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100% (Game of Thrones) The Pale Khal / Chapter 20: The Burning Bells

Capítulo 20: The Burning Bells

( POV Wendel Manderly )

I sat in a comfortable chair, in a vibrant room, by a large table overlooking an exceedingly large and beautiful bay. The city of Tyrosh was beautiful, mote beautiful than any book or story gave credit. It was bustling with life. Even now, early in the morning as the sun still hung low behind the Bleeding Tower. Unfortunately I don't often find myself in the City often. While wealthy and prosperous the city offered little in terms of trade for the North and so I am not sent to Tyrosh often to make trade deals. Tyros main exports are dye, their famous Pear Brandy and slaves.

Esso's is a land of beauty and long summers, yet in this land so far from my home there is a dark monstrous business. The slave trade was the life blood of these so called 'Free' Cities. The thought of slavery makes me sick to my stomach yet the thought that my Liege Lords son had to go through it fills me with a burning rage. Ever since I was informed of the purpose of this journey I find myself wondering what such an experience could do the the happy, yet quite, boy I met at the harvest feast all those years age. It made me wonder how much of the rumours about him are true. I heard the door open behind me as I finished my glass of Pear Brandy and in entered Robb Stark, Heir to the North.

"Ser Wendel, you called for me?" The young Lord asked.

"Aye lad I did." I said to him raising to my full height, beckoning him to the widow and offering him a glass.

"Your fourteen name days now, old enough for a drink I say." I said to him as he smiled and tried to down the whole glass causing him to cough and wheeze and causing me to burst out in laughs.

"Pace yourself lad, you're not meant to breath it like its air, unless you're Greatjon Umber" I continued before laughing again

"What did you call me for Ser? Other than trying to kill me?" The young Lord asked and I answered.

"Your father wasn't Heir to the North until the Mad King killed your uncle Brandon. As such he wasn't raised to be Lord, wasn't raised to make trade deals or to govern the largest, and harshest kingdom in Westeros." I said but the boy seemed offended by my words

"My father fought beside King Robert and overthrew the Mad King, avenging his family and ending the Targaryen Kings, he defeated Ser Arthur Dayne in combat, crushed the Ironborn Rebellion and ruled the North fairly and justly since he took the mantle Lord Paramount of the North!" The young man said heatedly

"You misunderstand Robb, I have nothing but respect for your father, he was not raised to be lord yet he rose to the mantle when the North called for a Stark to lead us. But he has asked me to teach you all that I know so when the day comes for you to lead the North you will be prepared." I quickly explained my meaning to the young Lord.

"I am sorry Ser Wendel, I overreacted ." The young Stark said.

"No need to worry if I thought someone was insulting my own father I would react much the same." I said to the young man in front of me and I saw him relax at my words. As I was about to continue Jory Cassel entered and told us Lord Stark wished for us.

"Robb we shall be here all day, come to me later and bring a sword, we shall get you trained even if we must do it in moonlight."


( POV Qoni Ahesh )

The moon began its slow ascend into the bleeding sky as the sun slowly fell from its place so high in the sky, painted orange by dusks last rays. As dusk ended, settling into the dark of night, I ran my fingers through Ghosts white fur. My Khal sat on his dark throne and a throne of my own was situated beside his but I found it more comfortable where I was so it was there I remained.

Most would consider it indecent for the Khaleesi to be on the floor with a great hulking beast but it my Khal cared not, he would give me the world if I asked it. As the thought of my love entered my mind I found a need compelling me to look at him. He stared at me, as many people did yet this gaze was different. His eyes held not the fear and reverence that those of the Khalasar held when they looked at me. Nor did his eyes hold lust as I often found they did but instead I found something softer in his eyes. Affection filled his dark grey eyes and his stormy gaze followed my fingers as they weaved through Ghosts soft white fur.

I brought my attention back to Jonos' face. Like usual his face betrayed none of his feelings but his eyes were a gateway into his soul. Being able to read his eyes so well was the reason I could immediately notice the shift from being calm to being on edge. At the exact same time Ghosts muscles tensed under my fingers, his ears twitched and his eyes snapped open. Moments later a group of Dothraki approached pushing through the crowd and as they got closer I could make out the form of Dwalin.

"Great Khal, a messenger from the Elephant Party has arrived, as has the leader of the Tiger Party." Dwalin said while bowing to Jonos, at this news Arggo placed his hand on the hilt of his arakh.

"Send them in." My husband commanded


( POV Brutus Hrotan )

Bells rang throughout the city, echoing through the flames. The Qohorik were said to be miles away, not even entered the Norvos foothills. It seems our information was wrong, very wrong. The magistrate ordered that the Spire be sealed when the fighting first began. Although it wasn't much of a fight. They attacked in the dead of night as the city slumbered, ladders clashed against the walls of Norvos and they were quickly secured by the enemy. Once the walls were lost it wasn't long before the rest of the city followed, burning bolts flew from crossbows and men were slaughtered in their sleep by Qohorik steel.

"The city has fallen, the Lord our God has abandoned us!!!" The priest who said this was quickly cut down

"We will suffer no blasphemy in the holy city of Norvos, even less from a Bearded Priest of the Spire!" Wheezed the voice of my mentor and friend.

"Brutus, come forth." He said while beckoning me forward with his hand

"What is the state of the city?" He asked me and I knew he hoped for good news, but I had to give

"The outer walls fell within the hour, the rest of the city burned quickly after now only the spire remains." I told him with a grave voice

As my old friend opened his mouth to say something the bells suddenly stopped. Those bells never stopped. Every priest in the room ran to a window only to be greeted to a horrible sight, the three bells of Norvos were aflame. The most holy object of the one true god was burned by heathen, goat fucking, Qohorik bastards.

"Any man on the spire that can wield an axe meet at the Spire Gates! They will die for their sins!" My mentor roared angrily and everyone in the room, including be responded with just as much rage as we burst through the door axe in hand.


( POV Nikolaos Maegyr )

I entered the tent of Khal Jonos Ahesh. The Pale Khal sat upon a dark throne and he was surrounded by warriors and advisers. The famous White Wolf lay with its head in the lap of a young woman. I divided that I shouldn't stare to long at the Khals Khaleesi, incase the rumours of his temper had any truth to them. He stared at me and my companions in silence as the Elephant Party messenger filled after us.

"You are Nikolaos Maegyr, leader of the Tiger Party." He said to me with a nod of respect

"You however are not the leader of the Elephant Party." He said to the Elephant Parties messenger and I could feel the tension rise in the room.

"The leader of the Elephant Party believes himself to important to come himself?" He asked the poor messenger

"I come with a message!" The young boy announced his voice shaky before he opens a letter and begins reading it aloud

"The Elephant Party will not be intimidated by a Dothraki Savage and will not surrender the city!" The poor boy announced trying to sound unafraid, not that he succeeded

The Pale Khal nodded his head to the back of the tent and in response one of his Dothraki restrained one of the guards. The Khal unsheathed a talon from his belt and severed the throat of another guard before he could register what was going on and then he approached the messenger.

"I have a message as well." He told the terrified man.

"I'll deliver it please just let me live." He begged

"Oh you'll deliver it alright!" He answered before signalling again for the messenger to be restrained. He then carved his message onto the back of the message with his talon before cutting off his hands, feet and tongue.

"You will carry this man to the leader of the Elephant Party! Go!" He commanded the final guard before turning to me

"Worry not great Khal, the Tiger Party is much more open to an alliance."


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