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95% ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse / Chapter 19: AKASHIC RECORDS


!!!!!Archer POV!!!!

Silenced reigned supreme between both of the warriors as several questions was firing in both of their minds.

How does such knowledge be available to Edem? Was there a hidden plot going on between Alaya and Gaia?

What does Christianity and Hinduism have to do with all of this and how does it tie to the end of earth?

Archer remembers the moment he was sent here he was bombarded with information about a certain timeline and some abilities when the one who declared himself the "CREATOR" sent him here.

There was one parting message when he was having his consciousness fading away.


That itself was a foreboding message when these last words echoed through his head.

Not to mention a timeline that was not mentioned to a counter-guardian like time.

It would be similar to a LOSTBELT he visited with Ritsuka.


A timeline separated because of the ritual of the near future.

The Ritual to resurrect the Dark Six.

Not much information was given by Alaya during his mission but one thing he can be sure of.

The moment that ritual was to be prepared all of the counter-guardians under Alaya was deployed.

Sometimes He and his fellow counter-guardian would be able to stop it but the Beast IV Primate murder would be sure to stop them in their tracks which are counter guardians of Gaia.

There are several beasts he can list off that he had nightmares fighting against.

If Alaya was the Will of humanity, Gaia was the Will of the World to survive my any means necessary.

Even of Humanity needs to be annialated.

The Beats of Gaia are unleashed to fight against the forces that would end the planet.

Alaya was hush hush on why they have to continue this cycle and why humanity has not progressed yet to be not foolish enough to destroy their own home. But it is still a mystery.

What transpired in the Land of Steel for both him and Edem a super-soldier of the future to be teared away from the timeline?

If the world was in danger surely Atlas and Wandering Sea would put a stop to the end of the world in the future.

Going as far to remove the feared "Seven Taboos" of Atlas.

The it hit Archer.

!!!!!!End of POV!!!!

Archer: Edem are you the product of the "SEVEN TABOOS" of Atlas.

Edem: ...….

 Edem looked towards Archer looking through his eyes peering towards his soul to see his intent, after some time with continued silence that stayed between the two Edem moved his eyes away and focused forward towards the sky his eyes fixed on the horizon as if he could see beyond the vast expanse of space itself. The weight of the revelation he was about to share hung heavy in the air.

"Archer," he began, his voice steady and resolute, "there are secrets within the heart of Atlas that even the most astute minds of this world have never fathomed."

Archer turned to him, his eyes narrowing in curiosity. "Secrets?" he queried, his voice tinged with both intrigue and caution.

"Indeed," Edem confirmed, his gaze unwavering. "The Ten superweapons of Atlas." Later named as Ten Commandments.

Archer's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Ten Commandments?"

Edem nodded. "The first is the Black Barrel, a creation of artificial True Ether. It is a force beyond mortal comprehension, capable of rending reality itself." It works to study the conceptual idea phenomenon of science of the fifth theoretical element. The main idea of the Ether to store and retain information and maybe override it.

Archer's eyes widened, a mixture of awe and apprehension settling over him. Do you know the blue prints of the weapons of Atlas?

Archer had trepidation of such weapons running around throughout the universe with an army of soldiers. Such thoughts are terrifying. He remembers his time at the fifth lost belt and how a pseudo modified barrel can do to a chief God like Zeus. Edem having such weapon is concerning.

Edem: Not like I can wield it, Being like me who has his whole body made of Grain or otherwise decaying true ether from Gaias dead body, the black barrel is poisonous to me. Only one being was able to wield it. A being who I have come to respect. A man who stood fearlessly against a monster who can drive even me mad. But with this new body I think I will not be affected. Hence my dilemma to check what was done to my body.

Archer: What happened to your body?

Edem: Soon Archer after we enter the Akashic records we can see what was done to me.

Archer: Huh? Does that really mean-

Anyways Edem continued, "The second lies hidden within the very heart of Atlas - Longinus. It is a spear of unimaginable power, waiting to be called forth."

Archer had a disbelieving expression and a look of frustration as the topic was shifted. The he found something amiss. Why would the Holy spear wielded by sir percival be present in the era where mystery died out.

Archer: Shouldn't the Holy Spear be taken away by God?

