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40% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 6: Sweet but Psycho (Brotherhood)

Capítulo 6: Sweet but Psycho (Brotherhood)

AN: Rewritten Chapter (11/26/2023)

Chapter 6: Sweet but Psycho

POV Isamu Midoriya

A few days later... In a secret location.

Cognito Inc is a company that little by little is revolutionizing the world, video games, candy, toys, technology, medicine, and much more...

Using the power of my vast imagination and Giran's incredible trading skills, Cognito Inc's influence has spread rapidly throughout much of the world... In short, I created the ultimate monopoly at just 7 years old.

I'm sure Lex Luthor and Tony Stark would be proud of me... And then they would try to kill me for considering me a threat to humanity... Hah!

I mean, I would do the same if I were in their shoes... After all, Cognito Inc is hiding a dark secret, a secret capable of shaking the foundations of society and bringing the world to the brink of despair and absolute chaos.

Cognito Inc is nothing more than a facade... Cognito Inc is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg... Cognito Inc is nothing more than the beginning of the end...

Therefore, the time has come to create my own evil organization and have fun manipulating the fate of the world from the shadows.

But first, I need loyal minions... Willing to change the world according to my whims... Willing to fight alongside me... Willing to die for me if necessary...

Willing to give me their souls...

"Oh, things are going to get very interesting from now on..."

I hum ominously, surrounded by numerous screens that reproduce the images of countless cameras while my attention is focused specifically on the image of my target.

Given this, I quickly put on a curious helmet that covers the entirety of my face and I turn around while my heart begins to pound.

"StartQuest! Sweet But Psycho!"

I exclaim with great enthusiasm as if this were all a video game while behind me the screens begin to experience strong static, causing the huge Cognito Inc symbol behind me to distort.

Dramatically revealing the symbol of my little evil organization... A symbol that will definitely strike terror into the hearts of heroes very soon.

"Let's go!"



Shortly after... Inside Kamino Junior High School.

POV Himiko Toga

My name is Toga...Himiko Toga! Just a normal girl with a normal life... But there is something in me that no one knows... It's my secret.

I am going crazy!

I pretend to be a normal girl... A normal girl with many friends... A completely normal girl... Just to avoid falling into despair and going completely crazy.

Why does the world have to be so complicated? Why can't I just be me? Why can't I drink the sweet blood of my friends? I don't understand! I just want to be happy!

However, I must suppress my bloodlust and force a false smile on my face... It hurts, it hurts a lot to pretend to be someone I'm not.

"Girls, look at that strange boy."

I hear one of my friends murmur, pulling me out of my thoughts as I stare through the windows at a boy in a strange elementary school uniform I didn't recognize, sitting happily just outside my school. But he was not a normal child... It was evident by the cute helmet that covered his head.

"Why is that brat wearing that strange, scary thing on his head?"

"Disgusting... Possibly another freak."

"That's not normal... Do you think he's maybe a villain?"

"A villain? A little boy? HAHAHA!"

The girls laugh as I clench my fists tightly and force a smile on my face... I too wear a mask, a mask that has slowly begun to break.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the boy is just cosplaying... That helmet belongs to the Danganronpa video game franchise developed by Cognito Inc last year..."

"You just ruined the girls' fun...Saito-Kun."

What would my friends think of me if they found out my secret? Would they call me a freak too? Would they also turn their backs on me like my parents?

I sank into my twisted thoughts, trying to escape reality as I walked towards my locker, thinking about what my friends would look like covered in blood... or about that little boy sitting happily in a rain of blood.

So when I opened my locker I was surprised to find a letter next to a small vial with a red liquid inside... There is no doubt, the vial contains blood... I can smell it from here...

A sweet aroma that hypnotizes me...

"Oh, Toga-Chan, what is that?"

"Is it a love letter?! Tell me tell me!"

At this, my heart skips a beat and I quickly hide the vial of blood in my right pocket, holding the strange letter in my hands while I take a couple of steps back, still shocked. "I need to go to the bathroom." It was all I could say before running away from my friend.

