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69.84% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 44: Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame

Capítulo 44: Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame

Chapter 44 Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame

POV Isamu

"Cookie Bim!" I exclaim happily as the timer on my exploding cookie hits 0 and it explodes epically taking Kamui Woods by surprise who is propelled backward along with an unconscious Twice.


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The Cookie Bim It is a small but powerful explosive cookie, which counts down from 10 seconds until it detonates. It can only be activated through my fingerprint and the Cookie Bim timer can also be set to any second after activation.

With this little explosive disguised as an innocent cookie, timing is important in tactical use.

For obvious reasons... It's not edible!

Immediately after the explosion, a robotic frog jumps out of my backpack and begins to sneak toward the unconscious Twice, while I continue to charge toward Kamui Woods with my chainsaw and robotic tentacles suspended protectively above me.

The radius of the explosion was calculated in advance by me to avoid hurting Twice and briefly stunning Kamui Woods, thus affecting his quirk control and accuracy.

"Child Emperor!" Kamui Woods exclaims throwing Twice to the side before placing both hands on the ground and again spreading his roots and pieces of wood underground trying desperately to catch me.

However, the roots that begin to emerge from the ground around me do so several meters from me, so they fail to catch me. This is because I find myself zigzagging and any roots or pieces of wood that get close enough to me are cut into many pieces by my powerful electric saw.

At this, Kamui Woods's eyes widen in shock, surely asking himself how it is possible that I can predict his movements... The answer is very simple.

*** Note 22: Kamui Woods' accuracy can be severely affected if his opponent is on the move. Therefore, the most effective way to catch an opponent on the move is to predict where he will be next unless the opponent is following an erratic or unpredictable pattern... ***

I have to admit that my big brother did an excellent job with his extensive analysis, therefore… I know every move of Kamui Woods and even the ones he doesn't! Hah!

If my air cannons weren't overheated, this would be as simple as pointing my fingers at his arms and legs… I guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way.

"Let's play catch!" I exclaim cheekily throwing one hand into the air before pointing directly in his direction and clenching my fist causing my robotic tentacles to lunge at him as my chainsaw rips apart the oncoming roots.

Immediately after, Kamui Woods performs a backflip, as my robotic tentacles crash to the ground not far from him before planting his feet back on the ground and resuming his attack. However, as I get closer to him, his accuracy starts to improve considerably, so it's only a matter of time before he catches me.

Then a small misstep of mine caused a root to emerge from the ground below me and instantly wrap around my ankle and lift me abruptly headfirst into the air.

"Whoa! Haaaa!" I exclaimed, hanging upside down in the air and waving my hands before my pack hit the ground, automatically disabling the automatic control of my defenses and thus retracting the robotic tentacles along with the electric saw.

Following this, the roots quickly wrap around my arms and legs partially immobilizing me as Kamui Woods snorts in relief audibly but still keeps his guard up before making a slight wave of his hand causing me to drop to my knees on the ground.

"Hey! That hurts...Baka!" I complained childishly before looking away at Twice who was still unconscious not far from me. Even if my arms and legs are immobilized I will never give up, I will fight tooth and nail if necessary… And I can still move my fingers!

"Finally...Your reign of terror is over." Kamui Woods whispers looking at me intensely, while many hero voices are heard in the distance getting closer and closer to us and I can even make out Muscular's screams along with some rumbles in the distance.

"This is the end of the game, Child Emperor… And you have lost." He says with a slight chuckle of pride causing my breathing to become erratic and my little heart to start beating rapidly.

Am I going to lose? I am the GM of this game!

So, I clench my teeth hard trying to contain this feeling that quickly spreads throughout my little body until finally I couldn't resist anymore and started laughing out loud.

All this while I was watching my robotic frog or better known as Ribbit Ribbit Mask jumping and attaching itself to Twice's face before reconfiguring itself into a gas mask.

At this, Kamui Woods's gaze quickly goes to the unconscious Twice who now has a frog-shaped gas mask covering his face.

Twice has been successfully secured… It is time to start the propagation.

This causes Kamui Woods' eyes to widen before looking at me intently as he connects the dots and realizes the situation. "Don't tell me you…" is all he says, taking a couple of steps back in shock before being interrupted by me.

"He who laughs last laughs best!" I exclaim cheekily with a crooked grin behind my gas mask before winking at him and snapping my fingers. "TA TA TA TAAAAA!"

*Command recognized…*

*Main system damaged… Starting secondary system.*

*Secondary system up and running and executing commands... All hidden containers have been successfully destroyed.*

*Gas propagation in process.*




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Then a wonderful and unstoppable symphony spread throughout the forest.


POV Third Person

In the medical camp.

"We need more bandages!"

"My arm is broken!

"More injured heroes keep coming!

"My leg is broken too!"

"We have to finish evacuating the injured to nearby hospitals." An officer with medical expertise exclaims, applying first aid to an unconscious Hawks.

"This is a mess… A fucking mess." Eraser Head snorts with his arms crossed as he looks at a group of unconscious heroes in front of him, Present Mic and Midnight are among them.

