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52.88% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 55: Chap 55- The Posers

Capítulo 55: Chap 55- The Posers

Chap 55- The Posers:

( A/N: Well, now this is about to get heated.)


{ Skies }


Looking up, I see five space pods raining down from the skies at high speeds.....

' So he called them.... Well, that isn't going to change anything.... but a warm-up is always nice before the main dish.*grins*'

[{ Uhum.... *Ding*... Tsk... another cake.... this will take a while...}]

Hearing another ding that, I can guess it's Kro opening them up.

Well at least we'll have time, just need to play around with these guys while she opens them up, planting their heads underground seems like something fun to do.

Forcing their captain to change bodies with a rock.... ouhhhhh~ that would be evil~

[{ Yeah....*Ding* AGHHHH...*CRACK*..."}]

Hearing something snapping to pieces from the blue screen that it's by the side of my head, I raise an eyebrow.

"Hey Kro.... uhhh... Did you just break the hand supports of your chair... or was it the table?..."- With my mouth a little open and eyes dropping in a face of disbelief, I stare at the screen.

Just to hear a humming in response, followed by another one of these 'dings'.... Guess she's too focused on that for now...

*Sigh* Well I will play a bit then.


Speeding up a bit to catch up to them as soon as they land, I see on the horizon of my vision a large pancake-formatted spaceship, with legs like spiders around it holding it up.

It's pretty far away still, my vision is just that good, too good in fact....

This shit causes me headaches if I don't cap it at times.... how? Just use the lazy eyes practice, and try to not focus on anything that is too far away.

Works for me, but it being a thing I was born with, how come I feel tired with it?

Well, Humans are born with legs, they walk, how come they get tired by doing so?

By using it.

Probably don't have to elaborate further.

[{ You're speaking to yourself again Muun...*Ding*... I...*Loud sigh*}]

Don't want to even know what did'ya get.... must have been something bad....

[{ A..... purple toy... made for satisfaction usage.... *BAM*... That it is now the Void property's.... anyway...*ding*...}]

Hearing how casually she threw a probable dildo out of her room, I can only sweatdrop and awkwardly laugh.

As I fly, only hearing the blue-head's trying her luck, I start to hum, and then eventually sing.

" Don~Do-*BOOOM!*"- Just for something to hit my face... a yellow blast to be precise... it doesn't do jack shit... not even moving me back a meter.

But still....

"WHAT THE FUCK?!"- Looking around... I get a view of one of those Frieza soldiers, aiming his laser-toy-beam-launcher toward me, with smoke going out of its barrel.

I can only look at him with the most -' Bitch, you seriously?'- I have ever done.

He seems to understand his position as the smoke that was around my face dissipates leaving only my face, unscathed, looking at him, dead in the eyes.

Slowly descending to his level, seeing how various other blasts are incoming, and they were so slow that just moving a little to one side, then the other, was already enough to make every single of them miss.

" Boi..... I was bout to fight some middle bosses.... I ended up calling a minion somehow..."- Seeing his confused face as I step in front of him makes me crack up a smile.

[{ Hmm?.....*looks back at screen*... Poor man...}]

He's pretty small..... even smaller than Vegeta....

Ouh~ I have an idea~

" W-W-WHAT!!!"- Being scared as he is, he instantly tries to run when he realizes the situation he currently is in.

But me being me.... grabbing him back the back of his helmet like armor, and aiming him towards the main mother ship side of these guys, I try to find a good spot.

Closing one eye to have a better aim, while putting my tongue out."- About..... here, yeah, should get there."

While I picked him up, he was squirming around like crazy, almost like a fish out of the water, firing his canon at random and trying to turn around and hit me.

He even did hit me, luckily his boots weren't so dirty to the point of leaving a mark on my jacket... would throw him to the sun for that.....


Getting my hands off the soldier for less than a second, I bring my right leg back to its full stretch, just to smile, probably not a so beautiful one, as I can see him flinching for an instant there.

