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40% I am Invincible; Literally [One Punch Man in Marvel] / Chapter 12: Chat- [Part 2]

Capítulo 12: Chat- [Part 2]


Silence ensued inside Jason's house for a whole minute after that footage ended.

Fury was silent after watching that footage because he seemed to be really fascinated by what he saw in that; even though he had seen that footage many times before.

And Jason was silent because, well, he had no idea what to say in this situation. Being bad in human interaction have come back to bite him in the ass.


Fury after noticing the awkward atmosphere around Jason, decided to help the man.

And he did that by speaking first.

"So Jason, I hope you finally get what I was trying to tell you about your body? I will like to hear your thoughts in this. What do you think about yourself after watching this footage?"

Fury asked this question in a polite manner but he was secretly trying to judge Jason based on his next answer.

He was wondering how Jason's mentality actually was.

Will he consider himself to be a monster after watching this?

Will he think of himself to be a God?

Will he think of himself to be someone special, or a Freak?

This thinking process will tell Fury a lot about Jason's character.

When Fury was thinking these thoughts, Jason was looking at him with a confused expression on his face.

Why was 'Puny' asking such a question?

What's the reason for asking this?

Jason was not a Genius.

But he was still smart enough to understand that it's not normal for a guy like Fury to come knocking at your door every morning just to show you a footage of you fighting a goddamn Kaijuu for no reason at all.

Jason surprisingly, understood that 'Furry' wanted something from him.

But the question he asked was still pretty weird. Like-

Isn't the answer to that question obvious?

So Jason being the polite man he was, decided to not let the bald headed guy whose- name-he-already-forgot wait too long for his answer and said in a plain voice

"I don't know. I am cool? strong? I am not sure what you are trying to ask me from this." Jason said while scratching his chin with his index finger.

Fury after getting that answer was glad.

Glad, because based on this answer, Jason doesn't seem like a depressed piece of shit to Fury, neither does he seem like an arrogant fuck who thinks himself to be a God.

Based on this answer, Jason appeared like a humble guy who knows what he is capable of but doesn't seem to be an arrogant prick and Fury was glad about that.

How was Fury able to tell so much from a single sentence you ask?

Well, the guy was not the best spy in the world for nothing.

"I got the answer I wanted to hear, so you don't have to worry about it and I am glad you understand you are strong. Very strong infact."

Fury said those words and stopped in front of Jason while extending his hand for a handshake and said

"I guess it's time for me to introduce myself properly. My name is Nick Fury and I am the Director of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division commonly known as S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury introduced himself with a professional tone.

"Oh. What does that mean?" Jason asked while shaking Fury's hand and was secretly glad that he re-introduced himself; considering Jason actually forgot his name.

"It means that I work in an American extra-governmental counter-terrorism and intelligence agency tasked with maintaining both national and global security. In simple words, I am the Top guy of a secret agency, which works for the protection of the entire world." Fury explained for Jason while taking his hand back.

" guys are like M.I.B.?" Jason asked after a moment.

"I....guess? Except we don't have to deal with aliens that much." Fury answered.


After that part was done and over with, Fury looked towards Jason to see him yawning which prompted his eye to twitch in annoyance.

This guy is already getting bored?

Just how short is his attention span!?

Those were the thoughts running through Fury's head as he started speaking again so as not to make Jason wait any longer; as it looked like he was going to sleep again at any moment.

"So anyways, I guess you might be wondering why I am here for a while now. I guess it's time for me to tell you that." Fury said while continuing the conversation towards where he wanted it to go.

"I had my eyes on you for a while now Mr. Jason. You can say I have my eyes on you since the Harlem incident with the Abomination." Fury said while looking at Jason who after hearing Fury's words, took a step away from him.

All the sleepiness inside Jason's eyes after hearing Fury's words vanished and what replaced it was a rather uncomfortable and creeped out expression on his face.

Fury was confused why Jason was reacting the way he was but just as he was about to ask him that, Jason said something which made Fury almost cuss out loud.

"Sorry but, I am not interested in dudes." Jason said quite defensively while looking at Fury.

Fury after hearing Jason's words was silent.

