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100% Reincarnated into Game of Thrones as Brandon Stark. A SI / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: A wolf and a raven

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8: A wolf and a raven

So sorry for the delay! Life got super busy with a surprise work promotion (YAY) but that meant me working super late and couldn't find time to finish the chapter. Will try to get back on schedule soon!

Winterfell 274 AC


Observing my surroundings I find myself in a land of white snow and ice and I'm facing a cave with the largest Weirdwood tree I've ever seen perched on top. Before I can get my bearings what can only be a child of the forest walks out and kneels before me. "Hello chosen one, my name is Leaf, The Three Eyed Raven wants to speak with you if you will follow me" Leaf tells me ash she motions for me to follow her into the cave.

"Chosen one? Could you explain what you mean by that Leaf?" I ask the child of the forest. Unsure if my reincarnation is known by Bloodraven, and by extension the children I decide to play dumb till exposed. "As the one chosen by the supreme God, the Old Gods in service to him bid us to assist you in re writing the Song we are all currently singing." Leaf cryptically explains back to me. "As you are already aware of how the song is suppose to be sung, in service to you we the Children are now your instruments to rewrite the melody to your own version." She concludes, essentially confirming both that they awre aware of my previous life and if Bloodraven is on my side my life just became 10x easier.

"I am glad to hear the legendary Children of the Forest will pledge themselves to me, as well as Lord Bloodraven. Please lead the way Leaf." We enter the cave, and intertwined with the roots of the Weirdwood is Lord Bloodraven. Hanging there exactly as the show depicted is the frail old man, white hair, and his black robe. "Greetings chosen one, as you know I am The Three Eyed Raven. I apologize for invading your dreams but we needed to speak."

"Not a problem, I figured you would try to contact me eventually. I'm assuming it has something to do with my reincarnation into this world?" I ask Bloodraven, the former hand of the king, Lord Commander of the Nights watch, and now magical Three Eyed Raven. "Yes, you are correct, as you are aware this world had its story written, the Song of Ice and Fire. Events were to be played out and the ending written. Everything was accounted for, then you arrived. At first I wanted to remove you to restore the balance of the song but The Old Gods spoke of a new song, one where you are the composer." Bloodraven drops the realization that I am now soley responsible for humanities survival.

After a few moments in thought I finally respond, "So are you with or against me? I really do not want to have to come North of the Wall when I don't need to yet."

"We are with you chosen one, the Gods spoke of the champion of a supreme God, you. You know the song better than any and have the power to write a new, better song." He continues and a small smirk starts to grow on my face. I did not think that Bloodraven would know of me or be willing to work along side me. His true motivations are unknown in cannon, both in the show and books. Having the most powerful green seer in the worldand the children changes everything.

"Can you send message to the giant clans and discuss bringing them south of the all to serve House Stark?" I take a shot in the dark at an idea that if it works could throw warfare south of the wall on its head.

"I can send the children to parley with the giants but I can not promise anything chosen one." Bloodraven at least did not shoot the idea down. "I will contact you when the time is right for you to meet with them" From there we discussed my past life and what my future plans are, strengthening the North and the improved army.


Winterfell 278 AC


With Winter approaching preparations have been underway since the ravens indicating fall has arrived were sent from the Citadel. Reports incoming from Lords weekly show food reserves are at an all time high. The North has actually been net positive in food production, for the first time every in 277 the North grew more food than we consumed. Ravens bearing letters of gratitude and japes at the souths expense were received for moons. Even Lord Bolton sent a letter of thanks for everything House Stark has done for the Dreadfort.

Regarding Lord Bolton, I shelved any plans for replacing the Leech Lord after weighing the pros and cons of such an endeavor. On the one side, replacing the Lord of the Dreadfort remvoes any chance of them rising up in rebellion like times past. On the other side, with no evidence an act of removing a major House, no matter their history, could and would cause distrust in House Stark as best, outrage and punishment at the worst. With no evidence and my reason being pure speculation at the best, replacing Roose Bolton isn't an option. A brilliant military mind, he could be a major asset in the coming war and with House Stark as powerful as any time in history with full support of our vassals, rebellion would be virtually impossible. That's not to say there is no surveillance on Lord Bolton, the highest concentration of spies is based out of the Dreadfort monitoring his every move.

