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66.66% Son of Asgard / Chapter 14: Wrath of Asgard 4

Capítulo 14: Wrath of Asgard 4

{New Genesis, Odin}

Odin Borson, Allfather of Asgard and King of the Nine Realms was astonished. Not of Hightather no, the New God was obviously no warrior. He was astonished at his firstborn son, Drüin. The boy who has become a man was impressive, he grew up in an environment that would leave others mentally unstable or grow resentment towards him. Yet Drüin not only persevered, he made sure that others walked alongside him and grow as well. Brunhilde, the first of the Valkyries and greatest Shield-Maiden that Asgard has ever seen. Odin didn't think nothing of her at first, just simply a woman who knew how to use a sword. Then Drüin comes along and begins sharpening her skills. He leads her and the still growing force of Valkyries like a blacksmith would sharpen a sword.

It took centuries of course, but the results were magnificent. The Valkyries changed from being Odin's Fist to Asgard's finest warriors! Odin still remembered the day that Asgardian women willingly began pleading to join the Valkyries, to help expand their numbers from their original 300 to nearly 15,000.

The Allfather even remembers how Drüin showed his tactical prowess. Tyr was originally the one who made the plans when Odin didn't feel the need to do it. He always believed in the God of War's plans, even when Hela dismissed it and simply charged forth into battle. Drüin however had always pointed out the flaws within the strategies that Tyr would make. His son would always provide more odd and unorthodox ideas. Some of which were assumed to he ridiculous. Until one day, Odin humored his son, hoping to get a laugh out of it. That day Odin was hard pressed to not admit that his son was a far better strategist than himself. Drüin's tactics saved more Asgardians than sacrificing them.

The Allfather of Asgard never did acknowledge his son until months ago. He never did show Drüin the love that he so rightfully deserved. Only his mother did, and those who placed their faith with him. Even then, when his mother turned against Odin...neither he nor Hela showed the love of a family should have done. Hela has begun showing affection of course, but the two are twins so it was to be expected...eventually. Odin was always aware of his son protecting his sister, watching her whether by her side or through the shadows. Drüin always looked after her, always showed that regardless of how she saw him, Hela's twin brother was always there when their mother was not.

Odin's choice to solidify his decision in making his son heir to the throne was simply due in part as how the people viewed himself and Drüin. For centuries, the people of Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, and Nidavellir have been drawn to his son. They respected Odin whether it be through fear or honor, but Drüin, they had love for him that he had never seen before. The only time that sort of love has been bestowed upon by a king of Asgard was when Bor, his father, reigned as Allfather. Having witnessed this love for his son that he did not have from his own made the Odin think about what he had become. He wished to be like his father, a mighty warrior who did not know the meaning of defeat. A great king who was beloved by all of his people. For a time, Odin believed that lie he crafted even after all the mistakes that he made. Until he fell in love with Frigga, a Vanir who had a way with words.

Frigga helped the Allfather see what he had done, the mistakes, the lies, all of it. Once upon a time, Odin thought of his son as nothing more than a disappointment. A child who couldn't be bothered to be as ruthless as his twin sister Hela. A man who wouldn't slaughter entire villages to cities but would instead talk them into submitting. A God who had more honor than himself...

Now when Odin thinks of Drüin? He....simply gets punched in the face by Highfather for taking his attention off the New God.

Odin frowned, annoyed that Highfather had stopped him from his pondering of his son. When the New God went to punch him again, the Allfather caught his fist much to Highfather's surprise. "I was in the middle of thinking of my son..." Odin uttered dryly, then used Gungnir to pierce Highfather through the chest. With an energy blast from his spear, the New God was flung off of it. Odin let out a sigh, then looked up to the sky as he thought about how his son was doing. Then turned his attention back to Highfather who had risen back up to his feet. Blood dripped from the New God's gaping chest wound.

"Impressive, you still stand", Odin congratulated, "Shall we continue?"


"GET OFF OF ME!" Hela demanded, then stabbed the New God called Big Bear through his head. The red headed New God's face contorted into shock as the Goddess pulled her sword jagged sword upwards to split Big Bear's head in half. She then turned to use Mjölnir to block Bekka's black sword from cutting her down. Hela gritted her teeth in annoyance, finding that the New Gods were becoming increasingly more tenacious. She had hardly suffered any injuries from them, Bekka looked as if an Elephant had trampled her, Orion had holes from his thighs up to his collarbone. Then there was the New God who continued to sit in that throne doing exactly nothing! The Goddess of Death was getting frustrated with that one, she felt as if they were ignoring her. As if they couldn't be helped to face her, and allow their allies to fight in their place.

