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95% City: My Past Life was Exposed and The Whole Network Burst Into Tears! / Chapter 56: Chapter 55 The ultimate battle! Nuclear strike order! Activity soaring to 700 million!

Capítulo 56: Chapter 55 The ultimate battle! Nuclear strike order! Activity soaring to 700 million!

On the edge of the round table.

The eight elders did not understand the official practices of the Earth Age.

Even now, there is no strong support.

The officer also said that support would take at least an hour.

"In the age of the earth when technology is so advanced, it takes an hour to support?

Elder Sith sneered again and again.

"It seems that at that time, there were also some unseen things.

Everyone doesn't look very good.

If we say that at the time of the Azure Planet Earth era.

Unite as one to resist the Chitauri monster.

This is what they think the official of the Azure Planet Earth Age should do.

Until now, things didn't seem to be the same as before.

The elders looked at each other.

They saw sighs in each other's eyes.

At the same time, inside the Tiandao Administration.

Into a state of panic again.

All the staff stared at the numbers on the screen.

throughout the department hall.

A dead silence.

Instantly turned into a zoo.

All kinds of roaring into the sky.

The supervisor was stunned.

He found himself doing the job until now.

The more you do, the more confused you are!

The account of this hundred reincarnation.

Like a mad cow!

Bumping everywhere!

Tens of millions from the beginning break the active value.

To the later 30 million, 50 million, hundreds of millions!


It's not quite a lot of work.

It started to fluctuate wildly again!

"You can't use volatility anymore!"

"You were taken away by Mjolnir!"


billions of actives.

In the blink of an eye, it has reached 150 million active points!

And the speed remains the same!

Supervisors have given up struggling and escalating.

He believed that the director at this time should have discovered it.

But it was neither the leaders nor them who discovered it first.

Rather, they are federal citizens on the Tiandao network.

Directly fried the pot.

Tiandao Network's activity zone.

Everyone just saw the numbers behind the hundred reincarnations beating wildly.

In the forum section, countless posts are venting shock and confusion.

"I'm sorry! Is the reincarnation of the world a beast?! Why is it so active again!""

"It's a blast! It's a blast!"

"Two hundred million! I'm a big one! Two hundred million in activity."

"Tony, what the hell did you do, your activity exploded to such a degree? 55

"It doesn't have to be Tony, maybe something more horrific happened in that era?

"Don't, it might as well be that Tony did something big.

"Don't disturb me, I want to be quiet.

"Is this he, meow, the fusion of the Azure Planet Earth era now?"

"How did you get this activity? I want it too! 35

Activity is still soaring.

No matter how people feel.

It seems to be on an unending rise.

240 million!

270 million!

Three hundred million!

Three hundred and thirty million!


It's still going up!

It rose to the point where the head of the director began to feel foggy.

"This... the Tiandao network has exploded!

He was panicking in his heart at this time.

Tiandao Network.

The Azure Planet Federation is only a passive access role.

Many things, do not know.

Only one authority is in the hands of the greatest leader.

At this time, the activity kept rising.

In particular, the audience in the live broadcast room is also skyrocketing.

Almost three million.

He was worried that if it really exploded directly, it would be finished.

If there is no Tiandao network.

Many things in the Federation will go into a state of downtime.

"400 million actives."

The historian Huang Lao exclaimed.

Pull everyone back from the shock.

Tibetan Hu Xiaoliang couldn't help laughing and laughing: "At this moment, it's already 420 million.

Although everyone has experienced it.

There were a few activity explosions.

But the best reincarnation has skyrocketed many times in a row.

This time, it rose directly to more than 400 million.

It's something that no one thought of at all.

"I thought that 100 million was the peak. 35

"I never thought that 100 million was just his starting point.

"I really don't know if there will be another surge in the future!

The historian Huang Laodan said with a smile: "I don't want him to go up again, my heart is not good, and I can't stand too much stimulation. 39

When the experts looked at the screen.

The activity shown above has reached 500 million!

on the training ground.

Ren Xiaoli Jiang Liuer and the others were all at a loss.

as an extraordinary.

time is surpassed.

The feeling of being constantly crushed.

No one wants to accept it!

But now.

in activity.

Hundreds of reincarnations have been added together, and they have been pressed and rubbed on the ground countless times!


"Not only is his activity that high, but it continues to grow! 35


Yan Liu complained on the side.

