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19.83% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 44: Chapter 44

Capítulo 44: Chapter 44

After being challenged by Rias Gremory, Harry and his group were led to the back of the Occult Research Club Building, where a big and empty field awaited them.

Harry himself was curious about the darkness festering inside the hearts of Rias's Peerage plus he wanted to teach her a lesson in humility.

Everyone immediately took their position far away from the people who were fighting, Harry on one side while Rias and her peerage on the other, Rias had her arm crossed under her bust and sported a very cocky grin, it seems she was sure of her victory.

Her peerage members stood in front of her, ready for anything, Akeno right in front of her while Kiba and Koneko were further in front side by side.

Harry though? He was curious about one particular detail, when he sensed out the building which served as Rias's headquarters he noticed a small energy signature down in the basement of the Occult Research Club building, so he was curious why that person wasn't present to help in this battle, it was obvious that whoever it was, he or she was part of Rias's peerage, he was also able to discern that it was a vampire and wanted to meet him or her, as far as he knows not many vampires would choose to be reincarnated by a devil, so he decided to ask before the fight began "What about your other peerage member, the one hiding in the basement?".

Rias's and her peerage's eyes widen in surprise, they didn't expect Harry to have noticed Gasper, Rias though spoke up to answer his question "Gasper isn't allowed to go out, he can't control his Sacred Gear so for his safety and everyone else he's been sealed".

Harry heard a gasp from behind him and turned around to see where it came from, only to see Valerie already running back inside the Occult Research building, this surprised everyone, so Harry answered everyone's unasked question "You said Gasper right? You wouldn't mean Gasper Vladi by any chance?".

Rias nodded but was evidently confused about what had happened, Harry went on with his explanation "Valerie is a Dhampir, when I saved her from the Tepes clan she told me that she and a friend of hers tried to run away from their families but they were caught and both were heavily injured, she feared her friend would be dead, that friend's name is Gasper Vladi, we and the Vampire Faction have been looking for him for years, we had a suspicion that a devil might have reincarnated him and lo and behold we find him under your care but the fact that you have him sealed is quite annoying to me and more than likely to Valerie as well, why hasn't he received any help with controlling his Sacred Gear?".

Rias looked down, admittedly she had been too busy sulking and whining about her situation that she hasn't been able to help Gasper with his problems, as a matter of fact, she hasn't helped any of her precious servants but before she can worry about them she first needed to get her freedom back "I had other things to deal with... I just haven't had the time to help him with it though I was told that when I grow in power he should stabilize, that's why he was sealed until then".

Harry frowned for Rias's reason, suddenly a teary Valerie reappeared outside, now holding a sobbing Gasper to her but everyone who was in Harry's group knew how happy Valerie must be, Harry smiled at his girlfriend's evident happiness {It seems that they had a tearful reunion, I'm happy for you Val}.

Valerie didn't waste any time and ran towards Harry not caring about the tension in the air and presented Gasper to Harry like she had won a prize "Harry look! It's Gaspi! We finally found him!".

Valerie was so excited and happy that it made Harry smile and pet her head "That's great Valerie but I thought you said that Gasper is a boy".

Valerie looked confused for a second until realization hit her "Ah! He is a boy but... I might have had way too much fun dressing him in dresses and such when he was younger...".

Harry and everyone in Kyoto sweatdrop at Valerie's admittance and then turned to stare at the still sobbing Gasper, if they didn't know any better they could have sworn that he was a girl, he really was a very feminine boy, Gasper spoke between his sobbing "I like.. dresses.. they're comfortable..".

Harry just rubbed his eyes, admittedly he had seen a lot of things in his long life but a cross-dressing vampire just took him by surprise.

Valerie watching Harry physically try to process what she had told him decided to distract him with a request "Oh! Harry! Could you give Gaspi the skill Perfect Control? That will help him with his Sacred Gear and he won't have to be afraid to be outside and around people anymore!".

Harry stopped rubbing his eyes and stared into Valerie's eyes, usually, he wouldn't help anyone like this if they weren't allied to the Yokai faction but this was a request from Valerie one of his girlfriends plus Gasper is an old friend of hers and that made him a friend to him too.

