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31.03% Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Rise of a Monarch / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7

-- A Few Minutes Later, Slifer Red Dorm, Konami POV --

After I defeated Drake for the third time in a row he sighed in defeat and sat down. We were looking at his deck and seeing how we could improve it.

I wasn't gonna make his deck a Meta contender but would help him make it far more consistent and reliable.

After we were done, he is now using a Sakuretsu Armor, and running 2 copies of Stamping Destruction. We also made it so his deck is 40 cards, for consistency's sake. I told him he should use non-dragon monsters, but he was highly against it.

"Hm… Hey man, it seems you have a copy of Breaker the Magical Warrior, would you mind trading it with me?" I ask Drake as I stare at one of the best cards of this era. This card was no longer useful in the 2022 Meta Era because it can not keep up with fast-paced Extra Deck Summons. But up until the Pre-Pendulum era, it was a very useful card. I don't know how he managed to find it, Yugi uses this card, so even if it is a common rarity, this card should still be quite expensive.

He looks at it for a moment, "What would you trade for it?"

I had 4 Masked Dragons, I can give him 2 of them, I don't really have a use for it after all, and Drake can really use it from what I can see. "How about this, all of your monsters are Dragon, so this should be useful, you can replace Baby Dragons with these," I said as I passed him 2 copies of Masked Dragon.

He raises an eyebrow, read the card text, thought about it for a moment before nodding his head "It is… acceptable,"

I quickly picked the Breaker the Magical Warrior, and placed it in my Side Deck. I wasn't gonna Main Deck it right now and break my 40 Card consistency. "Cool, I think this will really improve our decks," I said as he then got up and left for the bathroom..

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Oy Konami, you up!" Jaden's voice boomed.

I walked to the door and opened it, he looked slightly troubled. "Yo Jaden, what's up?"

"Sye is in trouble," he said and I raised an eyebrow at that,

"What happened?" I ask him

He raised his PDA, and opened a message.

[We have your roommate Syrus Truesdale, if you want him back come to Girls Dorm, now, and bring your friend, Konami Kujo,] A distorted voice said and I was very surprised, Jaden was supposed to be the one to duel Alexis after all, why did she call me? I don't wanna involve myself with cannon events until my deck is a bit more powerful then just staple cards and Monarchs, but if I don't, my relationship with Jaden could be destroyed and if it comes to it, Syrus may even get expelled. (AN: His deck is powerful compared to anime decks, but it is too one-sided and can be exploited with ease)

"What do you think this is?" I ask him "Do you think some Blues wanna jump us since we are Slifers that's making their Dorm look bad?" I ask him despite having an idea of the real reason why they called us.

"Don't know," he said, "But they got Sye,"

"Alright man, I'll grab my deck and duel disk, but be ready for an actual fight, honestly I have been expecting one of these Blues to try to jump me for a few days now," I told him as I quickly grabbed my duel disk, put on my hat, Slifer Jacket and left with Jaden.

-- Roughly 20 Minutes Later, Obelisk Blue Girls Dorm --

Jaden and I had found a small boat and rowed all the way to Obelisk Girl Dorm, and once we got there Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy were there alongside Syrus. But unlike the cannon there stood the purple-headed heiress and her two cronies.

"Hi guys," Syrus greeted us

"Hey Sye," Jaden said, "So what's going on here?"

"Basically I'm a loser," that we agree,

"Your friend here was peeping on the girl's bath," Mindy said

"I wasn't peeping!" Syrus exclaims.

"Why? Was he doing research?" I ask out of habit, and got weird look from the girls, except for Wisteria who actually laughed a bit

"This one is just a normal pervert, not a Super one," she said to my surprise, so Naruto exists in this world, neat. "But, if the academy finds out about it, your friend here will definitely get expelled,"

"If Jaden manages to defeat me in a duel, and Konami defeats Senrigan, we will forget about it, but if either of you loses, your friend here will get expelled," Alexis said with a smirk

"Well, I don't understand what's going on here, but I never back down from a duel," Jaden said, and I nod my head,

"Same here, let's dance," I said with a grin,

-- A Few Minutes Later --

Jaden and Alexis were 20 meters away from Wisteria and me. We had given each other space to duel, and luckily had found 2 more boats so we could duel away from the dorms where no one could see us.

I look at the purple-haired beauty and she said "You can start first, I wanna see what you can do,"

"You know, if you just wanted to see what I can do you could have just challenged me normally. I accept all challengers, especially those with eyes like yours," I said as I drew my 5 cards. Gaining a small scowl from her.