Edem: Apparently not but after the ritual of Aylsebury Valesti it became a piece of metal as connection between mystery was permanently cut off from the death of Gaia.

Archer: Just what more did Atlas hide from the world.

Edem: There are many artifacts from the ruins of the supposed Atlantis after Velber did a number on it. I am not sure what the list was but I am sure Kronos sickle and trident may be there in pieces after. Even Hephaestus great weapon Marmyadose.

Archer did a double take.


Archer remembered it was a work of art even though he cannot copy such divine construct he as a counter guardian had such knowledge of such weapon. A weapon that can be said on far of Excalibur. He only had a glimpse around Castoria when he cooked her a meal.

Edem: Lets continue on I'll discuss this in detail later.

"The third," Edem went on, "is a colossal satellite weapon, harnessing the very rays of the sun to unleash a devastating blow. It wields the power of stars." It was made with help of Animusphere family. Artificial solar crystals were used as a base along with Astrology. It was used during 2062 aiming at the layers of Dead apostoles. It was code named Brionac Trident.

Archer's breath caught in his throat the conceptual power stars. Then a sudden memeory comes to his memory. During one of his missions. The time when Altrouge Bruenstud and her followers were trying to get inside Wnadering sea. He remembers a sudden beam of light from afar while Alaya sent him to clean up per usual for any witnesses. He though a nuke was launched but it was a satellite weapon.

Edem pressed on, "The fourth, a ship designed to sail the celestial seas. It houses a fusion reactor that propels it through the cosmos." Conceptual red mercury was used as fuel to propel it toward the stars. Project Stardust was the plan if Earth was invaded again by beings like Velber to escape the planet. It did not came into fruition as six sisters did all in their power to exterminate humanity to their best of ability and their escape shooting any craft down with magic.

Edem shuddered at the memory of the sixth sister judgement and her subjugation. Her ability and application of the fourth magic and the Astronomy magecraft was gut wrenching. Raining meteors and ray of sunlight by harnessing the power of constellation. A hard battle that split the continent.

Archer's mind raced, trying to process the magnitude of these revelations. "A ship... among the stars."

Edem's voice grew more somber, "The fifth is a weapon of cataclysmic potential. Missiles, armed with fusion materials and red mercury and white mercury, that can birth a black hole.". Mainly for dealing with outer Gods as they are beings made of Imaginery numbers space. 

Edem: It was good use for Humanity to fend of six sisters especially the Eldest of the Six sisters Known as Rebirth. Using the application of First Magic to birth Phantasmal species. Especially the beats form the past and Primate murder. I remember those days when me and My commander Mafty troias had lost limbs trying to fight the phantasmal species of the past.

Archer: Now that I remember you mentioned the name of Mafty Troias when you spoke to the artificial intelligence or the soul you were talking to. Was he your commander of the Knights.

Nostalgic memory of the time with his fellow Knights came to the mind. Times when they were fighting together side by side. A mentor, Guardian, Protector, cunning warrior.

And a Good Friend.

Edem closed his eyes trying not to remember the painful memories that came after. The pain of losing the pillar of his support as a Knight, the encouragement and the Betrayal.

If only he was not held back.

Edem looked at archer and gave a look of discontent.


Archer shut his mouth realizing he broached a sensitive topic, he was biting more than he could chew so he shut it off and changed the Topic. 

Archer: The sixth?

"And the sixth," Edem continued ignoring his earlier outburst, "a machine capable of manipulating the very fabric of time itself and send information to parallel realities of earth. The Wizard Marshel had a hand to develop the time machine to send information of the future across realities. Probability filter of sort to make sure Earth stays on the path to survival. A time travelling machine of a kind.

Archer messaged his head, rembering that vampire is a headache. 

Edem's gaze bore into Archer's. "And then there is the hidden eighth - a concept of human evolution through alchemy and mystery. A path to forge a superior breed of humanity." I was not able to access the files while I was sealed before that. It was mostly a project studying chimera to see the conceptual existence of every species and their DNA. Mostly Dealing with Spiriton particles to override the concept of human limitations through their genes. 

So, you can say I was the product of the Eight Superweapon making Artificial super bioweapon. There was nanomachines to edit and rewrite DNA and diseases. Some I need to make after I learn the changes done to me by the omniscient beings without my consent.