"Has anyone seen Bubble Girl? We got separated in the woods when perverted tentacles emerged from the bushes and attacked us." Ms. Joke asks scratching her head nervously, now wearing a new spare uniform due to the old one disbanding after falling into one of Child Emperor's traps.

"Move aside you weaklings, I can still fight!" Mirko exclaims pushing away some officers who were trying to stop her as she is covered in bandages on different parts of her body before starting to limp towards the exit of the med camp under the gaze of some heroes and officers.

"Everyone be quiet!" Ragdoll exclaims in wide-eyed panic after sensing something very strange with her Quirk while she was monitoring a group of heroes not far from the med camp. This immediately draws the attention of most of the heroes and officers present causing a couple of seconds of silence.

Given this, a very characteristic sound coming from the outskirts of the camp reached the ears of all the heroes and officers, causing much confusion and uncertainty. The sound was getting louder which meant that whatever was affecting the heroes on the outskirts of the camp... Now, it was coming towards them.

"Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all." Ms. Joke stammers backing up a couple of steps before swallowing a lump in her throat.

"Problem child... what have you done now?" Eraser Head whispers with his heart racing and narrowing his eyes in the direction of Mirko who stops abruptly in the distance holding her stomach and beginning to tremble at the same time as a strange green gas began to spread rapidly throughout the medical camp.

This strange green gas quickly spread throughout the Forest of Chaos, affecting every human being who inhaled it...

Then Mirko began to laugh out loud uncontrollably.

"Don't breathe the gas! HAHAHA!" Ragdoll exclaims with wide eyes before starting to laugh uncontrollably alongside other nearby heroes and policemen who had tried to escape the gas to no avail.

"I can not stop! HAHAHA!" Mirko exclaims, dropping and writhing on the floor as she holds onto her stomach and laughs non-stop.

Even the unconscious heroes woke up abruptly in a very confused and terrified state before starting to laugh out loud uncontrollably.

"Shota! HAHAHA! Help me!" Present Mic exclaims lying on his makeshift stretcher laughing non-stop as, next to him, Midnight and Sir Nighteye also wake up abruptly and start laughing with horrified expressions on their faces.

At this, Eraser Head takes a few steps back with wide eyes, covering his mouth and nose to avoid inhaling the gas as all the heroes and officers around him laugh out loud. However, his cheeks swell and he falls to his knees as his body begins to shake before looking up at the sky and letting out a strange suppressed laugh.

"HA~HA~HA." He laughs holding his stomach tightly trying in vain to suppress his embarrassing laughter which causes Present Mic to lose control of his quirk and let out a powerful sonic laugh into the sky.


At the top of a cliff, Pixie-Bob's eyes widen abruptly before holding her stomach and beginning to laugh out loud, completely terrified of what is happening, while Ectoplasm writhes on the ground chuckling weakly.

"Wash! Wash-ash-ash!" Wash laughs his way, unwittingly releasing lots of soap bubbles everywhere.

In another location not far from the huge dome of land, Muscular was lying on the ground, hitting the ground hard and making his surroundings tremble while he laughs uncontrollably loud and without having the slightest idea why his shorts are now wet.

"I give up! MUAHAHAHA! Stop this! HAHAHA!" He exclaims deliriously before beginning to hit his head against the ground trying desperately to stop laughing out loud.

On the outskirts of the Forest of Chaos, David Shield along with a group of heroes and policemen who had withdrawn in time listened with astonishment and fear to the laughter of dozens of heroes still trapped inside the forest.

"The beginning of the end has begun." A hero whispers falling to his knees before tearing his hero license into many pieces under the serious gaze of Best Jeanist, who has a sling on one of his arms.

While all of this was taking place, Kamui Woods was now on his knees shaking uncontrollably and holding his stomach right in front of Child Emperor who broke free from the roots that immobilized him when Kamui Woods lost control of his quirk.

"What have you done?" It's all Kamui Woods can say with wide eyes before gritting his teeth as his cheeks swell.

"Aren't you listening?" Child Emperor asks with a slight smile, putting his backpack back on and turning his back on the hero as he begins to walk to the center of the makeshift battlefield now devoid of trees.

Immediately after, he raises both hands in the air theatrically as a small smile of pride spreads behind his gas mask before he begins to wave his arms and hands as if he were the conductor of an orchestra.

It was at that moment, that Kamui Woods understood... he understood that Child Emperor was conducting a symphony and he together with all the others were just his instruments on this twisted stage...

…And no one could stop that.

Then, Kamui Woods lost hope and laughed uncontrollably joining dozens of heroes and policemen scattered throughout the Forest of Chaos, thus forming part of a magnificent and terrifying Chaotic Symphony conducted by Child Emperor.

A chaotic Symphony that will remain etched in the hearts and minds of all involved for the rest of their lives as the Child Emperor continues to wave his hands energetically back and forth enjoying the show to the fullest.








"Somebody save Me! HAHAHA!"


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What began as an operation to subdue Hydra and capture the Child Emperor quickly morphed into one of the most disastrous and chaotic failures for heroes in decades...with catastrophic consequences.

Consequences that would mark the end and the beginning of a new era.

Just as planned.






To Be Continued...

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

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