He was greeted with a slap.

Ren Xiaoli gritted his teeth.

"I can't beat the Hulk, I can't beat the Chitre Whale.""

"It can't even match the activity of the Azure Planet Federation's Reincarnation of the World.""

"Who is he!?

Jiang Liuer closed his eyes.

He didn't want to see it.

Looking at it will only add infinite trouble to yourself.

Out of sight is pure!

"There are talented people from all generations in Jiangshan."

Zheng Hao stood behind and said with emotion.

He has lost the heart of any comparison.

That is self-inflicted.

Under the super body helmet.

Ye Xuan looked at the activity numbers in the live broadcast room in a daze.

"This has gone up many times, why is it still going up?"

And the increase this time was terrifying.

Tens of millions of jumps up.

It was so frightening that his little heart couldn't bear it.

"Fortunately, the reward amount is gratifying enough.

The advantage of the number of people in the live broadcast room finally began to be reflected quickly.

The reward amount has reached tens of millions!

Seeing, continue to rise at this rate.

Breaking a billion is not impossible!

This is the reward amount.

It's not as simple as the number of people online in the live broadcast room.

"Six hundred million.

Some headaches.

This is too arrogant and doesn't seem to be very good.

He could no longer imagine what the chaos would be like outside.

There is a slight pause in the fragment of the past life.

Countless people are paying attention to the activity value of the live broadcast room.

When the final branch stops at 700 million.

It slowed down slowly.

Everyone's hearts were also relieved.

Put it back in the stomach.

"Damn it! It's not a thing! 35

"700 million activity!"

"Shit, what the hell, no one in the Azure Planet Federation can surpass it even after ten thousand years?"

"Damn it! Hundreds of reincarnations are so envious of him!

"It's just hate, it's so nice of you to give me a little."

"It's started, it's started, and the picture continues to play."

The live room screen is when the activity value stabilizes.

Also re-stabilized in a few flashes.

[After being smashed by the thunder, the huge mechanized biological battleship exploded a large number of fragments from the sky. ]

[On the top floor of the building, Barton is holding a short bow, pulling the bow to shoot arrows, aiming at a Chitauri creature to penetrate them directly. ]

[Barton still said leisurely: "Tony, there are a lot of soldiers behind your ass."]

[Tony walks through high-rise buildings with a bunch of Chitauri monsters. ]

[Tony says, "I just want to get them off the road."]

[Barton smiled lightly: "They're not worth a lot of money, so don't keep them, just take a few turns. l

[Tony's eyes light up slightly: "Understood. 1

[The slightly worn steel armor flies forward. ]

[Barton placed a special arrow and aimed it at the group of Chitauri monsters that were about to appear in front of him. ]

[A reversal, Tony appears with Chitauri. ]

[A long arrow immediately hit one of the Chitauris, and the intense high temperature directly burned the Chitauri's body. ]

[The violent combustion spread to other Chitauri creatures, and the Chitauri group that was chasing Tony immediately dispersed. ]

[Tony shuttled through the low hole, and under the sharp turn, many Chitari crashed into the high building and exploded. ]

[Every time we shuttle and turn, there are Chitarui monsters who fail to respond in time and hit the pillars. ]

[After many times, all the Qitarui monsters who were chasing after him have disappeared. ]

["Barton, your suggestion is good, do you have any other suggestions〃"?"]

[Barton occupies the highest point, and his grasp of the battle situation is relatively clear: "Thor fought a mechanical dragon on Sixth Street. 39l

[Tony tilted his head and said, "Then he didn't call me."]

"Oh my god! Tony's expression is amazing!"

"I'm afraid it doesn't feel like I've been abandoned by Sol.

"Hahaha don't call me when you fight the dragon.

"Killing me."

[The screen shakes, and suddenly a huge biomechanical battleship appears, flapping its huge wings and rushing towards the tall buildings on one side. ]

[Seeing that they are about to hit the building, many white-collar workers inside the building have expressions of horror. ]

[Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps sounded behind, and a green figure rushed out from behind. ]

[Roar! Boom!]

[With the roar of the Hulk, he smashed the glass of the building and jumped directly onto the head of the mechanical biological battleship. ]

[Grabbing the head of the biological battleship, with force, he directly changed the direction of the Chitarui battleship, the sharp wings rubbed against the glass and smashed past, but avoided the consequences of directly smashing the building. ]

"Still watching the Hulk take the lead."

