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68.49% My Hero Academia : The Symbol of Power / Chapter 48: Not a chapter : Lost Embrace

Capítulo 48: Not a chapter : Lost Embrace

This is the backstory of Hellspawn, I wanted to upload this chapter way back when I first introduced him but I decide not to.

I have no time to write a full chapter so I added some words and upload it.

Hellspawn is my first OC character so I wanted a backstory for him but I was not really planning to upload it, just something I would know but here you go.

Hope you read it, its just a small subplot, its fine even if you don't read it. But hopefully you will.


(3rd POV)

Once there was a woman, a mortal with the face of an angel. But make no mistake, this woman with the skin of an angel hide what the worst of humanity has to offer.

She was a selfish woman with a heart that could not love. She did everything for money, she was a cynic, who knew the price of everything but did not know the value of anything.

She was known for her seductive body and herability to use that sinful body to seduce any man, from the richest to the cruelest. Seducing rich individuals and blackmailing them afterwards was her favorite activity.

Her quirk went well with her it too, the ability to absorb the essence/semen of men to enhance herself. That coupled with her lustful nature made her a whore never before seen.

Destroying happy couples and tearing families apart brought sadistic joy to her heart. Taking away the happiness she would never admit she desired.

Everything she wanted and envious of, she would either have it or destroy it so no one else could have it either.


Then one day, she got pregnant from one of her fuck buddies. She had no idea who the father was considering there were hundreds of potential father for her unborn child.

Aborting the baby, that was her first thought. Killing the innocent soul that did not even have the chance to be corrupted by the world, a soul that did nothing wrong except existing. Thats all it did, 'exist' and it was judged a crime, by the woman.

But luckily or unfortunately for the baby, she had a better idea, a way to make millions of money if she bore the child for nine months.

There were many people with a 'pregnant' fetish who are willing to pay disgusting amount of cold cash to indulge in their depraved desire.

So, she did just that. She sold herself and the unborn child to the most sickening individuals. Procreating when the whole thing lost its reason, they did it purely out of the momentary high and pleasure it brought them, they did it purely out of lust.

The woman and her partners in this act of debauchery savored every second of it while the baby was forgotten, to them it was a mere aphrodisiac, a meager stimulant.

The woman made tons of money off the baby, uncaring of its health. Instead, she complained every chance she had, motherly love was void for the baby born from sin and not love.


Then, after 9 months of torment it did not even realise it recieved, the baby was born unloved.

What greeted him was a scream of digust. What welcomed him was a curse of rejection.

Maybe due to the immoral acts his mother had committed while she carried hi - maybe because he was never graced with a speck of love - or maybe because of the countless sins he was coerced with before his birth. The baby was born with red skin and horns, like that of the devil.

His form imitate that of the damned.

The woman immediately get rid of him, calling him an 'abomination'. The only good deed she did was the fact that she was kind enough to leave him near an orphanage.

Then she left him, his pure tears and innocents wails was but an unbearable noise that made the woman leave faster.

The baby was crowned with the name Noroi, the cursed child.


Onstopped and Unforbidden, the baby had nothing else to do except grow up. He was alone most of the time.

Many scorn him, much showed him disdain, some feared him while the rest were indifferent.

He was called names, 'cursed' 'demon' 'villain' and it made him cry tears he did not show.

But all was not bad for him, one of the caretaker and few others were kind to him. It was a much needed affection for the poor boy.

They were the reason why he never gave up, they were also the one that encourages him to be a hero, which he was very much enthusiastic about.

To prove to the bullies that he was not a 'villain', to prove to the world that he was not a 'demon', and to prove to himsef that he was not 'cursed'.

He will be a hero, a saviour, and a blessing.

And he did everything he could to accomplish his dream, he worked, he trained and he sacrificed.

He joined a hero school, it was not a popular one but he did not care, it was the licence he was working for.

He trained, he made some friends, overcome hardships and after 4 grueling years he finally graduated as a hero.

But then, reality struck again. No hero agencies wanted him, no professional hero wanted a devil look alike as their sidekick. And the fact that his base strength was not that strong did not help.

He couldn't fight non fire quirk user, he couldn't rescue civilians because of his appearance and he did not have any background to lean on, It was tough for the young hero.

But that was not his last setback, even without joining any agency, he worked alone. For a few years, he did nothing but patrol around aimlessly, seeking crime.


But every dog has its day. One day, a strong fire user villain appeared in the city. The present heroes were unable to stop him, the villain was about to wreck havoc in the city.