He had no idea how Jason came down to that conclusion and literally wanted to shout at Jason's face about his sexuality being hetero, but instead decided to calm himself down and said

"You misunderstand my words Mr. Jason. It's not like" Fury said in an omnious tone of voice while glaring at Jason and continued by saying

"I have my eyes on you for the fact that you are strong. Way stronger than any human should be capable of. Which made me believe you to be an extraterrestrial at first, but after investigating you, I now know that you are just a human. An abnormally strong one yes, but a human regardless. What you were imagining, is completely out of context as well as Disgusting. Like hell no!" Fury explained to Jason while trying his hardest to not shout at Jason's face for giving that image in his head; even though he shouted the last part anyway.

Fury was really regretting the decision for coming here himself and not sending Natasha or Clint for this job instead; even though he decided to not tell them about Jason.

Jason, after hearing Fury's explanation sighed in relief while muttering a small 'thank goodness' under his breath which Fury heard but decided not to comment on while trying his hardest to not strangle Jason.


"Thank goodness."

Jason muttered to himself while thanking the heavens that Fury was not into him.

Like seriously, he doesn't care if Fury is a guy who is interested in other guys. It's just that he is not, so for Fury to say something as creepy as that with a straight face creeped the hell outta him.


Jason has been wondering a question inside his head for a while now.

When is Fury going to get to the point?

Like seriously, isn't he taking too long?

Jason is a guy who hates long talks like this, so Fury explaining all these things with so many words has started to annoy him.

And looking at Fury's face right now, Jason could tell a long speech is coming....

"So where were we? Ah yes. You are an anomaly Mr. Jason."

'Oh god save me from this torture!' Jason thought while trying his hardest to not shout at Fury to shorten his words to 20 words or less.

"I guess after watching that footage, You might have already got an understanding about what I was trying to tell but let me say this in a way that it's easy to understand. Your body gives you strength when you need it. In simple words, you will get as strong as you want depending on the situation." Fury continued speaking while being completely unaware about the torture he was inflicting upon our resident Monster hunter.

Jason after seeing that this talk is not going anywhere, decided to ask

"That's why you are here? Because this whole get as strong as I want thingy is weird?" Jason asked while praying that Fury will answer yes and they will go on their seperate ways. His prayers were not answered as Fury looked at him and said

"Not particularly. You being this strong is weird, yes. But not the weirdest thing I have ever seen."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked while his eyes twitched in annoyance.

Fury after seeing Jason asking this question decided to test a theory he had, and he did that by saying

"Believe me when I am saying this Jason, I have seen some weird shit in my career. You are just one of them—

"Did you just call me shit?"

—And that's why I want to know. I don't want any bullshit. I want you to be completely honest. Tell me the truth Jason Andrews-

"Are you a threat to humanity?" Fury asked with a serious face while looking at Jason's eyes.

Jason after hearing Fury's question turned silent for a moment.

He didn't understand why...

But Fury asking him this question kind of offended him a little.

As far as Jason knows, He is a hero and he is doing a great job being one too. At least that's what he likes to think.

Killing those Monsters, saving those civilians, getting injured like hell with no one here with him to patch him up and many more deeds just to help people have become a daily routine for Jason Andrews.

And Fury is still asking him if he is a threat to humanity?


Even though Jason didn't like it, he still decided to answer Fury's question truthfully.

"No I am not. I am a hero for fun and I am planning on staying that."

Jason answered with a serious face while looking at Fury's eye.

Fury after hearing that answer was convinced that Jason was a little annoyed after being asked such a question.

Who wouldn't be?

Fury knows how hard it must have been for Jason to continuously fight those monsters to protect the people in Hell's kitchen without getting paid or even getting recognition for his work.

Fury knows what Jason is saying now is the truth, but he still decided to push Jason's buttons to test something by saying

"I don't believe you. What if there is a day when there are more than a thousand of those monsters that you have been killing, attacks at the same time? Will you still fight them? You already said that you are just doing this for fun. So what will you do if there is an entire army of creatures such as these attacking our planet?" Fury asked while looking at any signs of anger on Jason's face but what he got was a complete honest answer with a poker face.

