Chap 19- AuntMei:
(A/N: 3 to 5 days break bois, for me to refresh my head, and read some stuff, and maybe finish some other arts I have laying around.
Btw, Her entrance last Chap, was the Darth Vader theme. :)
So like always, have a good ride on this one^^)
( A/N: Small fix)
{Mount Paozu ; Goku's Home; 06:13 p.m}
Voices can be heard on a table in the mountain top, a small house in the middle of nowhere that homes one of the strongest beings on the planet earth.
There in its door is a green man with a white cape, resting his back on the door frame, looking inside at the four others, two women, another man with black spiked hair, and a little boy with a monkey tail.
The boy with a tail similar to Muun, is sitting on her lap, playing with her own tail that moves in his front, going a little too fast for him to catch.
Doing so, with a warm smile on her face, and laughing from time to time at how clumsy the kid is.
The others look at her with smiles, Piccolo himself come a long way since being just a rag doll for Muun.-' She's stronger, way more than when she fought me..."
Goku too got way stronger, and now looks at Mumei with fierce eyes.-' How did you get so strong Mumei...'
His wife, Chi-Chi looks at the image of her son playing with the younger lady with a happy smile.-' Oh god, she's going to be such a good older sister! While these brutes just think about fighting, Mumei-chan at least have some brains!'
"Guh!!"- The Owl herself flinches a little. -' Why did I feel like an arrow just pierced through me right now?*sweats*'- She looks up from the child to Goku and Pickl- I mean Piccolo.
She gives them a better look, her eyes turning yellow with black dots for half a second, Chi-Chi didn't notice, but the other two did.
"Umu... the feeling you two are passing now is way different! I am proud you guys got so strong in such a short period of time!*smile*"- 'Kro? Are you there? Can you make me some estimation?'
[{Sure, *clicking noises* hmm, they gained pretty a lot of power, now exchanging the feeling of power they're giving, and making some quick mathematical equations to see how much times they got stronger, and putting in together their potential, and fighting partner.... Hmmm, Goku is on about in the powerhouse of 3.5K in PL, Piccolo is a little lower, on the 3.2K's in PL, without gravity training, and just fighting as sparing partners... that's some big gains for their normal selves, Goku must have gotten a Zenkai that put him above Piccolo.}]
'Ehehe~ They be almost strong as Nappa suppressed, he was what 6k at full power?'
[{ 7K's to 7.5K}]
'Ye, that, now they should get a way to reach his level, I will not even move until Vegeta gets here, I should have somehow limited my power gain...'- A little sad that she got so high at such early part of the story, she doesn't notice she sighs, making both other fighters flinch.
'Did she just sigh at us? Is she mocking us?*raises eyebrow*'- Piccolo looks at Goku, who too feels the same, a little taken back.
"Hey Mumei, I know you just got here, but what you think about a little spar? Me and Piccolo got crazy strong, so we wanted to test ourselves! What you think?"- Goku getting excited jumps ups from his seat.
His wife almost sighing loud, like it happened a lot of times already.
And oh boi, it did, Mumei was sometimes helping with the food, and talking to Chi-Chi about random things, and Goku would ask for a fight.
Meanwhile, Mumei, was trying to make, so Chi-Chi doesn't torture Gohan, but most time was just Chi-Chi complaining and Muun listening and nodding, sometimes giving an opinion here and there, she wasn't the best at giving tips.
[{But it worked Muun, now the poor boy will not suffer as he did, like, didn't she say basically-' Fuck the earth, Gohan's studies are more important!'- When the Androids were about to show up? That's fucked up!}]
'I really wish, she doesn't turn like that... If worse comes, and she does turn that way, Kro, help me with teaching lil'Gohan? Like you have a super computer at your hands, so I buy some books, you explain them to me and I do to him, easy, But I will not understand anything I will be explaining as well... Sooo ye...'- Kro on the other side almost falls off her chair.
[{... Okay.... Can do...}]
"Hey Mumei?"- Goku calls her out of her thinking time.
"Uh? OUH! Ye, ye! We can, both of you can come full power at me then!"- Saying so makes them not really believe their ears.
