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59.26% Naruto: Back in Ancient Times / Chapter 304: Chapter 79:

Capítulo 304: Chapter 79:

Support me on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: R-18


Taking his eyes off his two clansmen, he looked at both Jagoro and Totsuku who were both flabbergasted.


"Ehh... What just happened?" Totsuku asked at the sudden disappearance of Takashi.


The Uchiha's head fell right Infront of Totsuku who shrieked but suddenly feeling a malicious stare levied at him, he looked up to see an angry Takashi who was glaring at him.

"Do you want to become like this too.?" He asked. Totsuku shook his head violently.

"What do you think we should do with him?" Takashi asked Jagoro.


"Please decide, Daimyo-san." Takashi insisted.

Totsuku, being a merchant, knew when to give up and how to push the right buttons, ran up to Jagoro and knelt on the ground.

"I-I am truly sorry! I promise, I'll never do this again... So please! Please spare my life." He pleaded.

Jagoro closed his eyes sadly and then said. "This is a land that I've inherited from my ancestors. So I cannot sell it to you, who wants it for personal gain. If you promise that you'll leave this land alone, then I won't take away your life."

"Yes!... I promise. I'm very sorry for what I've done." Totsuku pleaded.


"So you're trying to tell me that this led to a full blown war?" Tobirama asked the three messengers who were actually Katsushi, Takashi and Naoto.

They nodded. "Apparently, Totsuku, the merchant went to the Uchiha clan to further intensify the flame." Takashi said.

"Of course... If there's something I've learnt, it's to nip troubles of his kind in the bud. Your employer, Jagoro was stupid for letting him go free." Mito said in disdain causing them to chuckle awkwardly.

"What he did wasn't wrong, he was merely being merciful to the wrong person." Hashirama said and then asked. "When do you think the battle will begin?"

"By our estimates, it should have already begun, Hashirama-sama." Takashi answered.

"I see." Hashirama said. "Let's make haste."

They all nodded and increased their speed toward the land of Fire. The two clans were basically in the same area, just a couple miles away from eachother.

"This is too slow, you two should come to my side." Tobirama said to Hashirama and Mito and then looked at Takashi, "you three should bring up the rare, we can't be sure Madara and Izuna aren't participating in this battle."

Hashirama nodded and then looked at Mito who shook her head and said. "Don't worry about me, you two go to the battlefield, I'll bring these three with me."

Hashirama was confused but didn't refute her due to the confidence she exuded. "Be careful then."

"You too." She said with a sweet smile as she watched Tobirama and Hashirama disappear.

"Alright Takashi, I believe that technique of yours will be useful now." Mito said to Takashi who smiled wryly, "... Mito-sama, that technique takes a great toll on my body. Plus, if I use it now, I won't be able to participate in the upcoming battle."

"Humph, who do you take me for, just do what I say, I'll take care of the rest." She said as the diamond shaped mark on her body began spreading all over her body, from her back, two golden chains stretched out and wrapped around the bodies of Katsushi and Naoto.

Walking to Takashi, she put her hand on his shoulder, spreading the lines into his body without leaving him a chance to resist it.

"This will keep your body in its optimal state as long as I have chakra. You don't have anymore excuse now, yes?" Mito asked with a smile, but unlike the one that she gave Hashirama, this one promised pain.

"Understood, Mito-sama." Takashi being a wise man, knew the battles to fight and immediately circulated his chakra.

"Raiton: Godspeed×12"

"GAH!!" He screamed as his body blitzed on the surface of the sea. From an external perspective, there was only a bolt of lightning that you would miss if you weren't paying attention. His scream was even drowned by the sound of lightning.


Shun's POV

A screen was currently showing what was going on with the Senju and Uchiha battle currently and I must say, I was impressed by the recklessness these guys show in the name of maintaining their pride.

One party wanted to avenge a guy I'm very sure they new little about simply because he was killed by the Senju, the other party were simply defending but still attacking with hatred in their eyes.

I understand a lot of their close ones had died at the hands of the other party but this was just pure chaos. Hatred bred through ignorance and do you know the funny part? I felt nothing other than intrigue while watching this scene.

I never got to fight a life and death battle with pure Ninjutsus so see a war going on like this got me interested.

Back when I was in outer space, I did fight a lot of battles, true, but those ones were just with either pure physical strength or special abilities. I mean, no one really used handsigns in a battle where a split second could determine your life amd death, but I guess these guys a still primitive.

