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82.79% When I woke up, I was in an Eroge World! / Chapter 74: Dead End and Iris’s Betrayal

Capítulo 74: Dead End and Iris’s Betrayal

Feeling a sense of dread for the first time, I suddenly started missing my family. Not the old ones, curiously, but the new ones. I missed them deeply. I never quite accepted them fully, but they were without a doubt nice to me. They were nice people. And a warm family. I was lucky to have them.

'I should have given them more love. I shouldn't have left them worrying like that. It was all my fault. I made terrible decisions on my selfish whims.'

Such thoughts now filled my head.

The fear of once again losing my family made me shudder and shake, tears subconsciously welling in my eyes which I furiously held back.

'No, not again. Not like this… Iris, please. I beg you. Please... why are you so damn quiet?! Help me, for fuck's sake!'

Iris seemed like my last resort right now, my only hope, but she didn't seem to help. She remained silent. She didn't answer my pleas.

And in that moment of helplessness, I realized how reliant on her I had been till now. How much I was trying to depend on her.

But now wasn't the time to make a change and do shit on my own. I would get killed if I didn't do anything. I needed her help.

'Damn it! Please, say something! I'm gonna die if you don't do something!'

Still no reply.


My senses came back to reality where I stared at the man who now stood tall and menacing right in front of me.

"Weak. Pathetic. You don't deserve it."

His deep voice was freezing cold, cold enough to freeze my very soul, and his eyes whose color I couldn't discern for some reason stared at me in boredom and apathy.

"The one before you was much stronger, much more worthy. You, on the other hand, are nothing. A puny human brat. You've been nothing but a waste of my time."

He raised one of his hands and his shadow turned into a dark figure, with purple glowing eyes looking at me with a feral intent to kill.

My eyes widened.

'Shadow Magic?'

No, this was slightly different from the game. Their eyes weren't supposed to be purple.

'An advanced Shadow Magic.'

My thoughts halted as I felt the whole earth shake.

Then, they came.

A legion.

A whole army of feral Shadows, wanting to devour the world. From simple humanoid foot soldiers to known sentient monsters such as wyverns, griffins, and wolf kings to the more unique monsters to this world such as Shadeface, Smogsnare, and Phylotraxis and so much more that I couldn't remember the names of. I couldn't fathom their exact numbers, but I guessed they numbered in 10s of thousands at the very least.


He started, turning my attention back to his cold face. I still couldn't make out his face for some odd reason.

"This is what the other one threw at me. This whole army of darkness. And what pushed me to the legendary Monarch Tier."

He turned his back on me momentarily, without any fear, as he stared at the army now serving him in pride.

If it was the old me, I would have seen this as a perfect chance to attack, but the shadow soldier beside me was very much attentive to my actions and a Tier-8 monster.

"This is the challenge the other one put. The fight was far closer than I would have liked. Yet, I succeeded. And now their power belongs to me."

The battle sounded epic, but I had no time to listen to him in awe.

He continued his monologue, leaving me half-hearing his words and half-trying to find anything in my Inventory that could help me either escape or defeat him.

But the conclusion was dire.

'Damn it, it's still hopeless! I have nothing that can help me… wait.'

Then I remembered.

'Oh, I'm an idiot. I still haven't tried that.'

None of the paltry skills and magics I possessed had been of any help. And most of my newfound Bloodline powers were related to me taming other beings, which I hadn't really done yet. Simply because I wanted to tame strong monsters and not some smelly Goblins or Slimes. And I knew I couldn't tame his absurdly strong shadow legion and himself with it. The will of a Monarch tier was too strong for me. I had tried that a moment ago on him and regretted it.

'Why the fuck is this Shadow Monarch wannabe bastard so strong?! God damn it, this fucking copycat! How did he find me?! Fuck! Give me a break, damn it! This week has been nothing but people fucking me over, literally and figuratively. I hate this! I hate that I'm so damn weak!'

I lamented in deep frustration at the unfairness of this situation, but the reality was that the world was unfair like this.

Still, there was one ability I hadn't tried yet. One that I could use now.

Not the 'Inherent Linguist!' No! That shit was useless… Though, I was already using it to talk to this man. He spoke in a language I was not familiar with. So maybe not that useless, but the part where it said I could compel others was bullshit or maybe it was too weak or didn't work on Monarch-tier beings.

So, without wasting any more time, I activated the final skill from my bloodline.

'Monarch's Apathy.'

And the next moment, I felt my head cool down, my tense nerves easing, and my vision expanding— I had no idea I was not as aware of my surroundings until now as I had thought.

I was in the grassy plain near the town I had just come to, where I was just hunting molerats to gain EXP. I had just hit level 20. It didn't help—at all— to combat the unfathomable might of this Monarch Tier bastard.

My expression which had been very tense loosened as well, which was not unnoticed by the man.