Turn 1 (Konami)

MC Hand: Twin-Headed Behemoth, Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch, Masked Dragon, Bottomless Trap Hole,

"Draw!" I exclaimed as I drew Creature Swap, really wishing I had gone second now.

"I summon Twin-Headed Behemoth in attack mode, and set one card down,"

Twin-Headed Behemoth - Level 3/Wind/Dragon - 1500/1200

"And then I end my turn," I said as I looked at my remaining hand.

Konami: 4000 x4

Turn 2 (Wisteria)

"Hm? Was that all? I suppose all those Obelisks' you have been defeating might have been just luck," she said trying to taunt me, but I just stood there, keeping a stoic face.

"Nothing to say? Well, here I go, first I'll get rid of your set card with Mystical Space Typhoon," she played her spell and my trap was blown away by a powerful gust, revealing it to be the Bottomless Trap Hole.

"And that is not all, now I will play my favorite card, Reasoning," Holy shit, that card is in her deck? I had seen the cost of it, and it was somewhere north of 1,200 dollars a piece. Apparently, it is extremely rare in this world. "From your expression, I can see you know what this card does,"

"I pick a Level, and then you excavate cards from the top of your Deck until you excavate a monster that can be Normal Summoned or Set, then, if that monster is not the same Level as the one I declared, then you can summon it, but if it is, you have to send it to graveyard," I said as I took a deep breath

"That's correct, now make your pick,"

"I pick 8," the safest option if you asked me, level 8 monsters pack quite the punch and most of them have powerful effects.

She nods her head, first card she excavated was Giant Trunado, which got send to graveyard, then the second one was "Silent Swordsman LV5, which means I get to Special Summon it," she said with a smirk on her face, "And I am just getting started, I summon Hand of Nephthys," No Fucking Way, she has THAT card as well? The Phoenix? That card is somewhere around 20,000 dollars, they apparently only printed 100 of those. I wanted to buy it, but it is also impossible to find apparently, "Now I will get to use its effect and sacrifice my Silent Swordsman LV5, as well as Hand of Nephthys to special summon from my deck Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys"

Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys - Level 8/Fire/Winged Beast - 2400/1600

That monster looked incredibly beautiful, and it is quite a ferocious beast, because if I destroy it with a card effect it will just come back the next turn and destroy all spell and trap cards on the field.

"And I am still not done!" she exclaimed as she activated a spell card, "I activate Monster Reborn, which allows me to special summon one monster from the graveyard, and I summon Silent Swordsman LV5,"

Silent Swordsman LV5 - Level 5/Light/Warrior - 2300/1000

And this guy is unaffected by spells… just great.

"Now, Silent Swordsman LV5, attacks his monster, Silent Slash!" she exclaimed as my monster got cut in half, and my life points went down,

Konami LP: 4000 => 3200

"And now, Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, attack him directly,"

Konami LP: 3200 => 0800

Wisteria: 4000 x1

"Ha, it seems like the next turn will be your last, I am setting one card down, and ending my turn,"

Turn 3 (Konami)

"We'll see about that," I said out loud while thinking 'Shit! I am in serious trouble right now, I need this to be a good draw,'

"Draw!" I drew Sakuretsu Armor, not the worst draw, it can help me survive, I just hope her trap is not a battle trap because if it is, I may be fucked.

"First my Twin-Headed Behemoth's effect activates, and he summons himself back to the field, although he is weaker for it," I said as my monster's effect brought him back

Twin-Headed Behemoth - Level 3/Wind/Dragon - 1000/1000

"But he won't stay for long, because I'll sacrifice him to summon Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch!" I exclaimed and my Monarch made his appearance,

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch - Level 6/Fire/Pyro - 2400/1000

"And once he is tribute summoned you lose one random card from your hand, and since you only have one…" her card burned, revealing it to be The Creator, a Level 8 Monster, and send it to graveyard "And since it was a monster card you take damage equal to its Level x100,"

Wisteria LP: 4000 => 3200

"Now Thestalos, attack her Swordsman, Great Fire Ball!" I shouted and Thestalos send a gigantic flame ball at Swordsman destroy it, and lowered Wisteria's life points

Wisteria LP: 3200 => 3100

"What did you think of that?" I ask as I set a card,

Konami: 0800 x3

Turn 4 (Wisteria)

"Not bad, but I am still standing, and your life points are nearly all gone," Wisteria said as she drew her card and smiled widely, "It seems like Lady Luck does not favour you,"

"I activate my trap card, Metal Reflector Slime, which summons itself to the field as a monster in defense mode,"

Metal Reflector Slime - Level 10/Water/Aqua - 0/3000

"And now, I'll sacrifice both my monsters to summon my ace, come forth Tyrant Dragon!"