Ashara is due to arrive within the Moon and the preparations to receive her at White Harbor underway. Flipping to the next report it appears Lord Manderley has begun the preparations to welcome the potential future Lady of Winterfell. Knowing the Mermaid Lord will require at least 2 days of feasting, an order for Stark Fire wine sits on my desk at a reduced rate. Given that its my betrothed he is hosting I sign the paper. Deciding to call it a night I make my way to my bedchambers.


A serene white landscape of ice and snow was the scene I 'woke' up to, strong chilled winds blowing through the hills of snow tell the onsetting winter on the horizon. The beautiful scene was apruptly interrupted by a familiar voice. "Welcome back chosen one, Bloodraven wishes another meeting" Leaf informs me as we begin our short walk into the cave. Encased in the roots as always, Bloodraven remains a man trapped in time. "It is time Lord Stark, the giants have gathered near the Fist of the First Men along the Milkwater." Frustrated that the meeting is set for now I ask "How long will the remain? How long do I have to travel to parlay with the giant clans?"

"Make haste chosen one. The giants will not linger for more than a few moons and it will require at least 2 moons to make it to their location with Winter slowly approaching. Be sure to make a stop here at the White Tree, the Gods have left a few blessings." Nodding my head I wake up back in my bedchambers as the sun peaks over the horizon. Making my way to hall to break my fast, I rack my brain trying to explain how I am going to be missing my trip to White Harbor.

As my family enters the hall the servants begin setting up our breakfast. A nice mix of eggs, sausage, and some toast bread, silence prevails my family as we consume our food. Eventually I bid my father to meet. "Father, can you meet me in my solar after we finish here, some developments came up and it is prudent we discuss them post haste." My father gives me a nod of acceptance with a look of slight confusion.

Walking into my solar, I am still trying to figure out how to approach this issue. If only I could teleport or something with portkeys. "Father there is a small problem that just came up." I begin explaining the problem at hand. "You see Boodraven, the old Hand of the King and Lord Commander of the Nights Watch and myself have been in communication the past 6 years. He currently is what is called The Three Eyed Raven, the most powerful Greenseer in the world." My father just looks at me for a brief moment before rubbing his temples and lets out a deep sigh.

"I am not even going to ask why or how you are communicating with him, just tell me what the issue is now and we will figure something out." My father says dejectedly. "Father, I requested for Bloodraven and the Children of the Forest to gather the giant clans at the Fist of the First Man for parlay. I plan to bring them south of the wall and settle them in land south of the Gift some distance from Last Hearth."

My father just stares at me dumfounded, before he can say something I continue. "The issue lies in they have gathered recently and I have to leave within the next few days to meet with them in time before they disperse again." Realizing that Ashara arrives in a moon or so he only can slump back in his chair in thought. "That is quite the issue son, are you sure this trip can not be delayed? It obviously will not look good to not be present when your betrothed arrives in the North."

"No, I either leave now or I will have to travel significantly farther north to meet with the giants at a latter date. I am sure Ashara will understand, its Dorne as a whole that worries me" I reply back knowing Ashara would understand if I am on important business during her arrival. The biggest problem is the perceived slight to herself and thus Dorne. "Well there is not much we can do but ask for forgiveness, I will leave to White Harbor in about 2 weeks to meet with Lady Dayne while you will take 100 soldiers of the Winterfell Legion with you. Meet with Lord Umber to explain the situation and proceed to Castle Black." I nod in approval and leave to make my preparations.


