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Capítulo 34: Chapter 33: Hogwarts


Change Rosier's name to Evan Rosier as that is his canon name.


Hogwarts was getting closer and closer.

Severus, who was next to Avery and Rosier in his carriage, got out first when the carriage finally stopped.

Not being in any hurry to enter Hogwarts, Severus waited until the other students entered the castle.

He squinted at several familiar faces and even saw his cousins, Potter, and their group walking together.

'Why am I not surprised?' laughed Severus, not really bothered by what he was seeing.

But then he unconsciously furrowed his brow a little...

He saw Lily quickly approaching them, no..., she was approaching his cousins and it looked like she had been looking for them as if she knew them quite well.

'Quite revealing' Severus thought watching with his black eyes at how it was all unfolding.

He saw how James had already decided to seduce Lily within the first few minutes of their arrival at the castle.

He noticed Lily groaning while James just smiled along with Sirius and Peter laughing, even Remus smiled but when Lily looked at him he shook his head quickly.

Their cousins just smiled and then just walked away from Potter and his group.

They walked off with Lily who was with some of her friends and their boyfriends.

"I still don't understand how your cousins ended up in Gryffindor," muttered Rosier who was standing next to Severus.

"Yeah... Now the Princes have two pests," added Avery.

"Rest assured I don't know either and I don't care about it," replied Severus.

Avery laughed.

"So you don't mind if we have a bit of fun with Mulciber?" Avery asked.

"Sure, as long as you don't involve me it's not my problem" Severus nodded lightly.

"What do you have in mind Avery?" asked Rosier with a frown, Severus may not care much about his cousins from what he saw, but Evans was a different story.

Although Rosier knew that Avery and Mulciber wouldn't do anything against Evans as it was just pissing Severus off, and no one wanted an annoying bloody potions genius.

Especially when it was someone as bloody vindictive as Severus.

Potter and his group might have won most of the time when there were four of them against him, but Severus always took revenge in the worst possible ways.

That was why the Slytherins respected Severus despite his constant defeats at the hands of these jokers.

"We'll just welcome them," Avery replied with an ugly smirk.

Rosier just sighed and shook his head, as long as they didn't involve Evans there didn't seem to be any problems with Severus.

Although Rosier had to admit that he was surprised to see Severus' self-control when he saw James openly flirting with her.

In the past, Severus would have cursed under his breath and thought of a thousand ways to make them suffer in the Hogwarts nurse's room.

Finally, Severus, Rosier, and Avery entered the castle and went to the Great Hall.

The three of them went straight to the Slytherin table just like the other wizards and took their seats.

Then the three saw Mulciber talking to other Slytherin members of the Quidditch team in the middle of the long table.

When Mulciber saw Avery already seated, he got up from where he was and walked over to them.

Once he got to where they were, he looked down at the three of them and smiled.

"Hey, how have you three been? Can you guys tell me why that moron Avery is smiling like it's Christmas?" chuckled Mulciber.

"Uh-oh, he must still be thinking about how to welcome Severus' cousins," replied Rosier.

"Cousins?" muttered Mulciber confusedly looking between Rosier and Severus.

"What cousins?" he asked without understanding what he meant.

"Oh, good news Mulciber, Snape is now Prince and has two cousins in Gryffindor," grinned Avery like an idiot.

This just confused Mulciber even more as he received too much information in too little time without any logical explanation.

"What the bloody hell are you saying moron, explain well," Mulciber complained as he took a seat next to Severus in front of Rosier and Avery.

"What Avery means is that Severus turned out to be the new Prince heir and the new sixth-year students in Gryffindor turned out to be his distant cousins' explained Rosier.

"What... You a Prince?" asked Mulciber, pointing at Severus as if it was something impossible to believe.

Severus just nodded and continued reading quietly while Avery and Rosier explained everything he had already told him on the train.

Severus clearly wasn't interested in explaining anything again, so he let the two of them do it.

"Wow, to think you had something like that hidden to yourself, man, you always manage to surprise me," Mulciber said looking at Severus who was reading quietly as if he didn't care about the conversation.

