without hurting those around me." Nagato said

"Then that settles it. You two should learn as much as possible and grow strong enough to help me change Amegakure." Yahiko said with a smile.

"You too, she said you're a blank slate. You could also use some modifications." Konan said.

"Stop using that word. It makes me feel like I'm a... machine? I dunno. But from the way she talked, you two have more potential in her eyes." Yahiko said

"Then I guess we have our answer." The lady said from afar but it sounded like a whisper to the three who jumped in shock only to see her waving at them from afar.

"Please teach us, Ria-sensei!" All three of them bowed. "But first..."

Ria waved her hands to interrupt him. "I know, you have dreams to achieve. I won't hinder that, but first, I have to make sure Nagato learns how to handle the eyes that put him on a pedestal nearly on par with God... And you... An ability that could make you as deadly as my sister wife."


That was how the three initially met the Goddess, who seemed pretty reliable at times but completely unreliable when they really need it

In her words... She was helping them through their Character Development.

Holding their hands wouldn't really help them develop... They understood this but still felt disgruntled by it.

However, the three, with the inclusion of Yahiko felt their fighting ability increase due to her training.

Unfortunately, with the constant use of his eyes, Nagato quickly began feeling weak. She told him it was the consequence of using an eye too powerful for his body.

This was when she showed her reliable side... She was able to create a concoction that would help strengthen his bloodline, conversely helping him handle the mental strain.

Konan was able to unearth her Kekkai Tota ability properly. The Paper Release. The combination of Earth, Wind and Yin-Yang.

'Ingenious '. Ria had called it. Being able to manipulate the paper to take the form of anything she has in mind. She was literally indestructible as far as she had chakra.

Yahiko was taught everything he could handle, ranging from fighting styles, advanced nature transformations, common sense as well as politics.

Years passed and the trio were able to finally carve out a part of Amegakure where they could truly say was under relative Peace.

"Seems like I've been caught." She said proudly as she turned to the trio.

Having been with her for more than half a decade, they felt that she had really been caught doing something bad and this facade was just her usual way of hiding it.

"And it seems like we'll be having a new Kouhai." She said, and almost immediately, a figure appeared in front of her with a mask on her face.

From her figure, they could make her out to be a young girl around 13-14 years old. She looked around in confusion and muttered. "What kind of God is he?"

"You must be the nameless one, my husband mentioned." The lady said as she sized up the girl.

"Nameless? My name is *choke*. Gasp.... What was that!?" She said, after a spasm as she held throat.

"Oh... He must have placed some seals on you... Unfortunately." She said as she patted the girl's head. "As you're nameless, I'll bestow upon you the name Risa."

At that moment, Rin felt like she had just gotten a new lease on life as the name resounded deeply within her. She had to close her eyes to savor that rush of euphoria but opened her eyes in shock a moment later. "What was that?!" She asked in alarm.

"That, my dear, is me changing the name your soul went by... Don't worry too much about it, it comes with its own perks." The lady said.


"Yup... Perks of being named by a Goddess." The lady said with an air of superiority causing the three teenagers to facepalm. "Hey! What's with that look? I'm a Goddess. A True Goddess." She said and looked at the three in anger before looking at Rin, or rather Risa. "You believe me right?"

Rin nodded. "If you're really his wife then I just might believe you." Her tone sounded tired as she said that.

"Ah... I guess the rush is beginning to wear off." The lady said. "Konan. Show this new little sister to a room."

"Yes, nee-san." The purple haired teenager said and grabbed Rin by the arm with an excited smile. She was finally going to be getting her own little sister. Someone to call her nee-san... Why wouldn't she be excited?

"Now that that's settled... We should continue brainstorming on how to get Hanzo out of that little dome of his." The lady said.


Life was good for the brats for a good while. The three Orphans had managed to create an organization that was filled with Jounin level individuals.

Risa, their new doctor, was good, reducing their previous casualties by a great margin. Ria could've always done this but in her own words... 'A leader needed to learn how to lead his men into battles while preventing the most casualties.'

With the addition of Risa, Ria comfortably taught her everything she needed to know about medical Ninjutsu... Atleast to the level she could comprehend.

This was until their little resistance turned into something more... It actually began to threaten the Demi-God of Amegakure himself.

