/ Movies / Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel Original

Hades in Marvel

Movies 21 Capítulos 1.1M Visitas

3.06 (23 valoraciones)

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MC dies, gets ROBed then becomes hades in marvel verse with a mishmash of others as well.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Alice_Nelson_7957
    Alice_Nelson_7957 Contribuido 60
  2. Hrishikesh_Roy_2614
    Hrishikesh_Roy_2614 Contribuido 23
  3. HADES101
    HADES101 Contribuido 18

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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it is absolutely simple. if the wishes are bad I Put a 1 star. I Don't care how good the story gets later.

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it's a good one for beginners.little bit rushed and lack of world building, characters has no character development and 1 dimensional.Like i said if it's your first time writing it's good and i feel you but when veteran readers like me wouldn't waste a minute on this. on the good side there's lots of things to improve keep up!

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LV 4

I’m very impressed so far. I give huge compliments to the author for having the balls to actually affect the story. So many mythology fanfics have a very powerful MC who ends up inconsequential to the plot, but you have done an excellent job of avoiding that and making an actually interesting Olympian god story. I know writing a story like this is very difficult so I’m rooting for ya! can’t wait for more!

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Why would anyone choose to be a god in Marvel? It's so stupid. I don't mind it that much, but it's boring as hell. I will keep reading, but if I change my mind after a few more chapters, I will rewrite this review.

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as of this review, I have read the first 12 chapters updated. the story is engaging thrilling and immersive, the story telling is exceptional and I quiet enjoyed it. looking forward to further updates . keep up the good work author. let's gooooo

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Just plain bad. I like the idea but absolutely detestable execution. Author…. You did no research at all for your story. Google is a simple research tool that you should’ve used but you didn’t. Hope you find a brain cell in that empty space that you call your head.

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Ok I gotta ask this I'm not commenting on the story or is it good or bad I just went to know why is it when people always make a wish or reincarnated as a god they always choose Hades like why ever time if not the god himself it's his son I honestly don't understand

Ver 8 respuestas

Blew me away. Hope he becomes king of gods, makes an army, makes them advanced, would be super cool, an army or gods on spaceships!!!!! Epic! I want them to war against the asgardians and the nine realms so bad!!!!!

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LV 12 Badge

Title says hades in marvel. Hades is just born with no world no background and nothing but waiting for his `siblings` to be created/born. No marvel in the -chapters- published if you can call this clusterfck published chapters.. wishes were brain dead. ROB was OK picking robber/junkie to shuffle cards was the epitome of idiocy. I wish the publisher will get better at this.(I cant call this person an author just because he has scribbled some chapters of gibberish) if possible i'd give -5 unfortunately 1 star is the limit.

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meh 😐. it's an alright fic to read but the world background build is not that great and the characters development is also poor. This is still better than some of the Hades Self insert style fics though. Idk about the updating stability though 🤷‍♀

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Mc égocentrique et débile [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

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Great novel! I hope the author posts regularly 🙂🙏

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Started of as a great fic and then suddenly the mc became completely different had his personality do a 180 and the author decided to introduce DC into what was a Marvel fic. While also exposing that the mc was a reincarnator to other characters. I've never seen a good fic die in two chapters, it's really a shame.

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Los deseos son malisimos o sea que obtendría más poder si pidiera los poderes de apocalipsis de marvel que son adaptarse i evolucionar para hacerse inmune a lo que lo daña i aumenta i obtener poder de lo que lo daña se haria el mas fuerte de los dioses griegos en un año conseguiria los poderes de cronos i su fuerza solo luchando durante una hora contra el apocalipsis se vuelve mas fuerte luchando contra enemigos mas poderosos que el tanto fisica como magica i ademas puede obtener los poderes de otros al ser atacado i adaptarse a ellos puede conseguir sus poderes sin necesida pantallas o sistema que le le digan si quisiera ademas su inteligencia aumenta tambien aumentan cuanto mas conocimiento tiene tambien puede aprender mas rapido cualquier oficio herreria, magia ,combate ciencia como usar energia cosmica etc

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hey author can you add more tag/genre because it's kind da lacking

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LV 13 Badge

simply a great read.....................

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So my rating to writing quality isn’t in the aspect that it’s poorly written grammar wise or anything like that, It’s somewhat enjoyable to read but the problem is that there’s more Inconsistencies than I can count on my hands… so more than 10 I suppose though even if you had 6 fingers you would be unable But either way to the point… MC will say one thing or promise it or have some view but suddenly it will do a 180 and it’s as if previous mentions don’t really matter? And so much of the Greek mythos has been butchered like a fish monger trying to butcher a rat with a battle axe… I suppose it wasn’t enough to stop me from reading all of the current chapters, and now that I’m done I’m reviewing… but I don’t know if I’ll come back to this story for more… it’s given me plenty of headaches… And honestly even though I’ve read much worse I’ve also read braindead translated fics more pleasurable than this one…

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LV 4 Badge

it was a fun reading sessions...........

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