Road to Last Hearth 278 AC

As a modern man, traveling by horse over uneven roads is nothing short of torture. Growing accustomed to it over the years it still is a long, boring, and dreadful aspect of medieval life. Still a few hours south of Last Hearth I am waiting on the day for the rail system to be completed. With the Norths steel output still not at a level that can easily built a road network over thousands of miles it takes to connect each Holdfast, the final tracts are not set to be completed until the upcoming winter is completed. With the steam engine under development, building functioning steam train engines is another beast altogether. Currently there is only 2 steam trains in partial service from Winterfell to Moat Calin solely for military use. They are just to damn time consuming to build and maintain at the moment. Horse drawn rail carriages however are in a beta test of sorts on the currently built rails between a few castles and have had great success. Cutting travel down almost in half, travel to Torrhens square, Castle Cerwyn, and White Harbor has never been faster. Unlucky for me the track to Last Hearth did not extend more than a hundred miles from Wintertfell.

As the most Northern Keep in the North, Last Hearth is not an awe inspiring keep by Westeros standards. Modest, functional, and the seat of power for House Umber may or may not have some giants blood in their blood given they are all fucking massive people. Approaching the gate To Last Hearth Lord Umber stands all of 7 feet tall probably weighing in at close to 350 pounds. A truly massive man and terror on the battlefield.

"Lord Brandon, Last Hearth is yours!" Lord Umber boats as he takes a knee. "Rise Lord Umber, thank you for agreeing to meet and host me! Let us partake in guest rites and allow me a rest, the travel has been long" I reply back. After bread and salt is partaken in we continue into Last Hearth to rest.


"Lord Umber, thank your for meeting me, I apologize for the lack of reasoning but it was not something that is appropriate for a raven" Now having The Greatjons full attention I continue. "I'll cut right to the chase, I'm currently going North of the Wall to parlay with the Giant clans and plan to bring them south of the wall. I was hoping they could settle on your land." Lord Umber just stares back at me for almost a minute taking in what I just told him

"Well you are certainly right about this not being suitable for a raven, what is your plan My Lord?" Say what you want about The Greatjon: Boisterous, loud, lover of drink, and fucking massive, behind all that is a cleaver and shrewd lord. "Theres a few reasons I'm asking you to allow the giants to settle on your lands, not including how you are basically a mini giant in your own." Laughing at my jape I continue to go over my reasons. "First, as the most northern major keep, your land would have the least chance their whereabouts are discovered. I don't want to march hundreds of giants all the way through the North as you can imagine. Second your land is good for grazing and vast land would allow them ample space. I'm sure theres a few dozen miles someone near that you are not really using." Which is true, Umber lands are sparsely populated, even with the recent population boom.

"You are certainly right young Stark, I can find no downside to your proposal. Maybe we can add some more giants blood into House Umber HAHAHAHAHA" Laughing at the notion with Lord Umber we finalized the plan which included him joining me for the parlay in a moon and a halfs time.

The ride to Castle Black was uneventful and only took a 2 weeks. Coming into sight was the wall and the show did not do it any justice. The massive size of a 700 foot tall wall of ice is just mesmerizing. Starring in place on my horse for a solid minute I was woken up from my stupar by Lord Umber. "HAHAHA its quite the sight huh young wolf. Cant say I didn't stare as long as you the first time I saw the wall" Just nodding along we continue our short ride into the gates of Castle Black. Standing at the entrance waiting to greet us is Lord Commander Qorgyle of Dorne. After bread and salt are partaken in we only exchange formalities before we rest for the night.


"I can give you 3 rangers, not a single more Lord Stark. Winter is almost here I can't spare any more manpower." Lord Commander Qorglye stares at me, still suspicious of my plan. He almost laughed when I told him I'm going parlay with the Giant clans. If I have not been providing as much support as I have been over the past few years theres a good chance he would have not even given me one ranger.