Harry then nodded and pressed a finger on Gasper's brow, his finger glowed as he bestowed the skill to a still sobbing Gasper.

Gasper felt something click inside of him and stopped sobbing and opened his eyes, instinctively he knew that he could perfectly control his Sacred Gear now and for the first time he seemed happy and relieved, he didn't even care that he was outside right now, all that matter to him was that his friend Valerie was with him and that he now can control his powers, it was like waking up from a long time nightmare.

Valerie and Harry saw Gasper relax and then fall asleep in Valerie's arms causing her to hug him to herself and smile, Harry then commented "He must have been stressing himself nonstop about you and his inability to control his Sacred Gear, poor little guy".

Valerie nodded and rubbed her cheek against Gasper's making Harry chuckle since it looked like she was hugging a teddy bear or something.

Rias was flabbergasted, she had never seen Gasper so at peace and content, watching the cause for that image to be Harry didn't sit well for her, he just met Gasper and he already fixed his problem and that annoyed her a bit but more than that she was mad at herself for not being able to do that for her bishop.

Sona had completely different thoughts about what she had witnessed, Harry Potter is able to give others powers and abilities and that interested her a lot, the more she found out about him the more interesting he was to her, she couldn't believe her sister kept this to herself.

The rest of the devils were happy for Gasper and smiled at seeing him so at peace and happy, most of them were aware of how much Gasper would struggle, Harry Potter might be their enemy right now but at least they can be internally grateful to him about this.

Valerie smiled and then rose on her tiptoes and kissed Harry on the lips which Harry returned, the devils gaped at such a bold move from the Dhampir and some of them even blushed.

Valerie then pull back and ran back towards her group of friends with Gasper still sleeping peacefully in her arms, everyone in Harry's group smiled at her, they were happy that their friend had found who she has been looking for.

After watching Valerie run back to their group, Harry then turned back towards Rias and watched as she seemed lost in thought while frowning, he didn't know what her problem was but he didn't care so he spoke to break her out whatever she was thinking "Well it seems Gasper won't be participating anyways so let's begin".

Rias snapped from her inner thinking and glared "I would appreciate it if you didn't do whatever you want with my servant without my permission. ..".

Everyone present frowned at Rias, even the other devils showed their disapproval with frowns of their own Harry however raised an eyebrow "Servant huh?... I really dislike this whole peerage thing Ajuka Beelzebub created... if you cared so much about Gasper, why didn't you help him before?".

Rias just glared in anger at Harry's words and at her own inability to help Gasper, Harry watching her unable to answer his question just shook his head in disappointment but then he thought about something "Hmm... well since you want me to leave Kuoh and the Boosted Gear if you win this match then how about if I win, Gasper Vladi will be released into our custody? Unless you don't think you can win that is".

Harry grinned at Rias causing her to see red and ignoring the pleading look from the rest of her peerage as she said "Fine! It's a deal! You'll never get Gasper, I believe in my adorable servants!".

Harry just smiled {and there it is, the famous devil's arrogance and pride, honestly this girl is too stupid and desperate, what a shame...}.

The devils gasped in shock that Rias would accept such terms, her peerage was saddened by the fact that she was willing to bet one of them just like that, even if she had full confidence in their victory this is something that shouldn't even be considered by her.

Sona narrowed her eyes and discreetly began to text someone, she had to do something before Rias gets herself killed.

Harry nodded to Rias "Very well than, now that we have an accord you may proceed to attack me whichever way you want".

Rias narrowed her eyes and dramatically pointed her finger toward Harry "Kiba! Show him your speed and sword skills!".

Kiba nodded and created a deep red sword that seemed to flare in flames occasionally "I much prefer to fight that Pendragon girl but as I knight I shall follow my lady's orders...".

Harry narrowed his eyes and turned his gaze towards Le Fay who looked both annoyed and confused at being so suddenly called out like that {So he really has something against Le Fay but she seems confused about all this and that darkness in his heart is pulsating at just him mentioning the name Pendragon...}.

While Harry was thinking about all of this, Kiba took advantage of his supposed distraction and vanished in a blur, suddenly he appeared in front of Harry and swung his sword with a grin on his face thinking he had won.