"You sure bird? We got way stronger ourselves, even if you are indeed strong, do you think it will be that easy?"- Piccolo stares at the girl, who just smiles.
"Try and see if I am bluffing, I can say even in Owl form I could take the both of you, but I am feeling merciful today!"- As she said that, Pickles face got turned to one of Vietnam flashbacks.
[{Poor guy... at least she was 3x faster, so if you can't see her move normally... you're basically dead in Owl Form...}]
'Ehehe, I put a trauma of Owls into Piccolo's head! Fear the Owls!!'- Mumei smug smiles grows.
She gets up and puts little Gohan back on Chi-Chi's lap, and walks outside.
She walks to a cleaning some meters away from the house, the two other follow close behind, Chi-Chi stays at the door, now with a chair and little Gohan on her lap, making some cute noises.-" Hymp, they're really barbarians, fighting such a beautiful lady as Mumei-chan... But she's indeed strong, she was fighting my Goku when she stayed around, and now even Piccolo said he was humiliated by her, just how strong she is?"
"Babuu! Aaub?"- Little Gohan looks at Mumei, who fires a thumps to him, making the little child smile happily.-" Auuub!"
"What it's Gohan? Wanting to see your aunt Mumei beat them? Ohoho, she will, but I am pretty sure, but your dad, Goku will not back down too!"
Mumei smiles and gets in her stance, jumping leg to leg.-"No Ki attacks, we don't want to destroy everything, show me where the training you both did got you!"- Shouting and making them both get off their weights on their clothes.
Jumping at how light he is, Goku shows his excited smile.-" Don't go down easy Mumei, I wanna see how much better you got since our last meeting!"
Piccolo now without his weighted clothes *crack* cracks his neck and get in position.- " Last time I was humiliated, now it's time fot pay back! Mumei!"
Muun just tenses her body, and the two of them get ready.
The silence being the only thing that followed the next 5 seconds on the battlefield, until.
Goku advances, at such speeds that cut even the wind making no sound.
Piccolo not wanting to be left behind, dashes too.
Both appear in each side of Mumei.
"AHHHH!! AH! AH! AH! AH!"- Goku punches with a jab, then follows by a cross and two sidekicks.
"GRAHHH!!! AH! AH!"- Piccolo does an over the head chop, and two jabs.
Mumei takes two steps back, effectively dodging the first two attacks from both, and when Goku launches the second kick, *grabs*-" OYAAAA!!!"
"WOAH!!! WOOOOOO!! *CLASH!*"- Mumei spins while grabbing onto Goku's leg, and launches him towards a tree formation.
*FUSH!!*- "Heh, that's not going to work Piccolo!"- She crunched down as the green one punched for her head, missing and almost tripping on the Owl.
"ooohhh! MUMEI SLAM!!!"- She springs back up and catches Piccolo by the under his chin, and jumps up.
She comes back down, bringing Piccolo's head down with her, and planting it on the ground.
Taking a few steps back, *clap* *clap* She claps her hands getting the dust out of it.
"You guys... That's all?*smug smile*"- She just crosses her arms.
Some sounds come from where the other Saiyan was launched, then finally from all the logs of wood that were destroyed, emerges Goku.-" Never said anything, but you really are strong... and what happened to Piccolo?"
He starts speaking seriously, but when he sees Piccolo comically trying to get his head out of the ground, he points at it.
Muun gives a look, and then looks back to the Saiyan waving her hand side to side with a little smile.-" Nah, don't worry about it, I just made a three points goal."
Blinking two times, Goku just shrugs and gets in his iconic stance.-" I am not going down easily Mumei... HAAAAH!"- He pushes the ground off, flying at high speed at Muun.
She gets in position. -'Okay then, let's see if can at least handle someone with double your strength!'
Goku throws a left punch with all his body, Muun just moves her head to her right side while launching an uppercut.
Intercepting it with his elbow, and kicking with a frontal kick, Goku tries his best to oppose her strength.
Muun raises her knee blocking the kick but pushing her back a little.
'He can follow up with at this level... well time that's Goku for you.'- Smiling she steps forward again, this time when she's about to fire another punch.