"Me too, I like the bravery of the demolition team captain."

"One-on-one giant biological battleship does not explain.

"I estimate that even if the Hulk is swallowed by this battleship, a hole in his stomach can be removed.

"Well, I guess it's fine.

"By the way, who has the Hulk animation?"


[On the street, the widow sister killed a Chitauri with difficulty, and looked back to see Rogers walking over. ]

[Sister Widow gasped: "Captain, if we don't close that port, we will be blind no matter how hard we fight, and no matter how violent the weapon is, we can't beat it."]

[Rogers said: "Maybe it's not the weapon's problem."]

["If you want to go up, someone has to take you for a ride.""l

[Sister Widow threw away the gun and said: "There are already people who have chosen, but they can use their strength. l

[Rogers takes two steps back and drags the shield diagonally: "Are you sure you want to come this way?"]

[Sister Widow glanced at the sky: "Yes, this will be very exciting."]

[When a Chitauri monster was about to fly over his head with this flying machine, the widow sister made a run, stepping on Rogers' shield and jumping sharply. ]

[Reach out and grab the tail of the aircraft directly, roll over and jump onto the aircraft. ]

[Kicked Qitarui away, Sister Widow forcibly controlled the aircraft to turn. ]

When the audience in the barrage saw this scene, they all exclaimed.

"Wow! Sister Widow is so fierce!

"Brave girl, the most beautiful.

"Girl? Look at that waist, then look at that leg. 99

"By the way, isn't the widow sister a special agent, why is the combat power a bit sturdy? 35

"It's not just her fighting strength, she's also too daring."

"It's so brave, most people really can't think of borrowing aircraft to go where they want to go."

[Several Chitarays were about to chase after Sister Widow when Tony suddenly appeared, and the energy cannon in his palm knocked those Chitarays flying. ]

[Tony shuttled through the street at a low altitude, and a large number of Chitauri were knocked away just by the impact. ]

[Flying to Rogers' side, Tony's two-handed energy mouth burst into a continuous beam of light, which bounced through Rogers' shield, killing the opposite Chitauri creature. ]

[One rolls over, Tony pulls up vertically, and Chitari, who is attached to the Gaokou Building, is killed by Tony. ]

[On the huge mechanical creature battleship, the angry Dr. Banner frantically tore the Chitauri monster that rushed up. ]

[Grabbing a door-sized shard, the Hulk inserted it directly into the body of the Qitarui biological battleship. ]

[Thor smashed the fragments completely with a hammer, and the biological battleship was hit hard and hit the ground. ]

[Boom! Boom! Boom!]

[The mechanical biological battleship finally died on the ground. ]

[The Hulk and Thor jumped down from above, both of them gasping violently. ]

[Suddenly, the Hulk punched without warning, and with a bang, it blasted Sol directly. ]


"What the hell!"

"What about him, one punch sent him flying.

"Hahaha! An unexpected punch. 9l

"Thor: What's up, do you want to fight?

"I laughed so hard!

"How resentful is the Hulk against Thor?"

"Did Thor stand in his way?"

"Thunder Thor is so innocent.

"The Hulk laughed again! Damn it! This smile gave me goosebumps.

"It's estimated that Thor was stunned by this punch."

"Laozi was smoking and almost choked to death when he didn't catch his breath.

"The Hulk is angry, he really hits everyone."

"Haha, the end was too sudden, and the atmosphere wasn't in place yet."

"I seriously suspect that the Hulk just wanted to celebrate with his fists, but Thor didn't catch it!"

"Damn it, the idea upstairs is a bit crazy!

"I'm most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air..."

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the Hulk was caught off guard with a punch and Fei Thor.

Almost burst out laughing.

The reward amount of Ye Xuan's backstage is also accumulating rapidly.

[On the street, there was finally official support, and various armored vehicles with advanced weapons drove in. ]

[Rogers killed a Chitauri monster, and a voice sounded in the headset: "Captain, that bank on 42nd Street, they surrounded a lot of civilians." J

[Rogers stands up and says, "I'll go right now."]