What's going on?

"Toga-Chan, at least tell me if the letter is from a cute boy!"



Everything that has a beginning has an end... And everything that has an end will also have a new beginning...

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there was a princess loved by the entire kingdom... They called her the perfect princess, but there was something that no one knew. The princess dreamed of being free from the bonds of the kingdom, she dreamed of being herself and stopping pretending to be the perfect princess that everyone expected.

Then like in any fairy tale, the Evil Demon King tries to corrupt the princess with a powerful magic potion. A potion capable of fulfilling her most cherished wish, but at a great cost.

If she decides to drink the magic potion the entire kingdom will fall into chaos and despair...

In one version of the story, the princess rejects the magic potion, she goes on a clichéd adventure full of unnecessary plots until finally the Demon King is defeated by a handsome hero with the help of the power of love and friendship. The princess learns to accept herself for the good of the kingdom and the plot while everyone in the kingdom lived happily ever after... Except for her, who never fulfilled her most cherished dream.

In another version of the story, the princess gives in to the dark side and drinks the magic potion without a second thought, sentencing the kingdom to darkness. Then with a catchy and calculated musical the Demon King unleashes his catastrophic powers and completely plunges the kingdom into despair and chaos. One epic battle later, the handsome hero is stabbed in the heart by none other than the princess, now called the Bloody Princess.

However, in the midst of so much chaos and despair... For the first time in her life, she was happy and free.

So... From the princess's point of view, the Demon King became the hero of a twisted fairy tale... A twisted fairy tale that was just beginning.

All this while a crooked smile spread across the Evil Demon King's face as he watched the kingdom burn from his comfortable iron throne.


Along with this letter, you must have found a small magic potion... A potion that will end your suffering and fulfill your fondest wish... but at a great cost.

Just like in that wonderful fairy tale! So choose wisely Princess!

PS: It's not really a magic potion... It's just a little bit of my blood, but I thought it was cool to name it that.

From: Demon King


I finish reading the letter as I quickly enter the girls' bathroom on the second floor and lock the door. My heart is pounding, my breathing is becoming more erratic and my head is spinning.

Someone has discovered my secret... And yet a stranger has given me a vial of blood...

No one had ever cared so much about me...

I too would like to be like that princess... Happy and free from the bonds of society... And out there there is someone who accepts me for who I am and not for what I pretend to be...

I hold my head tightly, trying to suppress this irresistible bloodlust before a whisper reaches my ears, making me immediately turn in the direction of the source... Only to find a small toy snake next to the bathroom sink.

"Do it...Do it..." I hear the toy snake hiss over and over again as my head spins.

I'm definitely going crazy... Very crazy.

I can not stand it...

🐍 "Do it... Surrender to the darkness..." 🐍

I can not stand it anymore!

So with a desperate look on my face, I quickly pulled the vial out of my right pocket and ingested the sweet blood inside without a second thought...

Immediately afterward, a strong shudder of pleasure ran through my entire body as my eyes dilated and my chest grew hot... What is this? This feeling... It's incredible!

My vision slowly began to blur as this addictive feeling of ecstasy spread throughout my body... Making me lose control and finally descend into madness.

Without a doubt, it was the most delicious and sweetest blood I had ever tasted... And now I needed more... Much more!




"Toga... Are you okay? We heard a not-at-all-normal laugh coming from the girls' bathroom..."


Let it go, let it go!

"Toga stop! Ahhh!"

"What the hell!?"

Can't hold it back anymore!

"Someone call the police!"

Let it go, let it go!



POV Third person.

"It looks like she's having fun." Isamu hums happily in a robotic, childish voice thanks to a small voice modulator implemented in his technologically advanced tactical helmet.

"Although her concept of fun is somewhat disturbing..." He murmurs in a thoughtful pose, listening to the police sirens in the distance before a crooked smile spreads behind his fabulous helmet. "The same could be said about me... Hehe."

He laughs playfully as the left eye of his helmet glows dangerously with a red light.

Remote access to satellite successful.




"...All nearby units immediately report to Kamino Junior High School!"