However that grin was wiped off his face when Harry suddenly stopped his sword with the tip of his finger while still gazing toward Le Fay, he didn't even seem bothered by the red-hot blade of the sword.

The devils were shocked that Harry was able to react to such speed without even looking when they themselves couldn't even follow Kiba, they all turned to look at Harry's companions and they were even more shocked to see that they seemed bored and uninterested at what just happened.

This, of course, annoyed Kiba to no end and so he began to swing his fire sword at high speed toward Harry but Harry continued to easily parry his sword strikes with just his finger without even looking at Kiba.

The devils were gaping in utter shock, they could only see blurs as Kiba swung his blade trying to hit Harry while they couldn't even see Harry's arm moving.

Seeing that his assault wasn't working Kiba jumped back to gain some space and as soon as he landed on the ground he swung his sword causing a wave of red hot flames to fly toward Harry.

Harry finally turned to look at Kiba and just waved an arm dispersing the flames with a wave of wind, Kiba gaped at the ease Harry had countered his attack, Harry though was still curious about why the sudden hate towards Le Fay, so he asked "What do you have against Le Fay, I don't think she has ever met you, so why the hostility?".

Kiba frowned and glared at Harry "Excalibur... that blade took everything from me and I vowed to destroy everything connected to that accursed blade!".

Harry narrowed his eyes but then he remembered something that he found out about the church a long while ago "I see... A survivor of the Holy Sword Project, I have spoken to Gabriel about this before and even she herself was appalled that the church had allowed such a travesty to occur, however, your hatred is misplaced, it's not the sword an inanimate object who's at fault here but the people responsible, Le Fay is even less involved in all of this, she has never even seen any of the Excalibur shards, she was a mage at first but I helped her learn the way of the sword so she doesn't even use the Pendragon sword style".

Kiba though wasn't listening, at the moment he was seeing red, how dare this guy come here and speak of things he could never understand "SHUT UP! What do you know about my pain! I watched all of my friends die, I died! It was only because Rias found me that I survived!".

Harry just stared at Kiba with a disappointed look in his eyes, he remained him so much of Sasuke "You need to grow up... you blame a sword for something that was done in it's name, you hate Le Fay because her last name is connected to Excalibur, your nothing but a boy throwing a temper tantrum, it's a shame... I'm sure your friends are sad watching you be consumed by such disgusting and foolish darkness".

Kiba's eyes widen in pure unadulterated rage and in response to that anger he disappeared in a blur while summoning another sword in his other hand, with a roar he began to swing both swords as fast as he could but Harry easily dodged or parried his attacks.

As Harry kept calmly dealing with Kiba's attacks, he then spoke softly "The world doesn't revolve around you kid, there are people out there in the world that have it worse than you, at least you have a family, though it's too bad that family doesn't try to give you the professional help you need...".

With that said Harry dodged Kiba's next attack and got inside his defense, he put a palm on his abdomen and then "Hah!" with a yell Harry released a shockwave of Ki on Kiba's abdomen, sending him flying and crashing on the ground where he rolled a couple of times before stopping.

As Kiba lay on the ground he then began to cough uncontrollably, he then rolled onto his hands and knees and began to puke blood out as he continued to cough, Harry's attack had caused quite a bit of internal damage.

Rias eyes widen in worry for her Knight "Kiba! Koneko! Distract him, Akeno go get Kiba!" The rest of Rias's Peerage nodded and took off to take care of their orders.

Harry just stood there waiting silently, while all the devils were in shock at the amount of damage a simple palm strike from Harry could do.

Koneko knowing she couldn't match Harry's speed opted to instead run toward the trees surrounding the open field, Harry just stared at her and patiently waited for her to go through what she was planning.

As she rant to the tree line Koneko took a look back and watched the bored look on Harry causing Koneko to frown and as soon as she reached a tree she ripped it out of the ground and threw it as hard as she could towards Harry.

Harry just raised his eyebrow "Sigh... what an uncreative form of attacking" he then raised his hand and a small ball of wind flew out of his hand towards the tree and as soon as it hit the tree it exploded in a massive amount of wind blades that completely shredded the tree to pieces.

Koneko frowned as she watch Harry easily deal with her attack and then she decided to just bombard him with as many trees as she could.