Oh... Here comes Hashirama and Tobirama, hmm... The hirashin huh? I wonder how he'll use it in this fight. When I created a reverse Summon seal as a kid, I had ideas for this Jutsu but now, space-time is practically my bitch.

"HASHIRAMA!" A loud scream came from the back of the Uchiha warriors.

Oh... Madara wasn't actually fighting, Izuna too. No wonder this battle didn't end earlier. Madara is still a considerable softie.

"It's Madara, he didn't participate in the battle." Tobirama said beside Hashirama.

Hashirama nodded. "Izuna too. Those two are the strongest Mangekyou Sharingan users in the Uchiha clan currently, keep Izuna in check, if possible, don't kill him?"

Tobirama nodded but then he suddenly thought...'If possible? I can't possibly kill him.'

"MADARA!" Hashirama shouted back. "You and me, now."

As if the two clans understood something, a gap split as they both have way in the middle of the battlefield allowing Hashirama and Madara space to approach eachother.

I really do wonder what these guys are even doing following those two into battle.... Oh right... They all have grievances to release on the other clan.

Without any weapon in hand, the two friends rushed at eachother and clashed with their forearms similar to Naruto and Sasuke's clash during their final battle.

Thankfully, they weren't on sea so there wasn't any effect except for the air pressure that pushed those closer to them further apart.

"Impressive." A female voice said from my side, giving her a side glance I said proudly. "This is just a little of what they can do."

"You don't say. Throughout my stay here, I've never seen people who could generate this much pressure just from their physical body... Well except for Toshiba and You of course." The lady replied.

"I know, I personally trained them when they were kids..." I said while watching them duke it out with Taijutsu.

"They're really important, right?" The lady asked.

"If course they are... They're my brothers, and the level their strength can reach in this lifetime will determine how strong they'll be in their next lifetime." I said while watching as Hashirama drew the First blood from Madara.

"As expected, Madara is still inferior in terms of physical strength." I said.

"Well of course. Hashirama has a special physique, that when trained properly, can absorb energy passively. Madara on the other hand...." The lady said.

"I know... Oh, he brought out that scythe..." I said as Madara brought out the scythe a member of the Tengoku clan once used to battle in the now Amegakure.

"Look at them go, they've started using Chakra cloak." The lady said. "That's a useful technique, it boosts their physical strength as long as there is chakra... As expected of you, I guess."

"Hehehe." I laughed at the praise. It would've been weird if they didn't use it as the battle began. This chakra cloak increases strength passively as time passes, well, the price was your chakra but still, considering those two, I bet they can literally do this all day.

Hashirama brought out his sword that wasn't Zanka no Taichi and clashed head on with the scythe.

Their strikes, strengthened by their chakra caused numerous air blades to scatter around them. The area around them had already been cleared out further making me wonder why their clans men even bothered following these two to battle.

Mind you, they both hadn't even began using Ninjutsus.

As if waiting for me to think that, Madara made a one handed seal. [Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu- Fire Style: Great fireball Technique]

A gigantic ball of flame appeared and sped towards Hashirama at a speed uncharacteristic of its size.

Hashirama didn't stay idle and placed his hands on the floor. [Doton: Doryūheki- Earth Style: Earth Style Wall]

The ground rumbled and a massive wall appeared in front of him to block the scorching hot flames coming his way.

Making use of Madara's lack of vision, he flickered and moved behind Madara and made a one handed seal.

[Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet]

A massive dragon head formed from the ground and charged towards Madara successful hitting him only for it to turn into a pile of mud and disappear along with the technique.

"You forget, Hashirama... No one has successfully caught me from behind." Madara's prideful voice sounded from above Hashirama who didn't react much as he knew Madara wouldn't have actually been that careless.

[Katon: Gōka Messhitsu-Fire Style: Great fire destruction]

This time around, a sea of flames poured out from Madara's mouth and covered a wide area around Hashirama.

Hashirama squinted his eyes at the wave of destruction heading towards him and placed his hand on the floor, this time, to channel more chakra.

[Doton: Ganban Kyū- Earth Style: Bedrock Coffin]

Multiple layers of earth arose and formed a massive cover over him, defending him from both the heat and force of the sea of flames.

Another wave of destruction followed as the two Jutsus made contact and after a few seconds only lava remained around the area.

