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78.84% The 100: The Story of A King! / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: To the Queen's Satisfaction

Capítulo 40: Chapter 40: To the Queen's Satisfaction





- Grey Wolf Queen Throne Room -

- 3rd Person -

The pair of grandiose doors opened and a tall man in plate mail entered. The man's armor was covered in wolf designs and he had a shaggy grey fur tail hanging loosely behind him.

The man stopped once he was a few steps away from the throne and kneeled. "Your Highness, Leon has brought back the King of Arkadia, and his royal guard. They are making there way through the hallways now."

"Escort him to the entrance of the crypts, make him feel welcomed here, Mortas." The Queen said sitting on the throne.

"Yes, your highness." Mortas said before standing up and walking out.

'Let's see how you fare, future husband.' The Queen thought to herself as the well-polished Brazers attached to the eight sandstone columns lit up her face and the bottom half of the throne.

- Grey Wolf Den Hallways -

- Arthur Pendragon -

After we entered the wolf den Leon's guards quickly split off and went down separate hallways. For the past few minutes Leon has been leading Octavia and my two royal guards down a series of hallways that all seem familiar. It's like we're going in a circle.

"We're here." Leon announced as we approach a large pair of ornate doors that were guarded by a pair of men with silver colored hair, wolf ears, and tails. They each had a sword secured firmly on their waists., Both of the swords contained images of wolves engraved onto the pommel and hilt.

The doors opened to reveal a plain-looking and barely lit room. The room had four large cracked cobblestone pillars that reached up to the ceiling. Realizing that this was not the throne room, I turned around in confusion and was about to ask what this was about, when I looked down and noticed that the cobblestone floor underneath us was heavily cracked. Upon looking up I saw in shock that Octavia and my royal guards had been knocked unconscious and were pulled back behind the doors. I sprinted forward at the door, but the guards were too fast, and the door slammed shut in my face.

I didn't get the opportunity to break it down as the smell of steel and unique metals that I had yet to smell approached me from behind. I spun around swiftly and fired off a [Fire Stream] engulfing the entire room in flame.

"So, he can use fire, can he?" I heard a voice say from my upper right. I looked over and saw a heavily armored man with a giant axe hanging off one of the giant stone columns. The man had armor that was covered head to toe in designs of a wolf. Also, the man's axe had the giant head of a wolf engraved on where the axe's pommel would be.

I formed my fingers as if I was going to perform a karate chop and swung upwards towards the pillar while releasing a [Fire Blade]. A wave of highly condensed flame shot out from my hand and sliced the pillar diagonally in two. The man leapt off the pillar and towards me, I instinctively pulled out [Dark Sister] and prepared for melee combat.


I was confused as I watched the man jump down in front of me and slam his axe into the floor. That's when I realized what he was trying to do and channeled my magic into my blade and sent [Fire Blade] after [Fire Blade] at him with [Dark Sister]. It was too late though as the floor collapsed beneath me and sent me spiraling down into the dark depths below.

"The Queen definitely chose right with this one. I wonder if you'll be able to survive the horrors down in the crypts though?" I heard the man say to himself as I fell further and further down the bottomless pit.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that I finally smelled what he referred to as the crypts. It smelt of death, decay, rust, and many other smells that you would describe finding in a sewer. As the smells wafered into my nose, I realized that I would be hitting solid ground soon.

Not wanting to slam into the stone floor I quickly summoned a [Flame whip] into my hands and began whipping it towards the surrounding cavernous walls. The whip continued to break and smash the rock walls until eventually the whip surrounded itself around a small rock that was jutting out from the surrounding rock face.

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked down, seeing the floor of the crypt not a few feet beneath me made me realize how lucky I was at that moment. I dispelled my magic and fell to the wet floor with a small splash.

'At least there was water at the bottom.' I mused to myself as I conjured a small fireball in my hand to act as a light source.