It was his time to shine and he saved the day, it was something straight out of a movie. The bullied kid who was always treated as a villain finally got recognition, he finally became a hero in all sense of the word.

His fame exploded, the media took his story and it went viral. He became an inspiration to all.

He finally did it, he was finally happy. Life has never been better. He worked for the No.2 hero, Endeavor's agency, and life was good.

Life was finally kind to him, for the first time since his birth, he felt accepted.


But all good things must come to an end, and for him it came with betrayal.

One day, while fighting against a villain. Putting his life for the safety of the people, he was forced to use his trump card to save them.

It was a power that exchanged his sense of self, his mind and moral for monstrous strength. It was a move he never even trained because he turned into a mindless beast whenever he did.

Fearing that he might hurt others, he promised himself to never use it but the situation forced him.

In that moment, he was presented with a difficult choice. And he chose to protect his friends and the civilians even if it meant killing the villains.

He chose to dirty his hands and live with the guilt if it meant protecting others. Maybe he got too hopeful because he was never accepted, but he was willing to do everything to save the people and freinds that accepted him.

That day, he killed someone for the sake of others and it would latter prove to be his worst decisions. He passed out and when he finally woke up, he found himself alone.

The world reminded him of its cruelty that day, the people he thought accepted him, the friends he thought cared for him, they betrayed him.

He realised that someone is a hero only if the people believed so, If not then you are not a hero.

The eyes of scorn, fear and hatred greeted him again. The media posted videos of the fight where he brutally killed the villain and he was criticized..

"He finally showed his true colour." "He folled us all!" "I always knew someone like him could never be a hero"

Maybe they never truly accepted him, at least he thought his fellow hero friends would understand him but they did not want to involve themselves with such a scandal.

The people protested, requesting his hero license to be revoked, calling him the 'hero villain'. It was such a bullshit that it made him want to vomit his common sense.

And after a while, the government relented and did as the people requested. They took away his license and prohibited him from ever regaining it again.


Noroi was once again all alone, with the whole world against him. His caretaker, who should have consoled him and be there for him in this tough times were long gone.

The pain in his chest was unbearble, he was dead, except for the beating of his heart that kept his body from becoming a cold corpse.

He lived but something died inside him.



He looked at the world around, the world that never did anything but curse at him, the country that took away all his hard work, and the ungrateful people living in it and he finally snapped.

He rebelled, which was quite ironic considering he looked like the devil.

He did not give a fuck anymore, he used the skills he honed and sharpened in hopes of helping other people for himself.

He already killed anyways, whats a few more others. He became what they called him, a monster and a villain because he realised, 'why try to be something more than what they see. whats the point of wanting to be a hero when they would only see me as a villain'.

He began working as a mercenary, a villain. Killing people for money, killing for himself. And he even became famous in the underworld especially after he defeated the No.2 Hero Endeavour.

And for what its worth, for a moment he was happy. Doing drugs, fucking whores, buying shits, he did everthing he could to fill the void in his heart. Trying to awaken what died that day.

But he could never do so, no matter how much he enjoyed himself for a fleeting moment, there was always the climax, the bottom of the bottle and the end of the pills.

It was the bottom of his life.



And in those tough times, he met her, Lucia Mizuhara. A woman stuck in a chair, a cripple who could not even move. She was different from the rest, she did not mind his cursed appearance.

He was curious, curious about the woman that seems to not mind his appearance so he met with her few times.

She worked at a hospital which have connection to the underworld, most the patients were also villains. He visited her whenever he got an injury, he even sometimes deliberately get injured just to see her.

They enjoyed each others comany, and after a while he confessed to her and weirdly, she accepted.

He did not open up to her, it was too early for him. He was honestly suspicion and only wanted to see how the relationship would go.

Time passed and suprise suprise, he realised that she truly loved him for who he was, and he fell hard for her soon after. She could not even move yet she managed to steal his heart before he even realised it.

She was able to thaw his frozen heart, bringing him out of the darkness, she was his light.

Guilt followed the moment his heart comes out of the darkness. The crimes he had commited, the mistakes he made all haunted him.

He confessed to her, telling her his sins but even then she accepted him with a smile. She still wanted his heart even with all the sins it bore.

It was something he did not deserve.

A treasure he cannot afford, forgivess he was not worthy of and love he did not deserve. She gave him these things.



Their love blossomed, he stop his criminal works and they lived together secretly somwhere. He was a wanted man, his appearance was easy to remember so he was a highly wanted criminal in the country.

But they somehow made it work, moving from city to city. Wherever they go, if they have each other, it was home and they were happy.