Tyrant Dragon - Level 8/Fire/Dragon - 2900/2500

I vaguely remember that dragon… It had a good effect, and a lot of attack points for the era, but I don't remember its effect, and unlike the duels in my old world I can't just read it now.

"Now Tyrant Dragon, destroy his monster!" she exclaimed, and I barely kept a smirk from falling my face,

"Not so fast, Trap Card open!" I exclaimed and Sakuretsu armor opened but Wisteria just laughed

"Ha Ha Ha! My dragon can't fall to a mere trap," she exclaimed as my trap card got negated and destroyed, and then my Monarch got blown away with a fireball.

Konami LP: 0800 => 0300

"Now, I am ending my turn," she said with a smile, but stopped after a moment "Why are you smiling, you are about to lose and get expelled," she asks

"Sorry, it's just… Since the first time I came to this school, has a duel has pushed me this far. It's just so… fun." I said with a large grin.

"I get what you are saying, it has been a while since someone has pushed me this far," she admitted.

Turn 5 (Konami)

"My Turn! Draw!" I exclaimed. Defense Draw. Not bad, not bad at all.

"Now I summon Masked Dragon in attack position,"

"Attack position? Don't tell me you are giving up after that speech," one of her cronies spoke

"Not quite," I said as I played "Creature Swap, we both pick one monster, and swap them, and since we both only have one…"

Masked Dragon - Level 3/Fire/Dragon - 1400/1100

"NO! Tyrant Dragon!" she exclaimed as our Dragon's swapped places.

"Now that I have your dragon… Tyrant Dragon, attack Masked Dragon!" I exclaimed and it threw a fireball at Masked Dragon, destroying it,

"And since Masked Dragon has been sent to the graveyard, I can special summon a Dragon Monster straight from my deck!"

Wisteria LP: 3100 => 1600

"What?! But Wisteria did not destroy it, you yourself did!" one of the cronies shrieked,

"But it is sent to MY graveyard, therefore, I can activate its effect," I said as I special summoned another Masked Dragon.

Masked Dragon - Level 3/Fire/Dragon - 1400/1100

"And since I am still in the battle phase, Masked Dragon can attack you directly! Go!" A fireball made her flinch and lowered Wisteria's life points,

Wisteria LP: 1600 => 0200

"I now set a card and end my turn." I said as I smiled "Can't wait to see how you'll beat that," I said with a straight face

Konami LP: 0300

Hand: 1

Turn 6 (Wisteria)

"Let me show you! Draw!" she then looked at her hand and smiled "It seems like the last round of our duel will depend on luck," she said as she activates another "Reasoning,"

"Eh… Then I'll pick 8 again!"

She smiles, "Let's have a look!" The first card was Ante, the second was a Monster Gate, and the Third was "Airknight Parshath!"

Airknight Parshath - Level 5/Light/Fairy - 1900/1400

"Too bad you are about to lose, you are not bad, for a low borne," she said as she commanded "Airknight attack Masked Dragon and finish this duel," her cronies cheered,

"Not so fast, trap open, Defense Draw, thanks to this I won't take any damage, and instead get to draw a card!" I said as my life points were safe but Masked Dragon got destroyed, and since I was out of Dragon type monsters in the deck, I couldn't summon another monster, and could only draw one card, Trap Dustshoot.

Wisteria just stood there, but her cronies spoke "Is- Is Wisteria gonna lose?" "To a Slifer? No way!"

"You are too good to be in Slifer…" she said as she sighed "I suppose I was looking down on you, sorry about that… I end my turn."

Wisteria LP: 0200

Hand: 0

Turn 7 (Konami)

I… did not expect an apology. But I would gladly accept it, "It's time to finish this," I drew Monster Reborn, "Tyrant Dragon, attack Airknight Parshath and finish this,"

"Hn, good game" I said, and this duel was really close, it clearly showed me I need to upgrade my deck.

"No, it wasn't a good game… it was a great game, I would like to duel you again sometime," she said, surprising me, and her cronies

"Same here," I said with a smile,

She then nods her head clicked on her PDA, and mine vibrated, it said [Would you like to exchange PDA number with Wisteria Senrigan] and I clicked on yes,

"I'll call you," she said with a wink

Wow… Her demeanor has done a 180… Not that I am complaining.

I just nodded my head and rowed towards Jaden's duel, which was just about to finish. Today has been a good day, I had a great duel, and got a hottie's phone number. Overall, I am happy I got involved with this event.

(AN: We reached 15 K words. Leave a Power Stone)

NoobMastar69 NoobMastar69

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