Leaving Castle Black we made the 2 day journey North of the wall to Bloodravens cave. Standing outside is Leaf and one other child of the forest I have not met before. Looking over to my left at Lord Umber he makes eye contact me asking for answers, whispers of disbelief from the rangers and men at arms accompanying us are also heard. "Lord Stark, is that what I think it is?" Lord Umber is just starting at Leaf. "Hello Leaf, this is one of my vassal lords, Lord Umber"

"Well met Lord Umber, I will ask for everyone to make camp here and have Lord Stark follow me inside." Leaf tells the gathered men who all look at me. Before Lord Umber can say anything I raise my hand, "I'll explain everything after Greatjon, wait here" I tell him as I walk besides Leaf and another child of the forest named Spring.

"It is a pleasure to meet you in person Lord Bloodraven" Bloodraven appears just as he did in my dreams, a white haired elderly man dangled in the branches of the Heart Tree. Nodding at my greeting, "You have a long journey ahead of you young wolf, you must be wondering why I bid you to travel here on your way to the fist."

"I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind on the travel here. You told me of some 'gifts' and I am quite curious as you did not give me any details." Bloodraven then motions me to Leaf sitting down with a pile of furs next to her. "Chosen one please sit, we have much to discuss. The Old Gods have spoken and bid me to be their vassal. Apply this weir wood paste and touch the tree roots." I take the paste and apply it to my closed eyes, immediately my eyes begin to burn as if there is fire dancing on my face. Enduring the pain, I focus on the connection I feel through my arm that's now attached to a branch of the weir wood. Focusing on the connection, I feel a strong pull drawing my conscious away from me, letting go I fade to black.


"Greetings world traveler, though my name in your language is lost, you may know me as Fenrir, God of Wolves. Me and some of the other Gods your people refer to as The Old Gods are here to bestow some additional blessings. Our father, who you met at the beginning of your journey granted you three boons that would have normally been sufficient enough to succeed in your journey. However, Goddess of the Night Nott decided to sing her own song as you would say and wishes to thwart the plan Odin, our father, made with you." Looking around at the gathered Gods of Norse mythology all I can do is nod my head. Gathered is Fenrir, the Wolf God in his massive wolf form. A 30 ft tall black Direwolf is a sight to behold. Next to him a warrior that reminds me of Thor but is unfortunately not him. Down the line is a beautiful looking goddess who I have no idea who she could be. Standing next to her is the last gathered god, a Goddess that looks like a elf/child of the forest. Maybe a nature god of some sorts? My train of thought was interrupted by Fenrir.

"Nott has decided to empower what you know as the Night King with her blessing, as she wishes for an eternal night, thus powering her above the rest of us. Although you made succeed regardless, we can not allow such a risk to take place." Looking around all of the Gods nod their head agreeing with Fenrir.

"So Nott has made the Night King stronger with some sort of new powers? Do you know what new abilities he has?" Taking a moment to think Fenrir responds. "No, Nott has cut off all connection with us, we can only guess on what she may give to her new champion. Improved strength and magic would be our assumption but we will not know till he makes his journey out of his lands. What we do know is that he should advance on the wall around the same time you know his original conquest to be, as that will be the height of his power."

'So I have to now face a OP Night King, fucking great, whats next? Loki popping out somewhere to cause mischief and headache?' I think to myself. "So what about the whole 'Prince who is Promised'? Do I need to allow that story to play out or am I that person now?

"That story will be beneficial for you as the Dragons will be helpful in your battles to come, although not needed. You must decide how you allow the future events to unfold." Nodding in response the giant wolf god he continues. "Regardless of your decisions, we will be granting you each of our blessings today. First, from me will be a small pack of Dire wolves led by their alpha who has my personal blessing. He will be your closest companion and guardian in your future battles. His life span will be on par with yours of at least 50 more years as well."

"I thank you God Fenrir, I will cherish him with all my heart." I respond back to a nod of recognition from Fenrir. Walking up besides Fenrir is the not Thor. "I am Vidar, God of strength. As the most important aspect of fighting you will receive my blessing. You will now be stronger than any mortal should be. You may even surpass the strength of the Giants who our my children on Planetos. You your strength to win their respect and they will follow you into the gates of hell." Looking around at the reactions of his boisterous remarks I can see all the Gods rolling their eyes at his over the top performance. I guess all Norse Gods of combat are like Thor?