At least as happy as they could. Moving from place to place was taking a toll on Lucia's weak body. Not only that, Noroi wished to marry her and start a family with her.

That was their greatest wish, and Noroi got a chance to fulfill their dream when they got an offer from a certain someone.

He will do some jobs for him and at the end, the man would take away his quirk and forge a new identity for him.

It was something he could not deny. Lucia told him not to do it, not to return back to his old self no matter the reward but he finally manage to convince her after he promised not to kill anyone.

He told the condition to the man and he accepted it. He completed few missions and only the last one remain

That was it, he would complete this last job and then he would be free. He would start a family with Lucia and live happily ever after.

It was disgusting, he know. He was not worthy of such a thing after all he had done but he was selfish.

Even if not for him, he would do everything for her happiness.


(3rd POV)

A woman with blonde hair and delicate face squirm around in a bed. She snuggled in the blankets, burying herself in the softness of the bed.

She was about to sleep again but she felt sunlight on her face. Her eyes trembled "noo~" she whined as she rolled over.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead." A voice sounded out, it was deep and carried a manly husk to it.

She covered her head with a blanket lazily "Five more minutes."

"Its already morning." he said, to which she replied "The morning and night are same for me under here."

Noroi stomped his feet on the ground rhythmically, which was strangely annoying to her.

She peeled off the blankets with great hesitancy "Fine..I'm up." she sat on the bed and lightly hop towards the end of it.

She flail her hands around, trying to reach for her wheelchair. She forgot to sleep with the remote of the wheelchair, least she would have no such trouble.

"Eeep!!" she let out a stange sound as she felt strong muscular arms around her body. It carried her in princess style with great ease.

A blush stole her cheeks as she felt her frail body lean against his strong chest, "Am I not heavy?" she whispered.

She did not get an answer immediately, instead she felt herself move up and down, as if he measuring her weight "Hmm.." he made a thinking sound "Its a good workout."

Her face held a cute pout at his answer and she softly beat his chest "Dummy."

He just chuckled and carried her to the kitchen and sat her down on a chair carefully. She felt like glass in his careful hands and it made her feel fuzzy all over.

She sat on the chair and waited for her breakfast for a while.



She played with the plate infront of her and asked for the nth time "Are you almost done?"

"Just wait for some more okay." he replied, esperated. "What's taking you so long~What are you doing?" she fake a complain voice.

"I'm curing cancer."

"Thats already been cured." she said with an amused smile.

He just hummed in response and she just looked at the giant, scary man who looked like he eats demons for breakfast, cook for her.

It made her feel all warm inside.

"Here my lady" she immediately dig in the food, it was good as always. Her drowsy head awaken fully, she did not even wash her face before eating. He was spoiling her too much but you wouldn't hear her complain.

They eat their food in a comfortable silence, basking in each other's presence. She was the one broke the silece "Its today isn't it?"

"Yeah." he curtly nodded at her question. "You will come back to me right?" her voice got small.

"I promise." He gave her a reassuring smile that showed the truth his words held.

"No killing?" her sky blue orbs locked with his yellow eyes.

"No killing." he nodded again, his eyes not scampering away from hers.

Satisfied, she huffed and continued on eating.


"Be careful." She hugged him tightly with all her passion.

"Of course." He hugged her back, the warmth of his body brought peace to her.

She really liked being in his embrace, she felt safe and content in his arms.

They unwillingly parted away, "I will make dinner." he raised an eyebrow at her declaration.

"To celebrate your success." she said with a hopeful tone. She was nervous but she firmly believed that he would succeed.

He gave her a delighted chuckle "I'd love that." he planted a kiss on her forehead. An action that conveyed his feelings for her.

"umu." Their eyes met for the final time, and he left the house.


Lucia work the whole day, it was quite difficult to move around with her condition. But she manage to make presentable dishes.

She set the table and decorated the table a bit, she also brought whiskey on the table with transparent plastic cups as there were no wine and wine glass.

She doesn't even like alcohol, it was just her crude attempt to make it more romantic like she had seen in western movies.

She also wore a pretty dress, not too extravagant. Something that would make her look good without giving away the fact that she was trying to look good.

She also tied her hair in a snug bun, comfortable and tidy.

She could barely contain her emotions, she already missed his voice, his touch, his presence and warm hugs..

She really missed his embrace..

Checking that evrything was ready she pushed herself near the door, sitting in her wheelchair and facing the door.

Then she waited...

she waited...

and waited...

and waited..






Author : Ignore the mistakes please

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