Archer took a step back, the weight of the knowledge pressing down on him. But suddenly he found a hole was found in the explanation. If a machine was made by the Wizard Marshal to filter timelines through reality why did the wizard marshal let a tragedy happen to Edem.

Archer: Edem if there was machine that can be used to send information through time would not the destruction of the timeline be stopped?

Edem: Ever heard of pruning?

Archer: Aah!

Archer remembered how failed timelines get axed as he as a counter guardian has experienced such phenomenon. 

Gaia and Alaya removing timelines where humanity has gone to shit, painful memories he kept locked away now resurfacing.

Archer: ????

Suddenly Archer realized a discrepancy in his memories. 

How did he know about pruning and orders he cannot remember. Sure, he locked away painful memories as a killing machine but not the knowledge as a counter-guardian about the machination of a Alaya and her orders. He would remember horrifying acts done by Alaya with the other guardians, but why is he remerging this now? Killing millions to save billions. How many billions were killed for it. He would surely kill his past to not experience and look at this horror. So why was he remembering now? If he saw this he would have definitely killed his past self as he was convinced Alaya was the devil who played with Human lives

Edem: So, you realize the chains that were binding you.

Archer: ???

Archer: What do you mean by that?

Edem: Alaya declared herself as the will of humanity but don't you wonder if humanity is controlling her for their survival or her who is in control of the reigns?

Archer took a gulp as his throat dried up.

Archer: Are you telling me I was manipulated.

Edem: Why else do you think I was chained in a loop to fight a beast that was invited by the will of the planet forever. Alaya is a lie a being existing in the nonosphere of the realm of consciousness. Humanity controlled as puppets form the monsters of their own making. Slaves to their desires. Not the first time I saw this happen. A collective mesh of ignorance manipulated to be stripped away from their path of evolution, all for what? Humanity's survival or her survival?

Edem: Killing Millions to Save Billions but for our case in is Killing Billions to Save Millions. Greatest lie one can propagate through humanity. In the end there is one man standing at the edge of Earth looking over the consequences of Humanities savage nature and ignorance of their actions. 

Or should I say consequences of false Gods.

Edem's expression darkened. 

Archer's voice trembled, "How do you know of all this?"

Edems looked over with a blank expression as he stopped the armored tank in front of an open expanse of a field. 

Edem: Shall we observe ourselves the truth hidden in the Akashic Records.

Archer: What lies in the Akashic records is the proof of the words you told me?

Edem: Yes, I will show you the lie the Invader Gaia and Alaya has propagated through history.

Archer: Are you sure you want to defy primordial beings who can control reality itself.

Edem: The shall we make a bet.

Edem looked at Archer with a confident expression.

Archer: What bet.

Edem: A bet if I can make a Great old one like a primordial BLEED.

Archer: ...…..

Archer has a horrifying inkling of what Edem was trying to do and how Edem was able to see through the truth.

Archer: You are connected to the Akashic Records like Shiki Ryougi?

With a jog of memory Archer remembered the mission to kill people who are connected to the root.

Edem: More than that Archer, I have become more than that. The will of the Guradian who was preotecting the Akashic Records of the Reality we were in cannot stop me know. All the Knowledge and power of the concepts are mine to take.

Archer contemplated to just Kill Edem right here and there but he held his thoughts. If he could gauge Edem's goal from the conversation he finally figured it out.

Archer: It is not too late to turn back Edem, if you do what I think you are trying to do you would be killing Trillions or even more.

Edem: What's the difference?

Archer: WHAT?

Edem: Alaya and Gaia is using Human Order's overwhelming data for their own gains leeching off as a parasite. What I will so is liberate them from the hands of Tyrants!!! Who plays God with Humanity. Taking away their free will. Is it wrong for me to liberate humanity form the cusp of an eldritch abomination! Who took over the mind of the planet!

Archer: What do you mean taking over the mind of the planet?

Edem: Come with me Shirou Emiya, I will show you what Alaya and Gaia truly are and so are the so-called Gods and the power built on lies!

Edem Kicked the armored door breaking away as it was thrown to the lush land and got outside.

Archer quickly got out of the vehicle and followed Edem who was ran to the field.