Harry continued watching while Koneko began to throw tree after tree at him but Harry easily blasted them all to pieces.

Koneko stopped from her barrage of attacks to catch her breath and frowned at not being able to hit Harry not even once.

Harry just closed his eyes and waved his hand which was suddenly surrounded by red energy, then the tree pieces which lay on the floor suddenly transformed into giant wolves which immediately took off after Koneko whose eyes widen in shock.

Sona narrowed her eyes {What was that? That wasn't a simple transfiguration spell...}.

The wolves soon reached Koneko and lunged at her intent on tearing her into pieces, but Koneko began to fight back, though as she killed the wolves she was sustaining injuries, soon she was the only one standing but she was bleeding from multiple slashes from the Wolves and her leg was injured from a surprise bite from one of them, she turned her gaze towards Harry only to frown when she saw the unimpressed and bored look in his eyes.

Harry then raised a hand and Koneko prepare herself to dodge but suddenly Harry's eyes glowed and then he said "'Banshō Ten'in!'".

Koneko suddenly felt her body suddenly freeze and could only watch as her body flew at high speed towards his outstretched hand, Harry then caught her by the throat and spoke up "You're a yokai aren't you? Why are you not using Senjutsu or Youjutsu?".

Koneko's eyes widen in surprise at the fact that Harry was able to tell she was a yokai, as she struggled to rip Harry's grip from her neck she responded "I refuse to use those powers... I won't turn into my sister!".

Harry frowned while Koneko began to punch and kick Harry's arm as hard as she couldn't, the loud bangs from her strikes echoed throughout the open field.

As this was going on Harry was able to take a closer look into the darkness in Koneko's heart, he was surprised to see an enormous amount of fear constantly feeding it "You're afraid? Of who and what you are?.. What a waste of talent... I've seen hundreds of yokai use and practice both Senjutsu and Youjutsu and I've never seen anything that justifies your fear, I'm a Sage myself and have trained plenty of people in the sage arts what are so afraid of?".

Koneko froze and stared into Harry's eyes in fear at the fact that Harry just admitted practicing Senjutsu, Harry seeing Koneko become unresponsive let her go and she landed on her knees where she just lay there staring at Harry in horror.

Suddenly Harry raised a hand and stopped a lightning bolt, Akeno suddenly appeared flying in front of Harry, took Koneko in her arms, and took off flying back to Rias.

Harry let it happen since it seemed like Koneko's battle spirit was gone, Rias kneeled, hugged Koneko, and held her close to her while Akeno glared at Harry.

Harry just stared for a few seconds but then he suddenly spoke "Your Knight's heart is filled with hatred and anger, Your Rook's heart is being consumed by fear... why aren't you helping them? I heard that the Gremory were known for their kindness towards their peerage members, but how is letting them live like this kindness?...".

Harry pointed at the two members of Rias's peerage, Rias turned to look towards Kiba, he was trembling and crying in rage as he glared at Harry, the sight broke Rias's heart but it got worse when she turned to look towards Koneko who was being held in her arms, she was unresponsive, big fat tears falling from her eyes.

Akeno saw the pain and sadness in Rias's eyes and became angry, she then turned towards Harry and glared at him "Rias's is a great King! She saved us and gave us a family when we had nothing! Who are you to judge her!".

Harry just smiled "I'm many things but one of them is a loyal friend, I have taken care of my loved ones with everything I have, I gave them all skills, powers, and abilities they would ever need, I brought safety and success to the Yokai and our allies, I trained them all to be the strongest faction in the world, I have and always will be there for everyone I have a bond with, what else has Rias done for you all besides feeding you and giving you a home? That's just her responsibility as a King".

Harry's groups nodded and smiled, it was true, Harry has always done everything in his power to protect them and he thought them everything he could so they could protect themselves and their home in case he wasn't around, this is why everyone in Kyoto loves Harry and see him as their leader, even Yasaka treats him like he's in charge instead of her, even though he would deny it.

The devils could only stare in silence while they reflect on Harry's words, Sona just sadly stared towards Rias, she had told her plenty of times to seek help for her peerage members but she always sought to give them space instead or smother them as a mother would, thinking that time would heal their wounded hearts, but apparently, that's not true and she can see it right now, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba are broken and nothing is being done about it.