"Ah?"- She looks confused at her back, where a green open hand is making a cutting motion to her neck, it did indeed connect... It did nothing.
Piccolo, couldn't believe it, his eyes open in shock and mouth doing so too.
'It didn't even make her flinch!!!!'
[{... Nice hit green dude, but this my-*cough*, this is the strongest Owl around!}]
Her eyes flickered red for a second, and Muun connected a punch into punch Goku and Piccolo's faces, for them, she didn't move, at all.
They both are sent flying, sliding across the ground, with both their eyes totally white.
"Hey, my face is out of limits, I like being a pretty Owl ya know? Luckily you didn't touch my feathers, Would have to kill ya.... Joking ahahaha!"- She cracks up a little, but the two couldn't hear her, both being totally wasted.
[{That was something...}]
Chi-Chi who was watching, claps her hands with stars in her eyes.
Gohan who just sawn this, had a strange fierce glow in his little kid's eyes.
Mumei comes laughing to the side of the little boy after one hitting both his fathers.
She hears a little bit about Chi-Chi, she is just complimenting Muun for talking in a language those two understand a word or two.
The Owl laughs at this, and ask if she can play with Gohan, the mother already seeing how the other acts with the little kid, accepts.
And Mumei goes around with Gohan in her shoulders, the child laughing with sounds his aunt makes, flying here and there.
He even tried to play with the feathers in her head, but she was extra fast, and taught him that it was a big No-No.
Instead, she gave him one of her fake Dragon Balls, and after such a situation she got back to flying around.
Until night, she played with him, and when he finally slept, she got back.
Putting him in his little bed, and going back to the Kitchen, and helping Chi-Chi with the food.
Only when she finished making the food, did those two appear, in a drunk like state.
Both didn't understand what happened, and Mumei said she used one of her fighting techniques she learned, and they couldn't handle it.
They complained about if it had anything to do with Ki, she just said it was a martial arts skill, and it increased her power, nothing more.
Now they had an even bigger goal, now their goal could probably be even double stronger than she shows.
Eating and talking about what they have been doing this year, Mumei just said she was with a friend and learning techniques and training them, while studying some stuff(DBZ anime).
Chi-Chi was overjoyed, knowing such a person could be around, she studied! That's something those around Goku(besides Bulma) didn't do at all!
That also almost made Kro cry, with how hard that arrow hit her.
[{Friend... you feed me.... hug me... even use my body as a pillow.... Friend....}]
To end the night, Mumei just jumped on the couch they had, and slept like a rock.
Some Power Level, before my break.
Piccolo: 2.520 PL (Before) -- 3.200 PL (After the year)
Training with Goku is good, but the way Muun trained him, was brutal, he always needed to push his limits, as she was getting stronger and stronger, being intentional part of the training, or her Saiyan DNA acting up.
Goku: 2.650 PL (Before) -- 3.500 PL (After the year)
He got a better handling and bigger Increase, but same as Piccolo, they're training daily, but after Gohan was born, his training was cut even more.
●Owl Form Mumei 5.500 PL ( Speed 33.000 PL) [Owl Form -0.5x, but 3x Speed]
● Base Mumei: 11.000+ PL (Before) -- 11.000+ PL (After the year)
● OI Mumei: 15.400 PL [ Owltra Instinct +40%(base)]
● OS Mumei: 27.500 PL [Owl Side 2.5x]
●Serious Mumei: 38.500 PL [ Owltra Instinct +40%(base)] + [Owl Side 2.5x]
Cyall around^^
Chap 20- It's just a nightmare... right?:
(A/N: Soooo, I am back baby woooooo-*disappears*
Anyways, I got to think, and I like the one chap per day vibe I was getting, maybe two if I am motivated.
But that's it, 1-2 chaps per day, aaaand I will stop with [Soul of Flames] for now, a Hiatus, there's so much I had planned, but I don't know if shit is going to work with the canon of DXD lol.
So have a good ride friends~)
( A/N: Small fix)
{Pov Mumei; Goku's house 03:39 a.m}
Sooo, I have been laying down on this couch, heard Goku snoring sounds from the time.
