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68.75% GDI At Nier / Chapter 22: Can we truly Change the future?

Capítulo 22: Can we truly Change the future?

"In a world of lies and sacrifice, where hope flickers amidst the chaos, we question our purpose. Yet, through shattered illusions, we find the strength to rise, to rewrite our fate, and to uncover the truth that will shape our shared destiny."

- Commander White.


"R&D has just provided us with the Pod Program designed to detect humans more accurately."

The news of such a rare and expensive program being distributed among the YoRHa androids surprised many. It was an indication of the severity of the situation they faced. As 9S received the chip upgrade alongside his fellow scouts, he couldn't help but wonder how YoRHa had managed to gather so many spare resources in such a dire time.

A group of approximately 24 scouts stood in line, awaiting their turn to receive the new chips. In the background, heavy armor units, including Battlers and Executioners, formed their own formation to receive similar upgrades tailored to their specific roles.

Observing the allocation of these resources, 9S speculated that YoRHa must have heavily depleted its reserves.

Their captain, 12B, addressed the gathered androids with determination in her voice. "Search and rescue any humans you may find. If you come across a survivor, call for a nearby medic immediately. And remember, I don't want to see a single machine left alive. Understood?!"

"Yes!" the androids responded in unison.

"Then go!"

With their orders in place, the androids dispersed, their scanners splitting as they ventured into the Blue Zone. Their mission was to find any surviving humans and eliminate any remaining machines.

As they searched through the city, their senses heightened, listening for any cries for help. Some androids were successful in rescuing survivors, providing aid, and ensuring their safety. Others encountered machines that met their end at the hands of the determined androids.

As 9S stumbled upon the lifeless body of the old man in the garden, his heart sank. The Pod program had been designed to locate living humans, not to deal with the overwhelming number of casualties left in the wake of the war. Yet, the sight before him held personal significance.

The old man had been a familiar presence, tending to the flowers with kindness and answering 9S's countless questions. Now, his life had been taken by the machines. It appeared that he had tried to escape but had fallen victim to a surprise attack from beneath the ground.

With a mixture of sorrow and determination, 9S retrieved the blanket provided by Pod and gently covered the human's lifeless form. He placed a beacon nearby, signaling for extraction of the body. It was the 20th time he had performed this solemn duty, each time a painful reminder of the price paid by him.

In the beginning, he had mourned each loss, his tears flowing freely. But Pod had reminded him that excessive grief would only hinder his mission and lead to more human lives lost. So, he had learned to suppress his emotions, compartmentalizing the pain to carry on with his objectives.

With a heavy heart, 9S pushed his grief aside and refocused on his main objective. There were still humans out there who needed help, who needed to be rescued from the clutches of the machines. He would honor the fallen by continuing the fight, ensuring that their sacrifice was not in vain.


As 2B and 9S stood before the deserted mall, the place where their arduous journey had commenced, a wave of nostalgia engulfed them. Amidst the desolation of the city block, their eyes met from a distance, and surprise flickered across their faces.

Caught off guard by the unexpected encounter, they found themselves at a loss for words. Uncertain of how to break the silence after enduring so much together, they hesitated.

Suddenly, the sound of falling debris shattered the silence, instantly triggering their combat instincts. They swiftly readied their weapons, scanning the area with heightened alertness. But as their gaze fell upon the source of the noise, a clothing store they had visited before.

Lowering his weapon, 9S let out a small laugh, a rare glimpse of lightheartedness amidst their grim reality.

"I still remember when we visited this place," 9S said, a touch of nostalgia in his voice.

He began walking towards the store, and 2B followed suit from behind.

In the desolate mall, 9S was engulfed in a vivid flashback, transporting him back to the memory of their first visit to this place.

'2B Clothing!' 9S whispered, his voice laced with a mixture of excitement and wonder. He cast his gaze over the area, taking in the array of clothing that adorned the racks. Intrigued, he made his way toward the nearest fabric, his fingertips delicately brushing against the soft textures.

As his mind dwelled in the past, he recalled the words he had spoken with a touch of longing, 'Once this war is over, let's visit this place again.'

'Once this war is over, let's visit this place again,' 9S remembered saying.

However, his recollection abruptly shattered as a teardrop fell upon the clothing, causing it to disintegrate into particles of ash. The once vibrant and colorful clothing store now lay in ruins, a haunting reminder of the destructive forces they had faced.

A heavy burden of guilt settled upon 9S, blaming himself for not acting swiftly enough to prevent the devastation that befell this place. "...This was my fault. If only I had acted faster," he muttered, his voice laden with self-blame and regret.

2B, unable to offer solace in words, stood by quietly, empathetically listening to his grief. In the stillness of the desolate surroundings, the only sounds that permeated the air were the cries of 9S and the silent presence of the androids by their side. But Inside 9S mind something click on his mind.