"We have received multiple bomb threats!"

Detective Naomasa exclaims over the police radio, driving boldly through a busy street while in the passenger seat is his loyal feline subordinate, Sansa Tamakawa attempting to contact the area's heroes.

"This is very strange Detective-San... I can't contact any hero agency let alone communicate with All Might or any other hero." Tamakawa murmurs nervously, looking with confusion and a bit of shock at his cell phone completely without signal or internet.

The detective grits his teeth in frustration, remembering how a few minutes ago all the police officers at the station received a strange text message on their phones.

In all cases, the message was the same.


A challenge has been started... Stop the evil Demon King who threatens student peace and rescue the princess before it's too late!

Main setting: Kamino Junior High School

Otherwise, Kamino Junior High School will completely fall into despair and chaos due to the dangerous bombs hidden in the ventilation ducts above the classrooms!

Tip: Avoid pointing your weapon at the Demon King or he will unleash his fearsome magical powers and a curse will fall on you... You have been warned!

Happy hunting!


Right after that message, the detective received a call from an unknown number... Therefore, he quickly answered only for the voice on the other end to laugh loudly...

It was a cruel, calculating laugh with a slight childish edge before the call ended abruptly.

Then the entire police station went into chaos and the available police officers were quickly mobilized.

However, communications began to experience strange interference shortly after they left the police station...

"We've lost contact with everyone..." Sansa whispers seriously, pulling the detective out of his thoughts while now only static can be heard coming from the police radio.

"It's going to happen again... It's going to happen again..."

The detective mutters over and over again while his right eyelid trembles slightly, driving at maximum speed without realizing that up ahead all the traffic lights had suddenly changed to green.

"Detective be careful! Meow...!"


Immediately afterward, in the middle of the interception, the police patrol car in which they were traveling was hit in the side by an autonomous truck that had suffered a failure in its GPS.

This truck belongs to the fleet of vehicles of Truck-Kun Motors... Whose parent company was none other than Cognito Inc...

Inside the police patrol car, now overturned and with broken windows... The static of the police radio was replaced by a catchy song...

♫ Oh, she's sweet but a psycho ♫

♫ A little bit psycho ♫

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, the satellite belonging to Cognito Inc monitored and collected data ceaselessly, focusing its advanced long-range camera on the overturned police vehicle.

♫ At night, she's screamin' ♫

♫ I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind ♫


With a severe headache and still disoriented, the injured detective walks away from the patrol car, dragging the unconscious body of his subordinate before the patrol car behind them epically and inexplicably explodes. "100 million points! Hahaha!" Isamu exclaims with great excitement, observing the situation through a small screen implemented in the interface of his helmet.

Shortly after, the first police officers to arrive on the scene quickly cordoned off the perimeter, confusing and frightening most of the students who were still trying to understand what exactly was happening inside and outside the school.

All this while music plays at full volume through school speakers and police radios.

"Too late!" Isamu exclaims, causing his robotic and slightly childish voice to echo epically throughout the area, instantly drawing the attention of the police officers who were preparing to enter the school.

"A little kid? We don't have time for games..."

"Kid, evacuate this area immediately! There's a dangerous psychopath nearby!"

"This is disturbing, Sergeant... look at the kid's right hand."

"Is that a detonator? It's impossible... It must be just a toy..."

"I'm not a psychopath!"

Isamu exclaims indignantly, extending his right arm forward as the heart rate of everyone present accelerates. "I am the Evil Demon King!" He exclaimed happily under the confused and stupefied gaze of the police officers as he activated a small detonator that he held in his right hand.

"And all of you have arrived too late!"



Meanwhile, inside the classrooms the bombs exploded in unison with an unmistakable sound, completely enveloping the unfortunate students and teachers...




..Followed by a strong smell.

"Sensei! Someone farted!"

"What the hell is that smell?! STINKS!"


"Everyone stay calm and adhere to the evacuation protocol..."


As expected, complete chaos erupted inside Kamino Junior High School as a crowd of panicking students desperately tried to escape the foul smell that filled their nostrils through small doors...