[As soon as the screen changes, a large number of clerks are concentrated in the bank, surrounded by a group of Chitauri monsters with long spears. ]

[Rogers jumps in from the window and hurls a bomb at one of the Chitauri monsters. ]

[Other Qitarui spotted Rogers and rushed over quickly. ]

[Rogers opened his bow from left to right, threw his shield to death, and then fought with the other Chitauris. ]

[Suddenly a Chitauri picked up the bomb that was about to explode and threw it at Rogers. ]

[Rogers picked up the shield and curled up behind the shield. ]


[The shock wave of the explosion pushed Rogers out of the window and smashed it hard on the top of the car. ]

"Why does it feel like Rogers is a little weaker than others?"

"Rogers' physical fitness seems to be just stronger than ordinary people??"

"And then the longevity does not actually have superpowers?

"I really don't know."

"If there is only such a little ability, it will be a bit of a stretch."

"Don't, Rogers' fighting instinct is still very strong. 35

"Look at the shield he uses, it's amazing!

inside the training ground.

Ren Xiaoli has recovered from the shock not long ago.

The scene of Rogers swinging his shield before echoed in his mind.

Brows furrowed.

Yan Liu whispered from the side: "Brother, he can catch the shield every time, isn't it by luck? 99

Ren Xiaoli shook his head.

"Certainly not, how could luck be on his side every time. 35

"I guess it's some kind of skill. 99

because of insufficient information.

Although Ren Xiaoli noticed that it was unusual.

But there is no way to do that to the elders of the Supreme Court.

Knowing vaguely is the existence of the way of skill.

Human Potential Development Organization.

Xu Qi'an waved his hand and said to the employee who just spoke: "Captain Rogers' strength seems weak now.

"But I don't believe that this [product] was the only one that took so much effort in that era.

The employee said just now that Rogers is weak.

Even if such injections are developed.

The improvement to the Azure Planet Federation is also small.

Xu Qi'an said it directly.

like he said.

He didn't believe in Rogers, who was painstakingly crafted.

will only have this strength.

The high probability is that everyone has not discovered the key point.

"It doesn't matter if Rodgers is as strong as the Hulk or not.

"He's better than a Azure Planet Federation citizen.

"This point must be studied, and it is still one of the first directions.

Xu Qi'an looked around and said, "Don't talk about this later.

The crowd nodded.

Xu Qi'an rarely gets angry.

I didn't expect it to fire this time.

Southwest of the Azure Planet Federation.

Inside a dilapidated rental house.

A middle-aged man with a full beard was lying on the bed.

Looking at the past life memory in the live broadcast room.

"Rogers must have used a trick!"

A gleam of light flickered in the middle-aged man's eyes.

He is the federal citizen who Zeng Jin captured the memory of martial arts.

He doesn't though.

But the scene from memory is too clear!

He saw with his own eyes that an ordinary person was almost a defenseless ordinary person.

With only one stick, it is in the light of thousands of swords.

Kill enemies easily.

He still remembered clearly the sliding trajectory of the stick.

"But Rogers is not as powerful as the man he remembers."

The shock of all eyes was hidden in his heart.

His face was bitter.

"Unfortunately, my days are getting worse day by day.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the live broadcast screen.

[The screen trembles, and the scene of the aircraft carrier's central control room reappears. ]

["Director Fury, the council has made a decision."]

[Fury put his hands on his hips and said, "I know the council has made a decision. 1

["But in light of this stupid decision, I choose to ignore it. 99]

[On the screen in front of him, four council members look at Fury. ]

["Commander, you are closer to the front line than any of us, you let a fighter jet fly... 351

[Frey interrupted directly: "This is my bustling city, councilor!"]

["Unless my team members can't stand it, I will not issue a nuclear strike order in a densely populated area! l

[Congressman angrily: "If we don't block them here, we will have nothing."]

[Frey also retorted: "If I let that plane take off, we also have nothing."]

[After speaking, Fury directly broke the link and turned off the screen angrily. ]

The entire Azure Planet Federation live broadcast room, after hearing the conversation between Director Fury and the congressman.

There was such a momentary daze.

A word that is rarely mentioned.

It was so lightly spoken by the congressman.

Nuclear strike!


"Is there something wrong with my ears?"

"What did that shit senator say just now?"

"Nuclear strike? Nuclear weapons?

"Damn, what are you doing, this is going to launch a nuclear weapon?

"There are still a lot of people over there who haven't evacuated!

"Is this about directly sacrificing the lives of those ordinary people?"

"It's so shameless, what are these congressmen thinking!

"Uncle's! Only ordinary people's lives are ignored?

