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46.66% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 7: The imposter Among Us (Brotherhood)

Capítulo 7: The imposter Among Us (Brotherhood)

AN: Rewritten Chapter (12/11/2023)

Chapter 7: The Imposter Among Us.

A week later…

POV Third Person


Dear Diary…

Today I trained with Kacchan and for the first time, I managed to land a punch in his face... That really felt so good! I can't tell anyone though... Kacchan threatened to blow up my All Might figurine collection if anyone found out about that!

Last, but not least, I have greatly improved my quirk analysis skills. Detailing in my notebooks the strengths and weaknesses of countless heroes, special moves, support equipment, among many other things... Allowing me to finish the hero analysis for the future #15...

If I really want to be a hero I must give it my all! Even without a quirk I will take advantage of my talents and try twice as hard!

After all, my little brother believes in me and I definitely don't plan to disappoint him…

In other news… Mom got another promotion and we celebrated by eating katsudon!

I still remember the day she was unfairly fired from her previous job, she was visibly devastated and worried about the future of our financial situation. However, my little brother hugged her and told her that everything would be okay that he would take care of everything with the power of love and friendship... Whatever that meant...

The next day my energetic little brother came home waving a pamphlet for a growing new company looking for employees. A pamphlet that he conveniently got on the way home… What luck!

So, without even doing a job interview, Mom was hired by none other than… Cognito Inc!

Thus obtaining a huge income and incredible work benefits... It was undoubtedly a dream come true for her... The debts in our lives had certainly remained in the past as had the enormous weight on Mom's shoulders.

Shortly after I found out that the company where she previously worked had fallen into bankruptcy...

We really are a very lucky family.

Oh, and I almost forgot...

Lately, my little brother has been acting suspiciously...

I'm not sure what exactly is going through my little brother's head but a couple of days ago right after he came home from school... He stared at me with a strange smile on his face for minutes before licking his lips.

That was really scary and uncomfortable!

Maybe I'm just imagining things and being overly dramatic? Or could his quirk have something to do with it?

For a moment it was as if he were another person...

…An imposter among us…

Although that is impossible! It's probably just a joke on my little brother's part. That has to be...


Izuku huffs with a small smile on his face, closing his diary before hiding it inside his closet. "It would really be embarrassing if my little brother accidentally found my diary and read it." He murmurs nervously, shaking his head slightly before yawning audibly and plopping onto his comfortable bed.

"I will become a great hero… And I will definitely protect my little brother's smile…" Izuku whispers as his eyes slowly close until he finally falls asleep.





A couple of hours later...

In a completely dark room, the doorknob turns slowly before the door begins to open with a slight creak, allowing a small figure to sneak into Izuku's room.

The mysterious figure was none other than the imposter... In the form of a little boy with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Then, with slow and stealthy steps, the little imposter got closer and closer to his victim until he remained motionless next to Izuku's bed for what seemed like hours... But in reality, it was only a couple of minutes.

The boy's hungry gaze was focused on Izuku's neck as his breathing became increasingly heavier, licking his lips and giving in to his instincts before slowly bringing his small but sharp fangs towards Izuku's neck...

However, he was abruptly interrupted by an electrical current spreading all over his backside, making him grit his teeth and take a couple of steps back with obvious shock on his face.

Given this, the apparent child makes the wise decision to leave the room and close the door slowly, keeping a disturbing gaze on Izuku at all times.

"Sweet dreams... Izuku~Chan."


Once the intruder left the room and the door was completely closed... Izuku's eyes widened in shock and horror as numerous thoughts ran through his mind and his heart pounded.


Needless to say, Izuku didn't sleep all night after that...


The next day... At the secret base.

"Isamu~Chan! Impersonating you is very exhausting… This morning Mom Midoriya almost broke my back with one of her hugs while Izuku~Chan kept narrowing his eyes in my direction. " Toga whines childishly as she pouts and crosses her arms.

"Besides, my butt still hurts!"

She exclaims, massaging her butt before pointing her finger accusingly at Isamu, who simply keeps his eyes on his computer, nonchalantly typing a sequence of binary codes.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it, like the first time you peed standing up…" Isamu hums with a small shitty smile before finishing the new update of his defensive system implemented in his backpack.