Time passed and they got news that Hanzo would be leaving the village for some diplomatic relations with Konoha-gakure.

This elated the group as they felt that with this, they could easily kill him off and take full Control of Amegakure. That would bring them one step closer to their initial goal.

To create a village where the citizens wouldn't have to live without the fear of foreign Shinobi attacking them. Killing them off just because they could.

With this news, they mobilized their crew and set off to confront this man... The three of them left as usual, leaving Ria and Risa back in their base.

This has always been their routine. Ria doesn't fight despite being all powerful, Risa doesn't, or rather hates fighting and prefers healing their wounded.

Reaching their destination, they found an unfamiliar face... He was an old man wearing a Kimono, however, half his body was bandaged, including a half of his face.

The man was standing on top of a hill looking down on them with Shinobi twice their number around him.

"Where is Hanzo!?" Yahiko shouted, not minding the numbers. With Nagato and Konan here, numbers were just purely overestimated.

"Oh? You must be the trio he was talking about. One with a unique Dojutsu, one with a unique Kekkei Genkai and the other... Someone capable of commanding these two..." The man said while eyeing them covetously.

"Why do people always think they're bigger than us?" Yahiko asked as he sighed. "I asked a simple question and what do I get? A monologue? You haven't answered my question, you damned old man! Where is Hanzo!?"

"Oh him? He's not here? I believe he should be heading to that little hideout of yours... A little bird told us you have one pesky Medic under you... We can't have that, now can we?"




All three said in shock before a look of realization dawned on them.

"Don't worry guys, not even Hanzo could take on Ria..." Nagato said with a fond smile.

"Yeah... She's just that strong..." Yahiko assured.

"Anyways, we better take care of these bastards and return... We wouldn't want to keep Ria waiting..." Konan said and gave Nagato a teasing smile.

"You both know she's married right?" Yahiko quipped.

"So she says... There's no proof... Isn't that right Nagato?"

Nagato just looked up, totally ignoring their conversation.

"Nah. I'm sure she is. Risa did say she met him... And apparently, he's God." Yahiko said.

"That'll make Ria a real Goddess. Are you pressured yet, Nagato?"

"You aren't even listening..." Yahiko facepalmed and shook his head.

Seeing the total disregard the three Infront of him had, the one eyed Cyclops frowned and motioned to the guys behind him.

Immediately, they all ran down the hill like mindless robots, pouncing on the opposing army, however, Nagato who had been Looking up ever since raised his hand and said.

"Shinra Tensei!"


Fortunately for those at the back, and unfortunately for those in front, the repulsive force that was slammed at them dealt so great a damage that the trio merely glanced at them and turned to leave.

Yahiko ordered. "Deal with the rest and regroup at HQ."

"Hai!" They all shouted in excitement and reverence seeing this astonishing and domineering sight of their leaders.


Returning to their base of operations, they found the place in ruin with no signs of life. Their initial carefreeness slowly turned to dread as they felt no single sign of life.

"Banshō Ten'in!"

Nagato said, lifting up the scattered debris of building up into the stormy skies. His expression was as cold as ever as he feared for the worst.

Beneath the building lay dead bodies of their previously wounded comrades. However, the bodies of both Ria and Risa seemed to be missing.

"Something's wrong... Ria wouldn't really run from a fight...right?" Konan asked as she used her papers to wrap the bodies of the fallen comrades.

"I don't know... She definitely wouldn't wouldn't watch as everyone is killed right?" Yahiko asked too.

"She's not dead. Risa too. Their chakra is still active." Nagato replied coldly.

"Can you trace it?"

"Yeah. They're just a couple minutes away from us." Nagato said while facing a particular area.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Yahiko said and immediately began running. Konan flapped her paper wings and followed behind while Nagato simply floated and followed.

They all had grim expressions on their faces as they all had different thoughts running through their heads. What could've possibly happened?

The Ria they knew didn't seem to be weak, neither did she look like someone who'd betray them to the enemy. She also couldn't have been captured. She was too strong even for them at full power.

She did say she had taught them all she could and the left was up to them to discover ways to make their abilities bloom, but she couldn't have left without saying a word right?

