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13.63% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Capítulo 29: Chapter 29

Everyone in the room stared in shock at what Harry who had a wide grin on his face was holding in his arms, no one knew what to say, except Ereshkigal whose eyes sparkled and smiled brightly "She's so cute!".

In Harry's arms, holding her by the armpits like a teddy bear and presenting her like a hard-earned prize, was a small five-year-old girl, she had deep green eyes, red hair with golden tips and two small red feathered wings she was wearing a white one-piece dress, the small child was giving everyone in the room a rather impressive deadpan when suddenly she spoke in a soft and melodious voice "Well, this certainly is new...".

Everyone sweatdropped at her rather bland statement, while she turned towards Jean and smiled "Hmm... I guess I should call you mother?.. mommy? which one sounds better to you Jean?".

Jean stared for a moment when suddenly her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fainted in her seat, the child's eyes shined with amusement as she watch her mother's reaction, then she turned towards Harry and Ereshkigal "and I guess I should also call you father and mother?... or daddy? mom?.. hmm this is quite confusing, I can feel the energies and essence of all three of you".

Harry chuckled while Ereshkigal grabbed the tiny girl from Harry's arms and hugged her tightly " you can call me mom and Harry will be dad!" Harry nodded, and the little girl nodded while being squished by her second mother.

The X-men who were trying to help Jean recover from her fainting episode gaped at how easy Harry and Ereshkigal accepted and went along all of this, poor fools if only they knew the amount of craziness and chaos that happens around Harry on a daily basis they would understand how easy it is for Harry and the girls to accept all of this.

Tony raised an eyebrow but overall his thoughts revolved around the fact that the procedure was entirely too cool in his opinion.

Meanwhile, Milim, Jessica, and Fuu were already cooing at the small child having easily accepted her to their ever-growing family, it seems they were all excited to have a child they could treat like their own, not even caring for the fact that this small child was an ancient cosmic entity who had witnessed the creation of the universe.

Scott was downright livid, he felt cheated somehow with the presence of this child in his girlfriend's life but he didn't dare move or say anything, that child may seem harmless but something about her just spelled danger.

Professor Xavier was intrigued and impressed with the whole procedure, he had never witnessed anything like this in his long life and was thoroughly shocked that this young man was capable of creating a life with just a few things, it certainly gave proof of his status as a god but the professor wasn't sure that this was a good thing.

The little girl was enjoying the care and attention she was receiving, sure she was an all-powerful conceptual force but having lived inside Jean and having watched her life, she learned a lot about living life as a mortal, and over time she came to yearn all of what that entailed, to live a normal life meant enjoying this small moment and though she would only inwardly admit that she felt a bit embarrassed about being treated as a child, she overall didn't really care to complain about it and just let herself enjoy these new and wonderful sensations.

After a few minutes, Jean was finally able to recover and looked around in confusion for a little bit, even though she was still in shock about seemingly becoming a mother so abruptly, she could already feel herself have better control and more power than ever before, she even noticed that she can still feel the bond between herself and the Phoenix force allowing her to feel how happy and content the small child was at this moment.

The little girl must have felt Jean prodding their bond because she turned towards her and smiled at her, she wiggled her way out of the girl's arms and floated towards Jean where she sat on her lap, the moment she claimed Jean's lap as her seat, Jean hugged her and held her close out of instinct.

Jean smiled as the little girl turned her head slightly and gazed at her "I want a name, mothers and fathers always named their children, its only fair..".

Jean gaped and turned her gaze towards Harry who just smiled and shrugged causing Jean to glare at him "Sigh... a name huh?..".

The little girl nodded and waited patiently to be granted a name, meanwhile Jean closed her eyes in thought for a few moments but eventually she opened her eyes and said "Hope... your name is Hope".

The newly named Hope happily smiled causing everyone in the room to smile too, Harry grinned and said "Hope Potter... that sounds rather nice don't you think so Eris?".

