"... and for the final year students, you have the rest of the World waiting for you to make your mark on it. I am very proud to see that all of you have grown into such fine young adults. May the knowledge you have gained in this school continue to serve you throughout your journey. Thank you."
Applause came from the audience and I felt nervous all of a sudden. Like I've only just realised that I was next to give my speech.
I looked down to reassure myself that I still had the script folded in my hand, though seeing that it was there didn't exactly alleviate my fears.
Once the applause died down, the principal continued, "Now it's time for the top students of each year to share a few words with you. For the first year, let's welcome Aster on the stage!"
Cheers rang out from the entire crowd and there were even whistles coming from a few parts of the hall.
Journal Entry:
Seriously, what is wrong with this school? I thought everyone was supposed to be the elites in this school? Why are they all like this?! What's wrong with all of you?!
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