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13.33% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 2: Butterfly Effect (Brotherhood)

Capítulo 2: Butterfly Effect (Brotherhood)

AN: Rewritten Chapter (10/21/2023)

Chapter 2: Butterfly Effect

"Kacchan! Kacchan! My daddy is back home! He has come back!"

"And what the hell does it matter to me!"


"Good morning, Kacchan! Last night I discovered mommy and daddy playing heroes and villains on their bed... And the funniest thing was that they forgot to put their clothes on! Hahaha!"

"Shut up, your stupid laugh is annoying!"


"I think my parents are sick, Mommy's belly keeps growing and Daddy's face is getting paler and paler as if he had seen a ghost. What should I do?!"

"Tch, they'll probably die or whatever..."



"Kacchan! I have great news!"

"I'm not interested..."

"I'm going to have a little brother!"



"Nerd... Tell me everything."


"...Congratulations Mrs. Midoriya... It's a boy."

Approximately 390,000 minutes had passed since the infinite void swallowed me... About 270 days, 39 weeks, or 9 Months.

The loading period had ended, unlocking a new world full of possibilities at my fingertips and thus beginning a wonderful and twisted game under my whims. But for now, first impressions are very important.

"Bua, bua!"

"Mommy is here, mommy will take care of you." Inko Midoriya whispers, carefully carrying me in her warm and comforting arms as my crying stops. Even though she is visibly exhausted she still keeps a smile on her face.

She is my new mother...

I would prefer to have been reincarnated into a family with influences such as the Yaoyorozu or Shield... Although I suppose that being reincarnated as a Midoriya is not such a bad result. Plus, it's still much better than the poor orphan boy's option.

"Only authorized personnel are allowed to enter! Someone stop that kid!" I hear what is possibly a nurse exclaim in the distance before the sound of a door opening catches my attention.

"Mommy! Mommy! Hear a baby cry! Where is my little brother?" A boy who looks no older than four exclaims with great enthusiasm, quickly scanning the entire room with his gaze before his gaze stops on me and his eyes light up brightly. "He's so small and cool." He whispers in wonder, carefully approaching me with a huge smile on his face.

This energetic boy is obviously Izuku Midoriya, the generic protagonist of this world, who possesses the perfect combination of ridiculously over-the-top plot armor and an insane self-destructive instinct programmed into his brain. Not to mention his obsession with everything related to heroes and especially All Might.

He is now my older brother...

"What will his name be? What will my little brother's name be?" He asks quickly unable to contain the excitement in his voice. "How about Mighty Baby? Captain Cookies? Or Better yet... Super Little Brother!" He exclaims with stars in his eyes.

"His name will be..." Inko mutters thoughtfully before a strange glow illuminates her eyes.

Anos Voldigoad.

It would be really fun for me to exclaim that in the voice of a grown man in order to gauge their reactions and unleash chaos in the hospital... Although Inko would possibly panic and throw me out the window while Izuku would be traumatized for life.

"Isamu...Isamu Midoriya." She whispers in a motherly tone, kissing my forehead and causing my eyes to widen in surprise. "Welcome to the family."

"Isamu." Izuku spells slowly as his smile grows bigger and bigger. "I will always protect you... It's a promise." He whispers with a determined glint in his eyes. He can barely protect himself... But I guess the intention is what counts.

Also, I'm sure this moment will become a motivational or important flashback for Izuku in the future. So taking advantage of the situation, I extended my small hands forward and held his thumb while my innocent baby gaze sank into his heart.

Come on... Take the bait.

This caused Inko and Izuku's eyes to widen in surprise. "Kawaii!" They exclaim in unison, unconsciously wrapping me in a warm hug.

They're going to suffocate me! I'm a baby, not a teddy bear! Idiots!

"Baa, aduuu!"

"I'm sure my little brother is trying to say that he loves us a lot... Right, mom?" Izuku whispers.

"You're right, honey." Inko whispers in her motherly voice, hugging us both.

Maybe... Maybe I can get used to this... But only for the sake of my goals! That's all!

"By the way, Izuku... Your father was supposed to be taking care of you in the waiting room. Where did he go?" She hums in a seemingly sweet tone, but her poorly concealed hostility is evident to me. Not to mention that subtle but menacing look that spreads across her face. That look is scary!

"He said he was going to buy milk for the baby!" Izuku exclaims happily, pumping his right fist into the air energetically with no idea what that means. "Much milk!"


"That coward..."

This is going to be fun... Very fun!


Being a baby is not as bad as it seems, I can sleep as much as I want, I can go to the bathroom anywhere without being embarrassed and I can manipulate the people around me using my secret techniques. Baby cuteness and puppy eyes! So practically I...

I have the power!

In other news, I am currently 6 months old and there is no sign of my father. I guess I won't have a father figure in this life... Who cares about that idiot! We are fine without him!

Additionally, I have noticed a small but gradual increase in my cognitive ability. Possibly my little brain must be slowly preparing itself before finally unlocking my quirk. Although I still have many questions regarding that... I will eventually find the answers, so there is no point in worrying... I'm sleepy...