None of the three of them were bothered by his behaviour as Severus was always like that, he preferred reading to talking to the others, and he always used to just nod or give short answers to end conversations and go on about his business.

" This time, I guess it's a surprise for everyone," Rosier clarified, knowing that all of Slytherin would be surprised by this news.

"You know Severus, I just came from talking to Mira and Ava and neither of them recognized you, they even seemed interested in you man," laughed Mulciber as if it was crazy.

"What, Ava?...impossible, come on don't joke, being a Prince hasn't suddenly changed him," growled Avery, his face contorted with a combination of fury and jealousy, he was staring at Severus in search of some substantial change that could make Ava interested in him.

"Maybe she likes men with short hair..." muttered Avery in confusion as he only noticed that Severus had cut his hair short, but he couldn't find anything else.

"Believe it or not, Severus seems to have changed a lot in the eyes of the others, didn't you see how everyone is giving him looks and whispering amongst themselves?" said Rosier, he also couldn't find anything strange about Severus other than his haircut and maybe his firm posture and not slouching like before.

"No idea, but Ava's right, Severus is attractive now. Can you believe it?" laughed Mulciber making Avery look at Severus with envy.

Now Avery was convinced that he had to cut his hair to look better.

Severus who heard all this just smiled in amusement at the nonsense they were talking about.

He wasn't blind, he had seen how much he had changed, it wasn't just his hair.

His physique was no longer thin, and neither was it pure muscle, but it was balanced and toned, of course, this was not seen by his clothes but just in his face you could see that he was no longer so skinny, other things that changed besides his physique were his teeth, his skin, his clothes, everything was now kept clean and well cared.

Severus immediately felt the obvious stares from his housemates and even from other houses that saw him, but he didn't mind and kept reading all the time.

The three of them continued to talk about many things while Severus just read as he always did, some other Slytherin who overheard the conversation they were having also came up to ask some questions to which Mulciber and Avery were more than happy to answer as if they were the spokespersons of the news.

A few moments later the door to the great hall opened and in walked Professor McGonagall, followed by a group of first-year students to be selected.

Then the Sorting Hat began to sing.

And when the hat finished singing the whole hall burst into applause, then the hat finished by bowing to each of the four tables where the students were seated.

" Now I begin the selection!" announced Professor McGonagall to everyone in the room and with a simple wave a roll of parchment suddenly appeared in her hand with the list of the first-year students.

"When I announce your name, you will sit on the stool and put the hat on so that you can be assigned to your houses," Minerva informed as she looked at all the little first-year wizards.

"Rachel Spillman!" shouted McGonagall and after a while, a girl walked nervously up to the teacher.

Then she sat down and put on the strange talking hat.

After a few seconds the hat shouted:


A great amount of clapping and cheering could be heard from the corner table, giving a warm and exciting welcome to the first first-year student to go to their house.

"Calvin Evergreen!" shouted Professor McGonagall and soon a boy with glasses, his head down, and a book in his hand could be seen going to sit down.

"Ravenclaw!" announced the hat.

"Leila Motter" Minerva called out again to another student.

A minute passed between the hat's thoughts and finally, it decided.

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the hat.

The girl jumped out of her seat happy to hear the hat and made her way to the long Puff table, where she was cheered for being part of their house.

"Irvin Warrington" shouted Professor McGonagall and soon a young man of noble bearing with a proud and arrogant look on his face could be seen making his way to his seat.

Once Warrington was seated, it was no surprise that the Sorting Hat hardly hesitated to say:


At the Slytherin table, many wizards applauded the young man.

Next to Severus was Mulciber, a fatter, bigger, and much more physically brutal version of Avery, who was shouting and clapping fiercely for Warrington.

Both Alvery and Mucliber were very similar and used to do all sorts of things together as best friends, amongst their favourites were teasing and bullying mudbloods.

Lily used to tell Severus that Mulciber and Avery's idea of humour was evil.

She always reprimanded Severus for being "friends" with them.

Although he didn't have much of a choice before if he wanted to survive in Slytherin.

While the other Slytherins continue to welcome their newest member, Severus was only focused on continuing to read the spell book Hermione gave him.