But nothing out of the ordinary, Piccolo is probably meditating somewhere close by, Gohan still sleeping.
And me? Looking at the round ceiling, I like doing so while letting my mind go wild.
[{ ... You can always come back here, we have some things to do...}]
Ouh, I left, and you want me back already don't ya?
Ehehe, maybe~
[{ I... I regret asking ugh...}]
Don't need to cringe so hard, I will need to go back anyways, there's still two of three years until all the shit go down hill.
Talking about it, Raditz...
[{He's going to die, if he goes for Piccolo as canon, he's 100% dead.}]
Tru, could have some uses for him, He isn't that bad, a cunt, but not very bad.
If I work him up, to at least Nappa level....
[{ You do that, and your power will probably shoot up the 20k's or more, so you should let Goku do it, still why don't you want to get stronger Muun? Like, I get it, want to fight the strong ones, but why?}]
I... Just don't feel right.
Like don't misunderstand me, I like the power, and would love stuff like Super Saiyan, but as of right now? Nah.
We get on Namek, I am going totally nuts.
I will kick Frieza's ass, and get stupidly strong while doing it, maybe going further beyond, but that's the plan, ya know.
[{Uhum, We already talked about it, but still... I... I don't want to see you getting injured around... I get it, Zenkais are important, but don't be so easy going with this world Muun, you don't know if your presence will change something big or not in canon *mutters* furthermore the line, will be also MY presence.}]
Don't sweat it too much, I am going at my pace, first midget, later all the rest.
*Shuffling* I put my two arms behind my head in a lazy way.
[{ I really feel bad for Vegeta, he's going to be forced into a much quicker character development... like what can he even do to you? If he tries to reach you Muun, you simply enter the Time Chamber for a while... and we are done, he can't do anything anymore... cruel.}]
Ehehe, exactly, but I am not going to do so extremely, but you can be sure, the first state of Super Saiyan maybe not me the first to reach it, but level two will be.
[{So you're planning to steal Gohan light spot, later on?}]
Nop, I want to have it as insurance on Cell games, and if I need to end it all, I always have [{Owltra Instinct}] to put the crazy multipliers on top.
A 40%+ base, and the probably 100x, do your maths, but I am going crazy strong if I want, there's also the Owl side, but hell I will not be able to combine it until I get it to 100% mastery, is what I am feeling, at least without going totally crazy for blood.
Oops, pretending to be sleeping time.
I breathe, making my chest go up, then down, slowly.
Hearing footsteps going to the kitchen and picking up what sounds like a cup.
The sound of water pouring in the cup goes out for a second.
Looks like someone is thirsty....heh.
[{God.... why... }]
You're not better yourself!
The steps go by, going back to the room it came from.
But they stop.-" How can such a lovely and beautiful young lady as Mumei-chan be so strong? The world is a strange place, well, at least my little Gohan will have a good figure to look up to!"- Why....
Don't look up at the Troll Owl.... that's not healthy...
Chi-Chi... you're going to make me feel bad for the shit Gohan is going to be through...*sigh*
The best I can do is try and protect him when shit happens, but if Vegeta hits him like for no reason on Namek, I am going to dropkick the shit out of him!
[{Could see that... what he did was so uncalled-for...}]
She goes away, and turning off the lights in the process.
And I think, I will try sleeping for a while, good night Kro.
[{Good night, little Owl.}]
{Pov Mumei;?????}
"Ughhh..."'- I feel heavy, like it's heavy to breathe...
"Oh what's this? A bird?"- A raspy low voice rings out above me.
And, I know very well who this voice belongs to.
'FUCK!!'- *fussh!* Doing a backflip and getting the most distance I can, and Landing in battle stance with a frown on my face.
"This... I am so fucked..."- Looking forward, there he is, a wall of muscles, literally, he's the size of a fucking wall!! That spiked green hair that puts everyone on the DBverse to fucking cry, because of how absolutely broken it is.
That white eyes that make you feel like you'll lose even without having fought yet.