"And about the pain in your butt… You asked for it." He mutters, pressing a button and replaying the previous night's events in Izuku's room on the screen.

"Toga~Chan… Could you explain to me why you sneaked into Izuku's room and tried to bite his neck? Your mission is only to pretend to be me when the situation calls for it without attracting attention."

"Which you have clearly failed at…"

"Umm..." Toga swallows a lump in her throat as she quickly looks away from Isamu and fiddles nervously with her fingers.

At this, Isamu snorts and shakes his head slightly before approaching Toga. "Anyway, I've already prepared damage control based on the current situation, so Izuku's suspicions will disappear in a couple of days." Isamu waves his hand dismissively, standing in front of her before smiling innocently.

"But I hope for your sake that this situation does not happen again, Toga~Chan."

"For an evil genius, you care a lot about your family… That's cute, hehe." Toga laughs lightly as a shark-like smile grows bigger and bigger on her face.

"Shut up… They are just pawns in my game."

"Oh really? There is only one way to make sure of that… Isamu~Chan." Toga whispers shamelessly before slowly licking her lips.

"Can I stab your mom and your brother?"

Immediately afterward a strong murderous intent spreads throughout the place, causing her to open her eyes in shock and jump back just in time to avoid being impaled by a gigantic drill.


"I'll kill you…"

"…Just here…"


Isamu utters with a deadly serious and dark tone of voice after having deployed some of the weapons hidden inside his spacious and technologically advanced backpack.

"It was a joke! It was just a joke! I'll be a good girl, I promise!"


Meanwhile, in the teachers' room at the U.A.

POV Shota Aizawa

"…Even if someone makes a mistake, the other two can cover for him…"





"Shota… Wake up…"


"Shirakumo!" I exclaimed quickly, extending my right hand forward out of mere instinct just before realizing that it was just an annoying nightmare.

True... Now that I remember, I patrolled again throughout the night looking for any clue about that mysterious villain involved in some way with Shirakumo's death... But again there was no result.

Then, I spent the rest of my energy correcting some tests. Seriously considering whether I should expel all my annoying students to teach them a lesson… Until eventually I inadvertently fell asleep in the staff room…

"That nightmare again?" Hizashi asks with an evident tone of concern in his voice. "Do you want to talk about it…?"

"I'm fine." I growl, cutting him off quickly before huffing and standing up. "Why did you wake me up?" I asked, massaging my eyes before Naomasa Tsukauchi entered the staff room.

Something has happened... It's evident to me by the way he scans the place with his gaze, focusing his attention on the security cameras before directing his gaze to me. Not to mention the worn bandages sticking out of his clothing.

"Do you have a moment, Eraser Head? I must talk to you… In private."

That just means bad news and possibly headaches.


"A week ago, Kamino Junior High School was attacked by C.E…" Naomasa whispers, causing my eyes to widen in surprise and confusion.

Why didn't I find out about it before?! Something like that would definitely have made the news and been the talk of the heroes… Unless…

"From your expression, I doubt you knew anything about it." Naomasa snorts as we walk down a long hallway away from prying eyes. "The Hero Commission covered up the accident right after they received a preliminary report of the events…"

Why would they do something like that? That doesn't make sense... What was there in that report that could scare the executives of the Hero Commission enough to cover up the whole situation?

"Eraser Head, what I'm about to tell you has been classified by the hero commission…" Naomasa responds seriously, looking me directly in the eyes. "It is possible that C.E… Is just a little boy…"

"That is completely illogical and irrational." I respond almost instantly as a strange uneasy feeling spreads through my chest. There is no way that…

"I knew you would say that… There is no concrete evidence, unfortunately, all the recordings from the security cameras in the area along with the body cameras of the police officers present suddenly failed as well as communications…"

"Cognito Inc claimed that the failure was caused by a solar storm… But I believe that they were hacked and are trying to hide it. Even one of their damn autonomous trucks crashed into my patrol car, preventing me from reaching the scene of the events and organizing an effective strategy…"

"…I don't think that was a coincidence." He explains with a dark look before clenching his fists.

"But that's not all... Eyewitnesses pointed to a small child with a strange helmet on his head as the main person responsible for the accident and for controlling dangerous robots in the shape of teddy bears."

"Teddy bears?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in his direction before an annoying headache overcomes me… This is all irrational.