♫ Oh, she's sweet but a psycho ♫

♫ A little bit psycho ♫

"She has gone completely crazy." A girl whispers in panic, applying pressure to a bite-shaped wound on her right arm as the students around her run back and forth before one of them points a finger at her.

"Police surrounding the area... No signal or internet... A fatal smell everywhere... Screams and now biting... There is only one logical explanation for all this!"


"I wasn't bitten by a zombie... Stupid boy."

"That's just what an infected person would say!"

♫ At night, she's screamin' ♫

♫ I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind ♫

"The Demon King is here... With a chaotic musical... Just like in that wonderful fairy tale." Toga whispers with great enthusiasm, licking the blood that stains her lips while beneath her lies her classmate, Saito, completely unconscious and soaked in blood.

"The taste is different..."

She murmurs, grimacing a little before remembering the addictive sensation of the sweet blood from that vial running over her tongue... At this, her face blushes intensely and a disturbing expression spreads across her face.

Immediately after, she receives a text message...


POV Isamu

"Do you hear those screams? My super stink bombs have certainly done an excellent job of spreading chaos in there... Some people might even consider them a biological weapon!" I exclaim proudly, hugging a curious teddy bear as screams of panic and fear can be heard in the distance.

In front of me now lies a group of police officers completely stunned, nervous, and terrified... All of them are frozen with no idea what to do in this situation.

"How cool, right?" I ask innocently, resting comfortably on top of a stone monument outside the school as I swing my legs happily to the music and enjoy the chaotic spectacle.

"You! Monster!"

"Kid, what the hell did you do?!"

"He's just a kid... And yet..."

"We have lost contact with the detective and everyone else... That child is possibly behind it..."

"What are your orders, Sergeant?"

"Put your hands up right now, brat! You're in big trouble!"

The police officer in charge exclaims, quickly drawing and pointing his gun at me while the other police officers grit their teeth and follow his lead in a lame attempt to intimidate me.

"Stupid adults... With their stupid weapons." I whisper ominously, placing my teddy bear to the side while behind me three other harmless teddy bears kept me company.

These teddy bears belong to Cognito Inc and were manufactured by the toy store branch Fazbear Entertainment. Becoming a very popular toy among young children and some teenagers... Largely due to the blatant manipulation of the market and the imperceptible subliminal messages in television commercials.

"The ones who are really in trouble are all of you for pointing their weapons at me... I was even nice and warned you..."

Needless to say, these four teddy bears are not there for me to hug... In fact, they are very different from the commercial version. Oh, my mind really is scary and fantastic.

*** Running defensive protocol... Beast Monokuma activated and linked. ***

Immediately afterward, my teddy bears come to life with a menacing red light illuminating their eyes while their harmless teeth and claws are replaced with metallic ones before positioning themselves defensively at my sides with programmed robotic movements.

Gone were my harmless teddy bears... Now, they are menacing Monokumas at my command and whims.

"No hard feelings... Ok?"

I make a peace sign with my fingers as my ferocious and evil monokumas roar with great intensity before charging disturbingly at the police officers.

"What the hell are those things?!"

"I think I'm going crazy..."



♫ Grab a cop gun... kinda crazy ♫

♫ She's poison but tasty ♫

♫ Yeah, people say... Run, don't walk away ♫

♫ 'Cause she's sweet but a psycho ♫




My eyes widen in amazement, observing with morbid fascination all the chaos I have caused in a few minutes while my little heart pounds.

Screams echoed from all directions... Students ran back and forth desperately as they left the school in panic. Some fled from the foul smell, others were simply infected by the general panic... While the less intelligent formed barricades at the doors thinking that a zombie apocalypse had begun.

The teenagers are certainly overly dramatic... And from what I see, the police officers present aren't having a good time either... Hehe.

"Is Coming!" A police officer exclaims dramatically before being instantly tackled and knocked out by one of my monokumas.