I yawn, snuggling into my comfy crib as my eyes slowly close, ready to take another sweet nap.

The life of a baby is good...




☆*** KAPOW!!! ***☆

The slam of a door makes me wake up with a start as my little heart pounds. Enemy attack?! Nope...

It was something much worse.

They are here...

"Little brother! Little brother! Look at this move I learned on TV!"

"No! He wants to see my super explosions!"

"Little brother!"

"Little brat!"


The annoying invaders exclaimed in unison while I could only think of how to make them suffer for having interrupted my nap... Pathetic insects. 


"Hey, Nerd... I think the little brat is trying to kill us with his stare." I hear Bakugo whisper with a small defiant smile spreading across his face. "That's creepy and really cool." He whispers, flinching a little at my gaze. "Heh... I mean..." He stutters as he shakes his head quickly. "I challenge you to a duel!" He exclaims quickly as he points his finger at Izuku.

I can see right through you... Explosive Little Pomeranian. The childish jealousy you feel towards Izuku is evident to me. It turns out that you, either unconsciously or consciously... You also want to have a little brother.

After all, it was inevitable that my presence in this world would cause some butterfly effects, and from what I have gathered Katsuki Bakugo has been affected by it... And I plan to use that to my advantage.

"Isamu-Kun isn't creepy! He is a little angel!" Izuku quickly exclaims before clasping his fingers together nervously. "Besides, I don't want to fight you, Kacchan... It's not like I can beat you." He whispers embarrassed, staring at the ground and clenching his small fists in frustration.

"That's obvious! Because I am the best!" Bakugo exclaims proudly as he points to himself before turning his attention to me and lifting me into his arms. "I am much better than your brother." He murmurs as he ruffles my hair.

"I'll have my quirk soon, Kacchan! My quirk will be great and I will become a great hero like All Might! Just wait and see!" Izuku exclaims defensively before his determined eyes focus on me. "I will become strong to protect my little brother!"

That exclamation caused Bakugo's eyes to widen in surprise before he gritted his teeth. However, I could see a small hint of respect in his eyes.

Why do I always have to be the epicenter of their stupid arguments? They have exhausted my patience... The time has come to unleash the big guns.

Get out of my room!





"You think you're better than me just because you have a...?!" A peculiar smell interrupts Bakugo's exclamation, causing him to narrow his eyes before sniffing at me and wrinkling his nose.

He knew it... I knew it... We all knew it...

"You...Little Shit." He murmurs with a menacing smile as his right eyelid trembles a little. Immediately afterward, he places me on the ground slowly and carefully as if I were some kind of radioactive baby about to explode.

All this while I was laughing innocently and babbling some unintelligible things.

"Code Brown, Kacchan! We have a code Brown!" Izuku exclaims in alarm, taking a couple of steps back before quickly fleeing my room alongside Bakugo. "Mom!"

Hah! I win...


1 month later, Izuku's canon event occurred and he was diagnosed as quirkless... Which wasn't a surprise to me.

"Mom... Can I still become a hero?" Izuku asks shakily as tears stain his small face.

"I'm sorry, Izuku." She murmurs shakily, holding me in her arms as tears begin to cover her face. "I'm so sorry." She hugs Izuku as the sobs do not wait.

Pathetic... They act like it's the end of the world. It doesn't take a Quirk to become a hero! But I guess the society of this world is just as stubborn as that of my previous world.

I should just watch and let this canon event take its course... But hearing Izuku and Inko sob pitifully makes me feel strange.

"Izu..." I stammer, instantly gaining their attention. "Izuku." I say with apparent difficulty, causing Izuku's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Did my little brother just say his first word?" Izuku asks, quickly wiping the tears from his face as he watches me intently.

"Izuku!" I exclaimed happily, stretching my small arms forward before he quickly grabbed me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"My babies..." Inko whispers in a motherly tone, holding back tears as she watches us with a small smile on her face.

"My little brother's first word was my name!" Izuku exclaims, perking up almost instantly before a determined gleam spreads across his eyes. "Definitely... I will definitely become strong enough to protect you... It doesn't matter if I have a quirk or not."

Oh... This development is interesting.


"I know you can understand me, you smart little brat... Come on... Say my name!"

"Kacchan, don't pressure him..."


"I told you, Nerd... I'm much better than you at everything, even your brother knows it."


"Come on... Little brat... Call me Bakugo-Oniichan!"



3 years later.

I find myself on the floor of my room surrounded by many colors while animatedly drawing a huge, detailed giant robot attacking a city while the heroes try to stop it. "I think I'll include the Death Star... And maybe zombies." I murmur happily before being interrupted by a short, annoying headache.

Lately, the headaches have become more recurrent and more annoying... I deduce that it won't be long before my quirk is finally unlocked.

"I'm back from school!" I hear Izuku exclaim in the distance as I finish drawing my artwork... At least he's not so loud compared to... "And Kacchan is with me!"