[{ He just can't appreciate beautiful things.}]

....*Blushes*... Not the time....

I am trying to look scary here.....

[{ Uuuhhh~ Scary Birby~}]


Looking down at the ground to hide my face..... This girl.....made me lose all my mood....*sigh*

" Just... FUCKING FLY!!"

"THE GREA- *PAM!* AAAAaaaaaa....."- Jumping up with my left leg, I kick in a soccer manner forward at high speeds towards his chest, probably ending the man on impact.... or at least his whole rib cage.... do these aliens even need them? Hmmm.....

* Distant screaming *


Ouh.... he screamed as he was sent flying..... He's probably alive....for now.

[{ Muun, you have probably ruined his organs as a whole.... the moment he drops he will probably be already dead.}]

But he attacked first..... so we're even right?....

[{ ... }]

Not getting my response, I look back towards my bal-*ahem* Frieza soldier.

His body was sent back towards the trajectory that I calculated.... well a bit off....

*Distant Boom!*

"Wait wut.... He was still flying..."

[{ You..... somehow hit one of the Ginyu pods...*slow claps*.}]


.... How....


After a second of silence, and coming to a reason that I somehow just ended a Frieza soldier... with another Frieza soldier...

'Well one less I guess.... or he could still be alive... I might check....'- Shrugging my arms up, just to scratch the back of my head, as I take a deep breath while closing my eyes.

One last calm moment before the chaos, which I totally will not cause and will not have any involvement in it, would be nice....

[{ *Ding*.... Don't mind me... Just opening these damned...*Ding*..... Hellish things....}]





Can't have shit on Namek.....









{ Ginyu Forces Pods }


"JEIIIICEEEEEEE!!!!!"- One of the pods that were preparing to land was shot down.... by what looked to be the body of one of the Frieza force random soldiers.

And inside one of them a blue bald alien, with the top of his head having an armor-like shell colored in light orange, was shocked with both pure red eyes staring outside his pod's red glass towards his best friend's own pod as it crashed down.

"NOOOOO!!!!*BOOM!!* JEICEE!!!!!"- Tears of sadness ran down his face as he exploded his small flying vehicle to bits and flew in the direction he saw the one called Jeice crash with a big explosion.


Flying at staggering speeds while doing so.

Meanwhile, the other members of their group still not really comprehending the situation.... did one of their own prideful Ginyu Forces partner just go out even before landing?.....


Agitating inside his pod and also almost exploding out of it like the previously blue man did, a strangely human-looking tall man with orange hair and a big physique was trying to pose inside his pod as it descends just to hear a BEP from his transmitter.

"Recoome... Don't destroy yours too... Burter will already have a bad time explaining why his is missing to Lord Frieza."- A very good-mannered voice came out from the speaker, stopping the bulky man's attempts at posing.

Lowering both his arms to his thighs as his face goes back to a neutral one.-" Recoome does not wish to upset the Greatness of Lord Frieza."

" And that's how it should be."- Nodding inside his own space pod as the wrestler calms down, a purple alien with two black horns going out of his head just crosses his arms with both eyes closed, sporting an arrogant smile on his face.

All of them wearing the same oldy Frieza Force armor, the only difference being the symbol strapped by the right side of their chest, representing that they are a special squad, not many had these around the Frieza Forces, and they had the pride to be one of those who had it!

" JEICEEE!!! YOU OKAY? I WAS FAST ENOUGH TO GET HERE?!"- On the ground level, inside a crater that was just creates was a red man with hair similar to Yamcha but in white, his armor was pretty roughed up as his eyes were barely open, and he was still in his sleep mode so he received the full impact.

"Bloody hell.... what the actual hell happened bud...."- Moving his body from the crater he tries to sit up, Burter puts his right hand behind his back as a helping support and wipes the tears that were by his cheeks with his free one.

The red man, who seems to be Australian somehow, was confused at what happened and glancing around him seeing pieces that are in flames from his space pod, blinking twice before understanding he was attacked even before landing.