Ereshkigal smiled and nodded in agreement meanwhile Jean and Hope widen their eyes in surprise, they didn't expect Harry to grant Hope his last name just like that and so they were caught off guard by his sudden decision.

Harry chuckled when he saw their reaction "Well... I did give her a body and a new life so her having my last name fits no?" he looked up in thought "I thought about how to safely remove her from you but I also wanted to give her a chance to stay around since she seemed very attached to you Jean, I just didn't expect her to consider us her parents but I don't mind and I'm sure Eris certainly doesn't" he pointed a thumb towards the brightly smiling goddess of death who was very happy to be a mom even if it is to an ancient cosmic being.

Hope nodded, while Jean smiled but Scott was frowning even harder, he didn't like any of this and he didn't want to accept the fact that his girlfriend had somehow gained a child with someone else but again he now knew better than to say or do anything in the presence of these five terrifyingly powerful beings.

Professor Xavier frowned and didn't know how to feel about all of this, he was happy that Jean was able to get out of all of this without any harm but now she had a child, a child capable of mass destruction an entity that he spent years trying to suppress in fear of the destruction that it could easily bring but now it had a body and the freedom to do as it pleases.

However the others in the room seemed to have not noticed the frowns on these two or if they did they didn't care, it didn't take long for Hope to steal the hearts of everyone else, even the grumpy Logan and the aloof Tony smiled and patted the girl on her head when she suddenly got off Jean's lap and floated around in curiosity and got close to them to investigate them closer.

Jean looked down into her now empty lap in thought "How am I going to take care of her? I'm still young myself and still going to school?".

Everyone chuckled, it seemed that Jean was already thinking like a new mother, Hope floated back towards Jean "I'm capable of taking care of myself Mommy but if it will bring you peace of mind I can stay with dad and mom, I'm sure they can take care of me too".

Jean frowned a bit, she didn't want to leave Hope by herself or just dump her onto Harry and Ereshkigal besides for some reason the thought of being far away from Hope caused her a bit of anxiety from her bond with her.

Harry must have noticed that and spoke up "I could connect a door where you live to Tony's condo, only Jean, Hope, and I plus the girls will be able to use it, that way we can come and visit whenever or if she wants to she can visit us anytime she wants".

Jean nodded liking the idea, she did blush quite a bit since it was now hitting her that she now has a daughter of sorts with Harry.

However, both the professor and Scott didn't like the idea of having these five extremely dangerous individuals come and go into their home whenever they wanted and so the professor coughed in order to catch everyone's attention and try to convince everyone that it wasn't a good idea but he forgot one important detail.

Hope is the Phoenix Force and even though she looks like a child now, she was still a very powerful cosmic force that had been sealed against her will, and because of that, she could have hurt Jean by the very same person who just annoyingly coughed which had earned him, both of her full and unadulterated hate, so the moment Professor Xavier coughed her reaction to finally noticing in the room and remembering that he was there, was to blast him with so much cosmic fire that the professor instantly exploded into ash.

The X-men gaped, Tony Stark gaped and then laughed, the girls laughed, Harry just raised an eyebrow while Ereshkigal amusingly clapped her hands, and finally Jean for some reason reacted with a gasp and a small slap on hope's hand which caused the small child to jump and tear up in surprise since she had never felt pain before "No! Hope... you can't just combust people into ash like that!".

However Jean's indignation didn't last long, the moment Hope sniffled and looked so heartbroken, Jean couldn't help herself from hugging the small child in guilt, as for the Phoenix Force this was the first time she has ever been scolded and hit by someone she cares about and honestly, she didn't like the feeling at all.

Harry just sighed and softly patted Hope's head "There, there Hope, I know you hate the professor but you have to control yourself a bit more okay?".

However Tony, Jessica, Ereshkigal, and Fuu deadpanned at Harry, while the X-men were having panic attacks with the sudden death of Professor Xavier, the mentioned girls knew very well that Harry was the type to blast anything that annoys him too much and now he was trying to teach his daughter otherwise, the hypocrisy...