"What is this? A little bird that can move and talk? That's new! AHAHAHA!"- Sweating like crazy, I raise my power to the maximum.- 'Like it is going to do jack shit!'
Activating my full power, I get ready, I am not winning, no way in hell.
Without plot power, I would need a stupid shit like Super Saiyan 3...
"Ohoho, the bird wants to play? Then, WE WILL PLAY!!"- Appearing right in front of me, I can't even move.
"HAAAH!!"- *CRASHH!* He just crashes my head on the ground, with one of his big pizza maker hands.
"AUGHHH!!"- "Well bird, now let's make a fried chicken!"- His green energy charges with his hand still on my face, I try to struggle, punching, kicking, and even exploding in Ki.
"Adios, little Bird!"- IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!!!!
[{Muun!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!}]
Looking around, I see.... I am the skies?
Looking down, I see Goku's house, and right on where my couch was, on the ceiling there's a hole.
A Mumei sized hole.
I probably jumped up, after that dream....
[{Dream?? What did you dream about Muun??}]
'Brolly... the broken one, couldn't do anything, besides dying...'
[{Oh... to be fighting him, even in a dream, at our levels, I can confirm that was pure suicidal... but will that show you, that you need to take this seriously!}]
'No... I can't.'
[{What you mean by 'can't'?}]
'The problem here, is more earth than anything, and it's dangers, not Cell, the Androids.'
[{Ouh...*nods* I can see that...}]
'If I get too strong, motherfuckers are going to be basically one hitting everyone even more, so, only on Namek, and while we're on space, will be when I will start the grind seriously! If future Cell still end up absorbs them somehow, I will have the power to at least try something before we need the Chamber'
[{Then why not go out right now? Dragon balls ya know? Use them to teleport to Namek or kill Dr.Gero? Or something else?}]
'Nah, I want to have this experience, the Z warrior experience, because, later on, we'll be being the main powerhouses on our universe!'
[{Umu*nods*, so you just want to have fun?}]
[{*Sigh*, just don't mess up okay? I am going to go make some coffee, I woke up with a certain someone shouting on my ears!}]
I hear her going away, and start flying back down.
Just to see everyone but Gohan, is woken up, and looking at me hovering down.
Stepping on the floor, I bowed a little.-" I am so sorry for the ceiling, I can fix it! Just had a nightmare and jumped up ehehe...*scratches head*"- Chi-Chi shakes her head a little, and Goku looks at me seriously.
"What made you have such a reaction Mumei? For someone like you, to have fear of something to the point of screaming like that..."- Oh he got me there...
"He's right, what made you have such a reaction bird?"- Piccolo comes flying through the same hole I have just broken out.
Shit...-" No, it's just... I had some's normal ehehe, when I was still weak a bunch of bull-*looks at Chi-Chi**ahem* stuff, happened, and I get those sometimes.*smiles awkwardly*"- But it please, I don't want to explain the green haired wall...
Piccolo shrugs and goes out of the house, probably losing interest, noticing I wasn't going to say anything.
Goku makes a thinking pose for a little more, before doing as Piccolo did, and leaving.
Chi-Chi wasn't interested in the first place, and goes to wake up Gohan.
And I, now will fix this opening! Yey!....
Kro help...
[{*background sounds*}]
She still hasn't back... I will wait, Will need a hand here, I never needed to patch a hole before, dammit!!
{Lookout; 05;32 a.m}
On this island that fluctuates above clouds, we can see the genie, Mr.Popo, looking down with an incredible concentration.
His eyes open like always, almost bulging out of his skull, but a few hours ago he felt the energy he was searching for, and now is making sure where she is.
"She flew superfast from where she was, but now it looks like she's at Son-Goku's house. I found you!"- He jumps down from the lookout, and from behind him, flying at high speeds comes a flying carpet.
He smiles slightly, and points to a direction.-" To that direction, maximum speed!"- *Fush* With an incredible acceleration speed, he speeds towards a certain Owl location.
'But this still is incredible! Her Ki is so big now that I take a closer look, and I can feel she's suppressing it a lot! What a horrific individual...'
Flying by the skies towards her, goes.