"Aren't there any friends and relatives of his over there?"

"In such a prosperous city, there are at least a few million people, right? 55

"What's the difference between that and suicide!

"Grass! I finally understand that the extinction of the Azure Planet Earth Age is not the so-called Chitauri biological invasion at all, nor is it Loki. 99

"It's nuclear weapons! It is this group of birdmen who abused nuclear weapons to cause a sudden change in the era of the earth!"

"F*ck! You seem to have some truth in what you say!"

"So... in the end, that magnificent history was destroyed at the hands of our own people?"5

"Damn it! Even if nuclear weapons are fired, the crowd over there must be evacuated!"

"Can any expert come forward and explain the effects of nuclear weapons?"

The entire Tiandao Administration office.

Du Ya was silent.

Historian Huang Lao is even more tightly holding the pen.

Under the force, the joints burst out with white marks.

Tibetan Fox Xiaoliang was extremely angry.

Even Feng Xiaotian frowned.

"Nuclear weapons, what a nuclear weapon!

"Are those officials insane?

"Why don't you want to use other methods?"

"Do you want nuclear weapons?"

Everyone in the expert group was furious.

A military industrial boss gritted his teeth and said:

"Nuclear weapons are weapons that use the huge energy released instantaneously by self-sustaining nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reactions to produce explosive effects and have large-scale damage and destructive effects.

"It mainly includes fission weapons and fusion weapons, also called nuclear weapons or atomic weapons."

"The energy released by the fission of 1 kilogram of uranium is about 8 × 10^13 joules, which is about 20 million times greater than the energy released by the explosion of 1 kilogram of TNT explosive, which is 4.19 × 10^6 joules!""

"The explosion of a nuclear weapon not only releases huge energy, but also the nuclear reaction process is very fast, which can be completed in microseconds.

"Therefore, extremely high temperatures are formed in a small area around the nuclear explosion, heating and compressing the surrounding air to make it expand rapidly, producing high-pressure shock waves. The nuclear explosion on the ground and in the air will also form a fireball in the surrounding air, which emits a strong of light radiation.

Another person added: "It is precisely because of this large amount of radiation that life forms in all areas will be mutated! 35

"Almost as long as it is released, it will inevitably cause the entire city to be affected!"

"Millions of lives will be lost in an instant!

"After a nuclear explosion, a variety of rays such as x-rays, B-rays, and y-rays will be released, which will destroy human cells, produce carcinogens, damage the genetic structure of the human body, deform the fetus, or cause chronic diseases!"

"The radioactive material produced after a nuclear explosion cannot be dissipated in a short period of time, nor can it be accelerated by manual intervention. It can only be slowly decomposed by nature, which usually takes hundreds of years, and has a great impact on life on the earth's surface. Impact.

"The impact is really too big!"

As several experts interpret the dangers of a nuclear weapons outbreak.

Everyone was angry.

This is equivalent to not taking the lives of so many people seriously at all!

The chief was so angry that he slapped the table.

"What if the channel is destroyed?"

"Isn't it still an empty hell on earth in the end?!

"What to eat!

Dig your own grave!

Tibetan Fox Xiaoliang said angrily: "The most important thing is!"

"The Avengers are here, and they're still fighting to stop the passage. 99

"If the nukes are released, they must be hit hard too!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.


This group of people is still using their own strength to fight for the unstoppable Chitauri army!

No one gave up!

Everyone is doing their best to play their part!

The entire Azure Planet Federation.

Because of the nuclear weapons thing.

Directly set off the wind and waves.

Almost everyone is responsible for the decision at the time.

"Sister Widow is just a woman of flesh and blood. Although she is an agent, she is desperately fighting against terrifying creatures like Chitauri! 39

"Although Barton is very good at shooting, he will die on the spot if he is touched by the Chitauri monster!""

"Captain Rogers has too many wounds, his shield is tough, and he can't completely absorb the shock wave!"

"I saw that Tony's armor is covered with scars. It's the newly developed Mark 7! It's not long since I put it on!"

"Although Thor and the Hulk are very funny, but...they are comparable to the power of the gods, and they can't repel the group of Chitauri creatures!

"They're working hard!

"They are bleeding!"

"They are fighting for the Azure Planet Earth era, burning their blood! Burning their will! Burning their greatest hope for the future!"

" guys are going to release a nuclear bomb to detonate that city?