Meanwhile, a brave group of police manages to surround another of my monokumas and without hesitation they open fire on him, filling him with numerous bullet holes while my monokuma staggered from side to side with sparks flying from inside him. As a result, he explodes into many pieces, injuring several police officers in the process.

"Those things explode when they die!"

"We need the help of the heroes!" Another police officer exclaims, taking cover inside a police cruiser while a monokuma continuously bangs on the roof of the vehicle trying to access the interior. "Where the hell are the heroes?!" He exclaims desperately, pulling the trigger of his shotgun as a volley of bullets pierces the roof of the vehicle.

"The sergeant has been captured!"

"Help!" The police officer in charge exclaimed in panic, being dragged along the ground humiliatingly like a dog toy by another of my monokumas.

It would be so easy for me to turn off my monokumas' safe mode and turn this into a massacre... But that would certainly turn me into the typical cliché villain and ruin my plans. Besides, it wouldn't be fun...

If I destroy my toys I won't be able to have fun with them anymore...

But this... The complete humiliation of the police department at the same time as chaos spreads among all the students... Not to mention the mind games involved in this. All this while I manipulate events so that Himiko Toga becomes my loyal subordinate... Like my own Harley Quinn.

This is really fun... So much fun!


I laugh out loud with great enthusiasm, spreading my arms to my sides theatrically as chaos reigns around me.

I... I'll definitely... I'll become a really cool supervillain!


Then a notification on the interface of my tactical helmet interrupted me...

*** Automatic alert: Police reinforcements along with several heroes have been detected approaching the designated area. ***

***Tracking Alert: Pro Hero Endeavor has entered the Kamino city limits. ***

"And this is my signal to initiate a tactical retreat." I mutter quickly, picking up a heavy backpack that was hidden not far from me before strategically fleeing.

I'm not ready to fight pro heroes yet... I mean, I could defeat a couple of them but I highly doubt my current arsenal is enough to even take on Endeavor... The odds are just not in my favor.

So, taking advantage of the chaos and confusion, I mingled among the alarmed students while the remaining monokumas distracted the police.

However, my fantastic quest is not over.


POV Third person

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

Beginning of advertising space on children-friendly channels.

"Mo-no-ku-mas! Cool inaction teddy bears that don't do much! Buy them all now and be the most popular kid in your neighborhood!"

"Monokumas are cute and fun!"

Pro hero Hawks states with a smile rehearsed dozens of times as he raises his thumb to the camera.

Sponsored by Cognito Inc – Fazbear Entertainment Branch


End of advertising space.

"I don't even like those horrible teddy bears..." Hawks grumbles, turning off the TV before crossing his arms. "I recently reached the top 10 of pro heroes... Why do I have to do those humiliating commercials?"

"The sponsors selected you specifically... We did not argue with the sponsors, much less with Cognito Inc, who have invested a lot of money in the Hero Public Safety Commission." A board member of the Hero Commission responds slowly with an emotionless tone.

"But I..."

"Good heroes always follow orders... Have you forgotten, Hawks?"

At this, Hawks grits his teeth helplessly and remains silent.

However, the tense silence was interrupted by the sudden ringing of phones just before an alarm echoed loudly through the Hero Public Safety Commission headquarters.


POV Isamu

Once I'm sure no one is following me, I enter a dark alley not far from Kamino Junior High School as police sirens blare in the distance along with occasional gunshots...

"I almost feel sorry for them... Almost." I whisper with a shitty little smile, using my Faz-Watch flashlight to illuminate my surroundings as I nonchalantly make my way through the alley. "I know you're here... So there's no need to hide and try to ambush me."

At this, Himiko Toga suddenly emerges from inside a garbage container and jumps madly towards my direction brandishing a small cutter slightly covered in blood. "You are really here! Demon king!" She exclaims with a huge bloodthirsty smile before confusion spreads across her face. "Wait... A kid...?"

"Is this the gratitude I receive?" I hum mockingly, moving to the side nonchalantly and nimbly dodging the cutter before my right leg quickly crashes into her knee, causing her to lose her balance and fall abruptly to the ground.