Immediately afterward, I cover my ears before a loud Bakugo kicks in the door and brazenly enters my room with his hands in his pockets. "Hey, brat! Catch this!" He exclaims, quickly pulling a chocolate bar out of his pocket and throwing it towards me.

Chocolate! My eyes shine following the trajectory of the chocolate bar before I nimbly catch the chocolate bar and begin to devour it mercilessly.

"Kacchan, don't kick the doors... Mom will be angry again if she finds out. Also, don't throw candy at my little brother like he's a puppy." Izuku chides, holding a small bag of candy in his hands.

I guess I should do my part and play the sweet innocent little brother.

"Welcome home Onii~Chan!" I exclaim happily in Izuku's direction as a huge smile spreads across my face along with adorable little chocolate smudges adorning my cheeks. Causing Izuku's eyes to shine slightly before I focus my gaze on an impatient Bakugo.

"Welcome to you too, Baka~Chan." I murmur monotonously, shrugging my shoulders indifferently as I enjoy his reaction.

"I've told you over a hundred times not to call me that... You little shit." Bakugo growls as small sparks begin to splash from his hands.

"Baka~Chan, Baka~Chan... Baaaka~Chan!" I hum shamelessly as a small defiant smile spreads across my face. Annoying Bakugo gives me some satisfaction and I think he knows it.

"By the way, thanks for the chocolate bar... Baka~Oniichan." I say with my hands behind my back innocently, keeping the smile on my face and taking him by surprise.

"You are unbearable!" He exclaims embarrassedly, clicking his tongue and quickly looking away from me as he stops the sparks from his hands. "It doesn't matter." I hear him whisper as he rubs his nose. The little idiot must be screaming internally.

"Isamu-Kun, you should have seen Kacchan at school today, he defended me from some bullies." Izuku says energetically, raising his right fist in the air to drive home the point. "He was so cool!"

"Oh really?! Did you defend my older brother?" I ask with great enthusiasm as my eyes shine with little stars in them.

"Of course, some extras are no match for me." Bakugo states, sticking his chest out proudly as a small smug smile spreads across his face.

"You're like a hero, Baka~Oniichan!" I exclaim, raising my thumb in his direction as his eyes shine brightly.

Manipulating them has become relatively easy for me. Bakugo is desperate for my approval since he sees me as if I'm the little brother he never had. Therefore, he feels obligated to defend Izuku from bullies in order to gain my admiration. Do I feel bad for manipulating them? Not at all, after all this is a good result.

For a greater good...

I am the perfect little brother and an excellent manipulator.


A few hours later.

"This video game sucks." Bakugo growls after losing to me again in a fighting video game.

In a way he is right, I have realized that the video games developed in this world are rubbish and are far behind those of my previous life. Technology has certainly stagnated in this world since quirks appeared.

Maybe I...

"Dinner is ready children, I have prepared a delicious Katsudon!" Inko's exclamation in the distance interrupts my thoughts and catches our attention.

"Yeah! "Katsudon!" Izuku exclaims happily... Katsudon is clearly his favorite food.

Shortly after, I find myself sitting in front of a delicious plate of Katsudon, watching in frustration as Izuku childishly swings a spoonful of Katsudon around me.

What the hell is he doing? I hope he's not planning...

"Isamu~Kun here comes the little plane... Say~ Haaaa." Izuku hums shamelessly, slowly bringing the spoonful of Katsudon closer to my mouth.

"No way, that would be very...!" My exclamation was interrupted by a spoonful of Katsudon entering my mouth without warning. "Mmmm!"

I'm going to kill him! Although the Katsudon is very delicious... I will spare his life just this once.

Within a few minutes, Izuku and Bakugo had finished dinner and were chatting animatedly about All Might while I defiantly stared at a broccoli on my plate. Maybe if I throw it out the window no one will notice.

"Honey, eat that broccoli." Inko says kindly, making me flinch and ruining my plans.

"I think I'm full." I murmur, rubbing my belly to get my point across.

"Isamu Midoriya, you will eat that broccoli right now or you won't get dessert." She warns with a small, subtle menacing smile, watching me intently like an eagle... Red flag, she said my full name and threatened to take away my dessert! She is evil!

"Yes, mom!" I exclaimed quickly, bringing the disgusting broccoli to my mouth before swallowing it with a disgusted expression on my face.

"It's not that broccoli is poisonous... You little fool." Bakugo mutters, mocking me while Izuku and Inko snicker.

Immediately afterward, I was assaulted by a recurring and annoying headache, but unlike the previous ones, the pain began to increase more and more in intensity until it became a powerful headache. "Ouch!" I exclaim involuntarily, holding my head with both hands as my breathing becomes erratic.

"Little brother!"

"Brat... What the hell?! Spit out that broccoli right now!"

"My baby!"

My quirk had awakened.


Then a small crooked smile spread across my face as my vision darkened and I slumped against the table dramatically to the horror of those present.

This world is not prepared for what is coming...

The fun has begun!




To Be Continued...

☆ In the next chapter! Chapter 3: Intelligence Boost! E=mc² ☆

    Channel Name: EmperorTube

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

AN: Rewritten Chapter (10/21/2023)

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