Before I can think further on it, the beautiful Goddess gives me a slight curtsey before introducing herself. "I am Syn, Goddess of protection. I grant thee my blessing of constitution. No longer will you suffer from ailments of the flesh such as poison or sickness, nothing short of a sword through your heart or head will kill you. Use this gift well world traveler." Thanking the Goddess I turn to the last god gathered, the nature looking one.

"Greetings, I am called Jord, Goddess of earth and nature. Bestowed by me will be my gifts of nature. You will capable of the skills you refer to as Warging and rune carving with proficiency no mortal should be capable of. Animals will become your sword and the magic of the earth your shield. Use these well in the war with Nott's champion."

Taking a small bow at the gathered Gods I bid them a farewell. "I thank you Gods for these blessings and will strive to ensure your gifts are not in vain." Internally I am fuming at this revelation. While the gifts are awesome, I have a fucking Night King impowered by a God. Things just got way harder.


Waking up in Bloodravens cave I immediately notice the drastic changes to my body. I feel like I could smash a boulder with my fists and almost feel one with the nature surrounding me. "Welcome back chosen one, I see your meeting with our Gods was fruitful?" Bloodraven asks me. "It was, but it appears we have bigger problems on our hand. Nott, the goddess of Night went rogue and has granted blessings to the Night King. The Gods thus granted me theirs to fight against him." Looking lost in thought at my comment, Bloodraven takes a few moments to collect his thoughts.

"I felt a strange magic in the land of always winter about 14 years ago chosen one, the other Children also felt the same disturbance. That would coincide with your arrival fairly well." Leaf then chimes in only reinforcing how potentially fucked we could be. "How long was I asleep for?" I finally ask concerned for the group that followed me. "Not long, only an hour or so. Though Lord Umber did bid us to assure him you are fine." As she finished loud shouts are heard outside the cave. Rushing out I see a massive black Dire wolf, at least 7 feet high with 5 other smaller Dire wolves around it.

"Stand BACK!" I yell at the gathered guards, rangers, and Lord Umber. "The Dire Wolf means you no harm!" I continue to bark orders at the gathered men. Slowly walking up to The Greatjon I motion him to fall back. "Trust me Lord Umber, I'll explain everything in just a minute."

Walking up to the massive wolf, I hear Lord Umber and the rangers yelling at me to stand back but I ignore all of their shouts. Sticking my hand out for the black dire wolf to sniff he gives me a lick of satisfaction and sits down in front of me. Even sitting he is as tall as I am I rub his head which is at my eye level. "I think I will name you Skoll, after the legendary wolf who chased the sun and moon across the heavens" Looking at me with as much satisfaction a Dire wolf can, he wags his tail and licks me across the face to my amusement. "Be good and follow me back to our camp, are you able to tell the other dire wolves to go hunt in the surrounding area?" Almost nodding at my response he barks at his pack as they run off.

"Lord Stark what the fuck is that? Did you just fucking tame a Dire Wolf?" Lord Umber yells at me, at the same time the surrounding men at arms are all starring at Skoll with skepticism and the rangers have their hands at their swords. "Men, please be at ease. Skoll here will not hurt anyone I swear on my honor as a Stark." Those words seem to ease most of the surrounding men.

"Skoll? My lord?" Asks The Greatjon. "His name Lord Umber, now I believe you want answers so lets go to my tent and speak." Following me into my tent I am thinking to myself, 'How the fuck am I going to explain this to my father.'

Authors Note: Next chapter we meet the Giants and Ashara arrives in the North. I'm going for the Norse gods = The Old gods for a more climactic Long Night. I want it to be on a bigger/better scale! Let me know what you think about mixing GOT and the Norse gods

Again SO SORRY for the delay life just got in the way and I had no energy to write. I can't guarantee 1 chapter a day, it will be more like a longer chapter every other day most likely.

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