"Too predictable." I huff, pointing my Faz-Watch at her and activating one of its functions. As a result, a tiny dart shoots out of my Faz-Watch and sticks into Toga's butt, implanting a small chip.

"Ouch... I just wanted to stab you... Just a little bit."

She whispers ominously, reaching her right hand quickly forward, trying to reach the cutter that had fallen to the ground next to her. "I'll even be gentle!"

"No! Bad Toga! Bad!" I brazenly exclaim, pressing a button on my Faz-Watch and remotely activating the tiny chip before a powerful electrical current spreads from her butt to her entire body.




"As much as I want to have a friendly duel to the death with knives with you, the police forces along with the heroes will soon cover this entire area so we have no time to waste." I explained calmly, watching her gasp on the ground as a look of shock was visible on her face.

"What... What the hell was that? A magic spell? Are you really a Demon King?"

She whispers with a hint of fear, slowly and shakily getting to her feet not even daring to try to pick up the cutter from the ground again.

"It was just a small but powerful electric shock as punishment for trying to attack me. Don't worry, it's not lethal, you could consider it a kind of tiny and imperceptible electric collar... Ehh, implanted in your buttocks." I muttered quickly before clapping my hands and slyly changing the subject.

"Leaving these little things aside... I want you to join my little evil organization and help me change the rules that govern this twisted world... As a reward, you will get some of my sweet blood."

"It is the law of equivalent exchange."

I explain with a predatory smile behind my helmet while her eyes shine with hope... A few more words and she will fall completely into my little claws. Therefore, I slowly took off my tactical helmet and revealed my face.

"Life must be very hard for you, help me create a world where life is easier..."

I finish with a charming smile as she nods her head enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, I will do anything to get more of your delicious and addictive blood... Anything!" She exclaims with a manic gleam in her eyes as her cheeks blush brightly. She definitely seems to be obsessed with my blood...

"That being said..." I murmured, placing my helmet on the ground before striking a cool pose and placing my hands on my waist. "I'm Isamu Midoriya and I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun, Toga~Chan!" I exclaimed happily with a sly smile.

"Toga will be a good girl!" She nods her head again and again.

Then I began to quickly take off my clothes...




"Ehh... When I said... anything... I didn't mean that kind of thing." She stutters, fidgeting nervously with her fingers. "But if blood is involved..."

"What are you talking about?" I ask in my underwear as a small bead of sweat runs down my face, pulling a new set of clothes out of my backpack along with a small vial of blood.

"The police and the heroes are looking for a psycho girl covered in blood and a strange boy with a twisted helmet on his head... Both in school clothes. So drink this and use your quirk while I finish changing my clothes."

I snorted as if it were the most obvious thing, causing Toga's eyes to widen in surprise as she realized the situation before I threw the vial of blood at her.

"Blood, blood, blood." She exclaimed hypnotized, jumping into the air and catching the vial of blood in her mouth as if she were a dog before ingesting the blood and beginning to hug herself. "The taste is similar, but slightly different... Sweet... Sweet nectar... Ahhh..."

I simply turn around, ignoring her strange moans and her insane obsession with the blood while I finish dressing.

Therefore, a couple of minutes later I quickly pick up my heavy backpack from the floor and put it back on. "I'm ready... Follow me and..." My words died in my mouth as a strong chill ran through my entire body, making me immediately turn in the direction of the source.

Only to freeze after watching Toga breathe heavily, her face completely flushed and her eyes looking at my neck with desire while she slowly licks her lips. Now transformed into someone I know very well...

What the hell is this feeling...? That obsessed look reminds me of Yuno Gasai and for some strange reason also of Hisoka... This is very disturbing.

I should have used someone else's blood sample...



Note to self... After this, I must completely ban Toga from transforming back into Izuku for the sake of my mental health.

"Isamu~Chan...Who is this boy and why does his blood taste similar to yours? However, your blood is still much sweeter and irresistible." She states with a bloodthirsty smile while her eyes remain fixed on my neck.