The stonebrick walls were covered in wet moss, the bricks were also covered in grime and dirt. After taking a few glances around and using the fireball to light my way, I saw that there was only one path to follow down. I sent the fireball down the pathway to light the way and see what awaited me in the darkness while simultaneously engulfing my sword in fire.

As the fireball traveled further and further down the pathway dozens of skeletons were lit up, revealing them to be standing there staring at me. There weren't only human skeletons, but there were also werewolf skeletons as well.

The fireball finally reached the end of the pathway, turned tunnel, and exploded causing the skeletons to all shriek before charging towards me at breakneck speeds.

'Fuck! This sword will not be enough for me to see these things!' I thought mentally. 'I need a bigger light source! But... There isn't one anywhere! Wait! That... might just work.' I thought as my face went from one in panic to a confident smirk.

Ignoring the charging undead, I looked in at myself and ordered my mana to begin erupting all throughout my body. First, my head, then my arms and torso, and finally my legs. After I was done the undead were practically on top of me, but my body was beginning to glow a dull orange and with one final activation of my mana my entire body erupted in flames causing the entire hallway to be engulfed in myself made light.

[Spell Gained:]

[Fire Armor] - Cost: 2,000 - Unlocked: Manually

Skilled Fire Benders and fire magic users can coat their bodies in flames allowing them to gain protection from other flame-based attacks. The ability can also be used as a giant light bulb allowing one to see even in the darkest of nights.


The undead all shrieked back in shock at the influx of light, and with their distraction my massacre began. I cleaved my way through the scores of undead with ease. It definitely didn't help them that my sword was practically made to fight and kill the undead.

As I continued my massacre of the undead, I sent kicks and jabs of flames towards them combined with my swordsmanship. I quickly let up on the magic attacks after a while, as I saw that my mana was nearing zero even with the breathing technique that Iroh taught me.

- A few hours later -


The last undead skeleton shrieked as I cleaved its upper torso from its skeletal body. Over the past few hours, I had faced thousands of undead down hundreds of different tunnels in search of a final door or boss. Due to me killing so many undead my level has risen a few levels, so I can't complain about that.

Finally, after hours of combat I had found it. A pair of rusting and rotting doors that were triple my size in both length and width. I walked up to the doors and pressed on them, expecting them to creak open only for them to fade to dust instead.

'What the fuck?' I thought as I walked through the doorway and into the room.

The room was entirely pitch black except for one podium sticking out of the mossy stone floor in the middle of the room. The podium wasn't tall, only reaching up to half my height. The sun seemed to shine down on it as the Helmet that was located on the podium was engulfed in sunlight emitted from a small outcropping in the cave ceiling.

The helmet had a 'T' shaped opening for sight and was colored gun steel gray and gold, with a crest holder on the top.

I strode forward towards the helmet expecting something to jump out and attack me, but nothing did. Reaching the helmet, I cast [Observe] on it before moving to remove it and place it on my head.

[Item: Gladiatorial Protectorate]

Item Rarity: A

Type: Armor

Effects: Physical Damage Reduction +10%, Complete Rust resistance, Complete Dent resistance, Strength +15, Vitality +5

Weight: 2.7 lbs.

'Damn this helmet is rather good. Considering I don't have one and all, hehe!' I thought to myself as I placed the helmet upon my head. 'Wait... sniff.!!'


[Quest Received!]

[Quest Info:]

[Crypt Conqueror]

[Incomplete] Conquer the Crypt --- [0/1]

Rewards: +10 Stat Points, x2 Random Loot Box, [?]

I quickly dashed to the right as a scythe nearly decapitated me. Turning around I see that my attacker is none other than another undead. This undead was different, he had knight plate mail armor with blue flames engulfing his skull, shoulders, and mid-section. In his hands was a sycthe with blue runes engraved on the side of it. [Observe]

[Undead Lord]

Titles: Lord of the Undead, Knight Commander

Race: Undead

Level: 90

HP: 94,150

MP: 54,250

'Well, isn't he impressive.' I mused to myself.