Milim didn't care, In her mind, she was the type of girl to kill anyone that annoys her, and up until she met Rimuru and Harry she didn't really care how many she had killed so she didn't really understand why Jean scolded Hope, so she grabbed the small child and began to play with her hands to cheer her up.

Meanwhile, Harry's eye twitched having sensed someone thinking something completely uncalled for, and glared around trying to find who would dare to do so but he only noticed the deadpans he was receiving from Tony and three of his girls which made him sweatdrop and chuckle awkwardly.

Milim and Ereshkigal actually approved of Hope's actions, why keep something that annoys you around? To them, that didn't make any sense but so they kept trying to cheer up Hope who still looked a bit sad.

Hope however just sadly nodded towards her new daddy and Harry waved a hand all of the professor's ashes gathered and floated around Harry, he turned towards the X-men and glared causing them to jump back from the hostility showing in his glowing emerald green eyes "What you're about to see is a secret and if I find out that any of you told anyone about what you're about to witness... I'll turn you inside out slowly...".

The X-men gulped and shakily nodded, Harry glared one more time to make sure they understand he wasn't joking and suddenly went through hand signs at high speed "'Saṃsāra of Heavenly Life Technique! (Gedō — Rinne Tensei no Jutsu!)'".

Then to everyone's surprise and fear the being known in the elemental nations as the King of hell emerged from the ground and open its massive maw, Harry callously chucked the professor's ashes into the King of hell's open maw and as soon as the ashes landed inside the King of hell closed his maw and began to loudly chew.

Everyone was both disgusted and intrigued by what was happening, especially Hope who was intently watching this mysterious being, she could feel a connection to both life and death which was surprising to her since those were opposing natures, she should know since she herself was a conceptual being of life.

Suddenly the King of hell stopped chewing and spit out an alive and completely clothed professor, who landed harshly on the ground where he lay there groaning and in pain.

Tony widen his eyes in utter shock and while everyone else except Harry's group was shocked into silence, he had no problem expressing his opinion "Holy shit! You brought him back to life! Just how!?..".

Everyone watched the King of hell grin and then vanished, Harry just shrugged at Tony's question "It's just one of the the many abilities I have gained over the years, in fact, everyone in my group knows a spell or two that could bring someone back to life though they have some limitations to those spells, I myself am the only one who can bring anyone back no matter how long they have been dead nor what condition the body is, honestly you shouldn't be this surprise about this, I mean you just saw me create a body for Hope, how's that any different?".

Tony gaped at Harry but he couldn't really argue and just nodded, Milim then let go of Hope and then proceeded to once again poke the professor's groaning body with a stick, the X-men tried to recover their wits after having witnessed such an impossible event but they were certainly having a hard time doing so this caused Harry to chuckled at everyone's expression and waited patiently for everyone to calm down by taking a seat where Hope took advantage and sat on his lap and enjoyed her father's warmth as he played with her hair.

After a long, while the X-men finally calmed down and try to help a traumatized professor up to his wheelchair only for all of them to be surprised when the professor found himself able to feel his legs again and stand up, slowly he took a few steps and teared up a bit about being able to walk around.

Hope glared at the professor thinking that he didn't deserve anything but pain and suffering but Harry patted her head "It's alright Hope, let the foolish mortal have his legs, he's not important to us but he is helping a lot of people without homes or from prosecution by giving them somewhere to belong and a place to call home, he might be an ignorant fool but at least he has done some good".

Hope frowned and nodded, Jean actually smiled at their interactions and inwardly began to think that this whole situation wasn't that bad, she didn't even notice that she had completely forgotten about the fact that she has a boyfriend and that said boyfriend was glaring intensely at both Harry and Hope, but in the end, there's nothing he could do about it anyways and just silently continue to rage.


After such an impressive display of power and another warning from Harry to not never speak about this to anyone Tony had to ask "So... how is it possible for you to resurrect anyone from the dead?".