"Just to kill these Chitauris?"

"What about the brain! Why don't you think of other ways!

"Grass your mother! How about your ancestors? I am your ancestor! 55


Everyone is outraged!

The pictures captured in the live broadcast room are still playing.

Everyone felt a surge of anger in their hearts.

Now it's just a proposal for a nuclear strike.

If it does eventually launch nuclear weapons.

They will not be able to forgive!

[Sister Widow is riding on a bright aircraft, and Loki at the rear catches up at some point, and launches an attack to kill Sister Widow. ]

[Sister Widow shouts: "Barton!"]

[The building stares at Barton and says, "What's wrong, Natasha?"]

[Sister Widow asks: "Can you do me a favor? 1

[Barton reaches out and presses the longbow button, pulls it sharply, and aims at Loki who is chasing behind the widow sister. ]

["I caught you."]

[When Loki chased the widow sister and was about to fly over (Zhao's), Barton let go of his hand suddenly, and an arrow flashing red light shot out. ]

[Lookie has multiple eyes, stretches out his hand and grabs the arrow easily, with a smug smile on his face. ]

[However, in the next moment, the front end of the arrow exploded violently. ]


[With an explosion, Loki was directly blown away. ]

[Sister Widow was affected, but it happened to fall near the device that inspired the Rubik's Cube. ]

[Loki was rushed directly to the building platform. ]


"Good job Barton! 35

"Look at those senators! This is the battle! 39

"Brainless nuclear weapons will only bring destruction to themselves!""

"I believe in the power of the Avengers!"

[Loki was about to continue chasing the widow sister when suddenly the Hulk jumped up from below and kicked Loki with his big feet. ]


[With the loud noise, Loki was directly kicked away. ]

[The glass shatters, and Loki falls into the hall. ]

[Loki got up and said angrily: "Enough! All of you must submit to me!

[Loki stared at the Hulk and said: "I am a god! You stupid creatures! Not everyone can bully me.

[Before he finished speaking, the Hulk rushed over and grabbed one of his legs. ]

[The huge Hulk held Loki's legs lightly as if nothing, and directly swung it up, smashing it left and right on the ground. ]

[Bang bang bang!]

[Loki is used as a stick, passively smashing the ground! ]

[The Hulk roared angrily, and continued to smash Loki back and forth, left and right. ]

[Slammed Loki into the floor, and Loki was blinded to the ceiling. ]

["Puny God!" Hulk cursed and left. ]

"Fu*k! Awesome!"

"This is definitely the Hulk's highlight moment!"

"Really! I rely on it, hahaha!"

"Loki is going to be beaten out of his heart, right?!"

"Hulk: What the hell are you, pretending to be in front of Laozi?

"Loki is a god? Still being smashed by the Hulk!"

"Loki : My dignified man in the realm of the gods was smashed like a chicken!?"

"Haha so cool! So cool! Loki, you have today!"

"The Hulk shouldn't let go, he should just tear up Loki!"

"Laozi doesn't listen to your nonsense! Hahaha!"

"See, Loki's doubtful eyes!"

"I'm laughing so hard!"

"Poor God, this has been completely beaten."

"Why are you fighting! You are so funny!"

Not just the live audience.

The expert group of the Tiandao Administration was a little confused at this moment.

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang squeaked and said: "This... I was just filled with righteous indignation, and I can't fix it directly."

The historian Huang Lao sighed: "I can't write this scene!"

"The Hulk is awesome!"

on the training ground.

All ten superhumans watched this scene with twitching corners of their mouths.

Ren Xiaoli's eyelids jumped wildly.

Heart terrified.

"What the heck, if he's holding me and swiping, won't the young master just burp his ass!"

Too violent.

Simply inappropriate.

within human potential tissue.

Xu Qi'an and a group of colleagues opened their mouths.

As they also thought about the genetic research of the Hulk.

At this time, we can only repay the ferocious behavior of the Hulk with silence.

"If the Azure Planet Federation can also have a Hulk, what's there to worry about?""

The live broadcast continues.

When everyone sees the next scene.

Immediately surprised.

"Fu*k! Found a way!"

"You don't have to detonate a nuclear bomb!"

"Sister Widow is mighty!'

"Look! I knew that the Avengers were awesome!"

"Sister Widow, come on, I believe in you!"


For the Collections And Power Stones.

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