Hela charged at Orion, wishing to be rid of him now. With a twirl of Mjölnir, she hurled the hammer at the New God of War. The weapon collided with Orion and sent him flying away. Hela then turned and conjured more of her swords, she gave Bekka a slight grin. All around them, Hela's Berserkers and Fenris continued to fight New God soldiers. The battle was undecided, though that seemed to end when New God ships and reinforcements arrived to turn the tide. Bekka gave Hela a small smile, then straightened her posture. "You have fought well Hela, but surrender before you get all of your warriors killed." Bekka implored.

Hela scoffed, then shook her head at Bekka. "Do you truly think that defeating you New Gods was the plan?", the Goddess of Death mocked, "Have you already forgotten where you are?"

Bekka frowned, then her face became that of seriousness. She had just remembered that they were at the entrance to New Genesis' anti gravity generator. The one thing that kept the city afloat, the one thing that ensured the New God's survival on this planet. "Your forces will not make it to the generator." Bekka uttered.

"Oh but I think that they will, we have one who can see anything and everything."

After saying that, Hela lunged at Bekka while dual wielding her jagged blades. The New Goddess moved to parry, cutting through the Goddess of Death's blades. However, Hela simply spun and continued her assault. The Goddess of Death conjured more blades, slashing and jabbing at Bekka like a viper. The New Goddess was moving backwards, trying her best not to be skewered. Her blade continued to cut through Hela's whenever she went on the offensive, however the Goddess of Death showed more skill. It wouldn't be long before Hela moved Bekka's blade then stabbed the New Goddess through her forearm. Bekka cried out in pain, then felt Hela's second blade pierce her through her stomach, making the New Goddess scream. The Goddess of Death left her blades embedded in Bekka, then moved her hands to grasp at the New Goddess' throat. She hoisted Bekka up off her feet and began to choke the life out of her.

"I will be honest Bekka....I was expecting you to fight far less aggressively", Hela stated with a cold tone, "You have showed more skill than most of the New Gods that I have faced up to now. When you die, think not of why you died. Think of how you died, and remember the last face that you see....which is me."

Just when it seemed Hela was about to crush Bekka's throat, Lightray came in and tackled the Goddess of Death from behind. She growled from annoyance, then made two more blades appear in her hands. The Goddess of Death did a backwards stab, piercing the New God through his chest, and causing them to plumet to the ground. Before Lightray could try to fly away, Hela was already on her feet and had grabbed the New God by his red hair. She gripped Lightray's head tightly as she began bashing his head into the pavement repeatedly. To the point that the ground beneath her cracked, and the New God's blood splattered and dripped from his face. "You slippery little shit....I have you now." Hela uttered with dark glee, then grabbed Lightray by the sides of his head with her hands.

The New God began to scream in pain and terror as he felt the Goddess of Death beginning to squeeze his head. In the next moment, Lightray's head exploded into chunks of brain matter, skull pieces, and blood. It splattered Hela's face as a toothy grin came to her lips, feeling satisfied at killing this speedy little New God. She rose to her feet and called Mjölnir back to her. When the mighty hammer returned to her palm, she looked to the sky and pondered about her brother.

'I wonder how Drüin is doing?' She thought.

{Apokolips, Brunhilde}

The leader of the Valkyries let out a cry of effort as she swung her sword and clashed blades with the white armored Fury. She knew who the three surviving members bow after hearing them call each other by their names. The white armored one was Gilotina, the green haired one was Mad Herriot, and the one with the whip was Lashina. Each were skilled, they were meant to fight their opponents together in sync. So far they have done well to not perish under the Valkyrie's blade, that would soon end for the Asgardian had finally come to understand their tactics.

Mad Herriot lunged at Brunhilde, aiming to claw at her with her armored finger nails. The Valkyrie spun around and hit Gilotina with an armored elbow. She then swung upwards, slashing the green haired Fury with an uppcut and gashing her. The Valkyrie's blade easily pierced through Mad Herriot's armor. Brunhilde felt Lashina's whip latch around her neck, then was subsequently tugged backwards. Instead of fighting it, Brunhilde rolled backwards before spinning around to use her armored greaves to wrap Lashina's whip around it. Then she pulled with another spin, making the Fury be flung towards her. Brunhilde brought a boot down towards Lashina's face, cracking her bottom heel against the Fury's temple. When she released herself from Lashina's whip, Brunhilde then spun to block Gilotina's blade. The Valkyrie gritted her teeth before pushing the white armored Fury back.

Mad Herriot was just rising back to her feet, shaking her head as a groan left her. The Valkyrie began to breath in, then breath out. She closed her eyes as she got control of her breathing. When she opened them, her face contorted into a calm expression. She lowered her sword and awaited the Furies to attack her. The first to lash out at her was Mad Herriot, the crazed Fury snarled with her claw like finger nails outstretched to pierce Brunhilde. Beside her was Gilotina, her blade poised to stab the Valkyrie through her chest. Lashina was still trying to catch her barings by the time she saw what Brunhilde was about to do.