" THESE BLOODY BASTARDS TRIED TO MAKE A BARBIE OUT OF ME?!?!" - Indignant that they dared to do that, he reached to his face to try to find the culprits for the act, just to notice his scouter was missing....

" Jeice.... I think you left yours inside the pod.... want to borrow mine?"- Not even waiting for a response, Burter reached to get his own off, just to have his arm be held by the one sitting down.

" Ta mate, but I don't need it, when we pass by Lord's Frieza spaceship I get a newy sparkling one."- Sighing at the refusal of his help, Burter moves his hand to help the red man up from the ground.

" Then let's go, Captain will probably be landing in a few instants."- As he helps Jeice up they both hear a small pebble roll down from one of the edges of the crater they currently are in, and looking up... they see a squatting woman with a strange clothing and white hood above her head, a green scouter beeped on her face as she looked down at them.

Before they can even get ready, she raises both arms in a surrounding manner, using her right hand to get off her scouter with a *click*, and throw it to Jeice.-" Heyhey! Chill! I am from one of the special forces like you guys, from Lord Ge-Frieza's...Uhhh... Father! He sent me here to help and see if the planet is worth anything, you guys can read my power, it'll prove it.*grin*"

Picking the scouter and looking towards it for a second, and already seeing that it was a middle-class one, Jeice was already happy that it was the same model as his old one, and he didn't waste a second to plug it into his face and look towards the girl.

*BEPBEP*-" Wow! Fifty thousand! She really be one of the special forces!"- To his happiness, they really met a friend on this out-of-nowhere planet.

Burter did the same and got similar results.-" Yeah... I guess you are going to Lord Frieza too.... uhh, what's your name?"

They both look back towards her as she smiles and stands up, her hood that obscured her head was pushed off again, making her flinch and a tick mark momentarily appears before going away.

Her long light brown hair flew to the cold breeze as her yellow eyes glowed with a strange excitement in the..-" Snake. Solid Snake from the U.S.A Special forces, my partner is a little stuck up right now, so, for now, is only me alone, Ehehe.*scratches head*"

Closing her eyes she gives them a carefree smile and seeing how chill the girl was the two soldiers smiled.-" Well new mate, let's get goin already then!*USH!*"


Flying up towards the clouds, Jeice was followed by Burter not a second later, Mumei stayed there looking up at them a little, a drop of sweat going down her cheek.-' Can't believe this shit worked.....'

[{ Speech 100....*DING*.....FFFFFFFUUUUU-...}]

' You're starting to sound like a creeper you know...'- Shaking her head, she prepares to follow them.


" Imma be sneaky sneaky ehehe~!"


And there she goes, following after the two, and after a few seconds catching up to them.

" So, what you have been doing since started doing... Ya know.... our usual jobs and stuff?"

Hearing the girl getting close to them so fast, proving her power even more makes them both smile a bit, Jeice sees that she is just trying to make some chitchat, and actually finds it nice.

" Ya see, I was actually a pretty dam good baseball player on mah planet, good stuff, was getting some enjoyable bucks and everything.... but then Captain found me and offered the job, biiiig one! I took it, Space Australia was good and all, but I go home regularly too, Burter helps a lot there."

'Dude got sidetracked.... but interesting to know other planets have the same sports as earth.'- Mumei was smiling slightly, waiting for the other to continue his end.

" Yeah, we group up and play together or just drink at times these days, I was a runner, the fastest in there! Captain found me when I was running in a tournament and complimented my speed, got me in the job, the payment is out of this world, and I met my best friend Jeice, so kinda worth it."

"Oooh~ Come her'e mate!"- Throwing an arm behind the big blue man's shoulder, the two of them laugh as they fly, leaving the one flying a little behind them to just stare in amusement.

As they stop laughing after a second, not being interrupted as Mumei gave them their space, they both look back towards her.-" And ya sheila? Ya said ya wasn't from Lord Frieza's side of the coin."