Akeno just continues to glare at Harry who seemed not to be bothered by it, Akeno then spread her devil wings and took off into the air, and Harry just followed her with his gaze.

Akeno then raised a hand towards the sky and a massive amount of lightning began to dance around her body, she then drop her hand down and shot a giant lightning bolt toward Harry who then slapped it with his hand which had blue lightning surging forth from it, a peculiar sound could be heard around the open field, it was like as if countless birds were chirping at the same time.

The devils looked in awe at how Harry had easily slapped that giant lightning bolt with just his hand, Tsubaki narrowed her eyes "That sound...and that blue lightning in his hand.. it must be vibrating at incredible speeds to cause that sound".

Sona heard her queen and nodded "Not only that but that lightning is denser... I have never seen a spell like it before".

Fu turned to look at both devils and spoke "That technique is called Chidori and it's an assassination technique".

The devil turned to stare at Fu but Sona asked "An assassination technique? But it's too loud and flashy... how does that work".

Fu giggled "Yes it is flashy and very loud but the reason that it was classified as an assassination technique is that the technique is delivered at such a high speed that it's almost undodgeable, there are only three people who have mastered this technique, the one who created, a young prodigy in the shinobi arts and Harry".

Everyone widen their eyes at this new information, meanwhile, Harry waved his Chidori-covered hand "'Chidori Senbon!'".

A barrage of countless needles made of lightning shoot forward towards Akeno, they were traveling at such high speed that she has no time to dodge, the needles hit her all over her body shocking her and making her scream as she fell to the ground where she harshly crashed.

Sona gaped and what Harry had done "He shot it! He was able to shoot such a condensed amount of lighting and shaped them at the same time!".

The devils who even with their magic being heavily dependent on their imagination couldn't believe the amount of control Harry had over his techniques, Harry's group just grinned, to them this was nothing, they have seen Harry do far more amazing things before.

Harry then began to walk towards Akeno who was having difficulty trying to stand up "Akeno Himejima the Priestess of lightning, a half fallen angel and half devil... also known as the ultimate sadist".

Akeno growled at being exposed as a half-fallen angel, Harry ignored her "I swear, fallen angels have been nothing but an annoyance to me and the Yokai faction".

Akeno stood up and glared at Harry "Don't lump me with those filthy crows, I'm nothing like them!".

Harry raised an eyebrow "The fact that you get off on causing pain is a sign that you have something in common with your race but then again I'm not surprised you have issues too, all of you seem to have problems, I don't have anything new to say about the Knight and Rook but it seems that you the Queen is drowning in self-loathing".

Akeno tried to blast Harry away with a lightning shockwave but Harry just split it in half with his Chidori and continued speaking "I heard about what happened to you through Yasaka, the Himejimas are a famous family of onmyoji after all, your quite heartless to blame your father instead of the ones who actually killed your mother... but what else can you expect from a fallen angel?".

Akeno screamed in anger and try to blast Harry with more lightning but Harry either slapped it away or cut it with his Chidori while still walking toward Akeno.

After a while Akeno stopped and began to heavily breathe from the exertion of using so much magic at once, Harry finally reached her and backhanded her with his Chidori-clad hand sending her flying shrouded in lightning and screaming in pain until she crashed against a tree.

Rias who was busy tending to both Kiba and Koneko couldn't help but to call out to her best friend and Queen "Akeno!".

Harry turned to Rias and glared at her "So? Are you done sending your servants against me? Or are you still going to keep hiding behind them?".

Rias glared at Harry and stood up, her power of destruction flared around her "You're going to pay for hurting my friends!".

Harry tilted his head "Friends? These three aren't your friends, if they were you would have helped them grow stronger, you would have sought professional help for them, just look at all of them! One drowning in hate, the other catatonic in fear, and your Queen? A sadist with scary amounts of self-loathing! You dare call them your friends! Get your head out of your ass princess!".

Rias took an involuntary step back from the sheer vitriol in Harry's voice but she didn't lose the glare on her face "Shut up! I want to help them! but I had other things on my mind! How can I help them when I can't even have my freedom!".

