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23.52% Dovakin in Westeros Insert / Chapter 3: Well deserved spanking

Capítulo 3: Well deserved spanking

It took him two days riding south to reach Oldstones, a ruined castle on the western shore of the blue fork, it was quite the sight, and Garen being a curious young man decided to explore, not that he was confident to find any hidden treasures, it has been abandoned for so long that every scavenger and looter has had the chance to try their luck, only they did not have magic.

While experimenting with his magic on the free times he had when stopping for the night so Shadowmare could eat and drink (demon horse did not need to sleep, go figure) He found out that clairvoyance worked differently than in the game. since he did not have quest markers or quests perse, clairvoyance worked kinda like jack sparrow's compass, it showed him the path towards what he wanted. be it animals when hunting, a path to places he has never been (Oldstones in this case) and he suspected that it could also lead him to hidden treasures. (if he ever made it to Kingslanding he would turn the dragon pits upside down looking for the lost Valyriansteel sword of house Royce, also dragon eggs)

During these two days, he also had time to think about what he wanted to do. at least to have a list of things to consider, knowing that the rebellion will happen in around 1 year and change when Lyana disappears with the prince near Harrenhall, she was traveling to Riverrun for her brother Brandon's wedding or some shit? he was not sure, but he was positive it was one year after the tourney.

Current objectives:

1: Join the tourney and win the mele while overwhelming everyone else.

This would score some points with Bobbi B. also it would probably call to the attention of all the other lordlings attending the tourney. being a knight with flashy armor that just appeared out of nowhere might raise some eyebrows, but instead of being a mystery knight like the knight of the laughing tree he would spread his name and made up past from the moment he makes it to the tourney.

2: Try to win the jousting

Having inherited the strength, riding and fighting skills of dovakin, mixed with the fact that he was also a companion and that made him a werewolf increasing his overall strength would make it easy, this of course will call to the attention of Rhegar who would try to win by any means possible to crown Lyana as his queen of love and beauty.

3: meet with both Bobbi B. and Rhegar and get a feeling on who to support during the rebellion. He was positive that with his knowledge he would be able to win the war either way. the King Kebab would have to croak, either way, no freaking reason for Aerys to stay in power.

4: Meet with Brandon and Eddard Stark, to see if rescuing him and his party of northern fools from the black cells is necessary. It would start the rebellion either way. I doubt Aerys would take it lightly if Brandon just disappears, he would be calling for the heads of all the starks, arryns, manderlys and whoever was "smart" enough to follow Brandon to kingslandding and demanding the crown prince's head, and that means war.

5: Kill Baelish when he is kicked out of riverrun.

Littlefinger is not going to even see the rebellion start. he always fucks everything up and the vale is full of very dangerous mountain clans, also lordlings fall from their horses and break their necks all the time, thanks Bronn for your wise words.

6: Earn the trust of either Bobbi B. or Rhegar.

becoming a trusted friend of the one who he would consider the lesser evil option would be ideal, for that he would have close to a year before the whole fuck up of Aerys burning Rickard and killing Brandon starts.

7: Use Clairvoyance in the Castle of Harrenhall to try to find out secret passages, treasure rooms etc.

The castle is massive and Harren the Black was a paranoid fuck, I bet he has some nice hidden rooms and passages with secrets to uncover.

There were a few things that have been in his mind as of late. one of them was how strange it was that he was Ok with being dead, thrown in the body of his Skyrim character in the world of Game of Thrones with his mind being fucked with by merging with Dovakin. how he referred to himself as Garen Crownguard and not by his original name. the name he was born in a different life.

He was sure it was the fault of ROBerta. she somehow messed with his brain and how it functioned. it pissed him off but at the same time he did not care, this was his reality now, and the fact that he knew how to ride Shadowmare like an expert, or how to swing a sword and cast magic was second nature to him.

Also, he was somehow glad, Garen did not know what happened naturally after death, at least not without the intervention of a ROB or some Alien Space Bats. it scared him to think that he would cease to exist, yes he might be different now due to the merging with Dovakin, but he somehow was still part James, only different. Perhaps he should change his name. Garen J. Crownguard. Yea, it sounded just right.

He looked around where he was sitting, it was inside the courtyard of the ruined castle of Oldstones, some walls had collapsed, the vegetation has taken over and was reclaiming what once has been the halls of old kings of the Riverlands. or so he was told by Garth. No one remembered the name of the castle, forgotten by the pass of time. It was Oldstones now.

He exited the courtyard through a hole that happened after the outer wall collapsed due to no maintenance and the passage of time. He started collecting firewood for the night, the sun would start to set soon, he calculated that he had around 2 more hours of light before nightfall, he had planned to explore the ruined castle before going to sleep.

After a few trips back and forth he had a good pile of firewood to make a decent bonfire through the entire night. he would ignite it later on, for now, he wanted to hunt something and then explore the castle.

Taking out his Dragonbone bow from his inventory and slinging a quiver on his lower back full of steel arrows he ventured into the overgrown forest that surrounded the castle. Using clairvoyance and his werewolf increased senses to find out game was like cheating, in five minutes he managed to sneak near a male boar, he was around 45 yards away, drawing the bow back in a slow and smooth motion he held his breath, the world seemed to zoom in the boar and with a slow and steady exhale he released the sting.