Harry was to speak but Hope beat him to the punch "It's because daddy is the master of death, he has full and total control over the concept of death, technically that makes him my counterpart while I control life and passion, daddy controls death, the soul and... chaos I believe?" she turned her gaze towards her new father and received a nod.

Harry then turned towards everyone "Yes that's right, my full title is the Dragon God of Chaos, and death and chaos have officially become my domains".

Tony nodded, while everyone looked intrigued, and somewhat afraid to have a conceptual being of death close by, but by now they knew that Harry was a good person -dragon?, god?- they didn't know what to think about his race but they knew that he was a kind and caring guy, Rogue though had a question since she had witnessed all the amazing things Harry had accomplished and decided to ask him something in hopes of him being able to help her "Errr Harry?... You have all sorts of abilities and powers right?" the X-men turned towards her in surprise, they had an idea as to why she would ask that and were rather surprised that she be willing to ask for his help when she usually very private with this particular problem.

Harry raised an eyebrow but nodded, Rogue fidgeted for a bit but eventually, she was able to gather some courage to ask what she wanted "Is there a way for you to help me with my mutation? I can't control it and because of that I can't ever touch anyone without hurting them..." she looks down and seemed to tear up in sadness.

Harry stared at her intently for a few seconds, he couldn't help but notice that she seemed to have suffered quite a bit with her issues, so deciding to help her he used his 'Observe' skill to find out what was wrong with her ability, he ignored her status and went straight to her bio.

[Name: Anna Marie aka Rogue]

[Rogue is part of a subspecies of humans called mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities.]

[Rogue possesses the mutant ability to absorb the psyche and abilities of other human beings through skin contact. Rogue can absorb the memories, knowledge, talents, personality, and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of the person she touches, as well as occasionally duplicating in herself the physical characteristics of her victim. The victim loses those abilities and memories for exactly the amount of time that Rogue possesses them.]

[This absorption usually leaves the victim weakened and sometimes renders them unconscious, their powers may also be temporarily weakened or removed, Rogue's power is constantly active, rendering her incapable of touching others without the absorption process taking place. Therefore, Rogue considers her powers to be a curse and for most of her life, she limited her physical contact with others. However, evidence suggests that Rogue's inability to control her powers is psychological in nature.]

Everyone stared in curiosity as Harry stared at Rogue, suddenly he blinked and looked down in thought for a second before speaking up "First I have to apologize, I used an ability of mine to be able to get information on your ability".

Rogue nodded, she really didn't care about that if it meant that he could help her, Harry nodded and continued "I got the details of your ability and the problem you have... it seems that the problem lies with you, your lack of control over your power is psychological in nature".

Everyone especially the professor who had just somewhat recovered from his unexpected death and resurrection -though he will have some trauma for a while- were intrigued by this news, Professor Xavier nodded and spoke up "I can help you with that Rogue".

Rogue turned towards the professor and shook her head "I'm sorry professor... but I've been with the X-men for a few years now in hopes that you could help me but until now you didn't even know the cause, I just met Harry today and he already found out what is causing my lack of control...".

That hurt the old professor but he really couldn't refute her reasoning he had failed her for quite a long time so he can't blame her for looking to others for help, Rogue turned back towards Harry "Can you help?".

Harry look at her and nodded "Yes, all I have to do is release the psychic locks you place on yourself and you should have total control of your powers, and just to make sure I'll even transfer a specific skill to you, one made specifically for control".

Rogue and the X-men smiled at this news, Harry stood up and approached Rogue and place a hand on her head, she jumped in fear of hurting him but gaped when she noticed that her power didn't work on Harry who just grinned and winked at her causing her to giggle and relax.

Harry closed his eyes and focused his telepathic ability on going through Rogue's mind and he quickly found the psychic locks around her power, they seemed to have been created by her fear, hate, and sorrow.

He focused and noticed that they were all centered around the memory of her power's awakening, it seems that upon activation she ended up hurting her then-boyfriend and sent him into a coma, this caused her to both fear and curse her power so much that she unintentionally caused the psychic locks to form, with a flex of his energy Harry dissolved the locks and granted Rogue the skill 'Perfect Control' just in case.