Harry just shook his head "Excuses, a true friend helps you no matter what but fine, I'm done speaking with you!".

Harry then wave his arm and shot a wave of blue fire at Rias who created a barrier just in time to block it, but the heat behind Harry's attack burned her skin a bit causing her to growl in pain.

As Rias was blocking the wave of flames, Harry tap the ground with his foot, a pillar of stone sprung up from the ground underneath Rias and hit her on the stomach throwing her into the air but she spread her wings to stop herself from falling in mid-air but had to immediately dodge to the side when she saw big sharp icicles fly towards her and even though she was able to dodge most of them, one still caught her on the shoulder.

Rias let out a scream of pain but quickly destroyed the icicle stuck on her shoulder with her power of destruction but the damage was done.

Harry just stared at Rias as she landed on the ground and took hold of her shoulder to try to stop it from bleeding out.

Rias looked down in anger and helplessness, she took a look around and saw Kiba still unable to move and Koneko still not responding, then she turned to where Akeno was laying but she was obviously still unconscious.

Rias frowned, it was obvious that she was on her own for now, she turned to glare at Harry and frowned when she noticed the uninterested look in his eyes, she wanted to wipe that look off his face so badly! So she began to charge all the magic she had into her hand and created a giant crimson orb with the power of destruction and shot it as hard as she could with her uninjured hand.

Harry just stared at the orb of destruction and as soon as it was close Harry caught it with his bare hand, shocking the devils.

Sona was utterly shocked at the fact that Harry caught such a condensed orb of the power of destruction without being affected at all.

Rias couldn't believe it, Harry caught her attack so easily and he seemed completely unaffected by her families bloodline too.

Harry noticed her shock and then crushed the orb "You seemed surprised... you devils think your bloodlines make you all-powerful but trust me, you're nothing compared to the true monsters out there in the multiverse, I have sparred with a God of Destruction before and your little magic is nothing compared to his power...".

Rias dropped to her knees, she had used everything she had in that attack and it did nothing to Harry "You're a monster...".

Harry just closed his eyes "To you? Perhaps but that's a lot coming from someone belonging to a race who enslaves other races to increase their numbers but then treats them as if they were scum".

Rias glared "The Gremory treats our servants like family!".

Harry opened his eyes and shrugged "You can call it whatever you want but at the end of the day they're still servants to you, they still have to do what you tell them to and they have to do it because if they don't then they'll be hunted down like animals, it doesn't matter what your family's opinion is, most devils treat their peerage members like slaves anyways".

Rias just continue to glare at Harry while Sona looked down with a frown on her face, she, of course, agrees with Harry, it's the reason she wants to open a school for anyone to learn in the future, she wanted to help change the views of the underworld.

Harry began to walk towards Rias as he began to charge white holy energy into his hand, it was so intense that all the devil's skin began to steam from its mere radiance.

Rias could only watch as Harry approached her with a ridiculous amount of Holy energy surging from his hand, she could already feel her skin begin to boil from the sheer power behind such pure white light.

However, Harry had to suddenly slap a sudden barrage of heavily condensed small orbs of power of destruction, once he finished sending all the orbs into the sky where they exploded he narrowed his eyes towards the person who dared interfere with this fight "Sirzechs Lucifer I hope you know the consequences for attacking me like that".

Sirzechs gulped but narrowed his eyes, he had to protect his sister even if meant dying at the hands of the most powerful being in this world, his only hope is that Harry wouldn't decide to kill each and every devil because of his decision to attack him "I can't let you kill Rias, I wouldn't be a good brother if I did"

Harry just glared towards Sirzechs "I've been looking for a reason to fight you, I wanted to test just how powerful a demonlord from this world is for quite a while, who could have guessed you would hand me that reason so easily and besides I wasn't going to kill her, just horribly injure her".

Rias stared toward her older brother and she was shocked to actually see him sweat and pale in fear, just how powerful is Harry Potter that he could cause the strongest devil in the world to fear him like this?

Right at this minute, she was regretting her choice to challenge Harry, she might have been desperate but the psychological and physical damage caused to her and her peerage wasn't worth it and now her brother is about to fight the monster who did all of this to them.

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