'I'll kill every last one of them!' he swore silently, his determination echoing within him

The machines would come to fear the main character, and soon enough they will understand.

You don't mess with the main character.


Commander White stood near the shuttle, on the verge of reaching the Human City. The weight of the shocking news she had received lingered heavily in her mind.

"...Indeed, Androids on the ground have confirmed the existence of a human," Commander White relayed to the Council of Humanity, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

"The evidence shows not only the presence of a heartbeat but also bone structures and animal blood, all indicating the undeniable presence of humans," she continued, conveying the gravity of the situation to the council members.

The council members, in turn, were eager for more information. "How many are there?" one of them questioned, their voice laced with a sense of urgency. "What is your plan to deal with this unforeseen development?" another inquired.

The questions piled up, each reflecting the council's desperate need to comprehend the situation and formulate a course of action while Commander White herself answer the best way she can. But amidst the flurry of inquiries, the most profound question echoed through the conversation:

"What is the end goal here?"

As the council awaited a response, Commander White paused, sensing the unease and panic emanating from the other end of the call. The weight of the revelation bore heavily on everyone involved.

Commander White found herself leaning against the wall, her mind filled with a mix of emotions.

She couldn't blame the Council members for their disbelief because, in a way, she was also in denial upon hearing the revelation.

A city, full of humans she and everyone thought was extinct.

YoRHa was meant to be the embodiment of humanity's voice, the beacon that guided androids through their existence.

The initial plan had shown promising results—morale was high, and the androids fought with unwavering determination.

However, as the years passed, the androids' morale slowly crumbled. Their fighting spirit diminished, worn down by the never-ending wars. Resources were scarce, stretching them to their limits.

As the situation was already worst, an attack on humanity was the least expected situation that ever going to happen.

And She never thought of a human currently hiding, not just one human.

But thousand upon thousand of them.

It was live the very first-time Humanity was attacked since this war began, not thousand of years after humanity flee to the moon. Of course, she knows that's a lie because humanity was already extinct.

But It's the same as saying a front-view seat of humanity's extinction.

When all that trouble combines What else can androids do than find something to blame?

So almost every android across the world is beginning to question the act of YoRHa when they are supposed to be the first and last defender of humanity.

One of the states of the best YoRha almost turns into a joke, and a punch to the gut for anybody that knows the truth.

Every single people important figure like the High Council, General, and even Commander White has to deal with a bunch of mess that comes before and after the battle.

That's why she can't help but laugh at the situation, even though she is not involved at all in any of this.

"Well, the number is unconfirmed, but it should be around 20,000," Commander White responded, her voice steady despite the gasps from the Council of Humanity. She knew the figure was staggering, and it only added to the gravity of the situation.

"And lastly," she continued, "there is no plan yet other than protecting the human."

There was a bit of silence on the other side of the call as they whisper among each other before facing her again.

"...Commander White, investigate and protect the human by any means necessary," the voice declared with strong voice.

As the words reached Commander White's ears, a different interpretation settled within her mind. The directive seemed less like a simple order and more like a veiled threat, an unspoken "protect the human or face dire consequences." The weight of the message hung in the air, leaving her sighing inwardly.

This was an unprecedented order, unlike any she had received before. Suppressing any impulse to display her skepticism or dissent, Commander White straightened her posture, regaining her composure. She fortified her gaze, allowing determination to replace the flicker of doubt that had briefly crossed her face.

"To assist in the protection of the human, further reinforcements of androids will be sent. We estimate their arrival within two days," another council member stated.

She received further information—the reinforcement that would be sent: 12,000 androids from various units across the world, including legendary forces like the 121st Special Combat Force and the 66th Heavy Armor Battalion. Though the number seemed small, the quality and experience of the androids were formidable. Soo many legendary Unit that only exists in many parts of the continent.

But for androids to assist every single important force.

But that was only the number of androids.

The number of fresh Vehicles weapons, and guns that are being sent.

The last time this much was being sent was when 450.000 machine Lifeform from Africa was being sent to attack Germany, causing every single android in the region to gather.

One of the biggest casualties of the 12 Machine War...

The resource was already scarce, but it seems AOH had a lot of spare force.

"I thought there might be hesitancy in deploying such a substantial force," she remarked.

The council member responded, shedding light on the decision-making process. "We were initially hesitant until the broadcast was verified to be genuine human communication. Once that confirmation was made, and with several recommendations from the General, the six High Councils unanimously agreed to allocate all available reserves."

The six high councils are the backbone of the Army Of Humanity resources. They control almost all industry and resources sent to the Army Of Humanity, so their control is huge.

Weapons, ammo, vehicles, technology, Androids parts, and many more came from them.

The weight of the decision settled heavily on Commander White's shoulders as she contemplated the risks involved. Sending all of the reserves was an audacious move, one that left the Army of Humanity vulnerable to a potential all-out attack by the machines. But the Council's decision was driven by the urgency and significance of the situation—the confirmation of a human presence.