{Goku's house; 06:46 a.m}
Mumei is sitting on a tree branch with little Gohan in her lap, watching Goku and Piccolo going at it.
Gohan was woken up by Chi-Chi a while ago, and Muun asked if she could take care of him for a while, giving some rest to Chi-Chi, the mother was euphoric at the idea of a little rest.
Picking up da child, and flying to where she was hearing and feeling a lot of shock waves.
Getting there just to witness Goku getting punched in the cheek and attacking back with a kick to Pickles abdomen.
"Wooo"- The little one seems to be quite impressed with their movements, making the sassy Owl smile.-' Yes, I just need to make him a little more likable towards fighting!'
Her plans were going pretty well.
Meanwhile, in ground level.
Goku jumps back just to dash again with a left kick, that was dodged by Piccolo, but Goku changing the kick trajectory hits Piccolo's head.
Causing his head to be whipped to the side, gritting his teeth and whipping the blood that rolled down his chin, Piccolo starts to punch multiple times, Goku dodges them and occasionally hits back, clashing strikes.
They go like that for a minute, until Goku, defends a punch, and proceeds to hit Piccolo with an uppercut to the chin, and an elbow to the chest.
Sending him flying back, almost hitting a lake, or what looked to be at one point one.
Their surroundings, are basically just a bunch of craters, and some smalls bodies of water (little puddles) in the craters.
And on the side where Piccolo was sent flying, was where Mumei first meditated for training, and where a lake once was, now just some small puddles here and there.
At the edge of their battlefield are some trees, but most are either falling down or already fallen.
"Ughaaa!!! Son... you really are something, but now! I am not playing anymore! HAAAH!"- Piccolo gets up, and flies at high speeds at Goku's direction.
"Ehehe, Come on Piccolo! I know you can do more than that!"- He gets ready, pulling both his arms back.
Piccolo gets close and swiping his arm in a cutting manner towards Goku, the one himself pushes his arm in a movement down to up, effectively defending against Piccolo's attack!
Not being done yet, the green one punches fast ten times, varying in each body session.
But Goku dodged and blocked using his entire body, and hits an open-handed palm on Piccolo's cheek, and using his other arm fires a straight punch to his stomach, making his eyes bulge with little red veins in pain.
"PUAGHHH!?!"- Making the Namek lose all his air.
"Piccolo... are you going to lose like that? I trained you back then, and I know, you're better than that..."- His eyes widening while he's still catching his breath, he looks at the Owl direction, and looking directly at her eyes, he sees something rare, a serious expression.
'She can be like that sometimes top, huh?'- Nodding he gets ready again, he was trained by the strongest, even if her motivation to train him was because of clothes... he still endured all her training.
"*breathes in* Sorry Son, I am not losing this one.*smirks"- Piccolo didn't let Goku answer back, he already lost yesterday to Mumei, he's not going to take another L!
"Haaaah!"- He stretches his hand, picking Goku by surprise, and catching his arm in the second of surprise.-" GET OVER HERE!!!"- He retracts his arm back, with Saiyan.
"PUOHHH!!!!"- And hitting a punch with his free hand on the Saiyan face, almost making him blackout.
But with his will at max, Goku kicks Piccolo arm away and using his arms, pushes himself back, getting his ground back.
"That was a surprise *breathes*, nice one Piccolo..."- He breathes roughly, trying to catch his air back.
The one who did the attack smiles, and rotating his arm in a stretching manner gets ready again.-" I am not going to lose this one, Son!"-He speeds up again to initiate another round.
They clash, disappearing and reappearing all over the battlefield,
Leveling even more the ground.
This goes on for a while.
{[*Yawn* They're just blocking and dodging, not one out-of-the-box move, well it's training, so not bad, but it's interesting seeing different power competing, it's like you can't see the difference unless you make them test their strength, but in a battle, where strength isn't everything, they're pretty much equals.}]
'Cool, pretty boring after the first five minutes tho, but still pretty nice.'- Mumei and Kro just watch them go, destroying even more the land.
Both now a good distance from each other smile.
Goku puts his hands back in an iconic position.
