If couldn't be the goblet. No one minded where the coins or form of payment came from as long as it was an acceptable means. It must be my Father, that Lust could sniff me from afar, I was certain he knew ny Fate too.
Fuck, how had my mind skipped that?
I quickened my pace and the Halfbreed caught on quickly, alerting the huma--Val of our need of urgent escape, subtlety.
No attack could happy here, no one wanted to wake up the monsters. Fights were one of the reasons why the Auction mostly took place here. It kept everyone on their best behavior.
My hand found the Human's wrist, pulling her along with me while the Halfbreed helped with her friend.
The Shift Zone was someone close by but that wasn't the problem. The problem was getting there. The monsters didn't have good hearing and soon enough we would be out of their hearing rang----
*Me in Rowan's shoes* "I'm big mad!"
4 down, yayyyyyyy. It's midnight here, lol. I'm going to continue this in the morning. Thank you for the support. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.