The Valkyrie moved as if her body had a mind of it's own, the Asgardian's blade cut Mad Herriot's hands. The Fury's finger nails flew off her palms, then her face was met with an armored boot heel. Gilotina came in, aiming to stab Brunhilde while her hip was exposed. The Valkyrie simply spun, her side getting grazed by the Fury's blade. Then with a armored backhanded fist she smacked Gilotina in her jaw and sent her packing. The Valkyrie ended her attack by hurling her blade into Gilotina's back when she was knocked away. The impact of the throw made the Fury tumble off of the side of the large stairs and plummeting down to the pavement below. Brunhilde then turned and held up her forearm to catch Lashina's whip. Before the Fury could pull on it, the Valkyrie grabbed the whip with her other hand and tug at it. Lashina came flinging at Brunhilde, then found the Valkyrie's knee coming down into the nape of her neck once she arrived. The Valkyrie pressed down onto Lashina's neck, causing the stairs beneath them to crack. Then she heard a satisfying crack of Lashina's neck, as well as a shocked exhale of breathe from the Fury.

Brunhilde slowly rose to her feet, her body and armor covered in marks, blood both hers and not, and as well as cuts and bruises. She looked down at Lashina's unmoving form, then outstretched her hand to catch Mad Herriot by the throat. The crazed Fury snarled and lashed out at the Valkyrie, trhing to claw at her with claws that had been cut off. Mad Herriot was even trying to bite at Brunhilde to no avail. The Valkyrie turned her attention towards the nearby city, watching as fires erupted, explosions going off, and the occasional ground being shakened from a battle that she could not see. She gained a determined look, knowing who was battling and knew what she must do. With a glance, she finally looked to Mad Herriot then squeezed the Fury's throat. The crazed Fury gasped for air, even as her windpipe snapped. Until eventually, Brunhilde crushed the Fury's throat under her palm. Jogging over, she retrieved her spear, then began rushing to Prince Drüin aid.

"You did not abandon me in my hour of I shall return the favor." She uttered to herself.


The God of Might held up the Sword of Asgard, blocking a sustained blast from Darkseid's Omega Beam. The Apokoliptian was now using his ability to fly to his advantage. Drüin's body and armored was covered in blood and sweat, as well as soot and marks. Darkseid didn't look any better, his body covered in blood and cuts from the blade that the Asgardian wielded. Darkseid halted his attack with the Omega Beams, then flew at the God of Might before he could swing the blade. Drüin saw a fist being rocketed towards him from Darkseid, and returned in kind with his own. The two collided their fists, causing a shockwave that blew away everything within a 200 meter radius. Darkseid followed up with another fist, punching Drüin the cheek and sending him hurtling through a building. One would think that the God of Might would have dropped the Sword of Asgard, but his grip remained firm.

Darkseid came barreling after Drüin, getting ready to fire another blast of Omega Beams from his eyes. Just before he could, Drüin let out a shout, then hurled a pierce of rubble at the Apokoliptian with one hand after rising to his feet. Darkseid punched through said rubble, shattering it. Then found the God of Might's boot heel coming in and cracking square in his face. Drüin remained with the Apokoliptian, kicking Darkseid through a few buildings before moving his blade to stab into the Dark God. Darkseid however used his Omega Beams to blast through Drüin's foot, blasting two holes through the God of Might's foot. The Asgardian cried out in pain, then jumped back just as Darkseid unleashed another Omega Beam at him. The God of Might moved to smack the attack with the Sword of Asgard. Unfortunately, he only hit one, the other turned then pierced through his armor and chest. Darkseid grinned at the hole that he made in Drüin's chest.

The Dark God of Apokolips took advantage of the wound that he gave Drüin, however the God of Might was not hindered with the hole in his chest. He moved the Sword of Asgard upwards, then plunged it into Darkseid's gut. Darkseid unfortunately sent a fist into the hole that he made, enlarging it to where he could do maximum damage upon the Asgardian. Both glared into each other's eyes, unmoving and simply standing where they were. Darkseid's free hand moved like a viper, going towards Drüin's head to crush it. The God of Might used his own free hand to catch Darkseid's hand. Their hands interlocked, and held firm against each other. Both using their strength to push the other, until Darkseid's eyes began to hue with his Omega Beams. Before he could try to use them however, Drüin gurgled, then spit out his blood mixed saliva into Darkseid's eyes. The God of Might then moved the Sword of Asgard up to cleave the Apokoliptian in two.

Darkseid however still remained resourceful, he removed his hand in Drüin's chest the caught the sword by the hilt. Not long after, he lunged forward and hit Drüin with a headbutt. The blow made the God of Might reel his head back, and before he could return with his own headbutt, the Apokoliptian sent a fist right into Drüin's face. The impact of Darkseid's fist finally knocked the God of Might's helmet off, and backwards onto the ground. When Drüin moved to rise to his feet, Darkseid's own boot heel came stomping down onto his chest. The Dark God glared down at Drüin, his face splattered with the God of Might's blood and spit. "I am going to enjoy this far more than I should.." Darkseid commented darkly.