"And to answer your question, That's the weight of this mission, Commander White," one of the council members affirmed.

"That's why Make contact with the leader of humanity as soon as possible," another council member commanded.

"Additionally, evacuate all non-combat personnel from the combat zone immediately," a third council member added.

The orders came swift and resolute, leaving no room for hesitation. Commander White understood the gravity of the situation and the urgency of their actions. Lives were at stake, and every decision carried tremendous consequences.

"We will handle the resources required to transport the human," the council members concluded, relieving Commander White of that specific responsibility.

"Understood, Glory to mankind," Commander White said, her voice filled with a mix of emotions.

"...Glory to mankind." and the call ends she lean back in relief

A feeling spread around her, something impossible to describe. Regret? Happiness? It was a myriad, a jumbled mess of emotions that she could never even think to control.

After all, she can finally meet with her creator

And 20.000 humans of them.

Army Of Humanity, The Six High Council appoints White as Part of the YoRHa and one of the 21 Space Station orbiting the Earth.

Commander White, appointed by the Six High Councils as part of YoRHa, occupied one of the 21 space stations orbiting the Earth. She had joined YoRHa with the hope of liberating herself from the relentless cycle of conflict, finding solace in the opportunity to pursue a different path.

Yet, with each person who stumbled upon the truth, Commander White was burdened with the responsibility of silencing them, employing the lethal efficiency of an E model. It was a grim duty that weighed heavily on her conscience, gradually accumulating guilt with each silenced voice.

How long does she have to do this?How many lives would be sacrificed to protect the secret?

Until something she thought impossible was right in front of her.

Perhaps this was simply hope.

Her eyes gained a new shine as she further got enveloped in the moment.

She has Soo many questions

How did you all hide?

Why now after all this time?

But that does not matter

What matter is that The gods finally answered her work… after everything she's done…

everything she sacrificed… all the lies and deceptions she has ever done.

As the hatch of ships open, what awaited was not a happy reunion.

When she encountered her first human, all she found were more wars and death caused by the machines.

She had been excited to meet the humans, believing that their presence could finally bring an end to the war. But reality swiftly shattered her fantasies.

This was no fairy tale where the mere survival of humanity would miraculously end the conflict. The harsh truth sank into her mind, dispelling her initial hopes.

Without wasting a moment, she mobilized every resource, every ounce of manpower, to assist the humans. She was determined to rectify her past mistakes, the sins, and the false hope she had imparted to the androids for so long.

She was given a chance to fix her mistake, the sin and false hope she gave to androids all this time.

It was always the fault of the machines, or so she believed.

But then she heard a voice, a voice that sent shivers down her spine for the first time.

"Our population was cut in half! 6.000 people are confirmed dead...! not to mention 13.000 people are injured" one of the soldiers beside her said

The sheer magnitude of those numbers struck Commander White with dread. The weight of responsibility pressed down upon her, the weight of lives lost and the suffering endured.

If she had been better prepared for humanity's return, she could have saved more lives...!

But 10,000 people were now in pain because of her... because of her failures.

Her gaze shifted towards the burning city, once a thriving place where humans lived. Now, it lay in ruins, a haunting reminder of the battle that had taken place. Tears welled up in her eyes as she surveyed the wreckage, the remnants of lives shattered by war.

'God, how long do I have to do this?' the question echoed in Commander White's mind, tormenting her as she stared at the devastating aftermath of the battle.

Something similar happens to all Android who enter the place

Each Android now, have their determination, morale, and courage being tested. Could each of them stay sane with each battle with the Machine end up with more human death? or with humans here, the war can finally end? only time can tell.

But that's not all, usually android felt tired from the long state of war

But for the first time android felt..

Anger.... at the machine for letting the human down

Revenge to dare let the machine make their creator cry in despair

And they are not letting this anger any time Soon



Thanks to Narwastu for suggesting using ChatGpt my fanfic has improved from worst to fucking detail to the atom! usually making a chapter require extensive work from the Planning, surrounding area, fighting scene, emotion, personality, and much more that's why you see I am having a hard time uploading a chapter.

It makes me wonder how other fanfic upload to 100 chapters lmao.

But with fucking GPT an entire work chapter that usually takes around 12 Hours per chapter has been reduced to 6 hours! And they usually have a bunch of holes that need to be added!


I can't help but cry because Narwastu said using ChatGpt can improve me greatly I was skeptical but once I try it I can't help but shock at these things.

So expect from Now on I'll try to upload every Tuesday and Friday so It won't be random anymore.

...Btw *Cough* is there NFSW for ChatGpt? for... educational purposes of course.

Also, I finally reach 50.000 words horayyy.

Anyways but do you like that I use ChatGPT? If you do, don't forget to leave a review, and if you wonder what my future chapter just join /Souleye123

And with that said see you all next chapter.

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