"Hey Severus, looks like your new family has similar tastes to you, why doesn't that surprise me?, it must be a family thing," commented Mulciber suddenly mockingly, an ugly grin growing on his face as he looked at Severus' cousins who were chatting at the Gryffindor table next to the mudblood Evans and her friends.

"Don't talk crap Mulciber, you know that we all have relatives who are less than... desirable," Regulus commented looking at his brother Sirius Black who was standing next to James Potter.

"Haha, right, right, I forgot about the Black's misfortune, tell me Regulus how did you put up with having a brother like that?" asked Mulciber laughing.

"You get used to it," Regulus replied with a frown.

"It seems that the Blacks and the Princes are out of luck, you should eliminate those blood traitors," Mulciber chuckled.

" Be careful Mulciber, you know Hogwarts has ears everywhere, only our House is safe" warned Rosier.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, like I care if they find out what I say," Mulciber said rolling his eyes.

"Don't underestimate Dumbledore" Rosier said seriously glaring at him.

"Hey, Sna-Prince, sorry mate, I still can't get used to the fact that you're not Snape anymore" laughed Avery changing the subject of the conversation.

"Never mind, tell me" Severus replied lightly without even looking at him, he was still calmly reading the book Hermione had given him with a large amount of new spells for him.

"Well... McGonagall is staring at you," commented Avery intrigued and fidgeting in his seat at the stare of the professor that every Slytherin considered the most annoying at Hogwarts.

Severus wondered how this idiot had noticed that, he had already felt McGonagall and Dumbledore's gaze on him, but he didn't bother to worry about it.

"Then let her watch," Severus replied.

Rosier just smiled and Mulciber laughed out loud while Avery grimaced a little annoyed.

Back to house selection, the last little wizard on the list was assigned to Hufflepuff and finally, the Hogwarts selection ceremony ended perfectly.

McGonagall then took the chair and the hat.

"I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves. Now that the sorting is over, it's time for the Headmaster to say a few words" McGonagall said.

"I hope you can hold back your smiles during his speech," she added sternly before turning and heading to the teacher's table.

Moments later, Headmaster Dumbledore stood up from his seat and walked to the podium and his eyes sparkled as he looked at them all.

He had been watching the Princes carefully since they entered the hall and was glad that the two of them had managed to stay together with Evans and the other Gryffindors.

Albus also noticed curiously that Severus didn't bother to even look at his cousins who were with Evans.

He didn't know if Severus was just ignoring the situation or if he really didn't care.

"Good evening to you every one. I hope all your summer holidays have been wonderful and interesting," Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, I know many of you must be hungry, so I won't keep you long... first I would like to welcome all the first years along with the two new 6th years in Gryffindor" Albus added and instantly a lot of applause erupted throughout the Hall.

"Yes, yes, congratulations young wizards."

"Now..." he said seriously, changing the mood of the Hall immediately.

"I have here the list of all the missing and recently dead people..." said Albus and began to name various names of wizards, relatives, and acquaintances of many of the young ones at Hogwarts.

At most of the tables, some young people could be seen crying while others comforted them, many even directed hateful glances towards the Slytherin table.

Many of the death eaters causing terror and murder were the parents of those present in Slytherin.

"Well, I would like for everyone to make a moment of silence for all of them," Dumbledore said once he had finished naming all the people on the list.

Although many felt it was unnecessary as everyone at Hogwarts knew about the list.

The list had already been published by several newspapers, so it was not something that the young people present did not know.

Everyone was silent, even the Slytherins did not dare to contradict Dumbledore.

" Alright, thanks everyone, now to conclude I would like to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Harvey Scotter who joined our staff this year to teach after the horrible illness that Professor Rodric Gras contracted".

"Very well, without further ado, let the feast begin!" exclaimed Dumbledore.

As Dumbledore finished speaking, a large amount of food instantly appeared on every table and was filled with an incredible variety of different dishes.

The students began to eat immediately, as most of them were very hungry since the train started the journey at midday and arrived in the evening, so all the wizards who did not spend much on buying food were starving.

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