Madara looked pensively at the location he could see an earth cover with his Sharingan. He could still see the chakra being supplied to the Jutsu, but suddenly his instinct flared making him to jump backwards only to hear.

[Mokuton: Mokuryū no Jutsu-Wood Release: Wood dragon Release]

Multiple dragon heads sprouted from where Madara stood moments ago and gigantified as they honed in on him.

"Good. Good. You finally used this, but...[Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku-Great fire Annihilation]"

An even greater sea of flames poured out from Madara's mouth as they burned the dragon heads that were honed in on him.

Madara maintained his stance as his fire continued pouring out to combat Hashirama unending dragon heads.

At that point in time, anyone skilled enough could have easily assasinated them as they were both maintaining their stance. Madara in the open, Hashirama under his now destroyed earth coffin.

"I can tell they're only using around 30% of their true capabilities, I wonder what it'll look like if they went all out." The lady said in admiration.

"They never will, atleast not until they've determined to actually inflict a fatal blow on the other. Deep down, they still are two little boys who yearn for a peaceful end to all this shit." I replied.

"The only reason they're even fighting seriously is to actually make sure the other is keeping up. The moment one of them becomes weaker than the other, I dread what may happen." The lady said.

"Nah.. that can never happen. If one gets a power up, the other follows suit. The moment Madara awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan, Hashirama suddenly had access to sage mode. When his eyes will further evolve, Hashirama would've gotten a fine grasp on Senjutsu. That much is certain."

"It's like they compliment eachother then..."

"Exactly." I said and continued watching.

Despite the devastating techniques they've both used, neither of them looked winded. Madara had his battle hungry smile while Hashirama had his excited smile.

From my perspective, they looked like two best friends who finally got the time to play after a long time, while to their enemy clan, it looked like death staring at them.

"Good. Good. Hashirama, let's continue this dance." Madara said and went on to release Jutsu after Jutsu.

Fire, earth, wind, lightning and even water... Like, what the actual fuck?

I mean, I get they both have all affinity but Madara using water? That was unbelievable.

Usually, people with destructive mentality rarely have any sort of affinity with water as water is something that always conforms to change.

Madara was anything but that.

Likewise, Hashirama spammed his own bevy of techniques. I mean, it wasn't ever mentioned he could use them but here he was using even fire and lightning.

I mean, anyone would think all and all was Mokuton and sometimes water and earth but seeing him battle with even fire and lightning?...

"More. More. Hashirama. MORE." Madara shouted like a madam while looking like one as his Sharingan spun and turned into a Mangekyou Sharingan, looking a three-way gear.

Hashirama frowned slightly but relaxed later on.

"SUSANNO!" Madara screamed as his chakra began materialising, behind him, an enormous spine formed and grew till it formed a skull, from the spinal cord, ribs formed and from the ribs, hands.

Following this transformation, muscles began forming covering up the skeletal system of the Susanno, and after the muscles came an armour that covered him whole.

Hashirama wasn't idly watching his transform. [Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu- Wood Golem Technique]

A gigantic wooden structure looking like Ashura's Wooden Fighting Buddha appeared with a Chinese wooden dragon cooling around it with Hashirama on top.

"That's stupid. I did advice Ashura about this all those years ago, yet, here his reincarnation goes, repeating the same mistakes." I said tiredly.

I mean, why not emulate the Uchiha and manifest the Golem around you or with you in it's head or chest. Why stand on it, with your hands joined together on top of that?

"Perhaps it's the confidence?" The lady beside him asked.

"Nah... This isn't confidence... It's stupid... What if someone like Kageno was there? Isn't it just making a slight effort to snipe him? Sigh..." I corrected.

There was a clear line between confidence and stupidity. A stupid person may appear confidence due to his lack of awareness or sufficient knowledge.

"When I used this technique back then, I was inside my own manifestation, remember? That gave me unparalleled defense back then." I reminded her of my time fighting in the myriad islands.

"That's true but maybe it has something to do with their nature? Perhaps the Uchiha manifest their Susanno to protect them due to their insecurities while the Senjus... No, Ashura's reincarnations create their golems with them on the outside to show their transparency and sincerity." The lady reasoned.

What? What kind of logic was that? Although it did make sense in the case of Indra feeling insecure in relation to Ashura back then, Hagoromo also had the Susanno and he too was inside, not outside.