"RAAAAA!" The undead lord groaned as the runes on his scythe glowed a bright blue.

As the runes on his scythe continued to glow, bright blue magic circles began forming on the ground all around us. Finally, after forty-three magic circles were formed the runes on his scythe faded back to their normal color and the magic circles faded away.

'What was that supposed to be?' I thought.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted however as from the ground where the magic circles were fully armored undead knights began crawling out of the ground. Every single one of them looked the same as the undead lord except for a few minor differences. One of them being that instead of wielding a scythe they wielded standard bastard swords, the second one being that their skulls were covered up by their helmets.

Another thing was that every single one of them was level thirty. Now, I'm getting sick and tired of seeing people that are statistically weaker than me but are higher leveled than me. It's hurting my royal pride. However, this was my chance! If he summoned them repeatedly, I could just farm him.

'Now I know that I need to get back to the war front as well as get payback on the Queen, I mean there must be a reason that she knocked me down here instead of not outright killing me. Not only that but knocking out Octavia and my guard? There has to be a purpose here... Anyways, enough of my inner monologue, it's time to farm!' I thought to myself as I used [Lunge] and went after the nearest undead.

- 3 hours later -


I slammed into the cave wall with a force so strong that the cave wall cracked and broke.

"Ugh..." I groaned as I got up out of the crater and back on my feet. I looked out and searched for the familiar azure glow that emits from the scythe of the undead lord.

'Nowhere. The light was nowhere. Impossible, he had to be-.' That's when I caught the faint blue glow out of the corner of my eye.

I swung my sword so fast that it was a blur, and just in time too as my sword and his scythe clashed once again. Pushing all my strength into my arms, the undead lord was slightly pushed back by my strength allowing me to jump into the air and bring down a fire lash on it with my leg.

My foot slammed into the ground with such force that the stone cracked, but that was at the back of my mind as I instantly sent my sword into my inventory. Once I did, I unleashed a flurry of kicks and jabs firing off fireball after fireball. The undead lord continued to be pushed back but I could tell that it still wasn't enough.

'How much can this bitch take!' I thought as I looked back on our past three hours of battle. After I had eliminated a few waves of undead knights the undead lord seemed to realize what I was doing and began summoning giant undead spiders instead. The spiders were level forty-five, but I could still handle them due to my superior stats and it was only after the spiders that I began to have difficulty holding him and his summons off.

It started off with a level sixty undead werewolf champion and to be frank he kicked my ass for the first few minutes that we fought. Eventually I was able to get the upper hand after unlocking [The Dancing Dragon] an advanced form of fire bending.

After that he had decided that he needed to weaken me more before properly facing me, so after five more waves of knights and eight more waves of giant undead spiders had our battle properly begun. To say he was powerful was an understatement. As soon as I dashed towards him, he was next to me sending me crashing into the cave wall.

Rebounding back, I was able to fight him equally for a while, but I could tell that he was treating me like a joke. At least that was until I was able to land a stab with [Dark Sister] that did nearly ten-thousand damage due to all my undead buffs. Also, during this entire fight I had leveled up immensely, but I was never able to apply my stat points. After I was slammed into the cave wall the second time, I made sure to do just that.

'Now where was I? Oh yes, blasting him full of fire.'

"HAA!" I shouted as I charged a [Fire Stream] for a few seconds before unleashing it. The stone floor in front of me completely melted and the surrounding temperature went up by at least twenty degrees.

As the smoke and dust cleared, I saw that everything within the streams path was melted and dripping onto the floor. The undead lord was lodged in the cave wall with melting stone keeping him in place and dripping down onto him and the floor.

"RAAA!" he shouted as he tried to free himself. Key word there, tried. [Observe]

[Undead Lord]

Titles: Lord of the Undead, Knight Commander

Race: Undead

Level: 90

HP: 23,178 / 94,150

MP: 1,970 / 54,250

'So, that's why he stopped summoning more undead. He ran out of mana.' I thought as I used [Observe] on it.