"Stop making those expressions with my brother's face and concentrate! Don't make strange noises with his voice either!" I exclaim completely irritated, reconsidering my strategies before quickly shaking my head. I do not have time for this.

Given this, I press a few buttons on my Faz-Watch and smoothly access the security cameras in the area. "Just follow me and don't do anything reckless... Follow my orders and you will be rewarded." I murmur, pointing slyly at my neck with my thumb as Toga's eyes shine with determination.

"Let's go!"

I exclaim defiantly, grabbing her hand tightly and running to the end of the alley as my heart pounds and an evil smile spreads across my face... Getting closer and closer to a red dot marked on my Faz-Watch.

Then I crashed into one of the final bosses of this game... Endeavor.



POV Endeavor

The incompetent police forces have been made to look ridiculous once again... No one seems to be in charge and the situation has evidently gotten out of their hands. On my way, I saw a group of terrified and very idiotic students running through the streets of Kamino while they shouted something about the start of a zombie apocalypse.

According to the press, a solar storm affected the Cognito Inc satellite, causing most of Kamino and some surrounding areas to be affected for a few minutes before communications were restored.

To what extent has society become so dependent on that damn company?

From what I could gather, a bomb threat mobilized the police department and when they arrived at the scene they were attacked by a group of teddy bears led by a brat with a strange helmet on his head who escaped shortly after. Also, it seems that a girl attacked her classmates moments before the police arrived and chaos broke out... The reports make no sense.

None of this makes sense... There's no way a brat is actually responsible for this. The boy and the girl must only be a distraction while the mastermind hides in the crowd, closely observing his twisted show...

"Endeavor, look at me!"

The annoying shout of admiration of a damn brat rang loudly in my ears, breaking me out of my thoughts and making me grit my teeth in frustration. A few seconds ago, a damn fanboy crashed into me and held on tightly to my right leg...

Therefore, I was immediately forced to regulate my body temperature... I can't afford another damn lawsuit... Not after a large part of my life savings disappeared 3 years ago.

"I'm your # 1 fan!"

I've heard those damn words countless times... It's annoying.

"Can I get your autograph? Pleaseee..."

The brat exclaims happily with stars in his eyes, taking a step back with an innocent smile on his face. That smile... I don't like that damn smile... It's not normal...

"NO." I growl irritably. The brat doesn't match the description of the suspect and the green-haired boy visibly incredulous behind him even less so. I don't have time to waste on these pathetic kids. "Get out of my way..."

"Not until I have your autograph... Hehe."

Immediately afterward, the brat pulls out a small toy robot from his backpack and childishly swings it in front of me smugly. "Otherwise my fantastic Brave Giant will teach you a lesson!" He exclaims, puffing out his chest proudly.

I hate children...

The children and young people of this generation are weak and pathetic... They have no discipline or aspirations... Luckily, my masterpiece is the complete opposite of those failures... Shoto will definitely surpass everyone, even the bastard All Might.

For that, Shoto must be perfect... It doesn't matter if he falls unconscious due to my rigorous training... It doesn't matter if he gets hurt... It doesn't matter if he cries... He will become the next number 1 hero and keep my legacy alive. That is the purpose of his life.

"Do you want my autograph? All right!" I respond with a cruel smile, reaching my right hand forward and snatching the toy robot from the brat before melting it in front of him. "Here it is." I growl, dropping the remains of the stupid toy to the ground before shoving the brat aside and continuing on my way.

"Hey! You'll pay for that, Endeavor! Did you hear me?! Next time we meet I'll bring a much bigger toy robot and crush you!" The brat throws a childish tantrum behind my back while I smile cruelly.

"I would like to see you try..."


Minutes later...

"Jet Burn!" I exclaim, firing a blast of fire towards my target, causing my flames to engulf the last of those strange and elusive robotic creatures that were terrorizing the surroundings of Kamino Junior High School, making it explode in the process.

Immediately afterward, the half-melted, robotic head of a teddy bear rolls toward my feet. "Robotic trash." I growl, crushing the robotic head with my feet while the police officers and a couple of rookie heroes around me look at me in admiration... All of them are in a sorry state, visibly exhausted and in pain.