" Yeah... Snake, was it? What you were doing before joining in?"- Curiously staring at the girl for her answer, she entered a thinking face, trying to formulate something, when it snapped.-' I will be in character!'

" Was working for my planet's military forces, was pretty good at it or so they said, almost one hundred percent completion expectancy with me *raises both thumbs up*... mostly just stopping bombs that could end up exploding a continent and such to get in the wrong hands, Lord Cold was one of the planet owners and saw my curriculum, then he proposed me a deal, big cash moni for me, and here we are today!"

* *Claps* *

"Wow girly, ya came from above! And being picked by the bloke himself, that must have been a bonzer of an experience!"- Clapping his hand while having his eyes wide open that the girl was already a pretty well-trained soldier before joining in, Jeice was pretty impressed.

" Yeah, you hit the big prize for the big boss himself to come by!"- And further adding in, Burter was also impressed by it.

"Thanks...."- ' Imma trained soldier bitch! ahahahaha!'

[{ *Sigh* *ding*, At least someone is having fun.... another purple's the fourth one...*BAM!* ... Not my property...}]

The passive-aggressive voice that Kro had was something to send chills down the Owl girl's spine, as she smiled awkwardly, not really wanting to add fuel to the fire, as it was already magma hot.

" Don't need to be so timid, girly! Ya got the jackpot! Hey, hit us later, would be nice for us to hit an old bottle-o! My planet has some pretty darn good ones!"

Opening his arms forward while smiling, Jeice gets already pumped up at the idea of some after-work drinks, Burter just nods wisely while humming.-" Yeah, that would be a pretty nice reward to commemorate Lord Frieza's new eternal empire!"

"Ya bet mate!"

They both bump fists as Mumei gets even more awkward.-' Sheeesh this.... well at least I know they're not going to betray him... no use trying.... Mannn.... Gecko, what the actual fuck do you do to get these people so loyal...'

[{ Fear? }]

"Uhum.... Well, I know it works for me.... must be a universal method...."- Speaking in a lower tone to herself, both aliens turn their heads to the one so-called 'Snake', with cocked eyebrows, but dismiss it a second later as they see a familiar spaceship down below.

" Let's step up mates! Lord Frieza is waiting!"




"*Sigh* Yeah, let's do this then!"


Breathing in, the Owl girl changes her casual face to her normally smug one in an instant, following the other two as they head to the large pancake spaceship below them.









{ Close to Frieza's Spaceship }

" So, I see you all finally arrived. Took you long enough, and where are the other two?*cocks eyebrow*"- Crossing his arms by his chest, the Emperor asks why his best forces took so long to get here.

Three alien men were lined side by side, bowing to one knee with their heads lowered as they heard their boss ask them the question.

Seeing it was finally their time to speak up, one of them stands up while raising his right arm to a salutation.

"Lord Frieza! The Ginyu Forces had some problems traveling by this sector! Some meteorites on the way made us take longer than anticipates! As for the other two...*BepBep**smile*, They are already here! Some crazy locals must have tried to end us!"

His green scouter beeps and an arrow pointing upwards explains to him that his men were already arriving, a little off-punctual... But he couldn't really put the blame on the red man as he was literally shot down from the skies, but he would make them do extra hours in their next missions!

* *tap*tap* *

" " LORD FRIEZA! " " - Both red and blue friends descend by the line their comrades were making, also bowing to one knee like they are doing.

The one who just asked where they were looks at the giving a curious look.-" What happened? Your Captain said that one of you was attacked in the middle of your landing protocol."

Seemingly genuinely interested in the prospect of who would dare attack his forces, Frieza flew closer to the two of them with his hovering pod.

He was levitating just two steps in front of them, looking down at them.

The two high-class soldiers were sweating profusely, even if it wasn't their fault, making the Great Frieza wait was quite the doing.

"W-We already located and exterminated the individual Lord Frieza!"- Keeping his voice tone controlled while trying to show great respect, Burter tries to get them out of this situation.