Archer: Come back here Edem! We are not done talking. Even if it is true humanity is being under the foot of an God, how are we so different if we try to decide for them. If not for Gaia we would not be able to stop outer-gods who try to enter our universe! 

Edem who was standing on the field trying to imagine a magic circle to make to make for entering the Akashic records snapped at those words and turned around.


Archer stopped on his tracks as this question stuck on his head.

Why do they come.

For destruction? For devouring humanity?

But why would they do that?

Archer knew Gods and divine spirits form Chaldea and all them especially Gilgamesh do things they do with a motive. A goal to accomplish or to hoard for themselves.

What would outer-gods and beings like type need form earth?

Edem: Aah! Now you have come to senses have you not Archer? Why even though the Age of Gods that have ended such horrifying acts like the Alien God form your memories I have seen will conduct to wipe away human order?

Edem: Think Archer Think! I can read your memories using fourth magic and even I know what is happening. Why cannot you see the obvious machinations and manipulations!

Archer closed his eyes and slowly summed up the conversations in his head as he combined the pieces of the puzzles. The realization he came to was horrifying too horrifying. But with no solid proof and information and investigation he cannot surely act on such words.

Archer: If what you say is true then all my life.

Edem: What? A lie? Well so was mine. Now help me make this magic circle to enter Akasha. Then you will see the "TRUTH" I am speaking of. This was set up Archer. The fate and destiny and this power. It is me who is going to end this cycle of lie.

Archer: Fate? Do you think all of the power you have is a divine right of fate? All the true magic that was given to you even the sixth magic. You do realize what you can become and will become. You might as well become a beast of humanity. Step back Edem forget about Gaia and Alaya and live a normal life. Forget the mission and abandon the mission we were given. Because every path to hell is paved with good intentions. 

Edem: It is too late for that Archer. If I cannot escape the threads of Fate, I won't be truly free to choose. I cannot abandon this miracle. 

Archer: Why?

Edem's eyes gleamed with intensity. "Because I was meant to wield them." I was meant to be the final beast itself.

Archer's heart pounded. "You?"

Edem: Yes, Archer what beast do you think takes and takes and never gives back. Like virus multiplying.

Archer had no words and closed his eyes as felt resignation.

Archer: Humans. The final beast is the culmination of humans. So that is what you are. An experiment of Alaya to be a Beast. A Human beast of Greed, Gluttony and Pride.

Edem nodded, his voice filled with resolve. "But I've chosen a different path. I will not be the instrument of destruction. 

Archer swallowed hard, the weight of the responsibility settling heavily upon him. "And what of the mission.

Edem's eyes narrowed, a shadow of distrust flickering across his features. 

Edem: I don't care. Even if these miracles were taken from me, I can just recreate them. It is my right through sacrifice that I got to Akasha and I can start form scratch. Even if these miracles were not given to me I could always obtain one form Akasha. The power I have would be enough as I originally opened a hole with my own power and some help.

Archer: If that is your decision, I will follow through but if Fate is truly playing us then we will surely arrive at the pivotal point of existence.

Archer: I will support your endeavour but first you will have to change Edem. You must learn the most important knowledge that Akasha cannot provide you.

Edem: What is that?

Archer: To be Human.

Silence passed through with winds blowing across the green plane of the untouched field where humans have not arrived yet.

The rays of sun receding and igniting as clouds passed by as Edem stood shocked.

A question he never asked himself all this time.

Was he Human?

Was his soul Human?

What does it mean to be human?

Edem's lips quivered.

What does it mean to live as a Human?

All his life he was a weapon but now he has a choice to explore and know himself and humanity across reality.

Edem looked at Archer with a vulnerable gaze.

Edem: Do you know what it means to be human?

Archer: No, but we can find out together. Let's travel and look around. There are things to be explored and for me to have a vacation. Think things through as well as clearing your head.

Edem: Vacation?

Archer: To be free of ones responsibility and relax and let go. We have all the time in all of Creation. Let's think things through Edem. You missed the most important fact that we are not slaves anymore with no fixed timeline for out mission. Explore yourself in this time. Let go of that agitation of battle as there will always battles to be fought. You are free.

Edem shoulders relaxed as he looked towards the clear blue sky.