"Let me continue... Even Endeavor was involved in the accident and shortly after he was transferred to a private hospital of the hero commission... Since then all his public appearances were canceled until further notice."

Was Endeavor defeated?

"There are still many things that don't make sense... But what do you think would happen if a rumor spread that a small child was responsible for causing such events? Even if the child is just an accomplice of C.E…"

My eyes grow wider and wider in contemplation… Not only would Endeavor's reputation be negatively affected, but also the reputation of the entire hero system and police forces…

"The Hero Commission considered the possibility that the mastermind was just a child and took action immediately… They do not plan to take risks." Naomasa whispers, making the hero commission's intentions clear.

I exhale in frustration, reflecting on the situation as the intensity of the headache increases. "They plan to catch the brat before we do." I murmur, reconsidering the situation and all that it entails. "That is certainly problematic."

I'm not stupid, behind the scenes the Heroes Commission hides many questionable actions... If C.E really is a child... He must be terrifyingly intelligent. They will do whatever it takes to put a leash on the brat and use him for their own purposes just like what happened with a certain winged hero…

"Also, it is possible that the hero commission has tapped the phones of everyone involved in the case in order to prevent information from being leaked and to monitor us… Tell me, Eraser Head. Haven't you felt like you're being watched?"

He asks cryptically, leading the way as a tense silence stretches between us until we finally stop in front of a door I know very well.

"We need Nezu's help before the hero commission makes its next move... Whether we like it or not, we are now involved in a dangerous game."

He mutters, quickly opening the door to Nezu's office only to freeze us almost instantly.

"…And then the doctors removed a tiny chip that was implanted in Endeavor's butt… Hehe." Hawks chuckles lightly before taking a sip of his tea as Nezu's calculating gaze hovers over us.

"Oh, Aizawa, Detective Tsukauchi… You both arrive in time for tea time… Hawks just told me a very interesting story…"

At this, Naomasa clenched his fists in frustration while a sly smile spread across Hawks' face… I have a feeling my headaches are about to intensify.

"…Oh, definitely very interesting…"


A few weeks later.

POV Toga

Isamu~Chan is really scary when he gets angry... That dark look full of murderous intentions along with that incredible bloodlust that he gave off. No child should be capable of something like that... And that only made me want to stab him and bathe in his blood.

However, Isamu~Chan is different… He extended his little hand to me when no one else did and saved me from despair. I can't just stab him… I mean, it's not like I can stab him in the first place, he's cunning enough to predict my every move…

He will definitely change this twisted world, whether for better or worse... And I will be next to him, ready to stab anyone who gets in his way and cover the world with blood if necessary.

But first…

"More please!" I exclaim excitedly, extending my plate forward and receiving another serving of katsudon from Mama Midoriya. "Thank you!" I exclaim with a huge shark smile before starting to devour the food like there was no tomorrow.

Fortunately for me, Isamu~Chan plans to spend the entire night in his secret base working on plans for the construction of a vast and strange network of underground shelters. So I won't miss this opportunity to pretend to be him and enjoy all this delicious food that Mama Midoriya prepared with a lot of love.

"Wow, you have a big appetite today." She murmurs as a motherly smile spreads across her face. Isamu~Chan is very lucky to have a mother like her.

"That's because your food is the best in the world… Mom." I mumbled quickly without realizing my words, savoring the last bite and becoming completely satisfied before my eyes widened in surprise. She is not my mother…

"My baby! You really are adorable!" She exclaimed, quickly wrapping me in her warm and comforting arms as a strange sensation spread through my chest.

I guess that's how it must feel to have a family that loves you... Even if this is all just a farce... Even if I'm just pretending to be her son... It's a very nice farce.

Shortly after, as I was heading to Isamu's room, a hand suddenly landed on my right shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. "Where do you think you are going?" Izuku~Chan whispers slowly behind me, making me flinch and turn toward his direction. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"

Has he discovered that I am an imposter? This is bad... Very bad! What did the manual say about these cases?! Stab him and hide the body? Pretend to be possessed by a ghost? I didn't read that boring manual!

"Today is brothers night!" He exclaims with great enthusiasm.

Huh? What the hell does that mean...

