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92.72% Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD / Chapter 47: Death of a Champion and Divine Protection.

Capítulo 47: Death of a Champion and Divine Protection.

Vander's massive body surged with Infernity which rolled off of his body in waves. His magic pathways were flooded with every single one of his elemental affinities to form his volatile energy. He leaned forward which made Ubel brace for the impact that he knew was coming.

With a growl, Vander charged forward moving at light-breaking speeds. He did not even leave after images, but black voids where the light had not even noticed his movement. He raised Dawnbreaker behind his head before swinging down with the full might of his strength.

On instinct Blood Lightning, Shadow Lightning, Energy of Destruction, Ice Fire, Plasma, Chaos Karma flames, fire magic, and glacial magic all fused together. This move had become his favorite and the stronger he became the more controlled he could use it.

Instead of being unstable energy with all elements mixed in, he forced it to take a single element. In this case, being lightning that contained the power of all the others. Dawnbreaker crackled with this unique lightning as he brought it down.

Ubel stopped playing defense as he channeled his Divinity and began to activate the magic he had learned. Golden flames, solar magic, wind magic, and all the while he was growing in strength from the conflict.

He swung his swords up and clashed against Dawnbreaker only to regret it. The volatile lightning surged through his blades and his body like he was made of copper. He grunted as Vander did not stop at that one attack.

One after the other he stabbed, smashed, cleaved, over and over. Ubel grit his teeth as he continued to match each one with his power rising all the while.

'Are dragons this absurd?'

It was a good thing he had consumed that Ares demigod and absorbed his ability to grow from conflict. The issue was that Vander just did not tire and he was much more durable than Ubel. What Ubel did have was a nearly endless source of magic to replenish his energy and sustain his regeneration.

'I will have to tire him out.'

He moved forward as his golden swords continued to clash with Vander's Dawnbreaker. It was a good thing he had consumed one of Hephestus' kids and forged his own Divine Gear. Ubel got into the zone as he ignored his pain and decided to rely on his near-endless source of energy, or so he thought.

In Vander's chest was an energy reactor that was producing all the energy he could need and he was ready to use it. His Dragon Heart had finished forming during the week as he had been drinking blood from Tiamat that he collected from the battlefield.

'Dark Scortcher, rapid fire.'

A barrage of black orbs of volatile magic began to bombard Ubel who was forced to split his focus to handle those. The original Dark Scorcher was massive, but Vander compressed them into a much smaller size that contained more energy overall.

Ubel dodged and waved most of them, but it did not matter. They just exploded with the force of Vander's fury. Ubel boosted his speed and jumped out the way before he set up a magic barrier around himself to deal with the explosions.

'Now is my chance.'

Vander clentched his right fist as Dawnbreaker surged with Infernity and ingited. He punched through the shield and grabbed Ubel by the throat. The tips of his draconic claws pierced through the divine armor and released a toxin that Vander had invented.

By making use of Toxic magic he fused it with Energy of Destruction he created an energy toxin that destroyed everything in its wake. He ripped the smaller giant from his shield and ripped open a portal to the Moon.

He lept through the portal before he landed on the barren land of the Moon. Ubel roared as he stabbed his first sword surging with his full strength through Vander's wrist.


He believed he got access to Vander's blood which would leave Vander helpless against him, but Vander did not even flinch. There was zero blood currently in that area as he manipulated his blood to flow up his arm to keep his blood from Ubel.

Dawnbreaker stabbed down into Ubel's chest piercing through him and pinning him to the Lunar Surface. As Dawnbreaker grew to match Vander's giant size the hole Ubel had received would have rendered a regular being dead.

It was a good thing that he was a giant in his own right at 5 meters tall. The one that suffered truly was the Moon as the world-breaking strength that Vander used in that attack was transferred through it causing giant cracks to form.

Ubel refused to spit out any blood and just like Vander he used the divinity he gained from Percy to keep his blood from Vander. Not to mention that he activated the ability he gained from his goddess as his wish.

'Full Counter. Taste your own strength.'

Vander suddenly felt the full force of his own attack strike him in the chest causing him to be pushed back. The impact pierced through his armor, his scales, and halfway through his bulging muscles, but his bones stopped the blow. It did not reach his heart which would have slowed him down far more than anything else.

His Dragon Heart was not a weakness, but it would take more energy to heal. Vander paused as he placed his right hand on his wound.

"Damn Meliodus knock off."

He looked at the sword in his wrist which was surging with Divinity causing his wound to steam. Vander was about to rip it out himself, but the weapon was drawn out of his wound back to Ubel.