The realization came too late but he finally had an breakthrough.

He was free to do what he wanted.

He was not bound by anything.

No laws to hold him except for ones that are not present in the reality where Gods exist.

A ghost of a smile came to Edem's face.

He was free of the horrors that he had to face over and over again.

Archer looked at Edem and saw his reasoning worked with all the psychological manipulations he learned in his line of work.

With this he would not have to work with a living time bomb.

Edem fell on this back as he looked at the clear blue sky taking over the smell of grass and nature.

The rich smell of soil and clean air with no pollution of grain.

It was freedom.

Free will he did not have.

Even if it is an Illusion of Free Will it was not bad to live on it.

Edem soon heard footsteps as he saw the steel eyed man looking at him with a smirk that irked him.

A frown made way to Edems face.

Archer: So, what will you do now.

Edem stared blankly at the sky as he though about the goal of checking the changes of his body. But his most important goal.

Edem: I need to get my sword back.

Archer: Huh?

Edem: But before that I need to check my bodies Spiriton Information to check the changes done to it. I now realize I accepted the deal at the heat of the moment, I was tricked. I am no one's pawn. I will cut the chains that bind me.

Archer: So, you will go to the Akashic records to obtain the information. Now that I rememeber you did not tell me about the last two Commandments.

Edem: Kardashev Formula.

Archer: ????

Edem got up form his back and looked at Archer with a determined gaze and purpose.

Edem: Type Sigma Civilization.

Edem's eyes glazed over a he spoke those words as it was an order.

Edem: That;s it!

Edem got up on his feet with a smile on his face.

Edem: Archer I know what I need to do and I need your help more than ever.

Archer: I don't like where you are going with this.

Edem: Evolution Archer Evolution! That's what I need Archer! Not some flimsy miracles!

Edem: Help me make the magic circle to go to Akasha. If I can achieve the formula of Kardashev, we can escape the chains of fate.

Archer: Hold on who is Kardashev?

Edem gave blank look to Archer.

Edem: just help me make the Magic Circle.

Edem opened his palm and gathered mana on it his eyes glazed over having unknown letter going through it.

Then a slow hum and glow came to his palm and opened it.

Archer felt the pressure and familiar feeling.

He experienced it before.

Edem looked over the prism he made in his hand and admired it.

Archer eyes popped out as realized the element in Edem;s hand.

Archer: IS THAT!

Edem: True Ether.

Archer's world will forever change with this knowledge.

Edem: Now help me make a gate.

Edem then conjured a paper with a complex magic circle drawn on it.

Edem: Here.

Edem handed the paper to Archer.

Archer looked it over and gave a sigh.

Archer: This is going to take hours to carve.

Edem: I'll make an even plane.

Edem with a wave of his hand made a square platform.

Edem: Now let's get to work.

Archer with a sigh relented, he was also excited. Who would have thought as a third rate magus he would enter the Akashic records.

Archer projected a chisel and a hammer.

Archer: Let's start.

Edem: I'll make more prisms and set them over the focal points, we will match it with the constellations of the stars.

Archer: So that's why those focal points are for.

!!!!!!Seven hours later!!!!!

A blue magic circle with blue color was glowing ready to be unleashed towards a door of the void.

Archer: Are you sure I need to come.

Edem: As long as you do not stray far from me you will be fine, if you stary far you will be swept up by the storm of data.

Archer: Are you going you going to show me the truth you were speaking of earlier.

Edem: No Archer now that I realized that the concept of truth is one that was realized and forged by the one who acknowledges it. Lies can become Truth and Truth can become lies. It is the Idea that matters.

Archer: What is your Idea of Truth?

Edem: The truth that I forge with my own hands.

Archer: Using yourself as an anchor to open a path to the root. Are you okay for you soul to far away from your body unprotected.

Edem: My body is my soul, Archer.

Archer: Yeah, materialization of soul got it, third magic stuff.

Archer: So do you need a chant?

Edem closed his eyes and reched deep with the connection to the Akshic records.









A huge pillar of light shot through space with pulse of magic spreading through earth and through the cosmos.

And further away towards the edges of realities and universes.

All has known the Gates of Akasha had opened.

Signaling for the storm and the end that has yet to arrive.

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