Minutes quickly passed and they could see some figures up ahead. One, they could recognise anywhere and anytime... Hanzo. The person who brought upon the pain they were all going through due to his selfishness.

Just to enrich himself, he didn't hesitate to allow his own village to turn into a battleground for the other villages.

But that wasn't what really caught their attention. What caught it was the blue dome or chakra? covering two figures. As they came closer, they found the two figures to be Ria and Risa, both looking pale.

"Ah! Seems like you finally made it." Hanzo said as they all stopped in front of him.

"Release them this instant Hanzo!" Yahiko demanded with a strong glint in his eyes.

"Ooh. How scary." Hanzo mocked. "But I'm afraid I can't do that... You see, this little girl has become quite the asset... Her medical Ninjutsu is simply the best in Amegakure..."

"How do you know about that?" Nagato asked.

"What a silly question to ask youngling... Don't you know that every organization, no matter how secure, must have one or two spies within?" Hanzo asked in disdain.

"I see..." Yahiko said in realization. "But you should still release them Hanzo. You wouldn't want to fight us."

"Of course I don't. That's why I also had the intention of securing this sensei of yours... Who knew she was versed in Fuinjutsu." Hanzo said, referring to the chakra dome covering both Ria and Risa.

"Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her, her chakra isn't infinite. As soon as I get my hands on her, you wouldn't dare attack me. Even now, you wouldn't dare." Hanzo said sinisterly.

"How can you be so sure?" Konan asked as she floated up and glowered at the man. Despite the heavy rain, winds began picking up as she flew higher.

Hanzo squinted his eyes at that show of power but returned to his previous expression. "You aren't really the threat here lass." He said and then looked at Yahiko. "Kill that one beside you and I'll release the woman. The girl stays with me though." Saying that, he threw a Kunai down.

"You know that's impossible." Yahiko said without even glancing at the Kunai.

"Let's attack already Yahiko. Ria doesn't seem like she'd hold up for long." Konan shouted, or rather spoke, but the winds carried her voice, making it sound as though she was all over the place.

"I see no problem with that." Yahiko said and Nagato began floating.

"Shit. Attack that barrier! Exhaust her chakra quickly!" Hanzo shouted to the ninjas around him while he bit his finger. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"


A huge cloud of smoke appeared and from within, a humongous creature jumped out with Hanzo standing atop it. However, before he could even land, multiple paper shuriken, both big and small assaulted him and his summon, shredding it to pieces...or so it would've if it hadn't unsummoned itself.

"You!" Hanzo shouted as he fell from the air while also making the hand signs for another Summoning. However, "Banshō Ten'in."

Hanzo immediately felt his body freeze midair before being pulled 2 Nagato's position. Knowing he can't get caught by Nagato, he made another hand sign. "Summoning: Ibuse Engulfing Poisoning!"

Due to being mid air, Ibuse appeared behind him with mouth wide open to engulf both Hanzo and Nagato.

"Careful Nagato!" Konan shouted as she saw this.

"Tch. Shinra Tensei!" Nagato said and a great repulsive force pushed back both Hanzo and his lizard, dispelling them in the process.

From their brief exchange, one could already see Hanzo battle experience helping him out despite not knowing the full extent of Nagato's abilities.

Noticing that the chameleon didn't dispel, Nagato had an idea. Ria had always told him that this would be too draining on his chakra, hence he had put it off, but now...

Kicking off the air, he rushed towards Hanzo and the lizard. Hanzo quickly defended himself but mid-flight, Nagato changed direction and went for the lizard.

"You dare!" Hanzo shouted, but it was already too late, Nagato had manifested his Chakra rod and directly stabbed it into the lizard, pouring his chakra inside it.

In seconds, the chameleon's eyes turned into purple ringed ones and calmly stayed put.

Nagato climbed atop its head but in the next moment, he fell to his knee while coughing up blood. "This really is a dangerous ability." He murmured to himself and cleaned his mouth.

With a mental command, he ordered the chameleon to attack Hanzo who immediately Summoned another one to handle the traitorous lizard.

Their little bout continued with Konan killing those she could from above, Yahiko Killing his way in ground and Nagato keeping Hanzo at bay.


At this moment, the sound of glass breaking resounded throughout the battlefield, drawing everyone's attention towards the duo hidden inside.