After all of that was done Harry's consciousness left Rogue's and he open his eyes "There all done!" he stepped back.

Meanwhile, Rogue raise her hand and stared at them for a while, she instantly knew something was different she could feel it, she looked around but Logan had beat her to the punch and had placed his hand on her head, she stared wide eye in both surprised and fear at Logan but then she noticed him grinning at her and not being affected by her power, she teared up and hugged Logan tightly as she cried in relief.

Everyone smiled, the X-men knew how much Rogue struggled with her inability to control her mutation so they were glad for her, Tony grinned and was really glad that they had met Harry who had changed the lives of many plus he certainly made things more interesting and fun.

Harry and the girls smiled, though Hope took advantage and floated up to Harry's shoulders and sat there.

Rogue let go of Logan and turned towards Harry with a tearful smile "Thank you! I know you didn't have to but you helped me anyways, I can't thank you enough".

Harry nodded causing Hope to shake a bit "You're welcome, I'm glad I was able to help".

Jean smiled and stood up "Looks like we had a long day, how about we leave and rest, we can get together tomorrow and Harry can proceed with connecting the mansion with this Mr. Stark's condo so Hope and I can visit often, of course, all of us would be happy to have you and the girls visiting too.

Hope nodded and floated off of Harry's shoulders into Jean's arms who carried her like a big doll with a big smile on her face, Harry waved his hand and a dark corridor opened up "Here, you can use this, it'll take everyone back to the mansion".

Professor Xavier raised an eyebrow "And how would you know the location of our home, I don't think anyone has mentioned it...".

He looked around and all the X-men shook their head, even Hope did so too though she did it because she was mimicking Jean.

Harry stared into Xavier's eyes and then grinned "There's nothing I can't find in the multiverse old man".

Everyone began to sweat, they knew that he was being serious and that statement was meant as a warning for them to behave especially for the professor.

After that the X-men along with Hope returned to the mansion through Harry's dark corridor, leaving Harry, Tony, and the girls alone in Tony's living room.

Ereshkigal stepped up and grabbed Harry's hand, she spoke up "Are you sure is okay to leave the professor alive? He might not be an exact double of Dumbledore but one wrong step and he might end up walking the same path as that fool".

Harry nodded "It's okay, I checked his heart and even though there's some conflict, there isn't any darkness in it, he just has a very naive way of thinking and he's quite arrogant but he seemed to take all of this as a lesson though he's not thrilled that we'll be spending time in his mansion with the X-men, he's very scared of us and of Hope".

Ereshkigal nodded while Milim glomped Harry's back "Well too bad! I like our new friends plus they were fun to play with! I know! We should train them so they can bring even more fun next time we play!".

Harry chuckled at Milim's words, she seemed to have taken a liking to the X-men, Fuu though spoke up with a frown "That Cyclops guy is going to be a problem I just know it!".

Jessica nodded "Yes... he was frowning and glaring at Hope like she stole something from him".

Harry nodded once again "I noticed but if Hope doesn't kill him first, I think one of us will, either way, I really don't care about some idiot whose only importance is his ability to shoot some weak lasers from his eyes".

Everyone chuckled for a bit and Tony asked a question after that "So what are you going to do next Harry".

Harry turned his gaze towards Tony and grinned "Well first, can you make sure that this stays private? If Shield has been looking into the X-men then I don't want the fact that I know them to come out not yet anyways" Tony nodded, he was already planning on doing so anyways and since it would piss off Nick Fury then he was more willing to do so.

Harry smiled "Then I have a Helicarrier to use as a bed and then tomorrow I'm going to the Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters with Ereshkigal, I have a daughter to spend time with!".

Everyone smiled fondly since Harry seemed so excited about becoming a father, they knew that deep inside all Harry had ever wanted was a family and he has been building a big one, but if someone were to look closely they would notice a sinister gleam in the girls' eyes who were already making a plan for later in the future.