"Nah... That's not the case. He's just stupid." I waved her off as we continued to watch the two Duke it out on an upgraded scale.

This time, every technique used spammed an even greater coverage. I mean, imagine a normal human releasing a sea of flames that could cover around 50 meters, then imagine when a giant of over a hundred meters releasing that same technique.

Their area of destruction couldn't even be related in the least.

Looking to the side, I saw the other Senjus and Uchiha still fighting and shook my head. "Yeah, these ones really aren't supposed to follow these two to battle."

The lady nodded. "Yeah, they have little to no effect to the battle."

[Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu-Great Forest technique] Hashirama said and the ground rumbled before multiple groups of trees began shooting towards Madara's Susanno who only laughed loudly and said. [Yasaka Magatama]

Multiple spinning shruiken? made of chakra manifested and began shooting towards all the incoming trees.

"I now see why they almost balance eachother out." The lady said.

"Yeah, I mean, what other technique could possibly go against this Wood Release?" I said with a small laugh. "And that isn't all his Mangekyou Sharingan has to offer."

"Yeah, the only disadvantage is him losing his sight. What a pity." The last said sadly.

"You seem to have forgotten what I had said. Hashirama has already gotten access to natural energy, Destiny will still elevate Madara's strength, one way or another." I said with a mysterious tone.

Of course I already knew that either something unfortunate will happen in this battle or the upcoming ones to make Izuna die.

I honestly don't want to believe Izuna will still fall prey to Tobirama's Flying Thunder God technique but I also don't know since Tobirama should have had an upgrade to his technique.

They continued duking it out with several techniques they got from God knows where. I'm pretty sure Tobirama didn't create all this techniques, neither did Indra nor I.

Humph, and yet some fools would think Tobirama created all the techniques used in the Canon anime. Idiots, the lot of them.

[Mokuton: Kajukai Kōrin- Advent of a World of Flowering Trees]

Hashirama used his Genjutsu based version of Great Forest technique. This technique supplied the already created tree more chakra to create flowers which will release a pollen that will render anyome who inhales it unconscious until they're sucked dry of their chakra and then died.

Well, I don't know if it is really his technique or he wss inspired by Kaguya's. I mean, the two techniques both sucked whoever is caught in it dry of their chakra.

To this technique, Madara who was in his Susanno felt a sudden feeling of lethargy hit him but before it could take effect, his other eye spun and bled, instantly, he was quite a distance from the Jutsu range.

What he had just used was the other ability of his Mangekyou Sharingan, Time Reversal.

This technique reversed time on Whatever he set his eyes on without anyone but him noticing. So to the outside eyes, he disappeared before the pollen could reach him.

"Damn, so it was a time-space technique... Impressive." I praised genuinely.

"Yeah... Truly impressive, unfortunately that should take quite a toll on him." The lady said.

"Yeah. I bet he won't be able to use that technique for a week in the least." I agreed to that.

Unlike Space-time techniques, Time-space technique was much more dangerous.

What? You thought they were the same thing? Humph, you couldn't be further from the truth.

Space-time techniques were techniques that basically used space as a medium in relation to time. It's like saying I want to be a thousand kilometres from here in no time at all.

That's easy, with proper knowledge you can do that. Space is like a lazy person who couldn't be bothered that someone wasn't obeying it's trinity of length, breadth and width.

Time-space technique however, were techniques that denies the concept of time over a specific space. That like telling time that you couldn't be bothered to maintain its own trinity of past present and Future.

Now, unlike space, time was actually a bitch who wouldn't let just anyone mess with it.

Even in cultivation novels, stories of mythological beings and men who did impossible acts, there's always a price to pay for peeking into the future or past, but there's literally no price to pay for using techniques like clairvoyance.

Why do you think that is?

Odin is known as a pervert because he could peek into anywhere in the nine Realm 'Anytime' he wants, but only the Ancient One could peek into the future 'Anytime'she wants because she had the 'Time Stone'

Think about that. Odin couldn't do that... Well, he could, but he would have to use his Odin-force which will then make him go into his Odin-sleep.

In the case of most cultivators who could read the stars and whatever bullshit they do to manipulate the people of the world however they see fit, they always cough out their essence blood which was basically their lifespan in exchange for that.

That should tell you how strict time was.

Even in this world where logic is always thrown out of the window... Techniques like Izanagi and Izanami were Time-space technique whose price was the permanent blindness of an eye.