Ria and Risa.

Should Hanzo get his hands on them, they would've failed in protecting their friends. Conversely, should they rescue them, Hanzo would've lost this battle and possibly the war.

He would've lost so many faithful Shinobi today. Coupled with the fact that the trio were here early, they should have also lost where they had initially planned to set up an ambush.

"Attack harder. Break that seal and capture the two girls inside!" Hanzo screamed at the top of his lungs, but that only helped to motivate the trio.

"Aghh!!" Nagato screamed as he tried to gather chakra by clapping his hands together. However, at that moment, Ria opened her eyes and shook her head at him with a smile.

This served to interrupt Nagato for a split second but seeing the color Further draining from her face, "Kuchiyose: Gedō Mazō!" He shouted.

At that moment, a very eerie presence descended on the battlefield but no one seemed to pay it any heed as in the next moment, a Dragon head made of chakra sprouted out from the place Nagato once stood.

Wherever this dragon passed, the humans there fell, dead. Their souls were directly absorbed by the dragon...or so it looked like.


Nagato was still screaming frantically as he held his hands together, unable to release it.

Ria noticed this and sighed before releasing her hands. The barrier around her and Risa shattered but no one was in the mood to be capturing her. She looked at the trio before glancing at the little girl lying unconsciously beside her.

'Guess it really did come to be as Shun said, but restricting my chakra to this level. I'll take care of you when I get back.' she thought angrily as she remembered Shun restringing her chakra to a mere 100K unit.

According to Shun: It's for safety purposes. Your presence there could cause a lot of damage.

As for the massive pool of 'chakra' Nagato always saw, it was merely her massive spiritual energy.

Looking at the screaming Nagato, she let out a small smile as her body began lighting up. 'At least I experienced how it feels to have children.'

"Konan, take care of Risa-chan." Konan, who was flying in the skies, heard the familiar voice of Ria behind her.

Turning around, she found Ria holding Risa in her arms. "Nagato has gone and done it when he's not ready. If he's not stopped now, he may actually die."

"Hmm." Konan simply nodded and carried the girl.

"Please help him. I'm sure you know his feelings for you..." Konan said sadly.

"Of course... But unfortunately, he can't possibly handle my husband's anger." Ria said, she knew that Nagato saw her as a woman while he saw him as a child…Her child nonetheless.

"I'll be back." After that, she disappeared once more and appeared in front of Nagato.

"Hey stranger."

"Ria! You're safe... I'm glad." Nagato said with a stiff smile. His face was already sunken, his hair a far cry from the previous majestic dark red it once was.

"You're dying, you know that right?"

"A small price to pay for your safety." The Uzumaki countered.

"That's reckless and you know it. I did tell you not to do anything. I can't possibly die. I'm a Goddess, you know?" Ria said with a smile as she rubbed Nagato's cheek.

"I know, but I couldn't help it..."

"It seems like my sister was right. Whether or not I intervened in your life, you'd still end up the same way..."


"Shh! Let me finish. With my meddling, I managed to prevent Yahiko from dying but unfortunately, I couldn't Train you up to be able to handle the strain that comes with that eye of yours..."

"I've broken the agreement I...we made... A non interference agreement. I'm afraid I'll have to go now."

"Go? Where? Would we still be able to see you?"

"I'm afraid not. The world is entering a new era... Perhaps if you're alive at the end of this one, we'll meet."

"What talking about?" Nagato asked in a strained voice. His chakra, already hitting rock bottom.

"All will be revealed to you soon. Just agree to whatever the masked man would offer you... He has a role to play in the ending of this era." Ria said. She had gotten a message from Shun earlier.

According to him, this would be a point in time where she could reset the timeline to a point where it wouldn't overly destroy the one he had seen.

Her interference had already changed a lot of people's lives, but thankfully, fate was very strong in this world. What was meant to be will be. Simple as that.

She just had to make sure that she didn't act. Hence the reason why she sealed herself with her chakra.

Shun's message had come with a seal. This seal literally made her a normal human in terms of chakra. Hence the pale face.

"Don't...go... Ria..." Nagato said as fatigue kicked in. Immediately after saying that, he collapsed in her arms.

The battlefield left the area littered with blood, carnage and bodies. Red was now the new color of what was once a normal plain which has now become the stage of a cruel battle.