"I've prepared a selection of the best All Might movies to watch together... And this time you won't escape!" He exclaims with a small predatory smile spreading across his freckled face before lunging at me.

So, I ended up in Izuku~Chan's room against my will... Sitting next to him while we ate popcorn and watched a marathon of the best All Might movies for hours...

Despite that, it was a lot of fun…


"I am inevitable!"

"And I'm All Might!"



Later in Isamu~Chan's room...

"I'm exhausted." I huff, staring at my reflection in front of a huge mirror in the room while Mama Midoriya and Izuku~Chan sleep soundly in their rooms. Now I just have to make my report... And to do that I need to say the magic words in front of this mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, who has the sweetest blood in the kingdom?"

Immediately afterward, my reflection in the mirror distorted and was replaced by a real-time image of Isamu~Chan wherever he was.

*** Communication established. ***

"Oh… Hello, Toga~Chan… Do you have something to report?" Isamu~Chan hums nonchalantly on the other side of the mirror while he licks a lollipop.

Then a smile spread across my face before I began to enthusiastically explain the interactions I had with Mama Midoriya and Izuku~Chan without holding back in detailing even the smallest details of this fantastic and exhausting night.

"…Then Mama Midoriya carried me in her warm arms back to your room and kissed me goodnight." I finish, proudly pointing to my right cheek.




"Looks like you had fun…" He mutters cheekily, grimacing a little and narrowing his eyes slightly at me before taking a big bite of his lollipop and crossing his arms. "Anything else to report?"

That expression on his face… I have no doubt about it… I guess deep down he is still a little boy…

"Isamu~Chan… Are you jealous?" I ask with a devious little smile.

"I'm not jealous!" He exclaims defensively as his cheeks blush slightly before abruptly cutting off the communication.

***Communication interrupted***

"Hehe… Little Isamu~Chan is jealous… Jealous, jealous…" I hummed mockingly before a recurring electric current quickly spread through my butt and interrupted me.



POV Isamu

Sometime later… In the secret base.

"I am the Shield Hero: Crust! And this is a message to remind you that in case of emergencies or attack by a dangerous villain, you must immediately evacuate to the nearest shelter while the heroes deal with the situation!"

"We've got you covered!"

Sponsored by Cognito Inc – Vault-Tec Branch.


"And good? Everything was according to your specifications… What do you think of the result?" Giran asks after having shown me an interesting advertisement related to one of my complex evil plans.

"It is perfect! Approved!" I brazenly raise my right thumb, authorizing the distribution of the advertisement while I enjoy a delicious lollipop in the comfort of a throne made of swords. Little by little the playing field is taking shape...

"Do you know that the construction of these underground shelters only generates million-dollar losses for us? But that doesn't seem to matter to you in the slightest." Giran huffs with a small smile, turning around and shaking his head before starting to head towards the elevator.

"Tell me, kid… The construction of these underground shelters in the main cities of Japan… Doesn't it have anything to do with the construction of that gigantic thing behind your back?" Giran asks suspiciously, entering the elevator before focusing his gaze on me, awaiting my response.

"Who knows…"

I responded with a large predatory smile as a pair of gigantic robotic eyes behind me glowed menacingly in his direction. All this while the sound of gears and the different machines working on the construction of my gigantic toy echo behind me.

As expected, Giran's eyes widened in shock just before the elevator doors closed and he disappeared from my sight.

That look of disbelief and confusion on adults' faces is always funny to me... Hehe.

Later that day, a notification from my Faz-Watch interrupts my activities, causing a small action-starved smile to spread across my face.

*** Animatronic Monokuma Successfully infiltrated the Shie Hassaikai facilities. ***

It took longer than expected, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a satisfactory result... I can finally start another fun quest...

Some people in my place would possibly have followed the canonical events to the letter in order not to change the established plot, other people would simply make small changes... But where's the fun in that?

In this world, the vast majority of relevant characters have a tragic or overly dramatic past. Therefore, I will not hesitate to use my knowledge to my advantage and have fun in the process.

"To hell with the plot! Hahaha!"

"Start Quest: Ultra Despair kids!"


"¡Link Start!"




To Be Continued...

☢️☢️☢️ (Chapter 8 Will be rewritten soon!) ☢️☢️☢️

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

AN: Rewritten Chapter (12/11/2023)

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