"Y-Yea Boss! As soon as we landed we made an overcooked bikkie out of the dude!"- And seeing what he was doing, Jeice entered doing his part.

Hearing nothing interesting, the Emperor just nods while humming.-" Well... If you two already ended said person, I guess you're already good. Now, I just explained to your comrades what they came here to do...*looks at Jeice* I hope I don't need to repeat myself."

"A-hhh... No Lord Frieza! We goin to listen to them and do the same! defo!"- Nodding his head frantically, Jeice sweats heavily.

His friend follow his nods, but something clicked as they both looked around, not finding their newest friend.-" Uhh.... Where's Snake?"

At the red man's question, all the ones who didn't know who he was talking about looked confused at the Australian, his Captain even getting a tick mark already done with their wasting of time.

"JEICE! We have a noble duty to be done! Why won't you stop wasting our time more than you two already di- *PAM* UGHH!?!?!"- A white hooded figure shows up in front of the Captain, using her right knee to his chin, making his head shoot back being pointed towards the sky.

The hooded individual raises both arms together above its head and interlocking them together brings it down in axe motion, too fast that only the white gecko could see it.

But what made him wide in his eyes was that person's speed seemed almost equal to his own.



" Woooah bloody what!!!"

" What is this time!!!"


" Reecome is off balaaaance!"

As the attack connects, a giant crater is formed around the Captain, his eyes almost bulging out of his face as the hands hit right in the middle of his face, shoving half his body inside the ground.

It doesn't stop, as a pillar of smoke and dust is raised, proving even further the strength behind these attacks.

The others who were close by jumped out of the crater that was getting bigger and bigger, stopping as it almost reached their mother spaceship, where Frieza jumped back to.

He was in front of it with both arms crossed, squinting his eyes while frowning, never really expecting another addition this powerful.

As the dust settles down, giving a better view for all those around the massive crater, they could see a strange brown hair flowing together with the wind, as the hood was now off.

Blinking slowly while grinning like a little devil with those sharp canines, a girl was staring towards the Emperor with her piercing yellow eyes, locking into his own red ones.

And if you were in another universe, these two would probably have black and red lighting going off as the intensity of this stare was scaring the other two by the other side of the crater.

" Heya.... Ya for real?..... That sheila...."- Too stunned to speak, Jeice was trembling as he tried to tap his scouter, but before he did so.

*BOOM*-" WHAT!! I BOUGHT THIS ONE LAST WEEK! IT'S MAXIMUM WAS TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND, HOW!"- A small green man who somehow disappeared when the explosion happened was having a tantrum as his green scaling device exploded.

And as it did, Jeice laughed nervously as he stared at the girl, and his eyes widened as he sawed something that wrapped around the girl's hips, swinging free back and forth like it was an excited cat, but that wasn't enough, two feathers on the back of her head that twitched around too.

" By the gods... this girl oldies.... were they..."- Stopping his sentence as he saw one of the feathers on top of her head aim at his side, making him shut his mouth.

Mumei turned her face to their side and side-eyed a death glare.-" Get the hell out off here, or you will end up..*PAM!!* Like him."

Finalizing her job, she fully buried their Captain underground by kicking down on top of his head with her right leg, guess she sent him to the afterlife already giving him a full burial.


"Ouw!! Magnificent! *Smile*, Say little girl, I haven't seen you around, but by your strength alone I can see you would give a splendid addition to my forces! Your appearance may give me some bad memories... but I could overlook that for a good general."

Extending his right arm forward while opening his hand to the Owl, he smiles maliciously, just to receive a disgusted grimace.

" Nah, still need to squash an annoying gecko that is crawling around this world ya'know."- Ending her sentence she moves her foot off the place she buried someone, and tries to step forward, just to blink and have a short green man with a blast of energy appear in front of her face.

"Ehehe! You- *BAM!!!!* UOUHHHH!!!!*CRASH!!*"- Just to be sent to the side with a left-handed slap, sending him to one of the sides of the crater, already off commission.

Shooting one look at his body before groaning and going back to her advance.

