I won't say that those girls were acting rather crazy at the end but… They were acting pretty crazy at the end.
I mean, I get it… The [Screen] boon also told me that in order to improve my Iatromancy proficiency, I need to keep using it to heal someone.
But I was most certainly not prepared to know that a number of Iatromancers resort to using their own body to train themselves… Definitely efficient but still, what the fuck.
No, teacher Anna did not suggest we do it to ourselves which was why she only hurt herself and not us, but I figured out that this was how she improved herself judging by how she was handling her… Ummm… Classes.
Granted, this would also help us get used to the sight of blood and stuff so I can't deny the effectiveness of her lessons. But, I'm going to avoid self mutilation completely, I'm definitely not into that.
Speaking of which… It's lunchtime now.
Journal Entry:
Truthfully, I think that went better than I thought it would. My relationship with Odeta remains unchanged but the two of them really don't like each other... Like seriously, Katsuki's tail would wag whenever she looked at me but then it drops aggressively when she turns to Odeta...
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