Time really was a bitch. I wonder if Kaguya would also be a bitch to my people when I make her the overseer of time in my entire universe.

Anyways, back to Madara, he was breathing heavily as one of his eyes was bloodshot and bleeding.

Hashirama wasn't also doing great. Using multiple Above S ranked Jutsus was also taking its toll on him as he was on his last legs.

Madara recovered quickly as his eyes spun even faster. "COME."

He said as he rushed at Hashirama who was a couple hundred meters away from him. The landscape was already composed of lava, boiling lakes, and woods but they both maneuvered deftly without minding it.

They both clashed with their weapons as they engaged in both Taijutsu amd Bukijutsu.

Their chakra was already bottomed out so it was a given for them to result to the most primitive form of expressing their friendship.

I gotta hand it to him. Hashirama was good to be able to keep up with Madara. I mean, Madara was basically built for close combat. His senses for it was the nest I had seen after Indra.

Indra was the intelligent type while Madara was the instinct type.

Hashirama however was also relying on his instinct but his passive and pacifistic mentality dulled his violent and battle instinct.

This went on for a good while and like I expected Hashirama won as Madara collapsed. Hashirama was someone who had a stamina ten times the average Senju, coupled with his will to win, he was basically unbeatable in a drawn out battle.

Currently, Hashirama was sitting beside a fallen Madara as he said between drawing deep breath. "Looks like... I won...this..round, eh?"

Madara was too weak to talk but the smile on his face said it all. Although he lost, he was satisfied.

Since young, Hashirama had always been the stronger one, which was his motivation. He wanted to fight on the same ground as his friend.

This was his drive. His motivation, he had to be strong to keep up with his friend so that they could both achieve their dreams together. He had succeded in keeping his younger brother safe this far, all that was left was to create a safe haven for the younger generation.

It was a long road but he was sure they would reach there someday.

Swish. Swish. Swish.

The members of the Senju and Uchiha clan flickered and surrounded the two of them. The Senjus had prideful looks while looking at the Uchihas while the Uchihas had looks of defeat.

Izuna looked at his fallen brother andnthen at Hashirama with deep anger and hate which Hashirama noticed and just shook his head.

Tobirama stepped forward and raised his sword to kill Madara only for Hashirama to rebuke him. "Put the sword down." Hashirama said softly.

"But brother, he's an enemy, with him gone your dream can finally be accomplished." Tobirama argued with his sword still held up.

"I said put the sword down." Hashirama said, this time with authority.

"Bu-" Tobirama wanted to argue only to hit with a sudden pressure to his soul as he saw his brother's side glare.

Without saying anything, he meekly out his katana back into his sheet and stepped back.

"What impressive Haki, don't you think?" I smiled as I asked the lady beside me.

"Yeah... And it's so refined..."

"Yeah... He knows what he wants and the necessary consequences of such dreams... He has grown." I said proudly.

Seems like the formation of Konoha isn't that far. 'This sort of reminds me of that scene in Hashirama's flashback. Truly the end of the warring state is near.' I thought delightfully.

Back with Hashirama, he looked at Izuna before taking his eyes off him. Izuna as if understanding something approached Madara, lifted him and put his arm around his shoulders. "Let's go."

He simply said and vanished. The other Uchihas followed suit and vanished alongside him.

"I guess that's the end of the story, then... Wasn't it an interesting sight? Do you still think less of my home planet...Xin?" I asked my one and only friend currently.

"They're impressive... Your brothers even managed to use a forced Kama... No... Impressive wouldn't just do it... I wonder how much stronger their final reincarnations will be with that seal unleashed..." Xin answered with an intriguing look in her eyes.

"Yeah... I also wonder that...


That's a wrap guys. I'll like to believe I've done a good job portraying the important characters as much as possible.

Madara's battle loving side and Mangekyou abilities

Izuna's deep hatred for the Senjus

Hashirama's strength in relation to Madara

Tobirama's excessiveness and deep respect for his brother.

Also, Daimyo is a term given to anyone with a land under his name. Whether the land is small, poor, prosperous, or impoverished. They are all Daimyos

Also, I hope you weren't thinking this chapter will be an Ecchi chapter? R18 can mean Ecchi and gore all the same. This chapter wasn't gore but it was atleast or supposed to be filled with deaths.

I hope y'all enjoyed it... Don't forget to tell me you views on it.

Enjoy you day...

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