When all seemed lost, when it seemed as if Darkseid was about to finish off Drüin with his Omega Beams, a spear came rocketing in and embedded itself in the Dark God's chest. The Sword of Asgard remained in Darkseid's gut, but the spear was enough to make the Apokoliptian stumble backwards just from the force behind it. In came Brunhilde, much to Drüin's surprise, she let out a battle cry and sent a cocked back haymaker into Darkseid's jaw. The Dark God's head turned, then before she could follow up with another attack, Darkseid unleashed his Omega Beams. The beams rocketed and pierced the Valkyrie through, sending her off her feet in an instant. "Insect.." Darkseid uttered annoyed, then began stomped his way to Brunhilde. Right as Drüin rose to be on one knee, his eyes widened to see that the Apokoliptian was already standing over Brunhilde. Her unmoving form underneath Darkseid as he brought his large chest sized boot towards her head. The Valkyrie turned her head slowly, gazing up at Drüin with a soft smile. Her beautiful blue eyes locking onto his, her mouth opened to say two worlds. Words that made Drüin's heart sink into despair.

"For...Drüin..." Brunhilde uttered for the last time, before Darkseid's boot heel came crashing down onto her head. The Apokoliptian crushed Valkyrie's skull like an egg. Her brain matter and blood splattering everywhere, even some of it reaching Drüin's face. The God of Might stared in shock, watching as Darkseid twisted his ankle for good measure, as if adding salt into her death. Drüin was in shock, Brunhilde was someone that he had known for a long time. He had even entertained the idea of taking her as a bride, but thought otherwise. He cared for her, and she reciprocated the feeling. Brunhilde was the first Asgardian whom the God of Might could call friend, who he could call a second sister. Now she was dead...just like that.


The Dark God of Apokolips let out a mocking scoff as he turned his attention back to his adversary. When he did, he nearly froze, primarily because he didn't know what he was looking at. The God of Might's eyes were shining brilliantly with a golden hue. Tendril like objects began protruding from the Asgardian's back. Moving to where they extended to being ten feet long. The ends that came out of his back stood upright, as if they were wings but with no feathers. The tendril like appendages were 8 in all, with four of them on his right and left. The God of Might let out a cry of anguish as light shined from him. Darkseid shielded his eyes, it as if he were peering directly into a thousand suns.

Apokolips was lit up by a golden hue, the energy emerging from Drüin like a tidal wave that caused all fighting to pause and gawk at the sky. Darkseid as at the center of this phenomenon, and got a close look at what was happening. When the energy returned into Drüin, Darkseid lowered his hand to find a winged Drüin who had discarded his chestplate to the side. The Asgardian's abs for all to see, his scars, his wounds, everything. The God of Might's hair was golden white, flowing as if it were underwater. He stood straight with a stern glaring being pointed to Darkseid. His mouth closed and not uttering a word, until the Asgardian held out his palm.

"Come, Yggdrasil..." Drüin said in a calm voice, the Sword of Asgard that had still been plunged in Darkseid's gut suddenly flung out of him. It spun in the air until it latched itself onto Drüin's outstretched palm. The blade began to turn, the shape and model of it becoming a different design altogether while being in the God of Might's procession. It hued near the end of the hilt with a blue gem of some kind. It's guard having extended in a more ornate design. It gleamed under the light of Drüin's wing's glow. Darkseid couldn't believe what he was seeing, the words that were in his mind escaped his mouth before he could stop himself.

"W-what...are you." The Apokoliptian uttered with dread, then watched the Asgardian slowly narrow his eyes onto him.

"What am i?", Drüin slowly responded, "I am the Drüin Odinson, the God of Might, Lord Commander of Asgard, Son of Odin Borson and Freyr Odinstirr, Mightiest of all Asgardians, and Slayer of Sadurang. I am a son of Asgard...AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!"

The moment that Drüin's sentence screamed out of his lips, he bolted at Darkseid with speed that he wasn't ready for. The Dark God of Apokolips was just about to unleash his Omega Beams on the Asgardian. Unfortunately he felt Drüin's knuckles cracking against his jaw. The Apokoliptian could feel the bones beneath his flesh cracking under the force behind the Asgardian's punch. Until eventually, the right side of his jaw came loose and flew off of his face. Darkseid didn't know where this sudden burst of power came from, but he knew one thing was for sure. The enemy before him was no longer that Asgardian who didn't know how to use the sword in his palm. He was no longer facing Prince Drüin, the Might of Asgard. He was facing Asgard itself, and he had half of mind to flee before the God of Might could bring death upon him.

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