Piccolo puts his own hand on his forehead, a very know move, that he perfected more while fighting.
" "KAMEHAMEHA!!!/SPECIAL BEAM-CANON!!!" "- They fire their respective attacks, a beautiful show of fireworks.
"Puahhhhh ahaha!"- Gohan giggles at the show of lights.
Mumei looks at the happy boy and smiles a little.-" Gohan, one day, you're going to be doing even great things, I am not one to say speeches, but you got a legend to make, in the future you did become one, and also in the present, you'll probably do too." - Gohan looks confused at Muun, before going back to laughing.
[{That was surprised wholesome, congrats Muun, didn't ex-}] - 'YOOOO, I DO BE DOING OOGWAYS SPEECHES!!!'
[{What did I expect?....}]
The energies of both fighters present crashed, raising pieces of earth and rocks to all sides.
It looks like to be an impasse, none of them are pushing further.
"HAAAAAAGH!!"- Piccolo's aura explodes making his Beam pierce Goku's Kamehameha.
But not falling down, he increases the potency as well.-" SUPER KAMEHAMEHA WAVE!! "- A trick he learned while training with Piccolo, a Kamehameha with two stages, a normal attack wave, and the super extension, who uses a lot of more energy, but it's way stronger itself.
"GRRRRR!! HELL!!!!! SON PULLED HIS ACE!!!!"- Piccolo, trying his best to push back the wave, but his beam wasn't perfected yet, and even if he fired it with a good charge, it wasn't fully charged.
"GRUOOOOHHHHH!!!"- The Kamehameha overpowers Piccolo's Beam.
Enveloping him whole.
The attack explodes, while Goku pants like crazy.-"*thud*."- He falls to the ground exhausted, probably said attack took everything from him.
*Grrrrrrrr~* Or was the hunger that put him down, who knows.
On the sky, the dust and smoke start to settle.
We see a familiar green skinned pickle, floating with just his inferior part of his Gi still intact, but even that part is pretty damaged.
"*Pants*Huff..... I win... Son!"- He slowly flies down.
*Thud* And going to one knee almost fully falling down.
On the trees, Mumei looks at another direction, little Gohan still looks at the battlefield with starry eyes.
'Looks like the scary man is coming to see me, huh?'- She jumps down from the branch, earning a yelp from the child in her hands.
Getting down and walking towards Piccolo, who finally got his breath back, and now is just sitting down.
"Hey Pickles, take care of the little monkey for me, when you guys get back, give him to Chi-Chi, looks like I need to see someone."- Handing over the kid to the stunned Piccolo, she levitates for a second.
And disappears in front of Piccolo's eyes.
After the Owl disappearance, he looks down at the little kid, who looks back at him funnily.
"*Sigh* I have a babysitter face from the looks of it... well, might as well do it."
"Bahh!"- Gohan smiles brightl, earning a little smirk from the green one.
"Maybe you get to be stronger than your dad and me one day, we'll see."- He says this in a very sarcastic way, a joke even, but that joke is coming back to bite him one day.
{Skies, Mr.Popo}
I am getting closer to where all those huge powers are clustered together.
One is stronger than the other, it's crazy!
"Uh?"- I stop my flying carpet, one of them is coming towards me!
'Fast!'- A young girl, with some strange clothes and two feathers in her head... and a Dragon Ball? No it's a fake.
She looks at me a little taken back, but in the next second shows a little lazy smile.-" So, what'ya want?"- How... no, it's best to go directly to the point!
" I am Popo, helper of Kami! I was searching for you, young girl, for a while now!"- She doesn't seem even surprised...
She spins her hand, a signature for me to continue, probably.-" Kami wishes to speak with you, would you follow me?"
'Dam he looks dead inside, scary stuff....'
"Sure *nods*, lead the way then Mr.Popo."- Oh, she's well-educated, at least some parents can do a good job these days!
"Then follow me!"- I spin and start going back to the lookout, giving a glimpse towards her, she's flying like she's laying down on a bed... and still keeping up with my carpet...
Truly a strong individual!
You like big broccoli hugging you princess Trunks~?
I am back baby~ye
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