With a sharp *twag* the arrow was released and flew true, the sound made the boar lift its head and look towards the source while making an Oink sound, in less than a second the boar was screeching and tried to run away, only to make it less than 100 yards before collapsing, having drowned in his own blood due to the shot to the lungs.

Garen decided to try a new thing that he suspected could do. he channeled some magica into his inventory ring and placed his hand on top of the boar, soon the body quickly disappeared as if consumed by a small black hole. inside his ring he found it already looted, the boar hide, tusks, meat, and bones were separated.

Normally he would hold on to everything but he did not have a cast iron pot with him to make a soup, so he just discarded the bones, so they would take less space inside his inventory, he did hold on to the tusks, meat and hide.

He returned to the courtyard where Shadowmare was earing her grass and petted the horsey before he started to pile some wood on some old ashes that indicated that it had been an old bonfire lit by someone else some time ago.

Using a quick cast of Flames he let the fire start, he took out the boar hide and place it hair down near the fire, then he placed the boar meat on top of it, to roast the boar he would need coals, and while the wood burned he decided to explore the old castle.

He was positive that Shadowmare would be able to fend off any wolves or other animals while he explored, the horse had a reputation in Skyrim for a reason.


The ruins where that, ruins, most ceilings, and staircases that led to the upper levels had collapsed and the ones that stood to this day were in such condition that Garen did not think they would safely handle his weight.

He used Clairvoyance, first, he wished to find anything of value, but the spell only guided him to a few spots where he found coins of Westeros, all of them hidden under loose stones or a shallow cover of dirt and grass. overall he found 6 copper stars and a silver stag.

Then he wished to find hidden rooms or tunnels, it led to dead collapsed staircases that lead underground, he did have a pickaxe in his inventory, but he doubted that he had the time to go prospecting at the moment. perhaps later some time.

Finally, he reached a room with a tomb. it was an overground sarcophagus with the carved statue of a warrior/king/lord, similar to how Aragorn was buried in the LOTR movie.

After a quick inspection he saw some wear on the lid, it seems like the tomb has been robbed before, someone had moved it and probably looted everything of value inside, that is why clairvoyance did not lead him here.

As the light dimmed he decided to head back to his camp. by this time the firewood would probably have burned out and he would have a decent bed of coals to roast his boar.

While making his way back through the ruined castle he heard some commotion in the distance, voices and animal noises echoed through the bare walls of the ruins surrounding him.

Garen picked up the pace, he cast Ebony Flesh quickly, equipping his Ebony Shield and drawing his Ebony Blade he entered the courtyard ready to fight.

"It's a demon!" A knight in dark blue leather scale armor said while pointing his sword towards Shadowmare who huffed and hit her front hooves on the stone floor.

"By the seven, look at its eyes, we should kill it," a young man in leathers said as he drew his bow.

Garen saw that the small group of warriors had entered the courtyard. there were three of them, two looked like warriors, with armor and swords, while the boy with the bow looked more like a hunter, with his leathers and only a bow as a weapon.

"HALT!" Garen screamed getting the attention of the three men, who all turned to look at him with surprised faces. "ANYONE TOUCHES MY HORSE! I WILL SHOVE THIS SWORD UP HIS ASS!" Garen was angry, he knew that killing Shadowmare was not going to be easy, even if she took some hits he probably would be able to heal her with healing hands, maybe ever resurrect her with his magic but the fact that this nameless fools decided to kill his horse pissed him off.

the boy in leathers was trembling while the two Warriors both had drawn swords.

"I-Identify yourself!" the younger Warrior screamed while pointing his sword towards Garen.

"MY NAME IS Garen Crowngu…" The boy in leathers panicked and the arrow was let loose from his trembling hands. it flew true only to impact Garen's breastplate with a clank and then fall on the floor in front of him.

"Now you have done it!" Garen growled through clenched teeth, he was around 20 yards from the trio, with a few quick long strides he was advancing towards them with his shield in front.

"Stop, in the name of Lord Hos." the younger Warrior screamed while he ran towards Garen swinging his sword. Garen used his Ebony blade to guide the wide swing over his head and away from him this made the young man overextend himself and his face was soon found kissing the armored gauntlet that was holding the Black knight's sword.

Garen had punched him making the Young man shut up and collapse like a sack of potatoes, he heard the sword clattering on the ground behind him.

The second knight was not as reckless he tried a few feints to get the hang of Garen, trying to look for an opening, but Garen's full plate, mixed with his superior size and reach proved to be troublesome for him. "I'll hold him off, go get" before he could finish his orders Garen did a quick leap forward getting inside the more experienced warrior's range, and bashed him with his shield so hard the man's legs lifted from the ground as he flew a few feet away.

The Kid in leathers tried to turn his horse around but before he was able to bolt he felt someone grab the back of his leather shirt. he yelped as he was dragged from his horse as the mount bolted in to the shrubbery in panic "please dont kill me" he pleaded

Garen stabbed the ebony blade over the archer's right shoulder, just a few inches from the head of the kid who was not older than 13, making him whimper and almost start to cry.

He then picked the Kid up, he slung the young man on one of his knees, and started to spank the young man's butt with his armored hand.

"THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH KIDS THESE DAYS!" he started to ramble as he kept on hitting the kid "NO RESPECT FOR THEIR BETTERS. SOMEONE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED BY THAT ARROW BOY!" He kept on hitting him while the young man whimpered and tried to escape his grasp.

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