The ground which would normally be drenched in water due to the rain is now glowing red with blood as though hell has descended upon this area.

An army and a rebellion fight each other over a mere difference in belief, in a bid to protect their loved ones... "Is this it? Is Hanzo finally dead?" Yahiko asked as he saw the bodies littered around. There was no way Hanzo would've made it out right?

"Look! Nagato! We did it! Nagato!" Yahiko shouted joyfully only to receive silence in return. "Nagato?"

"Over there." Konan flew down with Risa in her hands and pointed to a direction with her wings.

There they could see Nagato in the arms of a very pale Ria. Walking up to them, they saw both of them resting on each other. The only difference was... Ria wasn't breathing.

"She's... gone." Risa said as she checked for her pulse.

"What? That's impossible. She couldn't die even if she was killed." Yahiko protested while Konan stayed silent. She had an inkling this would be the case.

For some reason, she just felt it.


"That isn't fair you know." In a well decorated golden palace, a regally dressed Ria said to two other well dressed women in an unpleasant tone.

"Of course it isn't, but we had an agreement with Shun." One of the women said.


"Their life would've been tragic. Shun knew that. That's why he allowed you to do as you pleased. He only asked that you leave at this point in time, so that Nagato would develop as Pain. He's needed for this world to grow." The other woman said impassively as a green energy swirled around her.

"You would know wouldn't you?" Ria asked

"Of course, after all, I can see the time of that planet. Past, present and future." The woman smiled imperceptibly.

"Whatever. What's the time ratio anyways?" Ria asked.

"1:3. One year here is three over there."

"Then I only have to stay here for 7 years then? Good." Ria said and turned to leave.

"There are other places to have fun Ria, Shun just asks that we leave that one planet alone, please understand that."

"Of course, Nami-nee. I'm just upset that I had to leave like that. I can feel the thread of Fate linking us all up... It feels... disgusting to just severe it like that." Ria said.

"Which is why we shouldn't have been involved in the first place. We're not as strong as Shun. There's a reason, you know..."

"I know. I know. Hime-sama." Ria said jokingly. "I need to rest though. See you both later."


Days after that fateful battle. The quad of Yahiko, Konan, Nagato and Risa held a funeral for Ria whose body didn't seem to want to decompose.

According to Ria, her body didn't seem to have any cells that were decaying. It was as though it was a biologically created puppet.

"Perhaps she really was a God?" Yahiko asked.

"Goddess. And yes, it's likely." Konan answered.

"She said we'd meet again at the end of this era. I wonder what that means..." Nagato said as he looked at her body fondly.

"I think I know." Risa muttered.

"You do?" Yahiko asked.

"Yeah. When I met the person who sent me here..."


"Yeah... Please stop interrupting me." Risa said in annoyance.


"Good. He did say that I should stay here as this is the place where I would serve my punishment. The person who would come to meet us as Ria said would bring the end of this era." Risa explained.

"That doesn't say anything." Yahiko said and the other two nodded.

"I wouldn't know. I had just died back then so I wasn't fully listening." Risa defended.

"Hmm. Understandable. Anyways. We just have to follow whatever this masked guy will say right?" Yahiko asked and Nagato nodded.

"Then it's ok. As long as he doesn't endanger Amegakure, then we're good." Yahiko said.

"And if it endangers other Villages?"

"Mh-hmm!" He shrugged. "We just need to protect what's ours. We four will protect this village. No matter what this masked man would want of us, we'll deliver as far as he steers clear of Amegakure. Agreed?" He said and put out his hand.

"Agreed." Konan said and placed her hands on his.

"Agreed." Nagato followed suit.

"... Agreed." Risa said albeit reluctantly. She knew who this masked man was but was forbidden from saying his name. She was so forbidden from saying her Origin. It was a mystery these three decided to trust her.

Ah... It was because of Ria...

"Well then, to the Akatsuki!"

"To The Akatsuki!"


There we go guys. 6.5k words.

Hope y'all enjoyed it because I won't be focusing on others for a while and will just focus on my MC.

Happy New Year to y'all once again. Show some New Year spirit by Reading extra Chapters on my Patre@n

Josh_Richie Josh_Richie

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