Ubel rose to his feet and ripped the giant weapon from his chest which was better than the poison he was afflicted with. His veins were turning black as his Divinity was being used up to counter the Infernity-fueled Energy Poison.

"Damn coward. Using poison."

Vander scoffed.

"The kettle calling the pot black. A Nazi complaining about poison. Makes me sick."

Ubel wanted to break the weapon, but Dawnbreaker itself surged with Infernity. His hands began to burn as Vander charged forward ignoring the wound in his chest. His armor and body were already healing which caused more damage to the Moon with how much force he used to kick off.

Already the crust was becoming unstable with how much force these two forces of nature were fighting. Each attack was a world-shaking thing that if it was on Earth it would probibly fall apart. The Moon could be replaced, right? Well, Vander did not care as he charged forward.

Ubel let go of Dawnbreaker as he took both his swords to clash once more with Vander. When Dawnbreaker returned to Vander he swung down toward the chest of Ubel with Chaotic Energy with poison magic.

Ubel grinned when the weapon touched him.

"Full Counter."

The full force of the hit struck Vander's leg which meant that Ubel could control where the energy he reflected would go. However, he did not stop the swing and cleaved into Ubel's chest. Ubel was once again affected by even more toxic magic that used Infernity as fule.

This was the worst poison to him as he had only consumed Demigods. Vander had consumed several species that had resilient bodies. Especially the dragon that he had consumed.


Vander felt the same slash rip through his body, which he ignored. He punched Ubel in the face which shattered the face plate of the champion.

'Full Counter.'

Vander felt the impact hit him on the right temple which he followed with his head and body. This dissipated the blow as his venomous spiked tail pierced Ubel's belly.

'Full Counter.'

Holes were opened up in Vander's legs which did not so much bleed a drop. This was a good use of blood magic as he could keep all his precious blood in his body. As such his healing was fully functioning as his Dragon Heart was still working.

His spiked elbow stabbed Ubel in the chest who was already suffering.

'Full Counter.'

Vander raised his arm in front of his chest and felt his arm get pierced. As long as his Dragon Heart was good he could keep going. Even if it was wounded he could call on the energy of his 7 other familiars. Ubel jumped back as he took the knee also not bleeding, but worse than Vander.

His entire body was full of ruptured organs, holes and broken bones that were healing slower. All that poison was not good for him.

"How? Your master is Persephone, goddess of Spring and fucking flowers. How are you so strong?"

Vander knew he was buying time, but he did not want Persephone to be disrespected. She was the one who had given him the chance to live out this great life. One of glory, battle, and while not something he actively wanted, being surrounded by women.

He walked toward Ubel with the holes in his legs and arm healing.

"She may be the goddess of spring, yes, but she is also the goddess of Death, Destruction, and the Underworld. Guess what she used to make me?"

Vander grabbed Ubel's head in his clawed hand as his claws pierced his helmet to reach his skull. Infernity toxins began to flood his head surging toward the brain, but Ubel did not falter.

'Full Counter

The wounds Vander caused with his claws pierced his own eyes blinding him.


He did not panic or let go as he brought Dawbreaker down for a stab. Ubel kicked his sword toward Vander's scorch which causes Vander to panic. He lept out of the way and was forced to release Ubel who tried to flee.

He did not feel confident in killing Vander as despite reflecting his blows at double the strength, Vander was hurt less than him each time. That meant that Vander was truly a juggernaut and highly resistant.

'I need time to escape.'

Vander roared as he charged blinded, but still knowing where Ubel was. His poison worked as a tracker as it was Infernity filling it. Vander threw his halberd like a lance causing toxic volatile fire to burn on the weapon.

Ubel turned around and slid under the weapon as he charged Vander. When it struck the moon it pierced through it and caused the Moon to begin to crack apart, but Vander never relented.

He raised his right arm as his eyes had healed mostly. He punched down toward Ubel's chest who channeled his full power into his sword and slashed at Vander's face. When Vander's fist struck Ubel he punched through his divine armor, through his chest, and came out the other end.

In his bloody clawed hand, he had grasped the heart of Ubel while the sword slashed Vander from hip to shoulder.

'Full Counter

The same impact hit Vander through the chest destroying his Dragon Heart. A gaping hole was visible in his chest going through his chest and out his back.

Both Champions jumped away from each other as they fell to their knees. Ubel spat his golden blood as all he had consumed were demigods. Even his control over fluids could not stop that as an Infernity weapon went through his chest.