"You know I had planned to kill you with a simple sword swing, but you see I'm one for theatrics." I said to it. The undead hearing me tilted his head up and glared at me, he was still stuck so it didn't matter.

After checking that I had enough mana for this one final move, I raised my hand up into the air and shouted out my skill like an anime character.

"Time to die you undead cunt! Crucify!" I shouted out while punching my fist towards the undead lord.



"Nothing's happening- *SLAM!* - What the fuck!" I jumped back as the small cave hole that was emitting light was fractured open and a giant eight foot tall golden cross came flying down, impacting the undead directly in the head, ending it.

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

'Holy fuck I leveled up twelve times! That's crazy!'

"Cough!... Excuse me?" I heard an ethereal voice say from over my shoulder.

I glanced over my shoulder and found hundreds of ghostly figures all standing there looking at me with smiles on their faces. The one that coughed to get my attention was a seven-foot-tall werewolf spirit.

I jumped back in shock and quickly pulled Dark Sister out of my inventory ready for battle despite how exhausted I felt at the moment.

"No! Oh, wait I am sorry it has been a while since I have talked with someone.... Um... What are the words?... Oh, I got it! Thank you!" he shouted so loud that it shook the cave. He then bowed down causing the hundreds of other souls to bow down as well.

"Wait? Who are you?" I asked dropping my stance and relaxing my tense muscles.

"My name is Desiderius or another name you might know me by is the Red Wolf King." He said standing up with a small smile.

"Whoa! You're the Red Wolf King? Wait then why are you here?" I asked, shocked.

"Before this was the Grey Queen's den this was the burial place of the people who died in the War of Blood. I had made sure that I was buried here when I died."

"You wouldn't happen to know why I'm down here would you?" I asked.

"Hahaha, yes I know why you're down here." he said.

"Okay, why am I down here?" I asked expectingly.

"Oh, sorry. You were chosen and this was your trial, defeat the Undead lord who had taken our souls prisoner."

"What was I chosen for? I mean I gained a lot out of this, but I am curious."

"Well to be the Grey Queen's husband of course! I'm sure that she saw you as a way to not only make her people strong by marrying and joining you, but also your people as well." he said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"I'm sorry what?"

"You are to marry the Grey Wolf Queen! Isn't that great?" he asked with a grin.

"Another one?" I asked tiredly.

"Another one?" Desiderius asked confused.

"It doesn't matter. How do I get out of here?"

"Oh, there through that door." he said pointing towards a door at the far side of the cave.

"What the hell?! That wasn't there before." I exclaimed.

"You're right it wasn't. It opened because of your victory and now before you go, I have a gift for you." he said, motioning towards one of the other spirits.

The spirit walked over to him and placed a gold and silver orb of light in the palm of his hands before walking off.

"What is that?"

"This was something that I wore in my life as a King, I happened to notice that you didn't have a crown so I thought that you could have mine." he said as the orb of light took form into that of a golden crown with a silver-colored Jewl in the center. "Hail the Werewolf King of Arkadia."

"Thank you Desiderius I don't know what to say." I said staring into the gem on the crown. "Desiderius?" I asked after not hearing him respond. I looked up and saw that Desiderius and the rest of the spirits had disappeared.

I stared there silently for a few minutes holding the crown in my hands and cast [Observe].

[Item: Werewolf King's Crown]

Item Rarity: S

Type: Accessory

Effects: Complete Rust resistance, Complete Dent resistance, Intelligence +65, Vitality +25, Magic Resistance +20%, Skill [Growth Modification]

Weight: 2.1 lbs.

'What is growth modification?' I asked myself as I clicked on the skill and read it over.

[Growth Modification]

This item has the ability to shrink and grow allowing the wearer to wear it under armor and other articles of clothing.

'That's great! I thought that I would have to choose whether to wear this or the helmet on the battlefield.'


[Quest Completed!]