"I will fight them."


"Even if there are a million of these creatures attacking, I will still be there fighting them. I don't know whether I will be able to make a difference or not, but I will still fight till the end." Jason said honestly.

Jason knows that there might be a day when there will be more than a few attacks on Hell's kitchen by these Monsters, but instead of being afraid, he feels excited while thinking about that.

Jason knows that he shouldn't think like that; because if an attack of such a scale ever happened, then there are definitely going to be a lot of deaths.

He will still do his best to protect all the people though, because that's what a hero does. It's his hobby yes, but if push comes to shove Jason is not going to back down from a fight to death if the protection of the world is in question.

Fury after hearing Jason's answer was taken a back. He was actually trying to rile Jason up to test something, but this answer from Jason was definitely not something he was expecting.

Fury saw the sincerity in Jason's eyes when he said these words and he couldn't help but feel a premonition/weird feeling in his gut after hearing Jason.

Even though he was convinced Jason was not joking, he still decided to continue to deny that in front of him by saying

"And why will you go that far just for a simple hobby? I don't believe a single thing you said just now. I don't approve of you as a hero." Fury said those words while making a blocking gesture on reflex as if expecting to get punched; even though he knew blocking is so not going to save him if Jason decided to punch for real.

Jason after hearing Fury's words was now really annoyed.

He doesn't approve of him? So what?

He doesn't care about his opinion. He doesn't care about anyone's opinion.

Jason is doing what he is doing because he like it, this is something that he wants to do. So Fury's opinion on this subject doesn't matter to him at all.

He still felt pretty annoyed after being told that to his face though, so he decided to answer Fury with an angry tone of voice(which looked rather funny) and said

"And I don't care. I am not a hero because I want your approval. I do it because I want to, so if you wanna blame me then go ahead and blame me you baldie!"

That last part definitely did a lot of damage to Fury but he knew he deserved that one.

Fury was trying to check whether Jason will get stronger if he were to turn angry; as it is mostly shown in all his fights till now. That was the excuse Fury told himself to rile Jason up.

The real reason was that he just wanted to annoy Jason for what he said earlier. He also wanted to see if Jason can actually get angry or not; seeing that Jason was in his poker face mode during their entire conversation.

Fury didn't take Jason for a guy who will get angry over this but he still took his shot. Seeing Jason with that same apathetic expression on his face was getting old really quickly for Fury.

Pretty childish for a guy like Fury, but that's what Jason gets for putting that horrible image in Fury's head.

After getting over his thoughts, Fury looked at Jason who had a triumphant smirk on his face. Must be because he saw Fury flinch when he called him bald.

Fury doesn't show that much emotions when he is with other people, but those people don't usually call him bald on his face like Jason.

Fury after seeing the smirk on Jason's face started getting annoyed, and wished for the same fate to befall upon Jason.

"I got the answer to another question of mine. You don't get strong as you get angry, like a certain someone I know. Sorry for saying such rude things Mr. Jason. But I wanted to see whether you getting angry will effect anything relating to your strength or not." Fury said while trying to change the subject by saying this and seeing that the smirk on Jason's face was now replaced with the same apathetic expression as before, Fury decided to get back on topic once again.

"Want me to tell you something? You ever wondered why you are not famous as a hero?" Fury asked fully knowing this will pick Jason's interest.

And it sure did if the widening of his eyes was any indicator.

'I guess he really wanted to be famous.' Fury thought while looking at Jason's surprised expression.

Fury thought that Jason must be thinking about this a lot, like why isn't he still famous after doing so much for the world? He should have been the most popular person in the world by now.

Jason after hearing Fury's words was surprised. But for an entire different reason compared to what Fury was thinking.

'Man, I forgot about that.' Jason thought after hearing Fury's words.

Jason was busy fighting for his life for the past two years, so nobody ever recognising him as the guy who beat these monsters never really occured to him at all.

Seeing Fury looking at him, Jason decided to act like he was actually thinking about it so as not to appear as an Idiot.