Vander was no better as Dark Purple blood leaked from his dragon-like maw and the gaping hole in his chest. He was just glad he was the one who destroyed his heart and not the Divine Weapons which would make things way worse.

Vander drew his blood back into his body while his familiars shared their energy with him. His Dragon Heart began to heal while the wound caused by the sword was barely healing.

'Chrono Advance.'

He sped up time and his chest to force it to heal faster. Ubel rose to his feet as he picked up his second sword and walked toward Vander while staggering. He planned to devour Vander piece by piece.

"I heard a story back home. The heart of a dragon had great power so I thought, why not gamble? Your heart must be more important than mine and it seems I was right. You fell to your knees with just a missing heart."

Vander scoffed as Ubel had not grown his heart back while he was coming back.

"Can you really heal your heart? Looks like mine is almost finished."

Ubel paused as he saw that while slow Vander's heart was 60% healed. He looked at himself and saw he was not healing at all. He leaked golden blood as he realized what happened. The gauntlets on Vander's hands were Infernity artifacts. He began to walk backward as he prepared to teleport to his Demonic Castle.

He could teleport to any one of them as long as they were still standing.

"We will meet again Vander, but not today."

He began to glow with a dark glow as he used an Evil God's power. He began to turn immaterial in gold and black mist. Vander snarled at the idea as he was not going to fight him twice."

"No, we won't."

From behind Ubel, Dawnbreaker stabbed him through the chest. He looked down and saw the giant black halberd-like glaive in his chest. An eruption or chaotic poison fire straight in his chest destroyed all his organs.

Vander charged forward still holding Ubel's heart as he grabbed him by the neck. His helmet retreated and his giant jaws opened wide. Realizing what he wanted he decided to take him with him.

"Full counter."

The blow Ubel suffered from Dawnbreaker used Vander's open mouth to pierce through it and his brain. The back of his skull exploded along with his brain matter. Ubel thought maybe that ended things, but Vander's jaws still clapped down on his head and crushed it.

Vander ripped the head off and swallowed it, but he was not done. Bite by bite he began to consume Ubel to make sure he did not survive. What Vander did not know was that Persephone, Hades, and Gupyaresla were all watching this fight. When Persephone saw Vander's brain explode she did not panic at all.

She did not even look fazed by it as if he did not just suffer a grievous wound. Gupyaresla had taken human form looking like a gorgeous woman with long void-like hair and skin that resembled a dark abyss.

She began to cackle at her victory.

"I WIN!"

Before she could brag further she had to watch as her Champion lost his head. Worse yet how Vander was begging to devour him. She recoiled in pain as she felt his death and how her blessing was stolen by Vander.

She froze from the shock of it all as her champion had won. He destroyed Vander's brain so why was he not dead? Persephone who was dressed in her business suit scoffed at how dumb she was.

"I will explain it to you so you understand. Vander's soul is split into 11 pieces. As long as they are not all destroyed he can't die. Plus, brain destruction is not a killing blow for some champions who follow resilient strength like him. For some yes, but not for Vander."

Gupyaresla did not know about Vander's soul situation. As such his trump card had won out. Hades stood up totally amused and ready to make due on his promise.

"Don't take it to heart, my friend. Your new champion was not a bad one. Just that he met his natural adversary."

Her pride did not want to let her accept this, but Hades praised her. If she could she would blush, but she was beginning to return back to her Evil God form. When she was overly emotional she turned violent so she restrained herself.


She left in a flash leaving Hades to sigh.

"Is this what the humans mean by tsundere? I did not know that at all until I watched the anime on the world you sent your champion to. Most fascinating."

Persephone frowned.

"How should I know? Anyway, you can give him your divine protection my love."

Hades smiled as he had a better idea.

"I will give it to him personally."

She raised an eyebrow.

"You are really impressed with him?"

"Why yes? Not every day when a Demonic Dragon god is being raised is it. Especially by a god and not an Arch Devil. You know that Abbadon wants him."

Persephone nodded.

"I know, but I am ready to go to war if Abbadon pushes too far. Vander is my champion and that will not change."

Hades nodded.

"When he has my divine protection I will have the right to intervene then."

Hades stepped forward and vanished from his divine realm. He wanted to talk to Vander a bit and give him some advice. Also, receive some as well.

(Moon Now)

God_Of_Wolves God_Of_Wolves

15 feet is around 5 meters. Vander is like 10 meters so size does matter. Also imagine the Moon is Rwby Moon, but worse.

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