[Quest Info:]

[Crypt Conqueror]

[Complete] Conquer the Crypt --- [1/1]

Rewards: +10 Stat Points, x2 Random Loot Box, [?]

'Ooh! I forgot about the quest after those long hours of fighting!' I thought as I clicked on the question mark.

[Random Reward for your contribution has been given]


[Item: Gladiatorial Magic Spear]

Item Rarity: S-

Type: Spear

Attack Dmg: 850 + 1x (STR + AGI)

MP: 0/700

Effects: Complete Rust Resistance, Complete Break Resistance, Blade never dulls or degrades, Channeling Mana into the blade will activate the [Zap] ability.

'The Zap ability?' I wondered as I clicked on it.


A random chance to emit a bolt of blue lighting out from the tip of the spear that zaps a chain of enemies.

After looking at the [Zap] skill that came with the spear, I placed it back into my inventory next to my new random loot boxes that I've decided to wait to open. 'I can open them later right now I need to make my out of here and to the Queen, I need to know if Desiderius was speaking the truth or not.' I thought to myself as I applied the stat points and made my way towards the door in the wall.


A/N: I had a sudden burst of inspiration and this is the result I hope you enjoyed.


Name: Arthur Pendragon

Class: Dragon Knight

Dragon Heart Mastery: 19.8%

Title: Leader of the 100, Monster Hunter, Apostle of Justice!, Long Live the King!, King of the Sky!

Perks: Armorer Expertise, Master Blacksmith, Priestly Nature, Powerful, Quicksilver, Magician, Medicine Man

Level: 44 (28%)

HP: 34,640

MP: 24,200

STR: 405 (+158)

AGI: 360 (+109)

VIT: 348 (+85) {Every +1 point from 20 stat points is +105 HP}

INT: 405 (+145) {Every +1 point from 20 stat points is +50 MP}


Stat Points: 200 ----> 40 AGI, 95 INT, 20 STR, 45 VIT.




[Observe] (Active) - Lvl. 100/100 {Master}

Enables you to see information about a target.

[Pickpocketing] (Active) - Lvl. 2/100 {Novice}

The stealthy art of picking an unsuspecting target's pockets.

[Tracker] (Active) - Lvl. 100/100 {Master}

Allows for user to track animal sounds and smell for up to 1 mile. (Every 10 Levels = 1 Mile)

[Holy Magic] (Active) - Lvl. 96/100 {Expert}

Allows the user to use Holy Magic. Holy Magic can be used to heal and cure wounds. Enchant weapons and more. Higher levels allow for stronger Holy Magic to be used.

[Mental Simulation Training] (Active) - Lvl. 87/100 {Expert}

Allows the user to create a combat scenario in one's mind where different characters from different universes will fight you in order for you to train and become stronger. Higher Level allows for stronger opponents.

[Lunge] (Active)

Dash to a nearby enemy and strike it with your weapon dealing 200% more damage. Costs more mana the further away the target is. Has a 10 second ability cooldown.

[Fire Magic] (Active) - Lvl. 78/100 {Proficient}

Allows the user to use and form Fire. The Fire can be formed into many different things from weapons to simple Fire balls and Flame blasts. Also, grants the user the ability to block incoming Fire attacks with swift kicks, jabs, or other defensive maneuvers. Higher levels allow for stronger Fire Magic to be used.

[Unbreakable Justice] (Active) - Lvl. 4/10 {Advanced}

A wide range sword attack that deals 500% of your attack power.

Skill Mana Cost: 1,800

Skill Cooldown Time: 100 seconds

[Advanced Sword Art: Howling Octave] (Active)

Five high-speed consecutive thrusts, followed by a downward and then an upward slash, before culminating in a final, full-force overhead slash. 40% Physical, 60% Fire.

[Dragonification - First Form] (Active)

Due to reaching a Dragon Heart Mastery of 10.3% a portion of your body will now be covered in white and golden scales and your eyes will turn into a bright lime green.