"Really all of you are pathetic."

I growl, causing the incompetent police officers to clench their fists and stare at the ground while some heroes present just frown. "The suspects have escaped due to the incompetence of all of you."

For a long time, I thought that what happened with Toya was an unfortunate accident... But it may have been more than just an accident... What happened at that conference at the police station a few years ago was unequivocal proof of that.


I'm sure that bastard is the mastermind behind this disaster... I'll find the answers and send that damn psycho straight to hell.


Then a current of electricity completely shook my body, causing my eyes to widen in shock and me to clench my teeth tightly, drawing the attention of everyone around.

What the hell is going on?


"Endeavor-San! Are you okay?"

"Something's wrong with Endeavor!"

Immediately afterward, the intensity of the electricity increased considerably, causing me to fall to the ground and breathe erratically while I determined the origin of the electricity in a specific area of my body...




In a secret location.

POV Isamu

A vengeful smile spreads across my face as I hold down a small button on my Faz-Watch, watching Endeavor writhe on the ground through the small screen of my cool smartwatch.

"So that's why you..." Toga whispers in surprise while she blushes and bites her lips... Still transformed into Izuku to my discomfort.

"My brief encounter with Endeavor was no coincidence, hehe." I respond proudly flaunting my incredible acting skills.

All this while we descend quickly in a spacious elevator towards the depths of my secret base.

"By the way, Toga~chan... Become a girl again." I murmur seriously, narrowing my eyes at her. "Now."

"Ehh? "Once I undo my transformation I will be completely naked." She quickly responds with a small nervous smile.

"I know..."

"But that's much better than continuing to see you blush and make those disturbing expressions with my brother's face..."

"That's a little demanding of you... But as long as you keep your end of the deal..." Toga whispers with a bloodthirsty smile, deactivating her quirk as a gray substance quickly covers her body and she returns to her original form.

Now she is in front of me completely naked and blushing...

"Damn... You really don't leave me any alternatives, heh?" I huff, activating a small blade on my Faz-Watch before lightly pricking my index finger and advancing toward her, causing a small line of blood to run down my finger as her eyes widen in shock.

"What kind of leader would I be if I didn't care about the wishes of my minions?" I ask without getting any response, standing on tiptoe in front of an astonished Himiko Toga before quickly shoving my blood-covered finger inside her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Toga's body shudders and she falls to her knees as her eyes fill with tears. "Why? Why are you so good to me? I don't understand..." She mutters breathlessly, her face completely flushed as her tongue carefully licks the blood from my finger.

"Because I am evil and I do whatever I want."

"Now shut up and suck it."

Needless to mention, I could have drawn some of my blood using a syringe... But a part of me thought that sticking my finger in her mouth would be cool... I saw my chance and took it!

"Drink my blood and give me your dreams, drink my blood and give me your future... Drink my blood and give me your soul." I whisper to her with a charming and innocent smile as her gaze remains fixed on me... In her bright eyes, there was a strong determination and most important of all... Loyalty.

"Quest completed..."

I whisper victoriously. With her on my side, my plans will definitely move much faster... Hehe, her tongue tickles me.

Immediately afterward, the elevator stops at the deepest part of my secret base...

"Toga-Chan... Welcome to the Hydra initiative!"

I exclaimed with great excitement as the elevator doors opened dramatically before an angry voice reached my ears and completely ruined the moment... It was Giran...

"Kid, your little prank with the satellite just cost us millions of..."



👉"Uhm..." 👅 

"But what the hell kid?!"

"I can explain it..."

However, the moan of pleasure coming from a completely naked Himiko Toga kneeling in front of me did not help me at all.

It's as if this situation was taken from a cliche manga or a generic comic... Nah! Possibly it was just a coincidence...


To Be Continued...

☢️☢️☢️ (Chapter 7 Will be rewritten soon!) ☢️☢️☢️

    Channel Name: EmperorTube
    Video Title: My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood - Sweet but Psycho

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

AN: Rewritten Chapter (11/26/2023)

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