Frieza seeing the girl was just going to walk towards him, decided to test her even further, he aimed a finger at the last of his special forces and pointed towards the girl who was closing in.

This moment was one of the hardest in the life of the two of them, they knew the power she held after seeing Guldo's scouter explode, and they were reconsidering it.

"RECOOOOMMEEEEE RUSSHHH!!!"- But a certain someone must have not seen it, and ran forward with heavy steps creating small holes with each step, getting behind the girl and opening both arms he tries to tackle her from behind.


As his arms closed on to her sides, her tail whipped his midsection making him bend forward with both hands by his stomach his eyes wide open, his mouth likewise, as he tries to use his last technique opening his mouth even wider, the same tail comes back for a second round.



K.Oing him to another side, the one who was leaving victims left and right was actually enjoying this dominance, proving even more what the blue-headed Void resident saying that she may be an S.

Walking moving one shoulder forward than the other back, strangely imitating a certain doctor, her feather twitched again, the two of them this time, making her grin reduce a bit.

* PAM! * - * BAM *

"WHAAT!!!" - " DARN IT!!!"

Raising one arm to each side, she catches two straight punches incoming for her, keeping them in place.

"*Sigh* Well, I know you guys must have destroyed a bunch of planets..... would have let you guys go if you didn't attack, ya know?"- She knew they didn't have a choice as the Emperor himself said for them to attack.

And she held them in there for a second, until coming to the conclusion that it was better to do what she was doing.

* *USH!* *

* * PAM!!! * *

" "UOUGHH!!!!" "

Pushing both by their respective arms to her sides, she connects an uppercut to their stomachs, and as they lose all the air inside their lung, raising her arm to them again and grabbing the top of their heads

" Sleep well~"

* * BOOOM!!! * *

Planting their heads inside the ground with a small explosion of dust and small rocks.


And patting her hands together to get off the dust, she breathes in and hums while nodding, giving one last look at her doings.-" Yeah, this will do."

"*Clap*clap* Truly impressive, are you sure you don't want to join me? With your power, my empire would grow stronger than ever!"

Maniacally smiling, the Emperor floated out of his pod and descended in front of the girl, whose eyes fired back towards his own, her face morphing into a crazy excited grin that answered the question.

"*Sigh**closes eyes* It seems it doesn't matter if they aren't a full one.....*open eyes* Monkeys..... will always stay MONKEYS!!!"- Punching towards Mumei's stomach with a right jab.

Seeing the incoming attack, the Owl girl raised her right leg up wanting to block with her knee, wanting to experience how big the difference was personally.


The crater, which was already full of cracks, now was just pebbles as the cracks from the shockwaves of pure ground cutting air parted rocks apart, lowering the ground level even more.

Our Owl girl stood her ground, not really moving much back, just trembling a bit in place to stay there, surprising the Emperor who rose his eyebrows.

" H-Hey! Ain't that bad! J-J-Just s-shook m-my whole skeleton numb! Nothing m-more!"- Like a robot she took a step back, with her body going side to side trembling.

'Boi..... That was like when you hit your elbow on a table... but worse....'- Getting stable once again she lets out a breath and lowers her body and using her strange grappler stance that she liked using it, to confuse people, and it was a good one to start off with strong attacks.

"Ohohoho~ It seems you aren't all talk, monkey. Okay then! Entertain me while my wish isn't granted yet!"- Stretching both arms to his sides, he pushes his chest forwards and lowers his head a bit, he also puts his right alien leg in front of his left, like he was presenting in a long dress.

Both sides once again stare into one another's eyes, the so-promised battle was finally going to start, Mumei never smiled so much in her life as her whole body was shaken, hyped about what was to come, as her so-promised 'fun' was finally right in front of her.

On the Emperor's side, he sawed all this as a way to pass time, yes he did lose the Ginyu Forces, but his normal soldiers will get them eventually, he wasn't in any hurry.








After all, after he gets them all and makes his wish, A little wait will not be a problem~

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