Poor Harry had no idea how his already crazy life would become so much crazier in the future but we all know that in the end, he won't really care.


~Ancient one's inner sanctum.~

The Ancient one just recovered from a very near-death from heart attack when she felt another powerful being emerging out of nowhere, this time however she instantly recognized it having felt its presence before.

However knowing what it was was the source of her current panic attack and near-death by heart attack, she even let out some very impressive swear words in so many different languages, some that were already forgotten and lost to time that if anyone would have heard her would have applauded in sheer awe.

Though right now that wasn't important, no what she needed to do first is have a very heavy alcoholic drink and then think what to do about the fact that the Phoenix Force was on earth doing who knows what.

Poor Ancient one, at this pace she won't live to choose her successor, hopefully, she makes it.


Meanwhile, Death was squealing in delight, her beloved master has an adorable daughter now and she was her counterpart to boot.

She found it amusing that the master of death had become the father of the aspect of life and passion so she decided to award something really special to her master the next time he gets a quest.

She raised her pale hand and open it, right in her palm lay a tiny glowing orange gem.


(Timeskip, the next morning.)

Nick Fury wasn't a morning person, everyone in Shield knew that their boss needed at least two cups of coffee before anyone can approach him safely.

This morning wasn't any different, Nick got up, did his morning routines, made himself a cup of coffee, and got ready to start a new day.

However his morning and day are about to be ruined, as soon as he arrived at the command room of Shield's Helicarrier, he immediately knew something was wrong.

His first clue was the anxious and nervous looks that his crew were giving him, his second clue was the amused grin present on his trusty personal aid, Maria Hill, his last and more evident clue was that they were still on the ocean instead of flying over it.

So Nick Fury had to ask what was going on but he really didn't want to, his highly honed instincts were telling him that he wasn't going to like the answers he got but like any good soldier, he squared his shoulders, stood up straight and walked towards a still amused Maria Hill.

Maria had watched her boss brace himself and thus she was having a hard time not laughing, Nick Fury raised an eyebrow at her and spoke up "... can you tell me why we haven't taken off?".

Maria actually grinned and answered his question "because we can't, we're over the weight limit for the Helicarrier to be able to take off safely".

Now Nick Fury was a very responsible boss and so he knew exactly what was on board and how much every piece of equipment weighed so he stared right into Maria's eyes "and why the hell are we over the weight limit? I know for a fact that we weren't even close to the limit last night...".

Alarms went off in his head when Maria actually snorted as if trying to drown a laugh but she somehow recovered and was able to answer "Well sir, we seem to have received a late-night visit during our maintenance check and this visitor seemed to have decided that the Helicarrier made for a nice and comfy bed".

With that said Maria stepped out of the way and Nick Fury was able to see the monitor behind her, to his ever-growing annoyance he watched as Harry fucking Potter in his big ass dragon form was peacefully snoring on the deck of the Helicarrier and was actually using three of the jets there as pillows, he could even see some of his agents taking goddam selfies with a sleeping Harry {Is that Natasha?... what is she doing with that laser}.

As matter of fact, Black Widow aka Natasha Romanova was trying to get one of Harry's shiny golden scales and failing to do so.

Now all of the agents around the command room were sweating and worried as their boss stared at the monitor in silence for what seemed like an eternity.

Maria was trying really hard not to laugh but you could tell she was internally doing so if the shaking of her body was any proof.

After a while, Nick Fury only had one thing to say about all of this "Motherfucker!".

Everyone in the command room winced at the volume of their boss's swear and had to actually hold him when he tried to go to the armory and grab one of the many rocket launchers inside.

He was completely and totally willing to blast the goddamn lizard in the asshole and he didn't care about the consequences anymore.

It was this scene that Clint witnessed as he was passing by, the fact that Nick Fury was dragging five agents and Maria in his anger was a rather impressive sight to see.


On the deck, Harry slept peacefully but he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction which impressed the agents around him now that his amazing sets of fangs were fully showing.

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