Rachel screamed before she could stop herself. Realizing what she had done and the startled, warning look Chris was giving her, she slapped a hand over her mouth and looked around at the people looking at them in the school cafeteria, apologetically.
"I'm so sorry. I was carried away." She whispered before leaving the seat across from him to sit directly beside him.
"For real? It's Sato?" She whispered eagerly, her eyes lighting up.
Even though Sky had told him not to tell anyone, he didn't want to keep it away from her. She was the first "friend" he had made here and he needed to at least be open with her considering how she had told him about Sato yesterday.
"I was surprised at first. But yeah. He is my roommate. And I'm not supposed to tell you." He said this in a carefree manner as he sipped his apple juice.
Wait... why was he 'not supposed to tell her'?
Sky's stupid rules were beginning to get into his head.
"I cannot believe that this is my second year here and you first got to meet him up close in your first week here! How is he like up close? Is he the same? What about his body? Is it as perfect as it looks with clothes on?"
"Wait..." Chris raised a hand to stop her rambling and asked, "How would I know that?"
"Guys usually stay shirtless in their rooms! Tell me. What is he truly like?" She asked excitedly.
Well, not Sky. Because Chris had never seen his bare body. He didn't even get to see him this morning because by the time he woke up, the room was already empty.
"I have only known him for what? A few hours and you expect me to know what he is truly like?"
"Tell me something. Anything. Please." She asked desperately.
He almost rolled his eyes at her desperation. He wanted to tell her he was an asshole. A narcissist. He was arrogant and full of himself. But that would just be him being petty. What was the point in shattering Sato's good image? He wouldn't gain anything. But on the other hand, that dude seemed like the type to care about maintaining his image.
"He is... okay, I guess?" He shrugged.
She was still waiting for more.
"Fine! He brought me dinner and gave me a towel to clean my hair so I wouldn't get cold. He also gave me a blow dryer to dry my hair."
Now that he thought about it, the guy was kind of nice. Just a bit.
"Oh my! What a husband material. I so want to be you right now." Her already sparkling eyes shone even brighter as she cupped her face.
"It's not that serious."
"Easy for you to say when you live with him. Did he say anything about a girlfriend?"
"We just met!" He snapped.
"Guys talk about these things!" She snapped back.
He remembered asking Sky, but the dude hadn't answered that particular question. He decided to ignore her and just continue his drink. The juice here was pretty addictive.
Rachel didn't say anything, but he noticed she was giving him a weird look, which he ignored.
"Should I be hopeful that the two of us won't be fighting over him one day?"
He choked on his drink and coughed a few times, his hand covering his mouth while staring at her in confusion.
"Why... would I fight over him with you?!" He asked in disbelief.
"I don't know. But please don't like him." She pouted.
"You already said he's not gay or bi or whatever, and besides, I don't think he is either."
"The problem is not him, but you."
Chris laughed in amusement. "I don't think I would."
"'You don't think'?" She quoted suspiciously.
He didn't give her a direct answer and just shrugged instead.
The sudden squeals and noisiness in the cafeteria got their attention, and they looked in that direction. Was he even surprised to find the cause of it all was Sky, who had just entered with some other guys and ladies?
It reminded him of those kdramas he had bumped into some friends watching. Did they think they were still middle school kids?
Sky was looking fine as usual. Black shirt, fitted pants, nice shoes, earrings on his nose and earlobe, and hair in a loose bun this time.
How come he didn't dress like a normal student? Did he think he was here to model or that this was a fashion parade? He seemed like the type to put too much effort into his looks. "How annoying." He muttered to himself.
"Who are those people?" Chris asked Rachel as he kept his gaze on the group who were trodding to the centre of the school cafeteria with a public address speaker and mic being carried by two guys in the front.
When he didn't get any answer, he turned to look at Rachel, who was staring at a certain someone with lovestruck eyes and quickly slapped her forehead gently, bringing her back to her senses.
"Who are those people?" He repeated.
"Student Council." She answered curtly and looked ahead.
"Why is Sky with them?"
"He is in the Student Council. The Director of Fitness."
Okay... that surprised him.
"What is that?"
"Director. Of fitness..." she repeated for his understanding.
"I heard you the first time. I have never heard of that before."
"He helps students, especially athletes, stay fit. He is in charge of the gym."
Quite interesting.
"Then why don't you go to the gym? You'll be closer to him. Isn't that what you want?" He asked curiously.
"You think everyone in this school hasn't thought about that?" She looked at him and asked.
"You heard the part where I said "especially athletes", right? It's useless for people like me. Athletes, overweight and underweight people are his concern. The school clinic gives a card to those who need to work on their BMI. That would help them enrol in the gym. Athletes are free to use it while the rest of us... nothing." She sighed in despair.
Chris continued to sip his juice and kept his eyes on the Sky, who was standing behind some guy with a mic, addressing all of them. He was saying some shit about keeping the school clean and whatever bullshit Chris wasn't interested in.
"Does he play sports?" He asked Rachel, who was also looking at Sky.
"He doesn't."
That surprised Chris, who looked at her at once. "He doesn't?"
That's... new. Someone like him should be playing sports. It was only normal. Only cliché.
"He doesn't. But..." she turned to him and smiled as she said, "He is in the school band. He drums."
"What. The. Hell!" Chris exclaimed, surprised.
"Can I get your attention?"
As soon as Chris heard Sky's voice in the mic, he turned to him, and so did every other person in the room, who began to cheer and clap.
Sky smiled as he looked at all of them while waiting for them to reduce the noise. His eyes found Chris, and he stared back and forth between him and Rachel before his attention went back to what he was there for.
"For the new students who don't know me, my name is S—"
"SATO!!!" The crowd yelled, causing him to break into a big smile as he tried to keep himself from laughing.
God, he's so fucking beautiful.
"Well, that's me. My name is Sky Sato. I'm the Director of Fitness."
They all began to clap, not giving him enough room to talk, so he waited until the noise stopped before he began to talk.
"Our attention has been drawn to the alarming rate of students trying to get access to the gym. Some even go as far as starving themselves too much or overfeeding themselves just so they can get a card from the clinic. Please, sweethearts, don't do that." He said in a pitiful voice and placed a hand on his chest.
"Awww!" The crowd cooed and looked at him with adoration in their eyes, making Chris scoff.
"As much as we would like to open the gym for everyone, you all know it's not possible for thousands of students to have access to the gym facility at the same time—"
"But it was included in the breakdown of our fees, wasn't it?" One boy interrupted in a rude tone.
"Who the fuck is that?"
"Are you crazy?"
"He must have lost his mind. Who the hell does he think he is?"
The rest of the crowd faced him while Sky tried to calm them down as he explained patiently.
"Please stop harassing him. He has every right to ask questions concerning this issue as it concerns him."
The crowd grew silent.
"And yes, you did pay for it. Unfortunately, it cannot be accessed and it's not within my power to grant you access to the place unless it is very necessary. Please understand. I beg of you."
He said it with a humble bow that just seemed to send the girls crazy at how adorable he was.
Sky raised his head slightly, and when his eyes locked with Chris', the corner of Sky's lips raised slowly in a smirk.
Chris could see why they all loved this asshole.
He could definitely see that.
What do you think about Sky?
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