He frowned slightly, his expression leaking in just a little bit. Then, he spoke.

"You possess the Monarch's Mask."

My mind didn't let me react to that. My face remained static.

Ignoring him, I looked around the previously hopeless scenery.

"It will be of no help to you now, but go on. You have a little bit of my curiosity."

I frowned… Or at least tried to frown, but my face didn't change.

He was giving me time. Time was what I needed right now, so I used it fully.

I took in all of my surroundings, my assailant's powerful figure, and even the Shadow soldier standing beside him and the army behind him. His entire face, including his eyes, was covered in a mask made up of hazy shadows, I now realized. Somehow, though, I could feel his gaze from behind it.

Unfortunately, the initial survey yielded the same negative results, even with a clear mind. Fighting was a big fat 'NO.'

There was no escape in sight either. I was completely surrounded. Maybe if I had the skill to teleport. I should have activated this skill much sooner. My own mind scolded me. I was useless, idiotic and a waste of my own time, it seemed to speak on its own.

(The fuck? I mean, I guess it's not wrong. But that was really odd.)

I quickly opened up the Eroge shop to see if I had a skill along that line.

(Found it!)

I wanted to react, but once again was not allowed to.

[Skill: Your beloved awaits

Description: A skill created by…]

I skipped the nonsense and look for the main part.

[…Teleports you to your romantic partner(or one of them, if multiple)…]

I skipped the rest and reached the bottom.

(Damn it. I don't really have someone quite like that. Maybe Olivia? Sharon? I do have some women whose affection is 75+, but they're not yet my lovers since I haven't had sex with them. At least, that's how the System processes things. Fuck. Sharon is the only one I did it with, but her affection is not high. Fuck.)

I looked at the cost.

[Cost: 150,000 AP]

I checked the amount I had stored.

[Affection Points: 12,670]

(Yeah, it's a no-go.)

I wanted to lament, but couldn't.

That route was immediately cut.

I quickly closed the shop, not bothering to waste more time searching for something else. This was the cheapest teleport skill, after all. The amount I had left was not enough for any skills in truth.

'Next option.'

I looked in my Inventory. Nothing of use.

I looked in my skills tab once again.

(Still nothing. No new skills. Yeah, that kinda stuff only happens with shounen protagonists in anime or manga, I guess. There's no way I'm gonna learn a new OP skill all of a sudden. *Sigh.*)

I wanted to lament, but couldn't; The skill had sealed my emotions tightly.

I looked at Garl's shortsword in my hand.


"You know."

I spoke, coolly, yet it felt like someone else was talking.

But it made him listen, so 'I' continued.

"You talked about how better the fight with the other person had been…"

He didn't respond, instead staring at me with the same cold face, his hands now folded together on his chest.

"… and how I was a disappointment. I don't even want to know who or what you fought before me. I don't give a damn."

He didn't give any response, so I continued to carefully speak.

"But it's true. I'm weak. Too weak. And too much of a pathetic bitch ass pussy to get stronger already using any means necessary."

(I'm not going to go on a thoughtless killing spree for that. Give me a break!)

"I've wasted time in which I could have grown strong. I missed the opportunities where I could have killed or subdued others to grow stronger. It's a regret I have."

(I don't regret it.)

I refuted my own words, but I wasn't sure why.

"I wish I was in control."


It was at that moment that I felt something was odd.

(What is…)

But I was distracted.

The man stared in silence which was the only response I could hope to get from him right now.

(He's not attacking. So, maybe this is working?)

"I didn't take this world too seriously when I first came here. Not seriously enough to get as strong as I could get by now."

This time there was a very minuscule amount of confusion in his 'Observe' page that I had still kept open.

I noticed Iris hadn't spoken still. There was no interruption from her, in fact.

I was sad.

(Why isn't she talking to me?)

No… I was infuriated! She had betrayed me!

(Something is wrong. She would have interfered by now.)

'Even if she tried now, I won't care. She's lost her right as my guide. Nothing she or anyone could say or do would stop me from doing what I want.'

"I trained, but it was not enough. My sword training was paltry. My magic is still lacking in firepower and variation. I only ever learned less than 20 spells. I clearly got lazy there, or should I say, I got distracted? Yeah, that was how it was. Enjoying my new life in the false sense of security of the mansion. Thinking it'll keep me safe. Truly pathetic."

(Wh—okay, stop it. I trained my ass off, daily, and I did try my best. So, I don't wanna hear your "rational" BS. Just solve this mess already if you're so wise and smart!)

The minor confusion in the man seemed to have already settled though, taken hold by the same boredom as before as I paused.

That was not good, so I quickly spoke.

"And when I… No, forget it. If I kept ranting, we'll be here all day."

The man was starting to get impatient now. He clearly didn't care for my soppy backstory. He didn't care at all.

He was just waiting for me to try something. My last ditch effort, that's what he was waiting for. Anything to give him at least a little bit of struggle.