"Yeah about that, didn't you tell me that there are many people who are after me? So shouldn't I be famous or something?" Jason said while averting his eyes and scratching the back of his head with his index finger.

Fury completely saw through his act but decided not to point it out and said instead

"And I was being completely honest about that. There are a lot of people who are after you but the funny thing is, only a handful of them know how you look." Fury answered while looking at Jason.

"Why?" Jason asked now being genuinely confused.

"Because of me." Fury declared.

"Remember when I told you that I have seen some weird shit? It's because of that reason I don't want anyone of these people to approach you. I am one of those few people who knows, that in this vast universe, we are not alone." Fury said all those things while remembering a certain incident from the year 1995 where a certain blond haired girl was shooting plasma beams from her hands.

"There are those in this universe who are far stronger than us, and if push comes to shove, we won't even have the power to save ourselves against them. These happenings around the area of Hell's kitchen has taught me that." Fury continued while thinking of that huge Cthulhu monster, that if not had been for Jason, would have most probably destroyed the entire Hell's kitchen while killing thousands in the process.

"That's why I don't want them near you. I am sure they will try to recruit you with any means necessary to use you for their personal gains. Hell! I didn't even tell my subordinates about you! The reason for that being I don't trust all of them completely." Fury answered truthfully while looking at Jason. He has a tendency to not trust anyone easily after what goose did to him. He trusted that little creature with his life and what did it do him return? It stole his goddamn eye from him!

Anyways, after seeing that he has Jason's full attention for the first time since their chat began, he continued

"That's just the type of person I am, I don't trust people easily. So I will tell you this:- I don't trust you, and I don't accept you to trust me either but I want your help. Our cause is the same, so I want you to join us. I want you to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr.Jason."

Fury finally revealed the reason why he came here to meet Jason.

He wanted to recruit him.

He knows what he is doing is similar to what those other people that he has been keeping away from Jason till now would have done, but he doesn't care.

He is not making Jason do his bidding by blackmailing him or some shit like that. He is genuinely requesting Jason to at least consider joining them.

Fury doesn't want to use Jason for his own benefit. He just want Jason to protect the world if the need ever arise.

Fury has the Transmitter pager that Carol gave him before her departure but having another ally for the protection of the planet, especially someone as strong as Jason, didn't sound so bad to Fury.

Jason, after hearing the reason behind Fury's visit, looked towards him and said with a serious face

"Nope. I ain't joining you guys."

Fury after hearing Jason's answer was not that surprised.

He just looked towards Jason and didn't show any change in his expression and said

"That was all Mr. Jason. I am sorry for taking your time. It was nice meeting you." Fury said while trying to leave but stopped after hearing Jason speak again

"Joining you would be like leaving this life of mine behind. I became a hero in the first place to be my own person and not be under someone's control so joining you guys is a no-no in my book. That's why I am not going to join you guys but don't worry." Jason said while looking at Fury's eyes with a smile on his face and continued in a confident tone of voice

"If things turn dire, and you can't find anyone who can help you resolve your issue which concerns our planet's safety then I would be there. So you don't have to worry about it. Even if I am never going to be working for you, I will still assure you-"

"That earth is under my protection!"

Jason finished in a matter of fact tone with a smile on his face while looking at Fury.

After hearing those words coming out of Jason's mouth, even Fury smiled a little.

Fury already knew from the beginning that Jason was going to reject the idea of working for him. Who wouldn't after hearing from their own employer that they shouldn't trust each other?

Fury from the beginning, was not aiming for Jason to work for him. He just wanted to see weather Jason is eligible for something he had on mind.

Something which he already discussed with Tony Stark and found him to be ineligible at first.

The Avengers Initiative; A program created by him to bring together a group of remarkable people to face extraordinary threats.

He wanted to see whether Jason is eligible to join The Avengers.

And guess what? Jason was eligible.

Fury wanted Jason to join this program but decided not to discuss this with him at the moment.

The world is at peace right now and he was sure that if things turn dire for the world, Jason will surely be on the front lines fighting for the safety of this planet.

Because that's what a hero does.

ManofcultureQ_Q ManofcultureQ_Q

The longest chapter I wrote so far!

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