[Dragon Leap - Base Form] (Active) - Lvl. 26/100 {Adept}

Launch yourself at an enemy, dealing 2500 Damage to all enemies in the area and knocking them back 4 meters, and stunning them for 5 seconds.



[Scaled Skin] (Passive) - Lvl. 88/100 {Expert}

Your skin becomes as tough as dragon scales. Higher levels improve strength and toughness of scales.

[Advanced Sword Arts] (Passive) - Lvl. 35/100 {Adept}

An advanced form of swordsmanship that offers certain moves to improve skill and flow of combat. New sword arts are unlocked every ten levels.

[Spearmanship] (Passive) - Lvl. 65/100 {Proficient}

The ability to fight with a spear. Higher levels improve fighting capability.

[Spear Throwing] (Passive) - Lvl. 49/100 {Advanced}

The ability to throw spears with precision. Higher levels improve spear throwing capability.

[Martial Arts] (Passive) - Lvl. 83/100 {Expert}

The ability to fight with Martial Arts. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Marksman] (Passive) - Lvl. 71/100 {Proficient}

Increases combat proficiency with every type of ranged-class weapon. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Sexual Experience] (Passive) - Lvl. 63/100 {Proficient}

The ability to satisfy your partners sexually.

[Kingly Aura] (Passive) - Lvl. 17/100 (Novice)

Info: Boost's combat morale and stats of nearby subordinates by 10%. Higher levels improve combat morale percentage and amount of stats boosted and for how long.

Every 10 levels the amount is increased by 10% and adds an extra 2 hour of length.

Every 60%= 12 hour boost.

[Trigedasleng Launguage] (Passive) - Lvl. 98/100 {Expert}

Allows User to speak and understand Trigedasleng. Higher level improves fluency in speaking and understanding.

[Gamers Mind] (Passive) - Lvl. MAX

Protects the mind from being read or manipulated.

[Blacksmithing] (Passive) - Lvl. 100/100 {Master}

Forge Armor and weapons from different materials. Higher levels inprove quality of item produced.



[Armorer Expertise]

Effect: +10% A-Rarity Crafted Item Quality.

Requirements: Blacksmith Lvl. 50

[Master Blacksmith]

Chance to Craft an A rated item +10%.

Chance to Craft an S rated item +2%.

Chance to Craft an EX rated item +.5%.

Requirements: Blacksmith Lvl. 100

[Priestly Nature]

Effect: +10% Boost in Holy Magic spell effects.

Requirements: Holy Magic Lvl. 50


Effect: Increases Crit chance by 30% and adds 25 Attack Dmg to your weapon of choice.

Requirements: Strength Stat: 100


Effect: Increases Stamina regen by 30% and increases your speed by 30%.

Requirements: Agility Stat: 100


Effect: Increases Magic Crit chance by 20% and grants a 5% chance to craft a magically enchanted item.

Requirements: Intelligence Stat: 100

[Medicine Man]

Effect: Increase max health by 10%. All health consumables +20% stronger All health consumables and spells are +20% stronger.



Active Quests: [Swish Swish Stab - Daily]




Race: Dire Wolf

Sex: Male

Level: 34

HP: 9,975

MP: 4,750



[Slot 1:] ODST Body Suit (Equipped)

[Slot 2:] Shadow Cloak of the Wendigo (Equipped)

[Slot 5:] The 100: A Cryptid Guidebook

[Slot 6:] Maliketh's Armor (Equipped)

[Slot 7:] Maliketh's Gauntlets (Equipped)

[Slot 8:] Maliketh's Greaves (Equipped)

[Slot 9:] Legendary Dwarven Blacksmith's Hammer

[Slot 10:] Dark Sister

[Slot 11:] Gladiatorial Protectorate (Equipped)

[Slot 12:] Werewolf King's Crown (Equipped)

[Slot 13:] Gladiatorial Magic Spear

[Slot 14 - 100:] Empty


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