(Okay, distraction has failed. I need to do something now. Anything. So, what's the plan?)

"Even when I found out about you and the other person possibly hunting for me, I didn't practice proper caution. I know who you are and what you want. You're one of my kin. The ones with my Bloodline."

(Huh? Why am I talking like this?)

He sneered for the first time, but a proud smile then emerged on his face.

"I'm better than the others. I'm the one true successor of your bloodline. The rest are all fakes, that need to be eliminated."


(What the hell?! Why can't I disable the skill?! Stop it. I said stop it!! Give me my control back! System! Iris!)

'Quiet, you. Just keep silent and watch how it unfolds. You're not worthy of my powers.'

(You fucking bastard! How the hell are you alive?! You were eliminated. I saw the notifications. This doesn't make any sense.)

'Hah… Hahaha! You're a fool. She used you, you nincompoop. The one you call Iris was never your 'friend.' She has no need for a 'friend.' She's a higher being. She and I have been eagerly waiting for this day. Ever since the day you woke up, I too woke up. I had wanted to take over this body since then. And your 'Iris' thought the same. But we couldn't do it, because the creator of the system put an annoying limitation that you, the soul, had to give me permission. And we both knew that would never happen. You're too weak-willed and narrow-minded to see the bigger picture. You only care for your pathetic desires. This world should belong to the one who is worthy. Not a pathetic nobody like you with no goals or ambitions, other than living a happy life and having intercourse. You disgusting and pathetic being. It was so disgusting to live inside your mind and see you lusting over your family like that. Instead of aiming to rule this world presented to you on a plate. So useless. So pathetic. I don't know why you were given so much.'

I remained silent, listening to the "will" berating me. It was filled with venom and scorn, but there was some truth to it. I was indeed a pathetic person and I didn't even know why I was reincarnated here. Iris never answered me.

'She didn't answer you, because she herself is unaware. But we'll find out. Together. We'll discover the meaning of our life after we conquer this world and you are not needed anymore. So, begone! Die in some dark corner of my consciousness!'

(No. Fuck you! I don't give a fuck about anything you have to say! I don't care what you think my life is worth. It is my life and I'll do whatever the fuck I want! Whoever wants to judge me can suck my big fat cock! Now, Give. Me. My body. BACK!)

I, or rather, my consciousness was in darkness. Looking around, I tried to move. But it was difficult. Everything felt like a void.

'The struggle is futile. I am in control now.'

I ignored him and fought my way through the darkness, trying to find a way out.

I needed to get back in control and shut down this skill. I refused to believe his words. It wasn't futile. I could do this.

After what felt like an eternity of struggle, I finally managed to see light.

I gasped. Not internally, but with my body.

(How did you do that?)

As I gasped for air, I looked in my surroundings.


It was an empty white space.

But for some reason, I could feel my body.

"What the hell?"


In front of me, a boy with red hair and red eyes stood straight.

My eyes widened.

"Why am I…?"

I looked down at myself and I was once again surprised.

My body was skinny, yet tall. Taller than I was in my new body.

'This is my original bod—GAHH!?'

Before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt a burning sensation in my chest. Looking down I saw my chest wide open. When did I stop looking down, though?


"I was hoping you'll stay in the illusion, but your soul was more strong-willed than I expected. Or is your weird skill trying to take back control? That's likely the case. Well, it matters not. I was going to lock you in that illusion, suffering eternally. But now, I can kill you here instead."

The will donning my body spoke with apathy.

Looking down, I saw my body withering away.

I couldn't move.

My consciousness faded as I heard Iris's cold, static voice speaking for the first time.


I could hear her voice as if she was right with me, but I couldn't see her. Well, it was understandable. She was inside me, as usual. Yet she hadn't talked to me, until now.

[Your HP has reached 0.]

A message from the System notified.


[I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this. But his aspirations were more entertaining than yours. I couldn't help but be seduced by his words.]

Iris's voice was somewhat back to normal, but not the friendly and cheerful voice I was used to hearing. I wanted to speak to her and ask her where she was until now. Was what he said actually true? I still refused to believe it. But alas, it was too late. I couldn't speak or think anymore, let alone say anything.

[Goodbye, Alex. I sincerely hope the God of Creation gives you another chance at life, with a system that cares for you truly.]

Instead, Iris spoke her last words. I wish I could reply to her. Just one last chance to speak. But I couldn't.

[You have died.]

The System's notification informed me, even though I was no longer alive to listen to that.


A voice with unfathomable depth and unknown origins spoke.

And the next moment, I opened my eyes again and woke up with a jolt, all my nerves flaring, my heart beating sporadically. I gasped for air as I sat on my bed which was now wet. So were my clothes for that matter.

[Great, you finally woke up. I was starting to get worried.]

"Holy fuck… t-that… was a dream?!"


A/N: How many of you fell for it lol? XP



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